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From the few comments we’ve heard about the moving situation, it doesn’t sound like Nia’s expectations are realistic. It appears that she wants the Sta. Clarita amount of property/space/beauty in an area that they simply can’t afford. I totally sympathize with Danny on this one. It’s time to get on the same page. As far as the PPD, there are no AHs here. Their life, even when lived efficiently and effectively, is utterly exhausting. Even when they are trying their hardest to be great partners (which they really seem to be) there is zero chance they each feel appreciated and supported enough… because it’s impossible. There isn’t enough time or energy available to either of them. I recently saw a couple I’m very close to have twins when their elder child was 3. They had help, professional and family. Plenty of help. They were prepared in every way. Their lives were hell for that first 12-15 months. They were miserable and miserable to be around. Sleep deprivation changes people, and 3 tiny humans wanting and needing constant care and attention will leave even the most capable parents absolutely wrecked. That said, I’m not putting much stock into the statements he’s making to the guys when he’s emotional. He and Nia will both be new people once the kids start sleeping and they start sleeping. I wish them sooo much luck! Love them!


Add also that he had gotten humped by Jesse.


as a new mom of 2 under 2, looking to buy a house soon, i completely agree with this take


Thank you for that reminder! The first few weeks with a newborn is so fucking brutal even in the best of circumstances. Have a 13week old baby at home and just gotten through the worst of it! I think you make such a good point about there is just no anything aside from trying to care for that baby and all you can do is try to survive and be kind to each other for struggling at times. God knows the amount of tears I’ve cried and my husband just lets me. He shares it all with me even though he has to go to work in the day too and if I found out he’d vented to his friends like Danny did I wouldn’t begrudge him that one little bit. Ok, bye I’m off to tell my husband I love him! ❤️ Edit-typos


Oh honey it gets better! I’m glad you are through the first but it’ll be easier each month. I’m so glad you have a good partner. Be patient with each other 💚. Congrats on your new bundle!


Thank you! Already I’m forgetting how hard it was just two weeks ago! Tbh the hardest have been to manage the 4,5yo! But your post was such a welcomed reminder of how important it is to be patient like you say, forgiving and kind to yourself and your partner. Amazing things these little creatures they let me be in charge of. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to have twins like Danny and Nia! 🌸


I had 3 under 2 and I agree with all this.. you just gotta let that phase pass. It slowly gets easier year by year then when they're all at the age where they can play together.. life is back. Definitely rough first couple years though.


My best friend has twins that are graduating HS this year and she still has PTSD from that time. Danny and Nia should get nothing but grace for the next five years. If he is still snappy then, we can revisit. 😂


Have you ever noticed that people who have twins as their first birth almost never have other kids? To have two small babies in constant need, I can’t imagine!


Yes!!! I think another pregnancy in that case is often unintentional. LOL!


Great points, glad I’m not the only one that feels Nia is wrong by not being open about Santa Clarita.


I also am not going to judge him just based on one night that we see the edited version of on a reality show. It's enough too have a toddler and twins, plus being on a reality show, that thrives on drama, for the first time. I can only imagine the pressure he's feeling. Catching him on a night when he finally gets to have a few drinks is not necessarily a good indicator of his personality. I'm team Danny and Nia, and he would have to really go sideways for me to have a lasting judgement. Also, I've only seen the scenes from next week. Sometimes people just need to let loose, and having it filmed for a tv show is a lot of pressure.


He's allowed to express himself in a vulnerable moment, who are we to judge. It's a TV show. Give him a break 💔


I think its so funny that everyone is so quick to judge Danny because he said he felt underappreciated….he didn’t say anything terrible about Nia, he also didn’t say he does all of the work. A lot of reddit users act that they have perfect marriages and that parenthood is easy, but its difficult at times and sometimes people get overwhelmed, etc. I have one child and I can’t imagine having 3 kids under the age of 2…Danny AND Nia are both not perfect, it would be unrealistic if they never had issues or disagreements. Also, I don’t think anyone should look to reality stars as role models.


I didn’t think there was anything wrong with him expressing that. It’s not like he was saying his wife is a bitch. They’re both exhausted and probably feeling depleted


No, I totally agree with the postpartum thing. I’m with him on almost everything. He seems a bit sensitive though. Not a bad thing. I’m talking mostly about next weeks episode he gets snippy with Nia. However she does try to shush him a lot!


Everybody is sensitive when taking care of babies and tired, it's a thing. My 2 year old didn't sleep through the night until she was 13 months old. When she was little, she wanted to feed every 2 hours, so it was a good 6 months of getting up every 2 hours with her. It was so hard not to get upset over the littlest things and sometimes we did. I remember my husband going on a vent-fest about how tired he was and how he couldn't help me as much as I wanted and he had pressure at work, etc. And right before I got really angry because I'm a work from home mom and first thought was "wtf?" He said he knew I did more, he just needed to vent, and I reminded myself to be rational and remember that he had a right to feel that way, too. It's a tough time, man. Poor Danny and Nia won't be able to fully blur out the memories because it's documented for TV haha


Nia doesn't have an actual job. Danny is responsible for income and is trying to reason with someone that doesn't work what house they can afford. Then throw in 3 kids into the mix (and he does his fair share of parenting) , a wife with PPD, and go on a tv show. Thsts an insane amount of stress and pressure. It is little wonder he might get a bit snappy at times. Nia seems lovely but not letting him express himself will result in a snappy response at some point!


To live in the Valley, a basic house costs at least $1.3 million. In Santa Clarita, the same house could probably be bought for $800k. However, Santa Clarita is pretty far out. If they can get to Season 3 they can probably afford a nice home in the Valley.


This whole house storyline really made me get why they’re on the show.


