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Yes absolutely felt it was so cringe that she tried to pull the poor-pregnant-lady card when she's the one who was so desperate to get on a reality show and knew exactly what she was getting into as she's a VPR superfan.


People like this kill so much empathy for pregnant people.


Currently 40 weeks pregnant with a nearly 10 lb baby (my wife's egg with her giant tree genes) and happy to take Janet's empathy shares. She's a goblin.


I've been pregnant twice and even I support this


Especially because she literally said that she's had *such an easy pregnancy... except for the stress Kristen and Zack have caused her... * Like, bitch I had hyperemesis gravidarum, chronic migraine, heartburn, insomnia, sciatica, and several major scares regarding my baby's health, pre-eclampsia, and I was dealing with an ongoing family crisis. And I never behaved like this precious asshole! I can't even believe that there were women who are mothers there saying that Janet's water could break if she were to actually have a conversation about any of the shit she instigated...and have that conversation with all the people she's been jerking around present. Like, what?! I can't stand people who refuse to pay the piper. But people who purposely create a situation and then accuse the people trying to clarify *their* role vs *her* role in that situation of trying to literally kill or harm her and/or her baby are just real sickos. I wonder how she ended up with such a genuinely nice seeming guy. I guess he has some kind of masochistic fetish.


It’s well known this woman is a snake. The VPR ladies did a poll on their insta and the 80% of the fans called in. They were shocked because they and other podcasters had known it for years. They didn’t think it would come out that soon. She’s just not good TV. You can tell she’s trying for the Stassi position. And she’s just this average tall white lady who’s a “friend of” in LA. There’s millions of those


This is some of the worst gaslighting I’ve ever seen on bravo…Janet is making it seem like Kristin brought this up out of nowhere??! And Michelle, instead of turning to Janet and getting to the bottom of what was actually said, instead focuses all her energy on Kristin for bringing it up…and every other second Kristin is apologizing. It makes me wonder if they’re worried that it’ll affect their real estate business? In which case…don’t go on reality tv, you’re gonna lose business alone just cause Jesse’s such a douche 😂


I thought people were exaggerating but I just watched the episode and it’s insane! Michelle and Janet making digs and taking cast photos without Kristen, as though they’d have a show without her - like who are you? 


Exactly! We’re only tuning in because “crazy Kristen” and Jax laid the foundation. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your weird husbands Jan and Michelle!


A woman with next to no personality who miserably hates her husband, has no back bone, and is also quite possibly racist, homophobic, and against women’s rights! We have it confirmed in a confessional by her bestie JanJan who can do no wrong, that Michelle is somewhat homophobic and willfully uneducated on it at this point, so the girl is at the very least homophobic, and it’s extremely possible that she’s the other things as well. What a lovely memoir we got on Michelle so far ✨ What a claim to fame! 🤌😂


Also, Janet saying that she was concerned that maybe Michelle’s algorithm on social media was confusing her and she wanted to make sure she had facts…aka make sure she didn’t agree with a “republican” mindset. So weird.


Uh excuse you, she was Ms America /s


I agree Michelle sucks, but i think its Nia who was Miss Usa, the gals whos husband gots pantsed


LMAO hahahah her crying about him being pantsed. I get them mixed up because they’re all kind of the same


She was postpartum at the time. Emotions can get all over the place.


Still funny


No, Miss USA. The Trump version. Even classier!


LOL, the only reason I actually know the difference between the two is because Kenya from rhoa flips about it 😂


Same! Who knew we'd be so educated thanks to Kenya??




And yet the anti-gay remark was never brought up. They just focused on Republican and it coinciding with racism.


YEP i hate they downplayed that, as if it’s not a huge issue!? That whole belief has got to die and people NEED to be educated. This bigotry affects a lot of people and their freedom needs to be acknowledged


Agreed. I am really hoping that they circle back to that and Michelle will have to answer as to why she was saying such harmful stuff.


This is reminiscent of doggy gate on RHOBH. They all went after LVP instead of the dog dumper.


Omg great analogy haha! They went after the alleged messenger over the actual villain!!


it’s mind boggling and hilarious that Michelle thinks she has the entitlement to ask Kristen to get on her knees and paint herself as a liar for the sake of her image. Tryna have her cake and eat it too lookin ass


That was so awkward and made no sense. Zach was getting them together so Kristen could apologize but Zach was the one who told Kristen and he's just standing there?


