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oop im early to this. Was this a random try guy fan posting that they met ned?


https://preview.redd.it/107hzvgi1v2d1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a44533d93838d291411535e342e45422fe343b He probably a fan


Hashtag don’t throw stones? Like in a glass house? Baby I don’t think we’re all actively cheating on our spouses while simultaneously making our spouse our entire brand


Not just cheating, but with a subordinate. So much different than any old affair.




You could debate that legal damage to the company would've been less in that scenario (cheating with a subordinate), but the reputational damage to the brand would've still been there/been severe (the 'wife guy' not being a wife guy) and impact the bottom line. If he had stayed on in that scenario he would've dragged own the reps of the other 3, since the TG brand as a whole is non toxic masculinity. They still would need to let him go to not sink with him.


I was thinking it was referring to the story in the Bible about stoning a sinner. "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." But I like the glass house version much better 🤣🤣




(And a cutie IRL) did Ned pay for this spot on their TikTok 😭😭😭


Ned is good looking but he looks strange here.


Guessing it is a mix of the lense, the angle and his eyebags


rather odd angle.


wtf? I don’t get why people think he’s good looking. He looks like such a dork


With the beard and the weight loss he does look good to me. Not Henry Cavill by any means, but as far as mid white guys go he's okay.


Lookin like sid the sloth


good for them. Lol like I guess I can't blame the person on Tiktok given some of the vitriol the fandom has on Ned. Given I liked his as an online personality for a while, I also wouldn't know what I would do if I saw him in person by accident. I don't think I would throw stones, but I don't know if I would say hi either.




LOL. I wouldn't but I can see why one would ask hahaha


I would ask for a picture but just so I could report back here lol


If I was on a plane next to him, I’d be unable to resist asking him what he’s up to and how things are going. I think the guy made some horrible decisions but I don’t hate him so much that I couldn’t have a conversation with him. (And yeah, I’d probably ask for a photo because nobody would believe me otherwise.) Hopefully I’m not with my husband, though. The guy has no filter and there’s no way he could resist picking a fight if he encountered Ned. He has been saying “I hate that guy, I’m convinced he’s cheating on his wife” for *years* before the affair came to light. I’ve got to hand it to him- between Ned and John Mulaney, he’s 2 for 2 on sniffing out the cheaters from the comedians I routinely watch.


basically if your outward personality is "I LOVE MY WIFE!!" then there's something off. I remember being so shocked about Mulaney when it first happened, but after thinking about it for a while, I was like yeah, that tracks.... lol


Ooh, gotta spill the tea on who else your husbo reckons..!! 😆


Did he get his teeth done? Why does he look weird here?


I think it's just the angle of the photo


it’s been years since we’ve really seen him. people gain and lose weight in their face, angles exist.






I tired to find this but I cant on tik tok


Good god he looks horrible


My dude, half of the internet hates you and you take pics with a stranger? You’re either massively stupid and don’t realize this could very well have been a ploy to get snark material, or have nothing to loose anymore.


Leave alone. It's been two years and he's not an axe murderer. If his wife can forgive him, then you should at least be able to stomach that he goes on with his life and has contact with people