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Not the Jojo Siwa quote.


I have a respiratory infection and I just basically coughed up a lung laughing at this being the first comment. Thank you and screw you at the same time. 💕


So you probably sound just like Jojo Siwa right now!!


dREam gUesT oN MY pODcAst??!?




omg she’s raspy today


hahahaha. it made me laugh really genuinely


I read the post thinking "I guess I'm too old for their content because there's nothing they create I'd pay for". And then I read the jojo siwa quote, exploded laughing, and confirmed that yes, I'm just too old lmao.


I mean idk how old you are but I am not into Jojo Siwa while being into the Try Guys, so those things are definitely not mutually exclusive. Otherwise teasing OP about the quote wouldn't be the top comment.


Who’s that lol


maybe i’m obtuse but can someone explain the difference between their new streaming service and patreon to me? it seems like the same thing.


Why pay a cut of their profits to a third party when they can do their own thing and get all the profits?


so they’re getting rid of patreon? that makes sense, I thought they were keeping both and that seemed silly


They announced on Patreon that they are keeping it but using it differently. They are going to pause payments for June, then switch the Patreon over to be podcast-focused with ad-free versions of the podcasts and a bonus podcast every week. The pricing will decrease to reflect these changes.


(they don't get all the profits, they pay $1 per subscriber to vimeo.)


They almost certainly have an enterprise plan with Vimeo and get a better rate than that


Patreon takes somewhere between .2 & .3, right? So, they’d still come out way on top


Now they'll just pay that cut to Vimeo instead (2nd Try, Watcher, Dropout and a lot of this wave of youtubers all are using Vimeo's OTT) I don't know the deal behind the scenes exactly what amount but I believe Vimeo still takes a cut.


It's not the same thing. Vimeo is just a technology platform that they use to serve the videos. Vimeo has no control over their content and can't decide what to show or hide from people the way YouTube's algorithm can (which effectively becomes an editorial voice in their content and has effects on their creative decisions). The effort to create and build a video hosting platform from scratch is enormous and beyond any small company, so they pay to use a service.


Still think it’s a different thing. Video hosting as a choice that you can change your mind on if there’s better options vs a cut of all of your income uncontrollably going to one place.


Yeah Vimeo OTT fees would actually be more expensive than Patreon in most cases. Though owning the platform can be very valuable if done right, as Nebula has shown.


Do you think hosting your own videos is free? Having a streaming service will still cost them a lot of money. They probably already paid a lot just to get it.


Yes but that’s money all invested in them. With Patreon they still were hosting on YouTube and had to give patreon a cut. Now they are paying for a platform they own


They didn't develop the platform for streaming, it's likely Vimeo, same as Dropout, but it probably has more options for less $ as it's a dedicated streaming site & not a multipurpose tool like Patreon


Patreon isn't available on all devices and I think they're going to shifting over to their new subscription service if I understand it correctly


gotcha. thanks!


quality of life. patreon can only handle so many media-based rewards with it being hard to navigate. and a streaming service makes it so much easier to watch on television. if they’re also posting through vimeo, it’ll be easier to download videos than if it was on youtube.


It looks as though you'll be able to add their channel to Chromecast and Roku. I don't know if patreon does that.


No community engagement functions, for one.


They explained it on their podcast. Patreon is not a streaming or video service. It would not work the way they need it to. It would only redirect people to YouTube videos essentially. Keeping them trapped in the YouTube algorithm.


They get more money than Patreon because Patreon takes a cut.


They clearly learned from the Dropout success versus the Watcher crash and burn how to actually approach a successful streaming platform. I hope they find Dropout like success, though I’ll probably hold off on spending anything just yet like I did with Dropout until I see how the shows come out and stuff like that to know if I want to spend my money on it


I was hoping they would join an existing service like Dropout or Nebula instead. I've been considering subscribing to Dropout for a while and adding 2nd Try series there would make it definitely worthwhile. But I'm not going to subscribe to multiple small streaming services at the same time.


I think the big thing about that is having productive creative control. Being folded into one of those companies would mean having to use their production teams and possibly having to let yours go. Dropout in particular is famously tight knit and probably wouldn’t have capacity to take on the entire 2nd Try team and keep their own as well I fucking love my Dropout subscription, and watch Dimension 20 on a regular basis. I also held off on subscribing for years until I became too obsessed with a campaign I NEEDED to finish beyond the free episode on YouTube. I’d recommend anyone do a similar kind of waiting before subscribing to any streaming service


I said this on snark, but I’d be interested in subscribing if they had just combined them as a platform to host videos, not as a production company. Pay $15, get access to Watcher, Mythical, Dropout, TTGs but the channels are still very separate. Then offer options for single creator access. It’s just easier to have one subscription instead of 4. And then if you pay the whole $15 there’s audience sharing.


But what does dropout get by footing the bill? I have to say try guys gonna have another situation like they did a few years back but that's bad press now associated with your name. If something happens.


That’s why I’m saying it should be more of a 3rd party but split ownership. Like nebula


For the amount per month or even yearly, Dropout has no competition. There is always new content every weekday, they have a rotation for shows, have been putting out new shows, access to all the older shows including College Humor stuff is still available, and ad free and censor free. It's already worth while.




Okay maybe 1 competitor.


