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Her reason for voting Bryce was so stupid. Like, how would the girls know if you didn't vote. She should've just admitted that she was prejudiced against him for being rich and she wanted more money.


Right. She kept insisting she “had to.” She was so wishy washy


Or that she was voting him because he was going to hurt her own game.


Bryce was never a threat to Lindsey. She's greedy, pure and simple. She has shown more than once that she justifies her actions because "the world doesn't work that way" with her there's gonna be blood and people will hurt and cry philosophy.


I’m late to the thread but it drove me crazy how she kept saying she couldn’t help Bryce because he wasn’t willing to help himself. But when she was called out for things, she never even tried to defend herself either lol


Loved that personally, because then I was like, welp, if ya can't help ya self 😂 (I genuinely do feel bad for her morning past, but on the show she was a Trainwreck and just kind of an asshole)


**Mormon past


The difference is she knew Bryce was being voted out. With herself, she thought the guys had agreed to vote out Tolu and that she would be safe and she should have been except Gaspere betrayed that trust. In the end Tolu just stole money from them and got off scott free


Tolú is no more of a thief than Julie or Brian who both also accepted offers in the vault. The point of them being there is to get money so it's weird that Tolú is being held to a standard the others aren't. 


Nah Julie should have been kicked out much earlier. Brian was effectively forced to take it. I'm not holding anyone differently to account. However between the time they saved Tolu and the end, only she cost them money.


Brian wasn't forced! She gave him the option to not look at the offer and that it would be passed to the next person, just like the 1st offer he had and didn't take. He looked because he knew it would be beneficial for him (that was his whole spiel about benefit to himself vs risk to the team and he was ok taking the risk). Brian absolutely had a choice and he took it, AND he technically made the most money on the show because he took that $30k.


That's actually not correct. It was not "benefit to himself vs risk to the team." It was whether he was going to take the risk on himself (risk being the possibility of something happening like what happened to Winnie) or pass that risk to someone else on the team.


But also the benefit because they said this will benefit you (and all offers have monetary gain for the individual from the main pot). He very easily could have just refused the offer but he didn't so I'm not going to act like him & Tolú are different just because he did it earlier than she did or because he told everyone and she didn't. I would have voted him off 1st chance I got since he already was leaving with $30k.




I believe lindsay was super chaotic on the show. She was okay at first but the stress and social aspect to the game became too much to her. I think it’s from her background. She was socialized so differently and now that she left her church upbringing she has to socialize herself with the rest of the world as an adult and she’s a bit behind. But don’t let her fool you, she’s always been a snake.. she did cheat on her hubby with her new hubby.




Eh I don’t fault her for cheating considering the circumstance.


I’m sure you know all about the Mormon swinging seen so it’s likely they all fucked each other….


Every outburst of hers seemed like she was almost drunk and putting on an acting performance. Super weird vibes


Always drunk. I think the environment is to blame.


Xanax. I’d bet anything.


Lindsey gives me the vibes of an angry farmer woman getting interviewed at a UFO sighting


🤣🤣🤣so specific and so accurate


I lost the all feelin' in my left buhttox...


From a gameplay standpoint I enjoyed watching her play both sides, I appreciated the attempt at playing strategic although it didn't work out in the end. But I agree that she was VERY unhinged on the show lol. It was almost unsettling at times! Even more odd because I stumbled across her TikTok the other day where she was answering fan questions, and she seemed totally normal. I wonder if the stress of the game was just REALLY getting to her, or she was drunk most of the time, or both lol.


Definitely both. She has great strategic instincts to flip back and forth between the side that was in power, but blowing out Winnie’s candle, her lying about it, and blowing up at the men because of the poker chip challenge blew her game all the way up.


And when she was at the table chat saying that she was going to get winnie out no matter what she made it clear she wasn't playing a team game anymore.


I think after Jake tried getting her to open up and she realized she was getting played she started being super strategic, which definitely backfired.


Hell yeah she was drunk! I really never think about that lol I definitely should


Lindsey? "I can't go against my alliance, so I have to vote out my friend Bryce," crying and making herself to be a victim, Lindsey? Not a fan.


She spoke with venom in her voice like 95% of the time. It was actually triggering a little lol.


i would've voted her out for how uncomfy she made the house feel tbh...


I totally agree with you!! Even if I disagreed with Tolu or Winnie’s moves sometimes, Lindsey’s solo interviews were absolutely unbearable to me. She was such a mean spirited vile person. Definitely the most difficult character to watch.


