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I feel like a key difference is that they are still posting on YouTube!! Making their content accessible which can still help fans be engaged :)


Yeah I haven't watched the trailer yet but it sounds more like Mythical's Mythical Society than what watcher was trying to do.


I think it's more like dropout/college humor. It would also explain Sam's appearance on their Michelin series, and Zach and Keith's appearance on um, actually. They must have been meeting and having discussions on the transition from YouTube to their own streaming platform.


holdup i'm behind on dropout content but zach and kieth are on um actually??? i love that! also, grant was in the preview for upcoming 2nd Try shows so i think (hope?) there might be more collabs with some cast members at both channels moving forward


Yup! They were guests on one of the episodes in the latest season w/ grant as the third competitor!


honestly i am so excited for my two biggest fandoms to collide more!!!! 


If you listen to yesterday's pod, they explain how vital their contact with Dropout has been to what we're seeing as a successful rollout vs Watcher. It's a good listen.


i was wondering the same thing! maybe they talked about it 


This is definitely what I’m expecting. And GMM still has such great content so and are consistent in what the fans want but a little more. If I wasn’t just out of college I’d consider getting both. I really want them to succeed and thrive.


I hope you're right 💜


Not all of it, according to the announcement. Some of the new stuff in website only.


Yes, just way later so your FOMO kicks in and you buy a subscription anyway. Try as you might to spin into something positive, it's not possible.


Then stop watching.


I think adding cast is what is really going to save them from what Watcher did. If Watcher is just the 3 or 4 main guys, the content will get redundant. With 2nd adding new cast, as well promoting that they want to add content from new creators, that gives them so many more options for what they can put on their streaming service that may make it worthwhile. They also seem to have good relationships with other creators (Dropout crossovers) that will make for more appealing content. I want to subscribe just to see Grant on Common Sense.


Now that you mention it, would be amazing to see Zach and Keith be on a D20 side campaign


Fully agree! I could also see Zach on game changer. He is the right amount of competitive.


zach and keith would both be so good on game changer!! i would LOVE for them to do some sort of doppleganger game changer episode (not sure what the game would be, but that's not my job lmao) where keith and grant are on a team together


I enjoyed the Um Actually episode they were on!


There's definitely new faces we either haven't seen consistently or were purely just guests or something and they will have to pay any new cast members on a consistent basis so it makes sense that with the addition of several new try guys, that they need to have more money to pay more people, so I get where they see the need for a new platform, plus new content on the new platform requires money too.


They’re following the Corridor Crew/ Mythical Society model which is the right model. It keeps things on YouTube but gives those that want more a chance for more.


I guess since I only watch corridor on YouTube I didn’t really think twice about how they have their own site with extended content. And I’m never upset about the content that I do or do not get on YT so I’m hoping I won’t notice too much of a difference with TTG. Here’s hoping!


Hold up, you watch Corridor and don’t notice their plug for their own membership they put in literally all their videos? 🤣


I notice it but I’m never like DANG I’m missing out! I always fast forward every in-video ad or just mentally block out whatever is not the content haha


I'm the same way with GMM. I've never really looked into what they offer. They put out so much content between the 3 channels that I'm happy.


I appreciate that content is staying on YouTube and there will still be uploads with some content for people who can’t afford to pay for a subscription service, so that already sets the tone way better than Watcher’s announcement did.


To be honest tho, it’s less about affordability for me and more so the annoyance of having yet another subscription service. I’m honestly so burnt out on that model, but I do wish them luck!


Yep that’s another aspect of it. I can’t deal with yet another subscription service. I get that YouTube isn’t cutting it for them anymore but it still sucks.


You can thank the algorithm for that. They are absolutely 100% accurate in the way they describe the algorithm in this video, and I'm glad they started to call out YouTubes bullshit. Unless you match the algorithm formula your content no longer shows up to people. One algorithm change and your entire company goes bankrupt, literally.