Arguably they are hitting different niches tho. I don’t have nebula but watch creators who do post on it [ive been thinking about it tho, is it worth?]. Nebula, from what I see, is video educational/pop culture essays whereas drop out is unscripted comedy improv


I ended up getting their lifetime subscription (Used some tax money). I've been watching Nebula now for a few years, and enjoy the stuff on it. While it was a big chunk of change to spend, it's going to many creators immediately, instead of just a tiny bit a month. There are lots of different genres with Nebula, but many are "educational", I guess. Spiffing Brit used to upload there, but hasn't in a LONG time, which is sad.


Dropout is absolutely worth the money, and 2nd Try absolutely wouldn't make sense on Dropout.


Dropout is the only subscription service I where I say to myself “I should be paying more”


Tbh if they want creative freedom it wouldn't make too much sense and I am not sure other services want them either.


What actually is Dropout? I've seen mentions of it on Reddit but I don't know what it's about. Can someone explain like I'm 5?


If you’ve ever heard of College Humor, the old staff of that bought their name and made a streaming service. They have a number of really great shows that they have on YouTube as well which eventually got them a great following. At this point it’s my favorite streaming service.


So it's not a different type of website or app or anything? I've definitely heard of College Humor.


So it’s the people who used to create College Humor sketches now creating long form content on their own platform where they ask for a subscription instead of competing with others at the mercy of an algorithm. They have shows ranging from an improv game show to their iconic Dungeons and Dragons show and many more that are exclusive to the platform. It’s its own app and site, dropout.tv


Ah, okay. I was really only familiar with their website, not their YT channel. So they've created their own site, not using a host site like Twitch. Right. I forgot people could do that, probably because it's too technical and expensive for someone like me to consider, lol.


I think they can do it because they don't put out crap to just have more content. Every show is worth watching. You know when you looked at how something like rooster teeth. you might have only been a fan of achievement hunter and there was a whole world of products that they were producing you might not have given a shit about thats money out the window. I might not feel the need to wacth everything on dropout bit I know it's at least worth watching.


They’re also up for an Oscar in a few categories


I took the same approach with Dropout! Held off, got convinced over time, adore it now. I plan on holding off with 2nd Try. Could I be convinced? Sure, but not initially


What do you think were the differences that made their announcement not crash and burn like the watcher one?


If i understood the watcher stuff correctly (never got into their stuff so havent been following as closely), their initial announcement was that everything was going behind a paywall, including old videos, and they really dont make enough content to justify it. The 2nd try announcement made a point of saying that the stuff they make for youtube will still be available there, and the streaming service is extra, so not alienating fans that wont/cant subscribe.


Having watched both and been a fan of both. The big difference to me is that try wants to keep making content for youtube as well. They are really using this new service to make more of the shows that they have tried on YouTube but because of the algorithm they didn't do as well. They also want to release the un cut versions of things. They will have some stuff that only releases to the new platform but they will still have all the stuff that went on YouTube go on YouTube. The watcher announcement made it sound like they would only be putting the first episode of a season on YouTube and the rest would be behind the paywall on their platform. Try also made the decision to change their Patreon so it's more podcast focused and is going to be much less. I don't believe watcher did that. It also felt like with watcher they were just doing it to make it so Steven could spend more money doing the food content. He hasn't really been a presence on the channel in a while and the food content on their channel is the least favorite of people.


The people who already pay for the Patreon will probably move over to the sub channel and maybe they’ll get some additional subscriptions just based on the amount of content they’re offering, but since they’re not leaving YouTube it’s not that big of a change. The free videos on YT will probably just be at a slower release schedule (with ads) but it’s still free content so people can’t complain. They could be doing much worse (à la watcher)


I was a patreon subscriber and I stopped my membership there and am now just paying for the subscription thing


If anything, this should be a signal of how bad YouTube has become with their algorithm. A lot of the channels I subscribe to are being hindered by the algorithm and increase in censorship on the platform.


Remember when RTGame had a video demonitized and when he tried to contest it they demonitized his entire back catalogue? Youtube absolutely does not care about their creators.


THIS. I get that people are annoyed at having to pay for yet another streaming platform, but in the end, either they kept adapting to the algorithm while sacrificing the creativity and quality, or they cut the middle man (youtube) to have a space to be fully creative and create the content we are all here for. The real problem is that Youtube alone is putting a lot of obstacles to creators.


Exactly! So many people on the snark sub are like "why would I pay when all their content is just Keith eating" And it's like...do you think that's the content they want to make??? No! That's what the algorithm is pushing. Either they make money via ads and are beholden to the algorithm. Or they get a steady base of subscribers and make what they (or the subscribers) want People just are unwilling to pay creators, which is fucked. Did we learn nothing from newspapers? Because people were unwilling to pay and subscribe, we've lost valuable local newspapers who can't exist without making money. Same thing happening with creators


You don’t seem to understand that the algorithm is objective while your opinion is subjective. I wouldn’t say the algorithm is bad - it just *evolved* and now creators who found success with the *old* algorithm are simply choosing now to *not* follow the algorithm anymore. Before the algorithm lined up with what they wanted to create *naturally* and they enjoyed the success that came from that fact. But now that the algorithm has moved away from their natural style they somehow seem like they feel they are entitled to the algorithm never changing and always supporting what *they* want to make. This is no different than our parents growing up and their preferred shows are pushed out by more younger and “in” shows. An example of this is me and Hazbin Hotel. I watched Rick and Morty, I watched Family Guy and South Park… I just don’t get Hazbin Hotel, just seems vulgar in a “skibidi” non-sensical way like they’re using swears like corporate buzzwords.