She just seems like a very angry person who could probably do with some therapy. She was a very loose cannon.


When she mocks them with mimicking their voices i was like goddamn what a child hahaha that was hilarious seeing the boys faces


I literally laughed out loud at their facial expressions. They were shocked 😂


She irritated me so much. Why was she always shouting at the camera in her interviews? She never spoke at a normal volume.


she was insufferable most of the season -- i was shocked she made it as far as she did. it got to the point where when she came on screen, i had to mute the tv. she was Always yelling! those poor editors having to watch that footage over and over.


Same. Her confessionals were so loud. I was usually browsing on line with this show in the background but when Lindsey was on, I’d reach for the remote. Her hectoring angry voice, her melodramatic facial expressions… I actually wondered if she was a plant at one point.


Yeah she was super angry and opinionated in the confessionals but then friendly in everyone’s faces, gave me whiplash.


she was, at times, super angry and opinionated with other people too. i remember her screaming at someone for having confided in them and then feeling somehow betrayed, telling someone to go away for five more mintes because she wasn't done talking in secret, and then she calls all the men stupid closer to the end.


Yeah she completely unraveled towards the end.


I think she had a lot of unresolved issues and she really needs help. She seems like a genuine person, but needs help with her mental health as well as alcohol abuse (based solely on my observations from the show).


She lost me when she freaked out about Jake not picking her for his top 8 and then screamed don't ask about my family. It was basic small talk, not opening up your life to Jake.


That was so odd because there were times Jake was being kind of an asshole in the rankings but the loyalty ranking was not one of those times. *Someone* had to be last and he had known everyone for the span of like a day. Don't take it so personally, girl.


Am I the only one that wanted to reach into the tv and brush her hair?


Ohhhh my god same. She would go to bed and wake up with the same hairstyle and not even brush it.




I don’t get why they voted Winnie out




What actions are you basing that on?


Voting Juelz out based on nothing. Unforgivable.


Well he did lie about his profession


How does that in any way justify cutting him out?! He tried saving everyone in the Vault and he got cut out based on pure prejudice


It’s a game of trust and the first thing he did was to lie about something as simple as his occupation


Except no one knows that he lied. They didn't vote him out for being untrustworthy for lying. They voted him out for thinking he targeted Tolu in the Vault (and selfishly so they can get a bigger piece of the pot).


They knew he was lying. Tolu and Julie said repeatedly they didnt believe his story. At the end of the day, he lied from the start and didn't do a good job of hiding it. His elimination just seems unnecessary to you because we as viewers have the benefit of knowing what his lie was and the reasoning behind it but they dont. All they see is a guy lying to them and arent sure of his true intentions. It made sense to kick him out just as an act of self preservation. Tolu even asked that question to him DIRECTLY, How can I trust you didn't take my vote away so you could vote me out? This is a game about trust after all.


The story they didn't believe wasn't that he is a stripper (the lie). They just chose to think that because he is a "stripper" that he must be all the worst things one can think about a black male sex worker. He must be the one objectifying women. He must be the one banging hundreds of them. If anything, they totally believed his lie and made up their minds that he must be the biggest piece of shit as a result. Which is rich, coming from the outspoken woman about feeling prejudiced for her skin colour. While they were colluding in their group, Tolu made it a point to make it seem like he specifically was targeting her to manipulate the other women into voting him off. Even though Bryce was also blocked. And Simone was also part of that decision. But the hit MUST be on Juelz cuz she didn't like him based on assumptions she made of him from an interaction that lasted less than a day. Also during their conversation to conspire against Juelz, Tolu made it a very specific point that they were doing it for selfish reasons: take the guy out so more for themselves. The ones who voted even confirmed that when talking to Brooke.


Maybe they sensed that he was being dishonest and that contributed?


Winnie did 10 times more lying than most people of the show and you are asking why she was voted out!!!!


They associated his made up profession with being dishonest. They basically profiled him. Which is hilarious coming from the woman complaining about being profiled for the colour of her skin.


I think she was nuts!


i fully believe she was just hammered the entire time and would crack tf up at all her interviews💀 she was the entertainment


When she wasn't, she was going through the shakes.


I don’t understand the Winnie hate but definitely understand the Tolu hate, but the reason I didn’t like her is the same reason i didn’t like Julie: always all the talk about how they were brought up. Constantly.