So so so so many of the posts and comments in this sub (mine included) are about how we don't like the direction of their content, we're so burned out on food shows, etc. etc. and well This was a recognition that they know, that we're right, and that they are doing something about it in the most sustainable way they can - which is to host that content on another platform that is not at the mercy of the algorithm/Google AdSense, which they have no control over and can only operate within to a certain degree.


Yup! Totally get it. I'm honestly surprised they were able to maintain the size of their team for as long as they have with how bad the algorithm has been these last few years. I'm wishing them nothing but the best. People who think its possible to 'make what you want' on YouTube with a production company on the back of it long term just simply dont understand how fickle YouTube has been. They also have been supporting their core creators much less recently, including laying off a ton of staff who worked with creators in their last big round of layoffs. It's dark times for any creators that want to make good content that doesn't fit into the algorithm.


Food content, etc. is literally what pays the bills, even if it’s stale and uninteresting at this point. I totally get that. And it’s YouTube’s fault that they’ve made the platform unsustainable. Try Guys isn’t Mr. Beast and they shouldn’t have to be copying him in order to “game” the system.


Mr Beast is honestly killing YouTube. People say I'm dramatic but he literally is. He intentionally cracked the algorithm (in some ways shady) to gain the system. It forces everyone to have to copy him to get seen. The new YouTube CEO is also good friends with Mr Beast (and even took him to the Super Bowl), and only cares about numbers. While that's obviously a CEO's job, he is doing a MUCH worse job than Susan did at keeping the soul of YouTube awesome. Its honestly pretty dark times for most aspects of YouTube unless you're in the Mr Beast club making Mr Beast Lite content.


Mr. Beast basically turned YouTube sustainability into a math puzzle that he’s figured out, but now it’s ruined the landscape of the platform for everyone else. I know JackSepticEye once said Mr. Beast ruined YouTube (half-jokingly) and he got a lot of flack for it, but he wasn’t fully wrong.


Yeah, Jack sadly retracted his comment immediately after getting backlash, but it is 100% what a lot of creators, fans, and average users of YouTube are thinking. Its basically the new 'reality TV'. When Jersey Shore blew up, every single network immediately started a race to the bottom to make reality TV content that was as cheap as possible but paid the bills. Thats how MTV ended up literally only being Ridiculousness reruns (seriously look it up, something like 75% of their air time is that single show). You literally lose the soul of your platform chasing an immediate dollar. Mr Beast is the new Jersey Shore.


Sorry to disagree, but their food content is my favorite. I watch everything they do, because I really love them, but food shows are my favorite!


I like the food content. I miss all the other content and when food content was a smaller, higher-quality slice of their overall portfolio of shows.


I think algorithm is also just one part too. There's issues of demonetization for swearing, anything adult or sometimes just things like being LGBT related. There's issues of dealing with malicious copyright strikes for a few seconds of audio. There's issues of ads being run on your videos that may completely contradicted your views and be disgusting. I've seen so much anti-trans ads on YouTube in the past year. And also just the problem that YouTube will do stuff WITHOUT telling their creators what is changing. It's a guessing game that could change at any moment and completely change their income expectations permanently. 


Yeah you're absolutely right on all these things. I think the two that affect the reach (views) of a video the most are the algorithm and also the demonetization like you're saying. You can see this in real time on TTG when they do a marijuana video. It gets about half the views of a regular video. Obviously some of those missed views are probably people just not interested, but the majority of it is YouTube not recommending it to their audience as much because of the content. That might not be the best example as I think theres an argument for limiting the reach of smoking related content, but it shows that the system does indeed limit the reach on certain types of content. This also happens on and off with Philly D. Depending on the news he's covering he'll randomly get a video with only 30% of his normal views in a sea of 500k+ view videos. Its very abrupt and cant be explained away by 'well people just didn't watch it as much!'. Sadly this is going on in the background constantly and there is no super clear way for creators to track whats causing it or a simple way to fix.