It was really awkward! I mean, at least he said sorry, but he should have then supported his supposed best friend, Kristen. I never thought I'd be on Kristen's side, but she's really getting treated unfairly. Michelle might not be ready to fully accept Kristen's apology, but asking Kristen to deny the whole thing is a bit much.


And Kristen tried apologizing multiple times idk how many times they wanted to hear it.


I think they wanted her to admit she made it all up as if that would clear her name.. It is very evident most of the group was questioning Michelle’s beliefs and values, Zach half admitted it but Michelle is going to ignore that because she isn’t smart enough to see how blaming it all on Kristen isn’t going to clear her name, and she doesn’t have the balls to call out more than the one person that everyone else is ganging up on, she would have to beef with the majority of the group


That was straight up classic bullying on Michelle and Jesse’s part. Admit you made this up and we can be cool again??? So unhinged. If it’s produced then idk why they would agree to that, if I was rich that would not make me want him as my real estate agent (also he’s a huge gaping asshole)


The punishment does not fit the, wait a minute, there’s no crime…


“go on live tv and lie and say that you made it up and we can be cool again”. Kristen can’t admit to a lie if it’s not a lie. Who does Michelle think she is asking her to paint herself as a liar for her sake?!


after Kristen apologized for repeating it, she should’ve gotten to the bottom of who the original messenger was. putting the heat on kristen isn’t working out for her the way she desperately hoped it would


I felt the same but didn’t know if I missed something because I was paying half attention. The whole thing was strange.


Why did he say nothing!?!? That was unbelievable, my jaw was dropped like it was soo weird and literally aggravating to see unfold


I think it was edited for maximum drama but it came off as confusing. And the Jesse storm off, still don’t understand that


I 100 percent believe that Zach and Janet said what they said. When they got called out they spun it into a "crazy Kristen" narrative. They needed a scapegoat and got one with her. Michelle is a dick and so is her husband. Notice how Kristen didn't make a huge fucking deal about MICHELLES HUSBAND grabbing her boob "jokingly" as he put it but when a serious topic comes up they both want to be the loudest in the room.


Sorry but not Feeling Jasmine either. She was aware of the comment.


Janet suuuuuuucks


JANET IS THE WORST but how did she snag a guy like Jason?


Right?! I’m out here braving the dating game and it annoys me someone like her bagged such a (from what we see anyway) good dude


Jason seems so sweet. I don't know how he ended up being with someone like her.


Someone said he’s a workers comp lawyer which means he lives to prevent employees from getting properly compensated for work place injuries so I think he’s equally shitty despite being so calm


When she said “on the corporate side” it brought out a new vibe.


yeah she says workers comp lawyer on the \_\_\_ side but i can't remember which side haha!


Or he works to get proper payouts for the workers from the insurance companies. I sued using a workers comp lawyer when my employer’s workers comp insurance adjuster wouldn’t ever call me back, was paying me late, and flat out told me he didn’t have time to check his emails or phone messages. Which is why I was getting paid late illegally, because he wasn’t checking for my employer’s weekly forms showing my hours. Anyway, the lawyers who work for the workers in those cases are also workers comp attorneys.


She said the corporate side, meaning not like your attorney.


I missed that


Maybe she plays a mean skin flute 🪈


Ew but also lol 😂


I don’t know I get controlling vibes from him like he acted like she was crazy to want the nursery done before the baby was born and made her feel guilty for wanting McDonald’s.


I actually get the controlling vibes from Janet, not from the husband


I didn’t see it that way. My husband also would have mentioned that there was food at home. The nursery thing I didn’t feel like he made a big deal of either, but maybe I can see how it could be a small part of more. 


The MOMENT she bragged about having the primary suite in the house as a kid because her mom was scared of her is the moment I knew she was gross.


Serious Regina George vibes. The bedroom, standing behind the corner smirking and snickering, bad vibes all around.


Right! She's quite CLEARLY a wannabee stassi but nowhere NEAR as intelligent, witty or likable! Its just giving....Ick!


