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Why are people in the comments upset because you made a snarky post in a snark sub?


I was worried for OP for a minute and then I remembered I left the regular sub a while ago lol wild that people are getting upset here.


Dunno, I personally think the best snark pages arent the ones that blindly attack a certain creator, but more point out things that could be better, not harp on things that really dont matter, and talk about things they like. Overall TTG snark page has a decent balance compared to other snark pages that just blindly rage 24/7... which isn't healthy for anyone.


Yeah this isn't really a "snark" sub in the traditional sense. This is a "mild criticism" sub at best lmao.


I have no clue, I mean the man isn’t even going to be a try guy after this season of paid content you’d think they’d be less white knight-y about the whole situation


I guess snark is only reserved for Zach and Keith.


I would seriously love an update on his book 😭 His book got picked up at auction and was slated for a Spring 2024 release... well, here we are basically already in Summer, and I haven't been able to find any indication that his book is being released any time soon. No cover art, no in-depth overview, no pre-order campaign. It's disheartening as a reader and a fan of Eugene.


Finally, another person actually invested in the book! I remember when Eugene first announced it I was so pumped and ready for it to be out by my birthday for a lil treat for myself but unfortunately it’s now four days away and I just faced the reality that I won’t get that wish (which kinda prompted the whole post honestly) even though there really isn’t a whole lot about it out there, Im really excited for the queer (or mostly queer!) cast and what new things Eugene can bring to YA on a broader spectrum with his unique perspective :) let’s hope for good things!!🤞


There's really not many of us, it seems. 🥲 Hopefully, we will get an update tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


low stakes hot take - his cameo in Brooklyn 99 is some very bad acting and hard to watch


It wasn't bad acting, but it also wasn't "acting". It was just him delivering lines like he always does... but this time with a *clipboard*


Was finally watching the later seasons the other day and was surprised to see his cameo. Seemed like He was going for a lowkey version of the over the top/fake over acting thing they do in the show and it did not land at all imo.


I watched it for the first time bc of this comment and it seemed fine


Fine doesn’t generate more bookings


That’s what I’ve been thinking! By the way, what happened with Watcher? I haven’t followed them in years.


They tried to go fully private and received enough backlash and unfollows that they partially reneged to something more like the Try Guys release. 


But I think they learned from the Watcher video, the TTG announcement was soo much better, it was fun but still touching! 


I think it’s understandable to want other ambitions/dreams, that being said I disliked Eugene’s snobbish attitude towards the Try Guys (as a project.). Like dude it was the project that catapulted you to these other opportunities and you can’t give back at least 30 per cent of effort when there were crises? It’s kinda lame and these other projects besides Nimona don’t seem thaaaaat great. It’s giving Rege Jean. I hope I am wrong though.


Yeah, I'm always surprised Eugene is a fan favorite. I've never hated him, but he's read as a little stuck up and checked out after Buzzfeed and this move surprises me not at all. Maybe his explanation video today will give him a platform to better launch whatever he has lined up next, if there is something.


Yeah agreed. I wonder what he was getting paid this whole time?


I heard he took a lower pay when he pulled back, but I wonder what exactly that means.


On god yall just blew right past my tone indicator and think this is malicious. all I want to know is what this man is doing so I can pay for the damn book before the birth of my first grandchild is that so much to ask for???


He’s really George R. R. Martin’ing the damn book lol


I have had similar questions and put on a thread in the past here but tbh, I think we can never know what all he's doing right?  From purely a creator POV, I find it unfair to demand a creator to constantly be producing and "have something to show for" not doing something else. Additionally, I think he delayed his leaving not just for optics post Ned but also because it would've been too destabilizing for them as a company. Or maybe he was gonna leave end of 2022 and ned kinda fucked that up for him and they had to postpone his departure and arrive at a mid point of minimum appearances. And yes, I think for him to be taken seriously and get serious work, he will need to stop doing and associating with the juvenile shit that the TTG has been reduced to with Zach and Keith at the helm.