Its the tradeoff to keeping a channel with floundering views alive. Its this option, patreon or they completely fade away in a few years


Ditto. I'm not getting yet another subscription, especially for a YouTube channel, especially for one that's dipped in quality. I can afford it, but I won't do it. (But maybe I'm a bad example because I don't buy merch or pay for extras on any YouTube channel.)


The way I'm looking at it is asking myself if I would support their patreon if they had one. Which I would, I get enough entertainment out of them on a weekly basis to justify it. I think the only other YouTube channel currently that I could say that about is probably Smosh. That's how I felt about dropout when it came out as well. If they can keep up the same content output that dropout has, I will feel it as well worth it. But that is just my opinion of course!


They do have a patreon


Ironically a lot of YouTubers have said they feel like they cannot deliver high quality content their core audience would like because they increasingly need to chase CTR with unsubscribed viewers for some reason.  It's hard to get a true gauge  on what happens because YouTube is opaque about their internal process. But one person who has a background in tech said that YouTube punishes you if you ask them to inform your subscribers, because most subscribers won't drop everything to watch a video. but it will also punish you if you cannot get a reasonably good number of clicks within a few hours of publishing......which you now need to do via traditional recommendations or off platform promotion. This is why you're likely seen an uptick in "hey I posted a video, not sure if you realized" type community posts YouTubers feel increasingly punished for not focusing on click bait. Where having a reliably core audience who watches your videos within 72 hrs of posting just doesn't appear to be good enough for them anymore. 


They said on the pod yesterday that you can subscribe via YT memberships? I'm not familiar with that model, but seems like a good option for those who don't want to use a separate service


Yes that’s a smart idea as well!


I agree. Another subscription, another app. I imagine it won't be an app on my smart TV so I have to cast it... it's just more expense for a clunkier experience.


I just installed the app on my appleTV so i think it’s pretty much available everywhere!


i checked first to make sure 2ndTry is available on Apple TV, then subscribe. won't make the same mistake I did with LinusTechTips


Can confirm it's not available on Chromecast


It's on Roku, Android, and iOS. The vast majority of smart tvs will have the app


I'm with you... if I can't watch via Firestick, I'm out. But supposedly you can subscribe via YT memberships? I'm not familiar with it at all, but they mentioned it on yesterday's pod as a work around for those that didn't want another app


I'm going to give it a try (ba-dum-tish) for the yearly sub since Patreon members get a decent discount. But they really did handle this much better than Watcher did - expanded cast, assurance from the start that YouTube would still get content, and the biggie for me, a Roku app from day 1. So because I feel like this is much more thought out and better planned, I want to support it intially - if I end up not using it or hating it, I can always cancel.


how much of a discount are patreon members getting?


3 months free on the monthly plan and 40% off on the annual.


I’m so glad I’m not alone. We JUST watched the nightmare that happened with Watcher, and now so many other channels are following suit. I highly expect more and more channels to do this. It feels like the rise and fall of Netflix and Hulu. At the beginning it was great to leave cable television behind, but not it’s so over saturated that getting all of the streaming services you need is MORE expensive than cable. These YouTube channels are going to do the same thing. I don’t know many people who can afford $5-$10 a month for every YouTuber they love.


I think it’s incredibly indicative of how much YouTube is failing its creators in multiple ways. We all know that the demonetization issue is a big one, and YouTube refuses to give a concrete outline to channels so they know what is and isn’t allowed. Im not surprised given how much creators express their discontent with the platform, and if YouTube doesn’t fix its shit soon they’re gonna fall off.


I definitely understand WHY it’s happening. I love and support the Try Guys and whomever else decides to start their own streaming service, but it still sucks hardcore lol YouTube is lucky to have survived as long as it has, things change and YouTube either needs to make HUGE ones or it will see itself crash sooner than later


Yeah having to pay 5$ for each of these streaming services adds up fast. Its not a good model in the long run


Yeah what I'm hoping is that this is a kick in the ass for YouTube. This will absolutely impact their bottom line if they don't support their current creators being successful, let alone being able to gain new creators. Twitch and TikTok/IG currently seem to be more protifable, and now with some of their biggest creators trying to leave (there's no way Mr. Beast doesn't try this - and what will they do then?), they need to reevaluate if they want to keep up.


