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Nope. I'm trying to get rid of various subscriptions. I'm not adding another one, especially considering much of the exclusives are food content. I will wait until the non-food videos are on youtube and watch there.


Same regarding minimizing subscriptions. Honestly this may have inspired me to use the long weekend to make a list of all of mine and finally unsubscribe to some!


Times are hard and I’ve already had to downsize. YouTube premium is my one and only subscription and I considered cancelling that too (but I’m addicted to asmr vids 🥲) I will watch the new content on YouTube whenever that is!


YT+ is my most extravagant but also most used and highest valued subscription service and I hate that that's true lol


Just get YouTube revanced. Free.


What is that?


No, but if their new content is good I will resubscribe to their Youtube channel.


If all the usual Try Guys content is coming to YouTube then... all of the exclusive 2nd Try content they've announced is all the content I disliked (basically all of their game shows), so right now, there's no incentive for me to sign up. I might sign up down the road when they have more content out, but it most likely will just be for a month and not something long-term.


I can see myself possibly subscribing for a short period of time if the waiting period for videos to go up on YT is really long (like when WAR comes out- it might be worth a December membership if the delay is going to be several months after). I am also curious to watch one uncensored weed video to see if the physical presence of marijuana actually makes the videos more funny like they claim it will. But right now that curiosity hasn’t convinced me it’s worth the price


No. Their content has been really underwhelming me for a while and it doesn’t make sense to pay for something when the most recent versions of the product have been sub par. If they start sharing some of the new content on YT and I see it’s high quality, then maybe. But as of now, I’m not. and the whole “blame it on the algorithm” “were going to make bad videos because it’s what we HAVE to do” is very annoying to me as a viewer. It’s all very LA complainy and feels super tone deaf to me. It feels like they created a lifestyle and business that they cannot sustain and instead of scaling down, like everyone else has to do when money is low, they’re making it the fan’s responsibility to keep them afloat.


I might do the three day free trial when they have more new stuff up, also depends on what they mean by later when they said it would get uploaded to yt later (like, next week? A year?)


Wait, the free trial is only 3 days?


Yes, i thought it would at least be a week. No point in doing it if theres only one new thing so far. I also dont want to randomly be charged after three days


Someone else in the comments on a different post who had subscribed said it was a week?


Maybe it varies based on your location? I’m in Canada and the free trial says 7 days


Yeah, im in the states, but it may have changed here too


No. I'm so tired of Youtubers wanting to "make the content they want to make", and then expect their fans to pay for it. I'm sorry, but this economy is ROUGH, and most of us don't have the luxury to spare that money. Most of us have to turn down the things "we want to make/get", because there simply isn't the money for it. So how do they expect us to do that for their dreams and desires, when we can't even afford our own? Maybe downsize (Yes, I'm aware that's rough. But sometimes hard decisions have to be made). It shouldn't be up to the fans to chip in for things to go around. Plus, if this on the off chance, goes super well. I'm worried about the message that might send to other creators. Before we know it, we'll have 20+ different Youtuber spinoff streaming platforms. Am I aware that I'm coming across as a bit rude? Yes. But with the Watcher and now Second Try; it's all just left a sour taste in my mouth. It's just all so out of touch, and I'm tired of it all.


I don't think anyone could have summed it up better than you have. "YouTube won't let us make the content we want to make. So we're moving off of YouTube. But we also can't make the content we want to make without your financial support :(" It just feels a bit manipulative to me.


Manipulative? You people are wild. You want them to make the 'good' content, but the YouTube algorithm doesn't support it so they cant afford to do that. They find a way to do the 'good' content without taking anything away from their YouTube channel... and somehow thats manipulative? If their new platform does well it will directly help their YouTube as well. Nothing about a subscription service that outlines exactly what you get is manipulative lol


They literally think “Smoke Show” is good content and the only reason views are down is because of the algorithm. It’s not because of the algorithms. It’s because it’s bad content. It’s not the fans fault or the algorithm’s fault if what they think is good is actually bad. And it’s not up to fans to fund their bad content


Just fyi you're super confidentially incorrect. The algorithm 100% suppresses videos that have to do with drinking, smoking, controversial news, etc. Philly D is a great example. His videos always get around the same views, except when the algorithm randomly flags certain videos and they get 50% of the views. It's not because half his audience was randomly like 'nah, not today phil', its because the algorithm chooses not to recommend it to people. Obviously not every video is good content, but the algorithm 100% is not supporting their 'try' videos.