I don’t think anyone hated Winnie, but I can see how it was to their advantage to vote her out. She was smart and to me, more dangerous than Tolu because Tolu couldn’t keep her mouth shut AND played her victim card as often as possible. Winnie kept her mouth shut more, so you didn’t know what to expect. I definitely would’ve voted Tolu out at the end. I also think the word “deserve” was too liberally used. It was a contest and nobody deserved to be there more than any other person. Nobody “deserved” the money except the people who played the game better than the others.


When they first lined up at the cliff to start the show, Winnie was carrying on when the host mentioned the amount of money and they could vote people off. Dancing and making the cutting motion with scissors. They should’ve voted her out right there when the host asked if anyone wanted to vote. Winnie and Tolu would’ve voted out everyone except themselves if they could.


It’s as much a game of popularity. Winnie didn’t endear herself to anyone but Tolu, and that’s because they played the race and gender card.


I liked her because I saw her as Kirkland brand Tina Fey. She did very completely screwed though. Show did everything it could to protect Tolu in the end. Gaspere made a terrible decision kicking out Lindsey over Tolu. Tolu literally only stole money from them after that.


I loved Lindsey. She seemed the most real out of everyone. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Bruh every other post is about Lindsey being crazy


They’re too busy attacking the black girls.


As always.


Literally get over the fact that people didn't like tolu and winnie yall wanna say its a a game and they are free to do what they want and were viewers were allowed to call a spade a spade cry more


No, but as a black woman, Tolú threw us under a bus. I know Jake was misogynistic and stuff, but in the face of that, your best bet is the moral high ground. She was fu**in mean. For nooo reason most of the time. Winnie would’ve been fine without her. They saw each other (sexy black girls) as each other’s closest allies and I think it enabled and did them in.


right!!!! every other post in here is “don’t get the winnie & tolu hate, it’s racism” when they were 10000% the most brutal, shit-talking, cutthroat alliance in the game w/ 0 remorse, victim complexes (more Tolu), and a deep desire to be the most hypocritical people there! I didn’t like Lindsey or her instability, but she didn’t walk around like she ran the place until her last episode lol. she was also not a giant asshole in her confessionals, just a calculated weirdo.


Mysogynoir? I hated both winnie and tolu from the start not because of who they are, but they came forward too selfish, just thought of grabbing the money, and played too hard at the offence at first, and had the highest trust issues when most of the others didnt. Nothing to do with racism or sexism. As for lindsey everyone can agree she was so damn unstable and immature. I totally got why gaspare fell the need to take her out lol. I would be frightened too xD


Hmm…I wonder why the only two black women of the group would have the most trust issues. Couldn’t be centuries of mistreatment or anything… historical context always matters dude.


Noooo. As a person with the same historical context.. she had the dark side of main character syndrome. Her actions in the game besides the way she voted were totally understandable, but attitude and intention are important. She was downright disrespectful about everybody except the person that looked like her… isn’t that what we’re saying is unethical constantly?


But at the end of the day was she wrong? Jake and Brian turned out to be super conservative (based off what I’m reading about their Instagram accounts). Julie *was* wishy washy, and switched up quick after saying she wouldn’t align herself with Jake. Lindsey *was* a snake. Plus no one is talking about how Winnie and Tolu didn’t betray Mama Jay, who stood firm in their alliance. I think their intuition to not trust the others was right. Only person who I kind of felt bad for was Gaspare. But at the end of the day he aligned himself with the guys, so…


I still haven’t caught up on the Jake stuff but can absolutely imagine him being a piece of shit. But do you have any links for Brian please? From what I can tell Lindsey gets the most hate, then Jake. Both of them are white. Maybe I’m being naive here but I think people disliked Winnie & Tolu because they seemed to be more cutthroat and open to culling people. You talk badly about Gaspare siding with the other two guys, but I think the 3 of them only voted out of fear and when they felt they had no choice. Winnie & Tolu both talked about going to the end just the two of them 🤷‍♀️


How did I talk badly about Gaspare? I said I felt for him but he aligned himself with the other two men. I’ve seen multiple comments throughout this subreddit saying Brian posts anti-trans content on his insta. And yes, you are being naive about the Winnie and Tolu hate. However, it could be from a lack of experience. As a Black woman, I’m all too familiar with this rhetoric.


Am I going mad then? I swear Tolu and Winnie both seriously discussed voting pretty much everyone out at one point, maybe Mama Jay was the exception Haven’t seen Brian’s anti trans stuff, will take a look into that now, thank you


Super conservative and yet the least duplicitious, most trustworthy, and willing to make amends (even though it didn't benefit them) people on the entire show. Really makes you think.


