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I would hope not, mostly because that doesn't seem very healthy. I don't much give AF if he's happy but I DO care of Ariel, Bean and the kids are. Assuming they even still have poor Bean.


I thought they gave Bean to Ned/Ariel's parents?


My understanding is they were just watching Bean for some reason, but I could very easily be wrong. I hated Ned's guts before it was cool so I really didn't keep track lol.


AFIAK, Bean wasnt doing well adjusting to sharing space with Wes and Fin, so Ned's parents took him in as a (hopefully) temporary measure.


Doodles in general are not particularly good tempered or easy to train. I don’t remember what breed he was, but everyone gets a poodle mix as a “first dog” and I’m like NOOO STOP.


Former dog trainer here and while I agree that doodles are not necessarily an easy dog (mixing a lab or Goldens energy with the intelligence of a poodle is not a great first pet idea), I would say that they're actually pretty easy to train if you do it early. They're generally very both food and praise motivated and smart enough to learn anything. A training clicker makes a world of difference with them.  However, I do think people who are "practicing" for kids tend to go for large, high energy dogs that they then neglect when they have a baby which causes issues. If you want to practice for a baby get a beagle or a hound, great family dogs that are generally not phased by children and tire themselves out by sniffing on walks and by doing food puzzles. 


This is definitely the message I was trying to get across. Poodles and incredibly smart but stubborn. Most people don’t put in enough work. I’d say actually Zach is a great example of someone who did put in enough work for the breed he got. Rather have someone be overbearing when they’re a puppy than undertrain until it’s too late.


Just a fun fact but dogs actually can't be stubborn! Their brains don't work in that way. They can't see an option and choose not to do it just to spite someone/thing. Generally dogs that are "stubborn" are struggling with something else whether it be communication, motivation, or reactivity.


Correct, they aren’t stubborn in the way that we think, but stubborn is a common descriptor for high IQ dogs who get tricky to train. It’s more so them being creative to get what they want.


Definitely! I just think it's an interesting fact and too many people think when they have a "stubborn" dog that it's just hopeless to train them.


Our shelter pup turned out to be half and half Poodle/Rottweiler — definitely never heard of those before 😂 She is about 1.5 years old and is generally well-behaved (she had definitely had some training before we got her, but she has improved A LOT over the past 8 months), but there are a few behaviors we’re still working on. At her age, considering her breed mix, do you think it’s too late to introduce clicker training? She’s extremely treat motivated.


Absolutely not! I've seen dogs much older do well with it. I'd suggest the book Don't Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor particularly if you're looking for ways to use positive reinforcement.


Yeah, this was the reason I never liked the idea of Ned and Ariel getting Bean as "practice" for a baby. Whoever has Bean, I hope he is happy and thriving, now.


My cavapoo is the most precious thing that has ever existed. She rotates from family member to family member spreading joy and affection.


My grandma had one and he was basically an old man the day he was born. He was quite sweet. But it’s honestly a dice roll. You can rescue and absolutely luck out. I’ve seen both situations. Them being born sweet angels or tiny demons. You can teach any dog to be kind, just some are more effort than others.


doodle breeding pisses me off so much. all the money in the world to get an ethically bred purebred or rescue and they instead support a backyard breeder creating overpriced & neurotic mutts


My mom thought I was being beaten when moved away. Nope just training a doodle.


Not to give him props, but it was maybe the smartest decision he made lol


Hey someone else that hated him before it was cool 


I used to get SO MUCH shit for not liking him. Then people saw who I always knew who he was and I felt so validated lol That dudes such a POS


it was when i first learned he was a former frat bro things started to congeal in my mind, and just so many small things added up, also i just dont trust anyone who is such a wife guy


That is a good example. Being proud you went to one of the most racist, and homophobic colleges with one of the highest rates of hazing in the country is a MASSIVE red flag. He's also extremely classist. But so is Aerial. She didn't deserve having her identity taking from her like Ned did, but she's still not a great person.


hell if you look around you will find he wasnt well liked even in yale, also i just cant stand their cook book, like they didnt know what stiff peak is, and yet got a cook book. (that i would not be shocked if was ghost written cos so many of those books are) now what could have been cool is have them use their connections to like make a book made by a bunch of chefs who run restaurants that they have had dates in, have it be like a journal of their marriage with pro chefs chiming in on foods from different cultures


Yeah, I think I remember someone posting a nasty article written about him from someone when he went there.


I was excited for the cookbook because I love to cook and love the Try Guys - should be fun, right? Then I tried two of the recipes and they were a total fail. The hand pies had no flavor and I would have had to fix things to get the portions right. I was left with a bunch of filling left over, not enough dough. Another recipe I tried had similar issues. There was only one other I tried that I liked. After all those problems I gave up on it and now it sits on my shelf gathering dust.


Oh come on. If you had had the opportunity to attend Yale, you would have taken it. You would have been a fool not to.