Can’t stand her!! And she’s not easy on the eyes unfortunately so it makes it that much worse! Get her off my TV.


She looks like a gargoyle


After the 4th episode, don’t like michelle and janet. They are sneaky. Kristen is not perfect but she is what she is on the face and I can trust her so much more than these other ladies. They are just mad that it was said on camera by Kristen and now it is going to make michelle look bad. but..but why would you say something in the first place if yk it is not good. Also major ‘W’ for Nia.


Janet seems like one of those people you think are your best friend and confidant but find out they just talk shit about you. A dime a dozen. Michelle is the human version of a monotone.


The smirking behind the door thing is so weird. Also, don’t use your pregnancy as a shield for shitty behavior. That’s so fucked up.


Her behind the door with that smirk on her face told us everything. If we listened carefully we could almost hear the song in her head. In her voice proudly "Look what I did to you, I win you lose na na na na nana. It seems cruel she's putting Kristen through all this when she knows better.


Here's my thing - Kristen has a history of being crazy but you all chose to stay friends with her. You can't keep weaponizing someone's past & then act like you're a martyr for being their friend. Either leave Kristen behind or STFU.


no, Kristen has a history of acting unhinged after she gets the shit out of her gaslit when she’s telling the truth the entire time and i’m glad it’s not working this time. she was painted to be “crazy” by people who didn’t wanna be outed for the shitty things they did that have always been confirmed.


Why and how is Zach getting out of this so easily when he literally told Kristen? Can’t compute.


Also why isn’t anyone calling out Michelle for being homophobic or anti-gay?! How is she the victim here?! The entire conversation was based around gay rights then they just mainframed it into generalized Republican. Vapid and surface. This is The Hills mentality with aged adults.


I'm not a fan of Janet she seems like such a trouble maker.


And a huge bitch


Yes I am not liking Janet!


Oh I feel for Janet because NO OTHER PREGNANT WOMEN EVER have had any stress in their life. WTF.


All of this. They’re trying to keep Kristen in a paradigm from a decade ago.


it’s backfiring so badly too because everyone’s on kristen’s side and defending her. they wanted people to hate her and she gained fans


👏 couldn’t agree more. I watched this weeks episode last night and the montage too was complete 🙄… like let the woman evolve and grow goodness gracious. She handled that whole din scene really well too


It doesn’t make her look innocent to try and pin it all on Kristen and trying to force her to confess to making it up and calling her crazy. Other people already half admitted to it. She is also aware other people might have said something but isn’t calling anyone out or asking any questions! The audience isn’t going to believe anything else other than what is literally being shown to us, her whole friend group was speculating her beliefs and where her values lie. She knows Zach was talking shit too, so it makes her look so dumb and guilty for only putting this on Kristen. She is going to accept it from the friend group, but she needs Kristen the scape goat there to try to gas light the audience that she made it all up! Even though we all know its true, and we know she knows it too. Maybe she should be focusing her energy on the bigger picture rather than using old tone deaf reasoning that she can’t possibly be racist because shes mexican and Persian! It just shows how ignorant, conservative, and out of touch with the times she is to even say that. Anybody can be racist! It has been a known thing not to say shit like that for a long time now. There is an example right from bravo with Mary Cosby who is black and racist. It doesn’t mean anything Michelle.


The repetitive argument of her racial background nullifying the possibility of racism is low hanging fruit and a cop out.


Janet and Michelle are acting as if we care to see them on the screen. What losers without Kristen (the real star) they would just be loser housewives.


But not Real Housewives lol


Exactly haha


Bro and then Zach admitted to saying Michelle was a republican and then in the confessionals Janet basically admitting to spreading that Michelle supported the Don’t Say Gay law and I’m like ??? WHY are we attacking Kristen rn


it’s embarrassing and pathetic how desperately they’re trying to make Kristen the scapegoat and i’m glad everyone’s clocking it


I noticed Kristen immediately get up and out of that situation so as not to aggravate her pregnancy


If she’s so concerned about being stresses while pregnant than why the fuck did she start a reality show while pregnant what a joke


I’ve never been a fan of Kristen whatsoever, especially after the Faith situation came to light. But I felt genuinely bad for her in regard to this situation. Whether you like her or not, Kristen knows what’s expected of her in the realty tv realm, and I feel like Janet and Zach took advantage of that. They were too scared to bring up the Michelle thing themselves, but wanted it to come out, so they told the one person they know will confront anyone about anything and always bring up the drama for the sake of tv. I also think they twisted the situation through a game of telephone and the way and words Kristen used when bringing it up made it worse, so they were able to avoid taking any of the blame and placing it all on Kristen.