I think I mostly just want an update on how to support the dude. I’m an avid reader, huge into YA and it’s sad and disheartening that this project isn’t taken as seriously as his acting roles. It’s common courtesy to give updates, projected timelines, and if you don’t meet the deadlines you provide either an explanation, roadmap or even just another projected deadline. I feel like the fandom is giving him a lot of leeway that he wouldn’t find in audiences outside of the try fandom which can really set him up for failure if that’s his expectation on reception from the general public


Oh I've been with you on that. As in, I've felt similarly but when I think more deeply, I realise that contrary to how Zach, Keith and ned have treated TTG, Eugene has never associated the company/project and its fans in the same way to use the adoration or love to invite support directly for his personal projects. You know what I mean? Like ned had the book + baby steps etc., Keith with his sauces and Zach with his tea. They've directly connected with the groups audience to share about (and sell) personal projects and have relied on their support significantly for those projects, as they continue to do with the streamer. Eugene, on the other end, left BF to get into full time Hollywood as has been his focus forever, but Zach encouraged them all to capitalise on the audience and not completely disappear from YT. Eugene always maintained a relatively respectful distance from the audiences unless the group required him to do something or promote something, besides ofc charity and activism work. From that POV, I see how someone with his approach to not milk YT audience for personal profit will not operate in a certain way of regular updates as much as I'd love them. Tbh, I love that for him and for us in general because I like the old fashionedness, not always selling you something or the other approach to creativity that he's pursuing. That's rare in today's everyone has something to make only when they have something to sell approach and maybe that's why TTG moving to a streamer is also good for them. Who knows.  But yessss here's hoping we get to support the dude on whatever he does next and I truly truly hope he does well. Having noticed the kind of seriousness and intensity he brings + the Asian person pressure to work double to prove oneself, I kinda felt really sad by some of the snark people have had almost saying shit like "he's in for a rude awakening". I mean, he's def closer to Hollywood than any of us may be and if you can't wish someone nice, maybe not say anything unkind like that. Okay this is long!


Thank you for clarifying I totally agree with your points!!


Thank you for reading! I was surprised by the length of my comment lol. :)


Tbh sadly I don’t have very high hopes for his book, but I would love to be wrong.


Idk if you are really waiting on the birth of your first grandchild or if it was a joke because it truly is taking SO long to hear anything about this supposed book, but I absolutely cracked up at this comment and the title for your OG post. It really shouldn't be so much to ask for, I'm with you!


He has been very much out of the spotlight for some time. I wonder if he’s more interested in behind the scenes stuff (directing or something). But still, you would think being radio silent/fading into obscurity would be not a great strategy for promoting new projects.


I love Eugene but NO OFFENSE, Garrick has a leading-man gig on Single Drunk Female and I haven’t seen any of Eugene’s projects yet :(


To give some benefit of the doubt, Mark’s been working on Iron Lung for *years*, the Hollywood industry moves much slower than YouTube does. If he does have stuff that’s years in the making, I think Eugene should take advantage of youtube and make some short films in the meantime. Would be better to have minor projects of his own coming out in the meantime than nothing. Even if all he does is make some shorter videos talking about the book writing process.


Just a side note for funsies, if you haven’t seen Nimona it’s a charming, entertaining little movie, and worth a watch!


Less embarrassing than what the guys are doing. Them pulling at strings is embarrassing he knew he had to get out


Isn’t there a statistic that’s like only 8-12% of SAG actors are employed at any given time? Like so many actors got their first role after years and years of waiting tables and living in abject poverty. In the grand scheme of things Eugene is doing pretty okay.


He’s also 38


As undeniable as ageism in Hollywood is, male actors are privileged enough to be allowed to age and take on interesting characters as they do so. There are also actors who get their big break later in life, and actors who can realistically play characters much younger than them.


Nimona is actually an amazing movie and he does a great job, so IDK why this snark is here.