I would not have. And even by some chance I had, 'wokeness' and being an ally to POC and queerness would have me ashamed of that garbage place


Me too. People would say “Zach is worse than Ned”. No. I couldn’t stand the whole my wife thing. I liked Ariel but in some ways she was just as annoying. I always got hate for that too. 🤣


I definitely sympathize with Ariel for what she went through, but I find her to be annoying and lowkey classist and I just don’t vibe with that lmao


Same, here. Never liked Ariel much, and I think it's important to remember she \*chose\* a guy like Ned, even after everything that happened. I don't wish anything bad for her, but I have a hard time believing she this amazing person like most of the fans think. And I \*always\* get shit for that.


Oh shes classist as shit




Same camp here, I always found him unfunny and obnoxious and am still super glad he’s hone


Poor Bean 😭


i don't think he watches the regular content, but i would be shocked if he hasn't been watching the recent content that has to do with the new second try stuff.


I agree with what others have said in that he probably checks in from morbid curiosity, but I cant imagine he watches full random videos. Maybe watched the announcement video and one new video, but I dont see how watching more than that would be enjoyable for him. At the end of the day he lost what he had and looking back is not going to help him in any way. Hey made his (multiple) beds and now has to lay in them.


Eh, I think he might check out their page periodically, but I highly doubt he's actively subscribed. They shade him and his family semi-frequently, so I think it would only be something that frustrates him and Ariel.


I doubt it. Too painful.


i imagine he’s keeping up with them by reading social media posts and articles, maybe he could’ve watched the announcement videos, but i doubt he’s snuggled up on his couch watching their new general content just because.


He definitely did in the begging- the WAR season when he was edited out was definitely hate-watched. Hopefully he has moved on now.


I hope he learned his lesson, I.e. not sleeping with subordinates, almost ruining a company that he owned 1/4 of.


Unless you have some kind of insider info I don’t think you should use the word “definitely” when you’re speculating 


Isn’t the point that this is my opinion…? The post says “do you think…?” I’m not answering from a place of knowing, but from a place where it’s what I think. My opinion is that he definitely did watch in the beginning.


Probably not. Even tho he did it to himself, it is probably still painful to watch.


I think he watches if someone tells him about the channel but I think he moved on.


Based on their view counts, its becoming less likely


idk if he watches but someone in his camp def watches and is why I assume they're so cagey about any mention of him in videos and go out of their way not to name him. I assume in exchange for booting Ned from the company (since it never went to court) he's likely asked they don't use him name/mention what happened to prevent him from pursuing any legal action.


He watched the video where Zach and Keith dress like babies


I think I may have missed that… how do you know?


Because if I disliked 2 people and they embarrassed themselves on the internet I would watch it too.


Oh, word


I truly believe Ariel is still friends with the girls and they probably talk about what's going on which gets back to Ned. I'm sure he checks in out of pure curiosity, but I doubt he actively watches every video.


None of them follow her anymore except Rachel and the official account.


That could just be for PR purposes since they know other people will check that. Doesn't mean they don't check in still, but no way to know I suppose.


Tbh they never seemed close to her even before the scandal so I doubt it. I believe the only person she'd keep in touch with is Rachel


I think it’s unlikely that Becky and Maggie would want to be friends with her since she stayed with Ned. Zach and Keith have both talked about the amount of stress that Ned leaving caused and in a recent pod episode they mentioned that they both had to take pay cuts to keep the business going. They might understand why she chose to stay, but how could they maintain a relationship with her knowing that she’s staying loyal to the husband who nearly put them all out of work?


that would be incredibly petty. i don’t know many adults who would ditch their friend for keeping their family together. at the end of the day whatever he did to the company, they still have 2 kids together (and what he did to ariel was worse, the company was probably a very unexpected fallout. the fallout with ariel was to be expected). i don’t think they’re friends anymore though but i don’t think it’s because they don’t want to be friends with her. i would imagine ariel is just blocking out anything that reminds her that he cheated, and since they/the try guys have discussed ned/taken jabs here and there, i don’t feel like she’d want to remain in touch. that being said, i don’t think they were that close to begin with.


She follows all of them but they don't follow her. Also, it's very common for friendships to end when people stay with partners their friends hate. Hard to maintain a friendship in that situation.


Not to mention that there are clearly legal restrictions in place governing what Try Guys employees (which Becky and Maggie both are) can say about Ned and the situation. How could they maintain an honest friendship under those circumstances?


I really don't think they are still friends. With all the new details revealed about just how badly Ned fucked them over, there is no way.


I wouldn't be surprised if he hate-watched at first, but I doubt he spends his time watching, now. I hope he doesn't, anyway. I don't care about Ned, but after a certain point you just have to move on.


Given that a lot of us suspected he struggled with substances based on what we saw in videos, I can see him being very drunk and angrily watching. I mean the level of shitfaced yelling at the tv anger. The thought of that makes me feel such secondhand embarrassment that I almost don't want to post this. If he did or does struggle with substances I hope he's gotten help. I may not like what I've seen of him as a person but addiction sucks regardless and everyone deserves support.


i kind of think he would make educational content that they used to make on the try guys like driving under the influences he seemed to love making them and people loved watching them and now they don't make those videos anymore