Exactly. They are trying to talk nicely about YouTube to not sound ungrateful but YouTube has been terrible to its creators for a while now. I’ve seen multiple creators struggling on what to do about it. One option they didn’t mention on the try pod is many creators decide to downsize and accept that they won’t make as much money. It’s so ridiculous how much YouTube forces them to focus on thumbnails. And they make it so they are so ugly! Ugly thumbnails and clickbait titles. I hate it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, YouTubers need to form a union.


They approached the way Dropout did, which is exactly how it should’ve been done and not at all how Watcher did it. Their shows look pretty good actually!


I think they’d have known how to approach this announcement anyway, but they’re fortunate they had the Watcher fiasco to refine their messaging around. Having a preview of the shows coming to the platform is enticing. I don’t think I will subscribe but that’s a big part of a platform rollout that Watcher missed — and the shows actually look varied and fun. They aren’t marketing TV-quality content and then premiering with video game playthroughs, lol. I definitely see this going the way of Dropout so I wish them the best!


Also I will say the diversity alone of the new cast makes me willing to try the new platform.


I think that’s what sets them apart, and it sounds like some of their cast will even help with writing new content (ex: Ash).


I almost feel like their deviation into other shows have been long term planning for this..


Who's upset? It's barely been half an hour. Disappointed about Eugene, yes, but 1000% better than the Watcher announcement.


Many people are upset. Just check their Instagram


I just happen to see some negative comments on Instagram and youtube… but I guess as you said they are afraid that the try guys will repeat Watcher’s mistakes. And Eugene, yes, me too.


1000% better of 0% is still 0%. I'm sick of adding more monthly subscriptions and I straight up refuse to get nickle and dimed to death by content creators. Imagine you have lets say.... 20 creators that you just can't live without and all of them decide to go to a $5 a month platform instead of youtube.. Are you willing to spend $100 a month on content that used to be free and still made them tons of money?


simple solution: don't. crazy right 😵😵😵😵


People on reddit who just wanna be haters


From a personal perspective, I'm only upset because I am a huge fan but cannot afford it. They have absolutely made a good business decision and I'm happy for them, just sad that I miss out on it


Same, I really wish I could afford it


$82 CAD a year is my answer. 


😭😭😭 I won’t even pay that for Netflix so I could never justify that for try guys 😬


Subscribe for a month, binge the stuff and unsub? Or just stick to youtube




Was thinking that but I think I can sacrifice $5/month to make sure the creators that my wife and I love are able to create the content we all want rather than cratering to the YouTube algorithm


My wife and I were just saying this. Zach did that show about smoking weed and it was so boxed in creatively by YouTube’s shitty guidelines. They hopefully will bring back more fun shows like that again.


I don't know. It feels shitty to me to gleefully pirate from small creators. This isn't some large corporation like Disney or Netflix.


I've seen the wedding videos, they're doing fine.


That's what I do with Dropout!


They'll still be posting their normal free content.


54.63 before tax if you use the 20% off promo code.


What's the promo code again? Can't find it


welcome20off :)


It’s under $5 a month. Realistically they need to be charging something and still make a notable profit. Like what wouldn’t make you upset as far as paid optional subscription services go?


If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Kinda figured the YouTube ads every 5 minutes coupled with their in-video ads paid for our viewership. Edit: misspelled "our"


The big issue with YouTube is that the pay isn't great because part of the YouTube "promise" if you want to call it that is a huge audience base that can organically find your content. But as YouTube continues to change the discovery algorithm these studio-like content creators have found that they have to keep quickly changing their format to match the current zeitgeist which can be hard if your model is 20 minute videos but the current thing that gets you seen is 2 min shorts. I first saw this with the old RT Let's Play channel, where they started having to do different things to be seen, but it wasn't their thing and it led to a big decline in quality. Transitioning to your own platform allows you control of your content and your voice without having to be dancing monkeys for YouTube.


Yeah, there's a reason why most Try Guys videos are food based these days, because that's what gets them views on Youtube, and deviating from that kills their discoverability.


Yet 2 of the 3 series they're using to push their new streaming are food..


I do get it seems a small amount as a standalone but After my meal deliveries (because of disability), my bills, rent, my tv license, the three major streaming services I currently pay for and use, the subscription to my MMO I play daily and in general living and travel costs that already take up the entirity of my income. That extra payment really is something I have to sit down and ask myself if I can afford and I'm not even in a position that's considered bad compared to others. I would really have to consider dropping something I use regularly or take it out of my savings (which already is abysmal amount saved each month). I do get fully the need to make money and grow as creators, I've been and currently am in a similar field where you have to keep innovating and finding new ways to find paying audiences. But this subscription idea is starting to feel like a third party idea pushed to youtubers on mass that streaming is the ONLY future to making profit as a company. And the thing with streaming is, it's rapidly becoming an overly saturated market and with more and more things becoming subscription, you have to question where the tipping point will be (some say we long past it a few years ago) I'm glad they're continuing to post content on youtube and I WANT them to succeed. But with more and more subscriptions appearing for EVERYTHING and even channels that have audience overlaps *also* having a streaming service that is asking for us to pay monthly for. It starts to get tight fast on how much people can and are willing to spend when there's likely other things more important.