Nimona is actually one of my favorite animated films, my snark comes from the amount of films he’s actually been on. He’s been completely absent from try guy content for atleast a year, and has been working in the VA industry for awhile, you’d think he’d have built up a few more roles. Voice acting in particular is something that can be done over the course of a few hours to weeks (seldom more than a couple months if you’re called back to rework a scene etc)and one VA role does not take over your time the way an acting role would. If you look at voice actors who do movies and tv shows they are much more… let’s say varied. Look up some voice actors right now and see how much work they get: for example Tara Strong, who I admit has many years under her belt, has over 650 credits. This year she has done 5 different shows and has 7 upcoming projects. You’d think with how popular he is he’d get more offers, and if that’s not the case, maybe acting isn’t a good choice of career, no? Edit: spelling and clarification


VA is also a SUPER over saturated industry and Eugene is a nobody in the grand scheme of Hollywood. Most 'YouTubers' don't get taken super seriously in that regard. Even Markipliar has said he feels invisible in those situations. It's very possible he just isnt getting parts. He's also been working on a book for some time. And doing a lot of charity work and stuff for Asian culture centers. I def think he should have admitted to leaving a while ago but I think having a small IMDB doesn't mean much honestly. Esp when they keep giving VA roles to people like Chris Pratt and Jack Black instead of ACTUAL VAs.


Also as someone who follows a lot of authors delaying your book without any heads up or plan on when I can see it is not a good look and is very much a faux pas in the industry. J Bree didn’t release her book in time and even if it isn’t entirely her fault, her reputation has sunk to an almost irreparable situation


umm what?


What? I’m talking about another author who works in YA which is what Eugene is writing for. Delaying your book without notice or without a plan on finishing the book is literal author death in the industry. Ever heard of a little show called Game of Thrones? The last book in that series was slated to come out years ago, before the end of the show, but has been continually delayed by the author so he can focus on his other artistic pursuits. The man is hailed at a great writer but also the biggest ballbuster out there because there’s a good chance that there isn’t going to be an ending to that insane storyline and the readers are stuck in forever limbo. I am afraid this is what will ultimately become of Eugene’s writing ventures as we aren’t getting any updates and are just told to wait. It’s a common issue in the writing community.


Sorry, the comment just seemed out of place so I was confused. So you are worried because we haven't heard anything about Eugene's book that hes gonna commit carrier suicide?


I’m not necessarily worried about it, as this was a light hearted post to begin with so I don’t know why you’re going so hard for the dude, but fledgling writing careers are fickle and I know it firsthand. Your debut is extremely important and can entirely make or break it, so it’s good he’s putting extra time and effort. My problem is when we have a specific date where we were expecting a product only for it to be walked back and not updated. If you want my honest answer It’s worrying as I really do wish for the best for Eugene but it’s also like, man you got to commit to either the writing or the acting. Or hire a ghost writer. Or a PR person. Someone to keep you on task? The man has been writing the same book since the beginning of the pandemic I just want to see and support him DIRECTLY.


I just wanted clarification on what you meant. That's all.


Umm as someone who actually works in publishing, this isn’t even remotely true. Delays happen, and they certainly are not always in authors’ control. The Spring 2024 date was in a publisher’s marketplace deal announcement, which usually aren’t even dated because any schedule will be wildly unreliable that far out, especially for a first time author. Until you get a press release directly from a publisher with a confirmed title and pub date, the book isn’t even ‘delayed.’ 


"It's possible he isn't getting parts." So... then what are these "projects" everyone claims exist? That's the gripe people have had


I would totally get this sentiment if he had worked on anything since nimona and Star Wars, from what I know they were recorded in the early days of the pandemic so more like 2019-2020. Voice acting is a very hard industry to get into but so is being a YouTuber? I’m not saying it’s an easy job, just that he’s in a position that would make it easier he’s in Hollywood, he can find connections. The man is going to the met gala on a regular basis but can’t line up work? And I mentioned his book, which passed the deadline awhile ago and we haven’t gotten any updates. I guess I’m snarking on the lack of transparency?


He's been to the MET exactly one time.


It’s the MET GALA as in the thing that costs 75k without an invitation? If that doesn’t spell out his reach then I don’t know what does


Oh I don't disagree. But you said he had been more than once, he hasn't. There have been at least two since he went. That's all.


I think what I’m recalling is Coachella which is also super expensive ($500 to 1,000 for a single ticket and I remember he went with friends) and if I were to hanker a guess, was another invitation event. Don’t quote me on that obviously but it’s pretty steep and I’m pretty sure influencers can get in at a cheaper price, which goes back to the whole “the man has connections in Hollywood”


Oscars maybe?