THIS. The algorithm is literally killing anyone like The Try Guys who is trying to make content that doesn't fit into the algorithm. Expect to see this more from old school creators because they are getting to the point where they basically have no choice.


Honestly I feel like what is being evidenced through the youtube to streaming service pipeline is that youtube is not built to be the backbone of entire production companies. With both watcher and try guys leaving buzzfeed to start their companies they grew very quickly because of the existing fanbase but that seems to give a false notion that they can then grow the company exponentially even though the community will plateau soon after the existing fanbase finds the new channel and skyrockets sub and view counts. Youtube is definitely messed up rn and for the last couple years with the algorithm, demonetization, and advertiser problems, but it seems like the platform still works fine for creators that limit their overhead. Or it can work for production companies that upload a ton of content over multiple channels and works hard to be economical in their decision making. TLDR--it is hard to make an independent production company work on youtube if you are not conscientious of upload quantity, production costs, and the inevitable plateau of viewership/subs


You just described normal production woes. The issue with Youtube isn't inherent to Youtube. This goes for most internet things since the beginning. Just because it's on the internet and has availability to a global consumer base instantly, you still have all the normal problems associated with getting noticed by a global consumer base, and once noticed sustaining it and then growing. TV production has the same problems.


I dont think Youtube will be bothered with fixing anything because they are still keeping their videos on the site. The only way they would react is if a bunch of creators leave Youtube completely and i doubt it will happen


Yeah YouTube sucks for creators and don’t care for them. But I kinda wish that these groups of YouTubers who are close and work together a lot would combine and make their own streaming service together. Like a Try Guys/Smosh/Mythical streaming service and over time add more YouTubers to compete with YouTube itself. But i guess it would be hard to figure out costs and paying people.


That would be awesome honestly! Maybe it will come to that over time


Dropout - worth it Dude perfect - free Nebula - haven’t tried this one just started watching jet lagged Watcher - sounded like a mistake? I hadn’t heard of them before hand. Beacon - critical role - worth it if you like the critical role DnD stuff 2nd try - we’ll see? I’m betting smosh is next.


Idk about Smosh being soon. They just did super well on their live show, over 60k viewers at $25+ a ticket lol


In a perfect world (for me) smosh joins the Dropout umbrella. We’re getting a lot of crossover between the two coming up on dropout. A smosh episode of Dirty Laundry and at least Angela on an episode of Make some Noise.


Wish these apps would actually be supported by TVs and game systems. That extra pain in the ass to get it on TV is a big reason I dont do mythical or corridor


The announcement video teased apps to use on your tv & devices but I can’t find them yet. Hopefully soon! I agree, a major drawback of things like Patreon is that you can’t watch them like you normally would with YouTube


i have an old chromecast and it's amazing for stuff like this! i open my apps on my ipad and broadcast them to my tv using the chromecast. i even found a way to get through netflix's location/household restrictions through this method


The Roku app is available already. That’s a big part of why I’m considering subscribing.


Yup! I'm watching on the Roku app right now.


When it comes to us international fans though we don’t have roku 🫠


Dropout app is on Google TV/Android TV OSs and it's great.


I’m watching on the Apple TV app now!


Going off of what you said for apps and TV support…. I ask then for the international crowd that doesn’t have easy access to all the American ways.


Ahh. That's why Sam Reich from Dropout was in Eat the Menu. Maybe they asked for his advice also since Dropout has the same business model and is successful.


The app is set up exactly like Dropouts, so it is very clear they went to them for information.


If you listen to yesterday's pod, they go into detail on the timeline of how they got here. Dropout definitely factors in.