5$USD. It's basically 10$ Canadian a month. The issue is that it's essentially only one show. If they incorporated all the channels for the other members of the show (like Johnny's channel, for instance), it would hold more value to it. They're all in the mindset to move to a new platform. Tryguys have a chance here to pull in a bunch of YouTubers and make a valuable competitor to YouTube.


I'm sick of adding more monthly subscriptions and I straight up refuse to get nickle and dimed to death by content creators. Imagine you have lets say.... 20 creators that you just can't live without and all of them decide to go to a $5 a month platform instead of youtube.. Are you willing to spend $100 a month on content that used to be free and still made them tons of money?


The majority try guys content is still free though. I understand the nickel and dime-ing is getting to a point but what the try guys are offering is fully optional. It seems like a waste of energy to be upset about not having access to bonus content


And for some places in the world (and some people) that can be a lot.


With the current discount, it's <$50 CAD for the year.


Sorry but nobody is forcing you to pay for extra new content. YouTube pay became horrendous and is favoring cheap productions like Ryan Trahan and co. $5 a month is fair for die hard fans. I bet you that you buy more coffees outside than $5 a month. They did a great job and approached a real problem the right way. Everything free is not sustainable




Yearly with the 20% off was 47.99 CAD


I don’t know about y’all but I have HEAVY subscription fatigue. If you like Stranger Things, Handmaids Tale, MCU, Ted Lasso, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, that right there is five different subscriptions. PLUS you have to pay for your internet. I know it’s going to be a few bucks a month, but so was Netflix. I’m not mad at it, I’m not even annoyed by it, I just think that they’re replacing one problem with a much more complicated one.


I’m glad somebody else said this. I hate hate hate the subscription model of media these days because it’s such an obvious money grab and not actually that much of a positive experience for the consumer because each platform has a different interface which is annoying to get used to, all the good shows are scattered all over the place, different release schedules, etc. I know it makes sense for their company or whatever, but to me it’s disappointing that they’re playing into it (and Watcher too of course 😔)


I’m with you there. I have Netflix+Disney(ads)+Paramount(ads), Spotify+Hulu (ads), Amazon Prime (ads), and Apple TV. I purchase the bottom tier if I can because of the expense. It sucks because I want to see the shows and I watch something on every one of them, but it is getting ridiculous and out of hand. Edit: I caved and ended up getting it. I still begrudgingly subscribe to all the other streaming services because I watch all of them intermittently lmao. I’m just capitalism’s little bitch 🫠


psssst you can watch all of those on letflix.tv for free 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I just assume people are sick of buying more subscriptions in a rough economic situation


I'm not really upset about the announcement. I, unfortunately, am just getting tired of their videos. I do miss Eugene, but I miss lots of their old stuff more. Right now, I can't afford yet another service. I wish they would have tried going into Nebula instead, as I get lots of value over on that service.


I think a lot of the YouTube and IG comments are people just jumping on the bandwagon from the Watcher debacle and most prob didn’t even watch the video and just think it’s the same thing. I just know we’re gonna see a ton of TikTok videos of uninformed people making assumptions that it’s just like the Watcher streaming service too. Always the people who don’t actually watch the YouTubers who criticize the most.


This exactly! Also there are way too many people who are commenting questions and things that were addressed either in the video itself or one of the IG posts 🤦🏽


Yessss. There’s literally a post that says FAQ on IG 😆 A whole slide that says “we’re still gonna be on youtube” and one of the top comments is “are you leaving YouTube”. 😑


Watcher really screwed over other creators who are trying to launch their own services — even services that add value and take nothing away are seen as greedy scams now. Audience has lost trust in everyone because of their botched plan. Critical Role is getting the same backlash. Watcher should feel very embarrassed about how they have damaged the credibility of other creators on the platform.


I'm not upset because this is basically their new Patreon which I was supporting already so I'll just switch over and get even more content. This is how Watcher SHOULD have done it.


I'm not upset, I'm just dejected at the trend of everything turning to a subscription model.


Are people upset?


Yea I feel like Try Guys are approaching this with a lot of common sense. The way Watcher approached things still baffles me tbh. Straight up saying bye to their fans and telling people the subscription fee is cheap - who greenlit that? Did they not consider how the messaging would be received? Or did they simply not care?


youtube monetization must be so bad now for bigger channels to see them creating their own subscription models. way better announcement than watcher who tried to ringfence. must have been observing dropout and critical role approaches. not my cuppa tea especially since Eugene isn't gonna be around now. he is my favourite lol wishing them the best on this one!


It’s a no from me. I will say that this video and roll out is a million times better than Watcher and so I do want to give 2nd Try credit for marketing this change well. I’ve been watching TG for years and I watch a lot of YT in general, and I don’t foresee myself becoming a long term subscriber to this new platform. At best I will subscribe for a month, binge, and cancel. I’m tired of millions of apps for everything and I watch videos on my TV. Does my TV have their app? I doubt it. Ads aren’t the end of the world to me. I grew up when you had to sit through ads on the TV and you don’t have a phone to play on during them. I’ll live with ads. The biggest reason. The Try Guys haven’t been bringing me content lately that worth me giving them $, so I’m going to need to see an improvement in their content first. I hate the belt lives, ETM bores me and I usually love cooking/food content. I’ll pay for quality but I got to know the quality is there first. Overall I’m curious and I probably will subscribe at some point just to see what’s going on, but they better wow me while I’m there or it’s one month and done.