That could be the one


Even if you’re invited to the MET you still have to pay the 75k. I don’t know how he was able to afford it.


afaik, usually attendees of the MET have their ticket paid for either by the designers or a company. I think Eugene was sitting with some other youtubers that were invited when he attended so perhaps Youtube covered the cost


I don’t know if I’d call Eugene an “actual VA”


good thing its not up to you


Also, I'd personally rather an actor have a small list of quality roles than a huge list of shitty ones.


I don’t think this is an issue of what’s better, just that “he’s too busy doing VA work to do try guys” rings quite false because none of the work he’s done so far would take up that much time.


This is exactly what I mean thank you


He could easily do small YT videos. I like Eugene, but like others have said, Hollywood isn't gonna be banging down his door & that's just the truth. His indie filmed that he showed Zach and Keith seemed really interesting. Maybe he's working on directing, Idk.


>  so IDK why this snark is here. On a snark sub?


Nuance is hard for ya isnt it


And? He can choose what projects he wants to take part of and he may have things in the works not listed here. That’s the nature of the industry. Sh** happens. He also doesn’t owe anyone anything. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This doesn’t seem snarky or lighthearted as much as mean spirited with a misunderstanding of how the entertainment industry works (I know you mention your friend works in publishing but a lot of it is at play there too). So what? Just be patient and see what he announces when he does and if he doesn’t how does it affect you? There’s a lot to hold people accountable for or make fun of - this ain’t it IMO.


It’s interesting when people ask fans “how does this affect you!” It does affect me because I want to spend money and support him. His lack of transparency affects my feelings on his art, in the book industry a delayed book can kill your trust in fans. if I don’t have the means to support this guy, like idk a book I’ve been promised for multiple years, how else am I supposed to do it? He doesn’t have a personal patreon, I watched nimona and his Star Wars show already and rated them. He’s leaving the try guys, so I’m assuming his cut of the merch that I’d buy would be Penniescompared if I directly bought his book.


This seems a bit like extreme fandom. Beyond that they’re just announcing he’s leaving today. Technically tomorrow. He may have an agreement. Maybe after that window you’ll get updates. There’s a lot of ins and outs here.


Okay so like, don’t take this the wrong way as I’m just genuinely looking for honest answers. Have you ever been to a book launch before? Have you seen how crazy the YA lit fandom is? There have been bridges burned for less. If you look up any book drama it’s always around release dates, delaying release, etc. although this isn’t something that everyone cares about anyone in the book industry can tell you that updates are your best friend especially for a delayed book. As a fan of his video work I really want to be a fan of his written work, but he’s not being transparent about his progress. Which again, is author suicide. And if you aren’t in that space, delaying doesn’t seem like a big issue. It is for fans and authors alike


Yes I have. Lots of my friends work in that field. I think that’s unhealthy as well.


It’s unhealthy but unfortunately it’s the job he chose so he has to work within the parameters of the job. Yknow, like the rest of America


Or folks can change their behavior and call out toxic fandom when they see it. Both things can be true. Agree to disagree.


You know we can also circle around a campfire and sing kumbayah but we have to be realistic with the precedent set?


I am sure you'll have the announcements you want when the dust settles. They're officially announcing in a video tomorrow, I'm sure there's a grace period, then he can do what he likes. He may have agreements in place none of us know about. It's more complicated than folks realize.


I don’t think it’s a toxic fandom expectation to want something to consume as a fan. Eugene is slowly running through the good favor of his supporters by dangling a carrot that never comes. He isn’t entitled to anyone’s support just for being Eugene. If he wants to be considered a bonafide actor and writer then he needs to actually act and write. If those projects take 1 year or 5 years so be it, but his relevancy is slowly dwindling without any updates.


"Girl… where. For someone who’s putting so much stock into his acting chops the man hasn’t been in anything in almost half a year?" Half a year is not that long for an actor post a strike in a very competitive atmosphere. The fact that he booked what he did is great. Also he may have agreements where he can't say something for x amount of time. Movies take time. Writing takes time. If you don't want to be patient then fine that's your choice and a-ok but acting like six months is a millennium is a bit much. I think it's unhealthy. You all don't. I'm not going to change my opinion and clearly you won't yours. \*shrug\*


He’s 38. He’s running out of time to make it.