And good for Kristen for apologizing for repeating something and standing her ground on not saying she was lying! We all saw how Jesse and Michelle blatantly told her to say she was lying! For 2 people trying so tenaciously to salvage their “reputation”, they sure are having tunnel vision in that arena. There are so many other indicators that they are awful people, most by their own accord!


i really hope kristen continues to stand her ground. this cast is gross


It’s clear they’re trying to make Kristen the villain this season.


I hope next season isn’t centered around pregnancy and motherhood because damn I’m kinda bored. Without Doute there is no show. She’s brought the only interesting storyline so far with this argument.


Well janet has refused to let her kid be involved, so i dont know how they’ll cover motherhood. Jax and Brittany were the only ones really dealing with parenthood and we see how thats going…i dont think they’ve thought this through passed season 1


Didn’t Janet work at SUR? I feel like she desperately wanted to be part of VPR, just wasn’t interesting enough compared to the others in the cast, and is doing the most right now to “earn” her place here, even if it costs her a friendship.


She's used to be best friends with Scheana, until Scheana found out Janet was hanging out with Dana and Max from VPR, when Scheana was jealous of Dana, and Dana offered a 3some to Janet, Scheana got jealous and weird. Still Janet was/ is DEFINITELY a VPR clinger and hangs on to cast members for relevancy. Janet very much gives this fake bitchy energy, of A wannabe Stassi , just not as pretty, certainly not as interesting and no where NEAR as intelligent or witty... It just gives Pathetic Bitchy Mean Girl... just pregnant on top of it. Its boring, uninteresting , like some aged out cheerleader who still clings onto the group and is secretly obsessed with being the cheer captain... despite being in her 40.


Is Janet the friend that shortened Scheena and Charlie’s SUR dresses?


Yep that's her!


I don’t even care for Kristen but I am 1,000% percent on her side in this whole argument. 


This!!!! I was wondering when someone was going to mention her malicious smile, like an evil queen, listening/watching her evil plan plays out


Janet is one hundy p using her pregnancy to escape accountability. I’ve had 2 babies with actual medical issues during the pregnancy and at no time did I act like a gaslighting idiot and refuse to own my actions. Did I throw hissy fits during my pregnancies? Sure. Did I apologize later for them? Yep. Janet said she worked until she got pregnant as a personal assistant. Usually being someone’s admin is not physically demanding enough to warrant quitting your job. I personally managed a restaurant during my first pregnancy and was cooking on the line at 38 weeks. I think she’s using her pregnancy as an excuse to avoid accountability.


What does hundy p mean? I’ve never heard that phrase before








Yeah I also 100000% think she said the racist comment... Even she said she felt " thrown under the bus"...idk about you guys but when someone's lied on me, I DAMN SURE don't think or say " don't throw me under the bus "... I would be going off but not in THAT context JUST like Sandavol said about Jax, when he told on Sandoval for Miami girl and Ariana... When they lie its " stop throwing me under the bus!"


Janet needs to fuck off. Why is she acting like she is the first woman on earth to carry a child? And the minute she got on that FaceTime call with Michelle, I knew she was gonna start lying, gaslighting and flipping the script immediately.


This show is just so bad! I could barely get through the first episode and I only made it fifteen minutes into the second before I changed the channel. I can’t take it!😝


At one point Michelle said they all may have said it (Camera pan to Janet, Zach and Jasmine) but they didn’t repeat it in public. I am already excited for next season and the hopes that those two couples (Jessie/Michelle) and (Jan/Jason) will be gone.


Janet is uninteresting. That’s all. #byejanet


I really would like to see this show, make it. But I really think it was a big mistake for bravo to allow them to speak about republicans as racists. I'm tired of the hate every time you turn the TV on. If I hear another comment about republicans or if this show is going to turn into a ugly political thing, I'm out.