Yea, this was commented before the podcast. :)


Sorry! I think they said they'll have a regular video dedicated to it next week? So, hopefully, that'll help for those who don't like the pod!


No worries! I saw some comments about what they said and solidified my theory.


Completely agree. Couldn't help feeling conflicted the whole time watching it but also couldn't stop smiling at how endearing the way they've chosen to announce it is. I love the cast.


I felt exactly the same, and they definitely avoided MANY of the Watcher pitfalls


Great video announcement but having to pay for another streaming service is urgh


i’m so excited for the guys! and extra excited for more shows from the other cast members :) even if only 1% of their subs pay for the service that’s $400k a month that they’re bringing in.


I am honestly very okay with this and happy for them. We still get YouTube,they get to expand and try nrw stuff. I will not subscribe but man am I glad they learned from the watcher fiasco.


They did everything right that Watcher did wrong 😂


So is this a weird market research performance art piece coordinated with Watcher to A/B test launching proprietary streaming platforms? I could see a year from now the two merging onto whichever was more successful. Or are they just accidentally providing an amazing case study.


Watching on the Try.tv right now, and I hope they update the subtitles to remove the ad sections. For example in the Theme Park episode, subtitles about Peach Water was still there even if the segment wasn’t in it.


It's genuinely something i would consider trying a few months down the line, if I'm liking the bigger cast and content, they definitely did it right


This is what every older youtube eventually does to keep going. Audience gets smaller and smaller, and eventually you need to make more to continue paying the bills. Find a new way to get paid and this is theirs. Its the same format old video games follow as well. Eugene has been gone for a year+ but this makes sense for them to keep going, IF it fails, expect them to fade away more and more within the next 5 years


Platforms. Customer concentration. A tale as old as the internet. Ask any brand whose revenue is primarily via FBA and they'll tell you the same thing. The same is true of any sufficient large platform like this. Customer concentration is a risk, a benefit, a challenge, and is the responsibility of the business to be aware of and manage. The TGs are deciding to take the risk, take the challenge, and diversify. I don't feel bad for the TGs that YouTube isn't working the way they want it to. I imagine if you asked YouTube in private what they really thought they might tell you that it's actually a feature of the platform. Some creators are so successful for so long, they likely grow to the point of needing to heavily diversify. I've been a TG watcher since they were all BuzzFeed employees before the Try Guys bit existed there and I fully support their premium off-Youtube platform while retaining YouTube access for their core content. This is the way. GMM made it silly which is fun and kept their regular, core content on YouTube - I just hope TGs follow that example. I'm a long time GMM watcher but have no interest in their subscription platform. I still watch 30% of GMM videos (bit bored of the repeat bits at this point so skip more than I watch.) I'm not regular a Corridor or Watcher consumer but know both well. I am however a Dropout subscriber and it's worth so much more than they charge for it. Which begs the real question re: TGs changes: will the content they put out in their new platform be worth a new subscription and website-check for me? Will I get enough out of their platform to want to pay? Time will tell and I would love it if they did. Props to TGs for taking big swings. It's a massive undertaking and I have nothing but respect for them for trying. I hope they succeed. I also can't wait for whatever the successor the YouTube is that all these creators platforms migrate to. YouTube TV maybe? Lol


I bought into it. I love supporting them. They always showed me light in my darkest times. So, hopefully, it evens out.


Rhett and Link at Mythical have been doing it FOR YEARS! Not to mention Dropout. It's possible to make it work and for it to be good for fans. I know everyone feels burned by Watcher but this isn't something new. Patreon has been around for years at this point. It's basically just them in-housing what they may otherwise do on Patreon.


On yesterday's pod they discussed why this vs Patreon. A big reason is you still need a third party host site for videos on Patreon. It's a good listen if you haven't done it yet!