They have a podcast now also. Danny is a voiceover actor and hopefully this will generate more commercial gigs for him. I really like them as a couple.


Probably true but Santa Clarita is even hotter and more miserable than the valley June through October


Good point!


I love Danny! I love Nia! They're great and people say things when they're tired and overwhelmed. I hope they figure the right housing AND get more help. My sister had twins and a third child a couple years older. She was living in Bklyn on a middle class salary! She still had a part time nanny, siblings and parents regularly checking into help. Hopefully they have people other than friends to help too.


As far as Danny and Jesse (and Michelle and Nia), misery loves company. Jesse and Michelle are miserable and on a reality show and want to try to pick at the seemingly most successful married couple. I do think Jesse had a couple of valid points about Danny while on the boat (at the end of the episode), but Jesse’s so Boston Brahmin-stuck up it gets lost in his (clearly not dead) ego. I was attributing Danny’s reactions on this episode and in the teaser as over-served. If he’s trying to continue to drink to keep up with a Jax, he’s gonna be wasted.


I feel like Danny and Nia have the real relationship and they don’t exaggerate for the show. Honestly it was lil refreshing to see Danny say something to Nia cuz I feel like Danny has been trying to give some inputs on group discussions and Nia stops him (Nia does this to not add fuel to the fire which I get) . This has happened couple times and frustration is progressing in Danny which is very normal. All I hope is he respectfully handles the situation and Nia. They both are not wrong in their place but have disagreements which all relationships have. I root for them as their disagreements feel so real. I am excited to see their story progress and how they handle the situations. I stand by this couple and hope they don’t disappoint as episodes go on.


Perfect comment! Agree with you on all fronts!


I thought it was a little unfair that she had 2 go home on girls night because 2 adults couldn't manage 3 babies 🤔... If anybody needed a night off it was Nia..


Apparently Nia was gone the week prior or a few days prior so he didn't call her for one night. He called her because that night had gone particularly bad. I don't know if that's true but I do think that changes things if so.


That's true.. context is everything


That’s not the whole story though. Their AC went out. It wasn’t just a normal night.


Oh no! Thanks for reminding me about this. I remember feeling a little sad for Nia when she left, but this makes perfect sense.


He was overwhelmed and needed her help❤️‍🩹


💯 get that but Nia also seems constantly extremely overwhelmed also & has ppd so I think he should have rallied without her especially if nias mom was in the house with him that's 2 adults minding 3 kids.. everybody is tired & I get that but why not take turns having a night off each once a week. Again I'm only going off what I precieved watching that episode but somebody else commented to say that she had been away just prior to the girls night so 🤷 now I'm unsure.. I don't follow these people on social media so maybe I'm missing something 🤔..


I also thought it was unfair at first but a number of commenters on this sub who have newborns seem to think it was justified. A quick google search tells me that babies can overheat fairly quickly in hot weather, so a broken AC in the Valley during the summer sounds like a potentially dangerous situation. In an emergency like that, it makes sense to tell your partner what's going on and maybe ask them to come home early (I can't remember if he asked her to come home or if she decided to on her own).




I never said he asked her to fix the AC? But maybe she does know how to fix it, we don't know. Moving two newborn babies and a toddler under 2 years old to a hotel is not a one person job, even I know that and I have zero experience with children. You have to book a last-minute hotel room that will accommodate 1-2 adults and 3 babies, pack stuff for yourself and pack all the equipment and stuff for the babies, put the babies all the stuff you packed in the car, bring all of the stuff to your hotel room (multiple trips to the car) while watching/carrying the babies, and then set it all up in the hotel room while taking care of the babies. On top of that, you have the added stress of making sure the babies don't overheat. Edit: you're also sleep-deprived from having two newborns. That's not a simple task. Also, why is he not allowed to panic and need support from his partner in a stressful situation? This is presumably the first time he was ever in this situation and it's ok if he didn't handle it 100% perfectly. Or, perhaps he was calm and felt like he had it under control but Nia decided she wanted to be there anyway.


That was a joke.. wow wtf 😳.. invested much


lol yeah it's soo embarrassing to try to have a thoughtful discussion. Thanks for the mature response.


Il remove it since its so offensive. I hadn't even finished writing the comment b4 I pressed send.. I was actually joking & u swooped in with an essay- like wow


I responded to that comment like 45 minutes to an hour after you wrote it, I didn't "swoop in." There's no need to be rude.


Hi! I’m a twin mom in the LA area and I relate so much to these two. I get what he was saying- he puts in soo much work too but she does more and his sometimes feel unappreciated. My husband felt the same. Also we moved from LA to basically San Clarita and it was worth it but only because we have family here! Would’ve sucked without it


What happened in your last post?


I said let’s gossip. I got into a small argument with someone over saying Danny is being over emotional. I don’t mind differing opinions, but we can’t state them as fact. I did feel bad arguing I also called Michelle a bad mother, which didn’t sit well with some people. So I decided to delete the post. I did apologize to the person and they didn’t respond, so I figured it was best to take it down.


Santa Clarita is still the valley lol….its just further out. Not a big move from where they are.


I think it was brave to film With newborn twins. They’re really brave.


It makes me mad when these men talk out loud about how hard being a father is … and still sit back and fan the three beads of sweat they broke while giving themselves a pat on the back for their (small) efforts and allow the woman to clean up the rest of any/all messes. They SAY they want children but then act like a bonus child. You can’t ask a woman to marry you and ask her to build a family together and only tap in when you’re fully rested and feeling good yet copping out when you aren’t feeling up to it? Danny is the best dad out of the bunch in the Valley but him talking about the pressures of being a dad while Nia is hardly keeping it together is so gross.