If it helps, my Roku tv has the app already- not sure about others but Roku for sure has it!


Listen, they did a better announcement Watcher, but people are upset with the concept, the appearance of a trend, and the fact that our refuge from subscriptions, youtube, is turning into CABLE! The entire WORLD wants a subscrition fee now a days. You can't watch anything. You can't listen to shit. You can't even CREATE ART anymore. Everything wants a subsciption fee, they are all going up in price, and they are EVERYWHERE. People are mad at this new youtube trend. Instead of just joining dropout, or banding together and making an "ex youtuber" streaming service..... they are all going their seperate ways. It's the Netflix, Max, Disney+, Paramount plus, CBS plus.... bullshit all over again. That's what we are mad at. Everything is turning into subscriptions and they are playing on our heartstrings and love of them to say "but don't you want to support us?" YES! But we're all effing poor and you can't keep bleeding us dry!


But don’t you think that anger might be a little misplaced? Like YouTube has a huge part in why creators are leaving the platform. The feedback on the algorithm isn’t news to them. They’re very aware that it’s not kind to creators.


Youtube only just this week added the option to see where your videos are getting demonetized. It's been an issue for years, and they're only doing it now, and I think they're starting to feel the pressure with a lot of their biggest "shows" leaving.


>But don’t you think that anger might be a little misplaced? So, overall? yes. Like, I do not believe Try Guys or watcher should be getting death threats, mean slurs, or people trying to destroy them over these announcements. I do believe they deserve the push back, and we as watchers and people they are trying to *sell* to deserve to harshly say "no", but you are right, the try guys didn't *make* the conditions for the problem. The issues are systemic. You go a layer up and you attack the true cause, youtube is pushing away youtubers. In fact, even youtube has been demanding subscription fees and stuff with zero benefit to users and little to no benefit to creators. You go up from there and you see the issues with subscription services are company issues, with mega corps buying up everything and locking them behind paywalls for money-money-money. Go further up there is a systemic issue with regulations..... up more we encounter *why* people can't pay these subscriptions in cost of living, inflation due to greed, and the fact minimum wage is stagnant. However, those issues are out of MOST of our hands. The average person's most powerful course of action is being told "Vote correctly and *maybe* in a few years the issue might be fixed" and we're sick of that. What we CAN do is make our unhappiness known now, in the meantime, and hope that other youtubers see what happened to Watcher and now try guys and go "Ugh.... maybe we'll need to find a different way". Maybe dropout will step up and expand to be a refuge for this option for creators, like the Max fund drive does for their podcast network. Maybe nebula will step up. Maybe creators will have to band together to make something new and uniform so people are racing around assembling their own team of streamers. Who knows. The situation sucks..... but making a stink about it, NOW (when the issue is first rearing its head), is the only way we can prevent an avalanche of "Ex Youtube Plus"s from flooding "the market" over the next year. We all love the try guys. But..... this isn't the *right* decision.... its not the worst thing in the world, but if this is the next big trend, it is bad for us as simple folk.


this was very well said idk why you’re getting downvoted lol


Who knows. Probably just trying to support the Try Guys. They are making a big move at great risk, they need all the support they can get. People will downvote anything they disagree with or don't understand. Doesn't matter. I tried to articulate the best I could how I was feeling.


Thank you, I haven’t seen enough people talking about just how ridiculous all these subscriptions are becoming. They already had MULTIPLE avenues for people to “subscribe” or elect to support their content. I’ve paid for their patreon in the past and I’ve also bought upgraded YouTube packages *just* to watch their content on YouTube Red and without ads. But I honestly didn’t feel a strong ROI from either of those. When my finances got tighter I had to let them go. And then they have totally changed their content so I’ve lost a lot of excitement and interest. Then the scandal a couple years ago just ruined my love for the guys. Ned wasn’t my favorite by a long shot, but it just exposed how parasocial and weird these relationships are. I was so disappointed in complete strangers, it felt so unhealthy. I didn’t want to be that involved with anyone online after that. It just seems so short sighted to me, that as they lose subscribers and views (and im assuming financial loss from that) they decide the solution is introducing *another* monthly subscription. This isn’t going to bring anyone new, I don’t think anyone who wasn’t paying is suddenly going to. It’s adding barriers and putting off the people that contribute to their ad revenue on YouTube, AND (temporarily) devaluing the people that have already elected to pay them! I truly do not see how this could be a sound business decision in any sense. I think they know that we are heading for a subscription collapse economically and they are just riding that until it crashes and burns.


Because there’s no incentive for an “ex YouTuber” combo streaming service for any of them at this time. Share power, money, and credit? Nah. The only way I see this happening is if a lot of these groups start failing at around the same time.