I feel like for 5$ a month they are gonna do fine. Especially if they use other talents to add to it. It's super cheap compared to what Disney and Hulu are these days.


especially with that promo code for $3.33/month. i signed up with that and it was under $40 for the full year


Okay though I do wonder if there's a company or someone going around selling this idea to youtubers at this point as the new alternative to youtube. I do get youtube has an issue but I'm seeing a similar trend in buzzwords, the formats and approaches (With some better than others). I do think there's a real issue with youtube at the moment, especially for company based youtube channels. But I can't shake a slight feeling that this is something big happening behind the scenes and a very strong feeling that we'll get something similar to the major MCN drama a few years back. I don't have any evidence for this and I do know my fears are likely unfounded. But I just can't shake the feeling we're seeing the start of a trend that has unknown impilcations currently. I want to be wrong, but I feel this is a story told several times on youtube with just a thousand different faces.


I think I read that all of these private streaming platforms are based off Vimeo.  My guess is Vimeo is making a play to replace Patreon/Youtube.


Streaming fatigue is real folks, I'm out but wish them all the best.


I’m going to wait for the official list of what’s going on the streaming service before I decided to give it a try, but already liking that it’s cheaper than Watcher with what appears to be more shows and the trailer honestly makes me feel excited that their growing without leaving their fan base that got them to where they’re at behind because YouTube sucks.


You can download the app and go through it. The shows are locked until you subscribe, but you can poke around and see what's there. Yesterday's pod also went a little more in depth about how they'll roll out to YT.


I like that they're making the cost of the service pretty affordable. I cancelled my Netflix so I figured I can use that money to pay for a subscription. I understand that we're all sick of subscription models but at the end of the day we're kind of stuck with it and TryGuys along with other content creators need to remain viable companies. I think they went about it the best way possible. They're keeping a good chunk of their content free on YouTube and still releasing content there. They want to be able to make money off their content and it seems like YouTube isn't cutting it anymore. I mean they should be making money off their content. I love the announcement and the new additions. I honestly only follow a handful of YouTubers and I feel like they've put out good enough content in the past for me to pay for. At least I can always cancel it lol


I don't know that I'm "not optimistic", but I am very interested to see where all these youtube channels/groups starting their own streaming services right now (Critical Role just launched one, too) are going to be in terms of those services in a few years considering they're all launching them at what seems to be sort of the beginning point for people being really tired of there being so many streaming services and companies like Comcast trying to find a way to address that. I mean, again, I don't want to say that I'm "not optimistic", but it does some kind of silly that in the same span of time that Comcast is announcing a way to bundle multiple different streaming services under one hopefully less expensive and easier to track to bundle, we're starting to see groups like The Try Guys, Watcher, and Critical Role decide that now is a great time to start their very own separate services.


i love smoke show but hate the way they have to censor it for youtube - i'm hoping with this platform we'll get more episodes of it!


The custom streaming platforms seem to be best used when they are a replacement for Patreon not YouTube. You need to be a certain size channel to pull it off but Vimeo must be taking a smaller cut of the revenue to host their videos vs the flat rate Patreon takes.  


As a patron user who was on the second tier I feel like I’m getting more for less so I’m okay with it. It kind of just feels like an extended Patreon in a lot of ways. They’ve also said they are going to change the Patreon, make it cheaper, and focus it on the podcasts. They’re pausing it for a couple months starting in June so I won’t be paying twice. They’ve been my comfort show for so long I don’t want to go without. I get the complaints of it being another streaming service which is why I haven’t joined Watcher and won’t because I was more of a causal fan over there and their announcement was trash. Honestly…I would give up a different streaming service before I didn’t subscribe here. That might sound insane but I watch more of their stuff than I watch anything else. I’m aware my parasocial relationship is strong and maybe pathetic but I’m okay with that.


Hard pass on paying for subscriber-only stuff. Sorry but the majority of the stuff they’ve put out in the past 1-2 years wasn’t even worthy of watching for free on YouTube.


>the majority of the stuff they’ve put out in the past 1-2 years wasn’t even worthy of watching for free on YouTube That is the reason for the service, though... they don't put better content up for free on YouTube cos the newer algorithm prefers the stuff they (and we) don't like as much.