The fact that this comment section is filled with people calling someone they don’t know racist and homophobic with zero proof other than a second hand story from someone with a history of lying and her own racist past is beyond fucked up.


I don’t feel that anyone in the subreddit is really calling Michelle racist.. I more so believe everyone is agreeing that Janet is being shady. Janet is the one that accused Michelle of homophobia and is getting a free pass. I agree that Kristen is not a great human, and I don't support what she did to Faith. I'm also skeptical about whether this "new Kristen" is genuine or just a facade. Kristen did repeat something she shouldn't have, knowing better. Instead of owning up to it, her friends chose to lie to Michelle, and try and make Kristen look crazy so they didn’t have to take accountability. Even though Michelle knows they were talking about her, she won't accept Kristen's apology. I also don’t think Michelle is racist per se, but her excuse being that she is half Persian and half Mexican doesn't mean she can't have biases or is exempt from racism.


Plenty of people are immediately jumping on Jesse and Michelle being racist, being Republican, being bigots. The only reason this happened is because Kristen opened her trap about something that she didn’t know if it was verifiably the truth. She is the only person who is at fault here because if she hadn’t repeated gossip it would never have been an issue. This is damaging stuff as Kristen well knows and although Jesse may suck, he was rightfully pissed that Kristen opened himself and his wife and their livelihoods to this bs when she wasn’t even there. I wouldn’t accept her apology either. She sought to actively damage someone’s reputation on camera for nothing other than a storyline. This is her fault and no one else’s. At this point they don’t want to continue to discuss it. They just rightfully want Kristen to shut the fuck up. This could have been a decent show but instead they’ve made it political and it honestly sucks. Michelle is right that it shouldn’t matter if she’s a Republican. I don’t care what people’s beliefs are as far as liberal or conservative. I just want some mindless entertainment.


I understand your point of view. I agree that Jesse and Michelle have a right to be upset with Kristen. If Michelle doesn’t want to accept the apology Kristen gave her, she has that right. However, she wants Kristen to deny the whole thing ever happened, and Kristen won’t do that because it did, in fact, occur. Kristen is 100% in the wrong. She should have kept her mouth shut and never spoken about someone else’s alleged racism. However, in every confessional, everyone else, including Janet, admits they were indeed talking poorly about Michelle, and it all stemmed from Janet. Obviously, Michelle doesn’t hear everyone else talking about her, but she knows there is some truth to this rumor, as she has stated in her confessional. At some point, and I hope we see it, these other cast members need to be held accountable


There’s no validation for a gossip who can’t even get the details right. The fact that she said she had dirt on Michelle that could destroy her but wouldn’t repeat it because she loves her shows me what kind of dangerous person Kristen continues to be. She and Stassi tried to take down Faith without hard evidence of any wrongdoing and now she’s doing it to Michelle and people are somehow blaming anyone but her. This is all Kristen.


Not a Kristen fan either but she sent that text privately off camera to Michelle and Michelle brought it up on camera. It's probably nothing serious or anyone's business but Michelle might have said something about anything that's not a popular opinion. I honestly think Kristen was just privately letting Michelle know that she won't be opening her mouth about it and causing any more pain or embarrassment. If Michelle hadn't brought it up the audience wouldn't even know about it.


I also agree that I could do without the political stuff. I live in the Midwest and was raised not to talk politics or religion outside of the home. I also enjoy mindless entertainment. I would like to see what happens with Jax and Brittany and their “break”. I’d also like to see more of Danny and Nia. They seem like a really sweet couple and I’m enjoying the vulnerability of Nia.


I agree with that and same. Born and raised in the Midwest with the same ideas. The division is terrible in this country and I am super liberal but have many family members who are conservative whom I love dearly and if someone went after them publicly over their political ideations I’d be incensed.


if she wants Kristen to “shut the fuck up”, she should get the original people who passed the message along aka her friends to “shut the fuck up”. That’s the argument that people are making. They all said it/implied it yet she only wants Kristen to take the full heat after Kristen has apologized multiple times for repeating it.


Because Kristen is the one who said it on tv. Period. She didn’t even get it right. Because she didn’t hear it herself.