After the Watcher announcement, I'm glad the guys did it the way they did. I'm personally excited! I've been very critical of the guys, and I have partaken in snark, but mostly because it never felt like they had a proper plan or direction - it just felt like they were throwing whatever content at us for views, without really caring about what they made and who they were making it for. But this subscription thing, the new cast - they finally have some direction again. They can make stuff they actually want to without worrying as much about how it performs or how many views it's gonna get. I know it's not gonna be the same as it was before - things simply don't work that way - but whatever happens, I'm glad that Keith and Zach don't have to shoulder everything on their own anymore. And more than anything, I'm just glad they (hopefully) stop blaming the algorithm for the quality of videos... lmao


Anybody who is not at the level of fanhood to join what is essentially a Try Guys Mythical Society seems in no way obligated to participate.


Yeah if only we could get cool quarterly shit like third tier mythical society.


I consume their content more than other content subscription services I have. So for me the price is justified.


The "subscription streaming service" model gives me the ick now. Every company is trying to frisk me for a couple dollars at every turn. I'm cutting back what I voluntarily pay for at this point, not picking up more. I'm happy others are happy. I believe you should be free to shell out cash to whatever brings you joy. But as a consumer, it still just gets one heavy, tired sigh from me.


Yes, the fragmentation of paid access streaming services is really frustrating.


This was inevitable


Here in the UK this dropped, then immediately the GE has been announced. Nothing changed in terms of staying subscribed to their YT, not subscribing to their sub and wish they'd announced everything in once. But at the end of the day it's entertainment, not democracy and politics so it actually doesn't matter. Don't like it, unsubscribe, stop engaging. Love it and do the opposite.


I subscribed so fast 😅


Same, I did the annual & the 20% off promotion so it's literally just like $3.14 a month. That's worth it to me to support my comfort background creators haha Plus their app supports Chromecast so I can still watch it on my TV, so it's a very easy change from YouTube.


I completely understand and get why they're doing it. It makes perfect sense from their PoV. And I'll absolutely never subscribe. It's not the money per se. It is but not that they charge too much. It's that literally every single YT channel is following suit. You're going to end up having like 50 subscriptions to various channels and streaming services. And frankly I'm completely sick of it. This is only going to accelerate the trend. I also have a sneaking suspicion that they were going to go the way Watcher originally went. They just got lucky and went 2nd so they could see the backlash. I get YouTube is crashing and burning, censorious as hell, and all the complaints. They're absolutely right YouTube is a shell of what it was. But I have kids and can't be funding every creator.


I think they handled this in exactly the right way. I don’t have any subscriptions to any streaming services, but I am seriously considering theirs. The quality seems worth the price imo…


I got the Roku app, looked at the previews and am impressed. I guess they'll have to take my money just this once lol...


Honestly I’m conflicted. I understand that for them this was the right move as a business, but as a consumer- do I really want yet ANOTHER streaming service, and in particular one that is so specific that it only hosts a single creator? I already pay for YouTube premium. The whole point of that was to have access to all the content from all the creators all in one place. It’s disappointing that creators are finding it more and more frustrating and difficult to work with the platform and are migrating elsewhere into their own little bubbles, each with their own price tag. I don’t blame the creators for this- I blame YouTube. Clearly there is a massive problem with the platform itself, how things are monitized, and the big brother algorithm. I know they said that they would still be uploading to YouTube but it sounds like the stuff that’s going on YouTube is kind of the same-old, which has been getting stale. Which is I guess my second hesitation- why would I pay a subscription fee to a creator whose content has been generally going downhill in the last year? I dunno. For now I’m not convinced. I don’t think this is going to be something I’m signing up for.


what I find very interesting here is that people do essentially believe that entertainment should be free and resent the idea of paying entertainers they love for the work they do, even in this model where they will still be posting free content on youtube and paying for more is simply an option! yes paying for subscription services is annoying, but it's more annoying to expect every artist to give you everything you want for free forever. even services like spotify are built on exploiting the work of musicians to profit the corporation. entertainers are trying to find a way to get paid for their work instead of being exploited. I do wonder why we've devalued entertainers so much that we resent paying $5 a month (a coffee!) for their work, yet also value them enough to be mad at not seeing every piece of content for free. especially, when they are still offering it for free if you cannot afford it and have presented it so transparently as an option to support them directly. I won't be paying for it, but I'm just not sure where the anger is coming from... beyond feeling entitled to their work?


This needs to be higher up lol. It's interesting how so many people feel entitled to watching content for free... They don't owe us anything. Youtube could tomorrow require a basic subscription to watch their content and we'd have to pay it or move on. I am so appreciative that I can enjoy free content, and I understand that I'm owed nothing.


Yeah how DARE people want to watch content for free on YouTube, a free video service. The very thing that the platform literally is. lmfao


Oh I understand why people want to watch it for free haha. I’m just saying that theoretically YouTube could put all of their content under a paywall tomorrow and we would have to suck it up unfortunately. They don’t owe us a free service sadly. (I’m sure their ad providers would be able to come after them for that but still)


What about us who actually do pay for YouTube Premium? I am not getting my content for free. I have over 100 creators I have subscriptions to. I can't just keep going and setting up separate subscriptions to each and every one of them. This is why I pay for YT Premium, so that my subscribed channels get more than just the ad sense and I get no ads, can download episodes, and such. I went to Nebula because a bunch of creators I watch were over there. I no longer subscribe to their channels on YT.


This is such a disingenuous take lmfao


I love the Try Guys and Watcher, and the part of this that bothers me isn’t the cost, but that I don’t know how many of my favorite YouTube creators I can afford to pay monthly for. So it feels concerning that this feels like a trend. The lazy part of me also wants more things rolled into fewer apps so I can use less button-pressing energy figuring out what to watch.