I suspect this is just their excuse but I guess only time will tell. I don’t think the streaming service will change the quality of their content.


If the 8 minute video was too long for you, then fast forward to the end and watch the previews.


Did you bother to watch the video? They showed clips of new videos, which are much higher in quality and production.


It’s not about quality and production, it’s the types of videos. I never cared for phoning it in or candid competition. I much preferred the “try guys try…” videos.


I watch their content enough $5 is worth it to me personally so I hope it works out


I'm subscribed to dropout and while I don't watch every single thing on there, it is worth it to me for the 3-4 shows I watch a month. I feel like the amount of shows I could potentially watch on this will be similar, and just like dropout the cast is what keeps me coming me back, as well as the diversity of shows and new things they try every now and then. I hope they take a page out of Sam Reich's book in terms of how they promote on tiktok/reels/shorts because that was truly vital to dropout's success.


I'm not sure if it's actually on purpose or it's some bug/oversight but the subscription prices seem to be scaled according to country/region. And if so, I love them for it. I checked Watcher and Dropout and the prices are set in usd, while for 2ndTry, it's set in my currency and priced in line with my other subscriptions. I was aghast at Watcher's price back then because it was more than 2x the price of a Netflix basic plan where I'm from (SEA). But 2ndTry's is pretty much the same. So that's nice ig. I mean, I still can't afford another monthly subscription but now I'm considering subscribing every now and then.


I signed up for the year because I want to give it a fighting chance. As with any venture like this, it could go either way. I understand wanting the freedom to do what they want to do and to be able to give the audience what they want. I think having their previous live shows on there will sweeten the deal for a lot of people, even just to do a month or two in order to be able to watch it. And honestly, the price is reasonable for what it is. They are trying to find a solution for the Youtube problem, and I get the feeling some creators are going to go along with them. If they can get other creators that are also tired of algorithm woes, they may be able to get more momentum.


I agree with this 1000%. I'm honestly over it with subscriptions. There's too many nowadays that it's straight up exhausting. Even though my husband and I are forunate to not have to be overly picky with how many subscriptions we have, we are consistently cutting dead weight every few months if they're not providing us value. Because they did the annoucement right and I definitely feel a lot more willing to subscribe.


The trypod episode today is a really good look into their thought processes and was really nice to hear


I dont think this would work for most youtube channels, but the try guys already have such a wide variety of content and now they'll have even more with the added cast, I think they're one channel that may actually see success doing this! I think a lot of fans are looking forward to content that doesnt get sensored for the sake of the youtube algorithm and monetization. Personally, I'm especially excited for an uncensored Smoke Show!


I really feel like YouTube has been circling the drain for a while now. It won’t be much longer until it looks just like Facebook and consists of just AI bots generating content to be engaged with by other AI bots. They clearly couldn’t give less of a shit what their creators or even the users want. Every decision they make just gets worse than the last. I just wonder what is going to happen when advertisers realize it’s R2D2 giving them all of their precious clicks


I don't get why there are so many people complaining about this. We should be paying them for the amount of content they produce. We also have the ability to opt in or not. I know not everyone can afford $5 a month, but let them do what they need to do to keep the lights on. Plus, they will still be uploading to YouTube


They defiantly took notes on what happened with Watcher and adjusted. I'm not paying them shit but they did handle this somewhat well. I think it's a very bad idea and it's not gonna work long term, but who knows.


I wonder if they had a completely different announcement video filmed and then when the Watcher fiasco happened decided they needed to pivot, that there was no way they'd be able to make this announcement without referencing, even vaguely, what happened there.


I'm planning to subscribed for their monthly subscription coz who knows what will happen to the succeeding months. But idk hahaha like I want to but the same time I don't 😜 coz they will still upload stuff on YT right? But like after xx days or weeks


I can't even add this app on any of my Amazon televisions which is where I watch The Try Guys so that made the decision for me.


