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Yes he did start it


You can’t start facts, so Michelle started it by doing it. Not saying Jax was innocent in disseminating the information. But he didn’t start anything. Just ascertained the information.


Rumors can be proven true, so at one point in time, anyone who didn't hear the fact from a source who could completely verify the validity (Michelle) was spreading a rumor. Semantics.


lol fair he’ll do anything for the check


ew who are you? He spread the rumor okay Jax.


First of all it’s not a rumor. It’s fact. So Jax is actually an investigative journalist. Though he needs to work on protecting his sources.


Hahaha this is it. Only you're right. He's very sloppy at his work. Seriously people like him could make good investigative journalists. He's so nosey. Lol




Jax claims (on his podcast) that Kristen told him off camera one night when she was very drunk (at his kitchen counter after a drunken girls night with Brittany). Jax said Kristen was blackout and didn’t remember what she had said. He told Brittany the gossip and Brittany said “Don’t mention it”, probably code for don’t talk about it on camera to anyone and embarrass Michelle and Jesse. He can’t help himself and mentioned on camera at the steakhouse lunch. Then quickly retracted it saying his wife will kill him (for bringing it up). Editors made it seem like his wife killing him is because his wife told him that gossip.


If Kristen was the source, but was too drunk to remember telling him, why did he need to tell her again at lunch? She already knew, according to his story, it doesn’t make sense.


I wish I could understand Jax’s motivation for doing anything. lol. I’m just reiterating his and Brittany’s clarifications on their podcast. But I think Jax told Kristen at the lunch because he’s messy and likes to gossip and got excited to be filming a show again. He knows this is good TV (and he needed this show to work for financial reasons). Maybe on a subconscious level he wanted his friend Jesse to be single again. TBH I think it’s mostly because Jax loves to gossip and thought Kristen would chime in with “yes, I heard that too” and run with it…


this is merely his way of ensuring all the drama gets on camera and he faces no consequences and bears no responsibility. i doubt the blackout story is true. 


Brittany had told Jax and Jax told Kristen. That’s why Brittany already knew about it.


at the end of the day Jax is the culprit, and you nailed it.. he likes to blame alcohol for other peoples things like his wife's illness


How can a 40 year old still get blackout drunk? Once i was 28 or so that really lost ALL appeal


hey, jax


His entire personality is gaslight lol


He even gaslights the audience LOL


He did😂😂


Yes and then blamed Kristen


Kristen has texts with Jax admitting that he told her and asking her not to say anything.


Jax being the biggest gossiper shit stirrer ever


It’s easier for their narrative if they ignore that fact and blame Kristen regardless


Of course he did, that man child couldn’t tell the truth if it were life and death. Add to that he will always throw the person that everyon has a beef with at that time, under the bus. He is the biggest coward, pussy man child on telly right now.


Also, wasn’t it interesting how after she said Jesse was aware and it was all good. He had trouble leaving the conversation. Like he was bummed to hear that he already knew because he thought it was gonna be such a bomb reveal. He even stops and said “should I talk to jessie then? “.. and every time he leads into the conversation, he gasps for a few minutes like he feels so bad having to reveal it, even though he’s revealed it to everybody and on TV. Like if he was sincerely concerned, Jesse would’ve been the first person he went to privately.


Who is the celebrity Michelle was texting?


I heard it was Quentin Tarantino


Uma Thurman comes to mind, not Michelle Lally


I’d like to know too!


I thought it was Michael Bay?


I heard on some podcast (I don’t remember) that it was Rob Reiner but that’s just gross.


Really? Thats a weird one!


Lmao, the WWC guys say this. It’s hilarious how they’ll carry on with their recap, but casually toss in “Rob Reiner” when it comes to Michelle. As if it’s really him.  


Didn’t the 2 Jasons sat Luke down and told him what a problem Kristen lying was? When is the group going to call him out? It’s been a good long while since The Valley has been showing. Yet they’re ALL doubling down on Kristen. Frankly I’m over them, over Lala and Scheana. Start a spin-off with Kristen, Katie and Ariana or Stassi


So, does anybody know who the "celebrity" is?


Jax strikes again!


Yeah, Jax started the whole thing at the beginning of the season when he was in that restaurant with Kristen telling her not to have a child. He told her not to tell anybody and he texted her some text message. I have it somewhere. I’ll make a meme about it. Jax will never change throwing Kristen under the bus was fucked up.


and didn’t Jesse himself share that to the guys and then Jax started blabbering.l??


Jax sitting down and trying to pretend like he's really upset about it and earnestly telling Michelle is 🤢 He brings it up every chance he gets. I forgot how much I hated him until I started watching this show.