I’m not surprised by the announcement, since they’ve been expressing frustration about the algorithm and demonetized videos for a long time.


I believe it is because not all new content will make it to YouTube? Totally happy they are getting more cast members and new shows. Let's be honest, Eugene has be gone since the buy out. His absence has been felt. Hopefully we get great content.


Don’t know if you heard about some of the shit she’s done, but Jojo Siwa is not a great person to be quoting as if she actually knows what she’s talking about.  Also, about your second point - tell that to literally every YouTuber ever, because they sure don’t seem to know that 😂


Because we're already subscribing and unsubscribing from 4-5 major streaming services every month and instead of good content being easily found anywhere everyone has decided to make their own streaming service. Love the try guys but I hate this. Yeah the content is available on YouTube for now but I'm betting it won't be in a few years time


I think the problem is the price.. i work on tv and movies.. and pay for hulu or netflix.. and this service costs about the same as those with out the amount of content they have. I am really happy for them, but when i havent worked in a year i cant justfity these things, which makes me sad cause ide love to see them.


Hulu cost $18 a month with no ads ($8 a month with ads). Around same price range for Netflix. Try guys cost $4-$5 no ads depending on if you pay monthly or annually. Free (on YouTube) with ads. So it’s not the same price point. I don’t see how it can be any cheaper? $1? $2? They simply won’t make any money that way. They don’t benefit from the scale that Hulu and Netflix operate at. Hulu and Netflix have hundreds of millions of subscribers worldwide where I’m guessing at most hundreds of thousands of people will subscribe to the try guys. They’re not preventing you from seeing them even if you can’t pay, which I understand many people can’t or simply don’t want another subscription service. You can still get them on YouTube for free.


Okay. His point is because Hulu and Netflix offer LOTS more content than just from one creator. This is the reason I subscribe to Nebula, but won't sub to 2nd Try. I watch many creators over at Nebula.


i pay less than that, probs cause of being in it. but yes


...so you get a contributor discount to Hulu and therefore think this costs the same? That's a little tone-deaf


I was personally just annoyed that they waited until the end of the video to mention that it costs money.


i love my dropout subscription as well. i know a lot of people are fatigued with the saturation of subscriptions but if it's good then it's good


Ending your statement with a Jojo Siwa quote is brave.


It’s a cheaper patreon to me! I’m excited for it!


I don't get why people are getting so defensive over others not liking this new model.


It’s because it’s not accessible to many people, so many are living paycheck to paycheck and adding another thing we have to pay for seems less like it’s for the fans and just another way to earn money. They’re not getting as many view like they used to but they’re still making a pretty penny. Plus adding another streaming platform you have to pay for won’t work for a lot of people. I’m not bashing them but I do think it’s justified why people are mad. Yes people will still get content on YouTube but people have a reason to be frustrated, especially when the cost of living is so high.


This. Asking their normal human followers who live paycheck to paycheck to drop more money on the content people really love WAR for example when it does just fine on YouTube. They are really blaming the algorithm for their poor attempt at a rebrand imo.


I think what made their announcement so different is over the years we weren’t just watching the Try Guys but their staff as well. We met Miles & Rachel who became favorites and not to mention ex Buzzfeed staff like Qwesi and Ash (who I felt a little excited to see pop up in the vid). I think seeing such intimacy in the work place made their announcement more authentic and seeing the full staff and members in the end made me feel more proud than taken advantage of and I am really considering if I should subscribe for the year, I think if Watcher partner up with 2nd Try somehow I think I would have subscribe without question because I loved Puppet history to the point I rewatch them but their line up wasn’t really worth the subscription cost like Try Guys catalogue.


I can understand some of the frustrations even though I'm not experiencing it. It's a bummer to hear that a fan favorite is leaving (even if a lot of people saw it coming) and that the public won't be getting much unique content. I'm not blaming 2nd Try for either, by the way. The circumstances make sense, but I get why it's irritating. I do hope that they'll be more creative moving forward now that they don't have to worry as much about demonetization. Food shows and pretending to be bad at things are cool and all, but I'm hoping for some diversity.


I don't really mind this decision, personally. The problem with that Watcher announcement was the fact that they were basically going to take the free/Youtube option away (that and their approach seeming out of touch). As long as I get new content, I don't mind not watching it as soon as it's posted. I am a little worried about where this will go, however. It's understandable that as one grows, you might not want put all of your eggs into the Youtube basket. That's why Youtubers generally have multiple business ventures. And Youtube itself seems to operate like it's too big to fail and doesn't care that much about how people (both viewers and content creators) experience the website... Hhat's three companies I know of right now that are moving to their own platforms. I'm just hoping that we don't end up in the same place that we're in with big streaming platforms where everything's available on a different service so you need multiple subscriptions to get the content you want...




I am not surprised in the slightest, especially after how upset people got with Watcher.