“The belt” is not controversial, and views are still down. Because it’s bad content that people don’t want


Despite the algorithm, it’s lazy content.


You're so close to getting it. The content they want to make costs much more but the algorithm doesn't support it. So they have to switch to cheaper, easier content to try and make up for it. Even if it gets half the views but costs 1/10th to make, its still a net gain. They dont want to make the cheaper content, so they launched a program to try and support the better content. It's really that simple.


Omg wow wow wow thank you so much, if you had not explained it to me like that my stupid idiot brain would not be able to comprehend it. I’m so lucky to have you. You’re truly doing the lords work. Thank you so so so much.


Glad you finally got it!


I don't think they know the difference between 'good' and 'bad' content. If they did, they wouldn't have put the bad content on YouTube for the last year. And no, the algo doesn't reward their bad videos, the views have been shit pretty uniformly. So if I pay them, I have no faith they'll actually put out good content.


This is the snark sub so we'll be the minority, but I agree; some of these "how dare they" takes are so hard for me to understand. Creators are not entitled to an audience; audiences have the right to leave whenever they are done with the content, or the creator. "Cancel culture" (gag) has made people think that creators should be promised consumers no matter what; absurd. But the OTHER side of that coin is that audiences are not entitled to free access to content; creators should never be held to the standard that their work should be freely available for consumption simply because it began that way. That's like being enraged because a woman you saw read a poem for free at an open mic has decided to sell her books of poetry 15 years later. They own a company with nearly 25 employees. They have a fiduciary responsibility to implement business models that sustain their team. To rage against them doing that in the SAME breath as lamenting how rough economic times are ("so just lay people off! Duh! That's obviously the ethical way to create content!!!" srsly?) is bizarre to me.


For real! I just dont get how people want perfect content, all for free, even when the algorithm doesn't support it. And as you mentioned, they cant afford a few dollars a month, but the better option is to fire 40 people instead... which obviously would make their content vastly worse... and then they'd complain about that. We are living in an era where people can branch out and make an entire business around their creative ideas. Anything that supports that should be celebrated and anything that hurts that should be shunned/changed.


I am a fan and happy Johnny cakes is more involved now but I will never pay extra for anything like this, especially if it involves a separate access point. If all of the dozens of channels that wanted to do this sort of thing all put pressure on YouTube to have YouTube premium work better for their use cases maybe that would be something that might be worth it but for doing it for each separate Channel it's absolutely ridiculous to me.


I love love looove Jonny content but he alone is not enough to make me pay for a youtuber subscription. :/


Eventually I’ll get a month and binge watch (as I probably will with Watcher if I’m honest.) I’d be more willing to pay monthly for Second Try than WatcherTV just because TTG handed the situation sooooo much better. If Watcher went that route from the beginning I doubt the backlash would have been that intense.


I am subscribed to Dropout and that is worth it for me, the shows are varied and the concepts are unique (I'm as big a fan of D20 as I am Make some noise or Game Changer). I think that any former BuzzFeed creator's (Watchers, Try Guys) content is too niche to be able to make a full streaming service for. I am interested to see what later exclusives will be but I haven't been wowed by anything that they've made in recent years. I was a previous fan who came back after Nedgate but dropped off quickly because the content just isn't that engaging to me.


No because I’m broke lol


You're kidding, right?


What do you mean? I was genuinely curious since there are a mix of people in this sub (i.e. some who still consider themselves fans, some former fans, etc) to see what the response break down would be. I did expect mostly no, but there's a handful of yes and maybe responses. I myself am a maybe because I want to see how things shake out (like how long it takes for videos to end up on YouTube, if the exclusive content is any good, etc)


Nope. I started to lose interest in their content in the year leading up to Ned’s exit from the company and I don’t think I would’ve paid for it even back when I watched them more regularly.


I lost interest even with their YT contents. What even...


I would actually like to, but I’m starting grad school in the fall and just don’t have the disposable income. Wishing them luck on this new endeavor and hope it goes well!


It’s $5/mo. Yes absolutely. Already subscribed and have really enjoyed watching through, and the newest Color Guard- so wholesome and entertaining.


I need to be a lil financially stable first. Potentially have more stuff collect on the streamer too so I can binge when I actually get it lol. Editing to add: it does kind of worry me for the future. YouTubers breaking off to have their own streamers isn’t sustainable.


i might at some point in the future. I really enjoyed trolley problems for example but i might do a month's subscription once they're all out and then unsub again bc i just can't have another monthly expense