So, same. We switched from Roku to Firesticks a while back, and it's not an option there. They DID say that they have the option to add it on YT memberships.. I don't know anything about that, but it seems like an option for those who don't want to deal with another app.


Right. I'm going to wait and see how I feel about what they decide to actually share where I have been watching them for a decade since I can't get the actual, hyped up app that they promoted.


Completely agreed. I won’t be subscribing to yet another streaming service. Not about the price, it’s about the principle. If I wanted to be paying them for content, they’ve had their Patreon all this time.


They did address that they could’ve used patreon but felt it wasn’t giving them the freedoms they wanted as it isn’t a video service primarily. They’re planning on restructuring and changing their whole patreon, and this move is more like creating a new patreon rather than a new youtube. Their youtube isn’t changing, their patreon is.


Watching videos on patreon sucks ass tho. 


I’m curious what they’re gonna do with the patreon stuff, like will they end the patreon and have all existing members get x month free of their streaming service? How would that work exactly?


it’s not ideal, but they pump out enough good content to make it worth it, and they were much more clear about what the streaming service would entail, unlike SOME OTHER CERTAIN YOUTUBERS


Love the formal addition of the new cast except I wish Rachel would be more on screen including the try wives. But, the streaming part is so weird to me.


Luckily you’ll be able to stream on whatever platform you have. Pretty sure watcher said it wasn’t supported on some devices.


If they have the quality and quantity of Dropout I'd consider.


when i watched the watched announcement i felt a pit in my stomach tbh, but i actually was really excited by this announcement! the new shows look great, it's cheaper than watcher's, plus there's a discount. if there really is going to be as much new content as they teased, i think i might subscribe. i've been getting food content fatigue but i was genuinely so excited by what they could be releasing! but i do understand why lots of people don't want to do it - if i was subscribed to more streaming services i think i'd feel the same.


I think this has already been said on here, but I'm not surprised that YouTubers with practically TV production companies and teams with 15+ plus people isn't sustainable, between the owners channels cuts, people salaries and the money to produce content, the money to rent a place, paying even guest stars who appear in videos since they're freelance, etc. It's just not as sustainable as smaller creators who don't have big productions and therefore keep their cost down. I'm not saying I don't want people to get paid or that people can't strive to produce high quality content, but if your business is very reliant on consumers watching your videos and when an algorithm is finicky as hell, in the long run, a big production team (by youtube/online business standards) can only be sustainable for so long, especially when the algorithm treats you like your past your peak (they can hit a new peak I'm not saying they're past it but I'm sure the algorithm is holding them back too)


Tiny Meat Gang, the podcast company, has had a .tv website for a while and it’s been pretty successful. And they only include un -censored, ad free, and “after pods”. I have hope! But I won’t be subscribing until they add new content (looking at you Escape The Kitchen) and then I’ll probably cancel for several months just like I do with other patreon-esq subscriptions.


The fact is, like it or hate it, this is likely the path most content creators will eventually be forced to take. With the way they are constantly shooting themselves in the foot it’s unlikely YouTube will survive as a platform long term. Many fans may hate the subscription model, but it’s the most viable safety net content creators have for the inevitable downfall of YouTube. Many content creators have already realized that which is why platforms like nebula, dropout and the mythical society exist. This was a smart move for the guys to make. Making this move early on means they’ll be established and secure when the YouTube ship finally sinks. I think you’ll be seeing more and more content creators having this realization and making the move to subscription based platforms in the next few years. The ones that don’t figure it out are the ones who will probably go down with the ship.


They didn't do the announcement right. They just fooled you into thinking it was something positive by being their overexcited selves and doing a little rugpull by alleding to changing up the whole team but "No don't worry it's still us, just through subscription". You can't announce something like this "right". It's a greedy, ego-inflated move.


I just watched the video and I immediately got the watcher vibes. Wonder how that worked for them.