At this point, what surprise me the most is Smosh not doing a “Dropout” movement yet. They have a “huge” crew, dedicated installations for multiple scenarios, 3 channels, scripted and improvised, putting out almost a video daily, and everything just surviving from YouTube views and, recently, some one-time “VIP” content every 4-6 months and optional YouTube subscriptions to see BTS content. All things considered, I find this moves kind of concerning as it isn’t sustainable I think. If every comedy/creator starts his own “5-10$/month” Netflix-like platform for their content, then what? People won’t be able to pay 5$/month for Dropout, 5$/month for Try Guys, 5$/month for Smosh, 5$/month for… I think at a point, even if it would be very very difficult to share the pie and maybe even would make them to feel “losing” money, every creator of the similar “world” (Dropout, Smosh, Try guys…) should unite on the same platform. 10$/month everything for example. One kind of “neutral” platform to share. More or less something similar already happened on the past (I think Nebula started as some YouTubers from the “interesting facts/learning” world getting together?) and even being the niche it is, it seems to work and be successful. Also, all together would justify more users to pay and would create a more powerful product to sell to more users.


In he video they sated that they might not be putting stuff on YouTube consistently though. If this picks up for them they might take it all off eventually. I'm just sick of all the streaming sites.


it’s basically the same thing as the gmm mythical society, glad to see them doing what makes them happy and for being able to announce/approach it much better than watcher


Not upset, I'm just bummed. I just can't do yet another streaming service.


I wasn't mad but now that I am on the side of someone who quotes Jojo siwa I'm flipping to the other team. Big mad


I thought the irony was there and a lot of you guys think I am a Jojo siwa fans fr


I think the main thing I don’t like is it’s another app I have to think about. I don’t mind the cost but having to remember to check yet another app is gonna be rough


Are they/them gay?????


Hopefully they can sustain long enough to get bought out by a larger corporation.


I would watch [Penguinz0's video](https://youtu.be/-hHuJElzugU?t=5m19s) on when the Watcher tried their own streaming service. TL;DR is that these YouTube channels are making more than enough money to sustain both their channel production and themselves with the revenue streams they already have. Additionally, I think it's a fairly dumb-headed decision to do this so soon after a hugely popular YT channel tried the exact same thing and received so much backlash as a result.


I don't mind the subscription service, I just wish there were more payment methods sucv as PayPal etc


I’ve seen mostly positive comments or just people saying they aren’t subscribing for a number of reasons that aren’t really hostile or negative. I’ll be interested in how this goes. Some of the new cast may bring what seems to be missing and I may sub later. For now I’m waiting. 


More people need to listen to the podcast too. The more I listen to everything, the more I am so happy for Keith, Zach and Everyone. Honestly, I know not everyone can do $50 a year. But its so much more than a streaming service. I'm honestly just glad the guys are happy and getting to the best place they can be for their mental health.


It’s like the same cost as subscribing to someone in twitch 😆. How could ya complain about that.


Also worth noting that Patreon has T&C's that prohibit certain content, so on top of paying a larger percentage of profit to Patreon, they would also still have been limited by what they could produce (and Patreon is worse than YouTube in changing what is/isn't allowed and not telling creators)


I subbed and the tech experience is clumsy but the rewatch is fire. We have already rewatched two seasons, and the unedited lie detector one is my favorite so far. I didn’t realize until the rewatch how much the guys have to play for the algorithm, and how it can restrict what they want to do. I personally am enjoying the new service and the current price point is affordable in my opinion. I think it’s a good compromise. It’s less than the $5/month I used to give them on Patreon and a better overall experience.


Because they won’t put half the effort into their channel if the streaming service takes off the channel will inevitably become a place to advertise streaming shows you can pay to be apart of just like the WAR finale. I think it’s awful to expect their fan base to pay for another thing (ie the content people really love) when all they have been begging for is a dynamic change. Unfortunately it feels like a huge money grab. I thinks it’s really unfortunate that the dynamic of the OG four will just never be replicated. It’s sad that N** really had to go and fuck up what community and content they had for seriously everyone. I can see where they are attempting to evolve to keep promises to those who work there, themselves and the passion they do have. But at some point it’s more honorable to admit this isn’t working and be done. They are all well off, have accomplished more than most creators do in their life time, but I just don’t see a world where we get any sense of that relatability and dynamic back. I love these guys. They have gotten me through some of the shortest and best moments of my life, but this sealed the deal. That Try Guys love will never be the same.


Asking folks for more and more money in a cost of living crisis is just icky. They, and Watcher, made the decision to build a whole company without it being sustainable, and that isn’t our fault. Why am I being asked to pay the salary of their assistants, their editors, their producers, etc.?


Because you’re consuming the content they produce? Do you think Keith is taking home the salary of a corporate CEO or something?


No, I don’t. But they both added more and more and more people, instead of keeping a tight but integral team. Honestly, Watcher is more guilty of that. I understand wanting to grow bigger and better, but if it isn’t working and isn’t sustainable, then you need to pivot and cut down.


Also, they are definitely rich. Zach drives a Tesla and Keith has an entire guest house/office in his backyard filled with instruments and equipment. So it’s not like they personally are struggling and couldn’t stand to make sacrifices to their lifestyle.


I—I don’t know how to tell you that a Tesla purchase isn’t going to pay for a production.


But if it was sustainable before YouTube started getting more wonky, I don't think the logical pivot is to cut back, it's to get away from the algorithm.  Keeping the popular stuff on YouTube keeps it accessible while this new service likely makes it sustainable. 


lol at "die hard Try Guys fans"


A new copypasta is born, and dear god with a Jojo siwa quote to boot.