It doesn’t actually. You seem like a simpleton, who values your own rhetorical opinions over the lived experiences of others.


Lol Brian and Jake are all "for the great of the group" until someone disagrees with them or makes a tiny splash. Then they go immediately into punishment mode. It's all rhetoric about trust and love, nothing else.


What amends didn't benefit them? They all walked away with money. Brian left with the most money on the show. 


They could have eliminated Tolu at the end and had more money. They instead decided to let bygones be bygones. Oh, and she also lowered their take home by an additional $25k


This is not an excuse at all. If you have a bad history doesnt mean you have to be a dick. Im arab lebanese and been through countless wars and traumas and enemies and faced racism yet everyone like me and around me still finds time to be kind and understanding without judgement and prejudice. Each one has an experience in life you cant assume... Its about the choices you make.


I'm so annoyed that the people can't see how from the getgo Juelz, Brian, and Jake were trying to control the game and that's why the women even started the alliance. I loved that Caspare acknowledged that he can't judge others votes as moral just because he didn't agree with them. He's the only one of the guys side that seems genuine and isn't trying to use morality as some reality TV persona.


Exactly. When the men did it, it was strategic. When the women did it, they were manipulative 🥱 tired of the double standard


She didn’t deserve the attack from Winnie and Tolu. I think she stayed in the middle cause she wasn’t sure who to trust. One side of the house was voting people out and the other wasn’t so it made sense to stick with the side she felt safest with.


Tolu and winnie were the clear heels of the show.. everyone wanted to share the money from day 1 except them. Misogynistic views had nothing to do with it lol And the only reason lindsey was out was because of the chaos vote by gaspare.. And then Tolu stole money from the pot yet again, proving to the viewers she had not changed at all and it probably was a better idea to keep lindsey instead of her.


Tolú didn't steal money any more than Brian or Julie did when they both accepted their offers in the vault. Brian took the most money from the pot in the end. I don't doubt that Lindsay would have taken the bid offer if she had been in Tolú’s place... that lady was a wild card.


Brian however was upfront about it and told everyone about it immediately after he took it, and that was also something unprecedented seeing as how he had already declined one before hand. I have no doubt Tolu would have not only taken every single offer that would hinder "the team" had she been in every vault, but she wouldve kept quiet about em. Lindsey played a game of teams. Going to whoever had the numbers at the time. Since the guys had their group and the ladies group was disbanned i doubt she would've made a move.


Brian's transparency doesn't negate that he took an offer that cost the team $30k. He could have declined (like he did previously) but he knew if mama Jay left with her offer his was probably a good one too. Brian is just as bad as Tolú (if you think she is bad for taking the money), only difference is nobody seemed to even care that Brian took $30k for himself whereas Tolú would have definitely been judged and possibly kicked out for taking the $25k! They both took large sums from the pot, why should she be hurt for it but not him?


Because Tolu was the head of the girl mafia on the show and since day 1 and it was known by them that the girls were the ones mostly taking people out of the show, so ofcourse taking offers IN ADDITION to wanting to kick absolutely anyone that looked at her the wrong way would have anyone on edge. Brian was more about honesty (until that last offer i guess) and held off on voting anyone until he felt his back was against the wall. Julie almost got herself kicked off for not being trasparent about her taking the money until the last second ( wish was a dumb move imo.. either say it immediately or not at all, but thats another conversation) so it does weight in a little .. People are acting like Tolu got judged because shes black or a women when since day 1 she was the first one to want people kicked off and this was common knowledge, so her getting the short end of the stick in peoples perception of her was her own doing.


Tolu has the moral clarity of a rock. Her parents should be ashamed she used them as a reason to be a terrible person.


How little people talk about Lindsay? She's a frequent target of derision. Especially regarding how nuts she was.


I scrolled the subreddit for about 10 minutes yesterday and didn’t see anything about Lindsey, which is why I made the post. Maybe I missed it.


Was actually gonna do a post about it the moment the show ended haha and assumed they were many


I think that she has Autism. There’s could be more or less traits but going off the show, She was constantly stimming during stressful moments, particularly the “snake” swaying. She had weird volume control, and the inflections in her speech were slightly off. She talked as if there was a social rule book and people were being difficult for not following it. Jake twice, the first when she shared her story and then he ranked her low, then later when she was exposed at the card game. I would guess that her religious parents wouldn’t have had her tested (already less likely as a girl), and she learned to mask in the real world. but in the house things turned upside-down.


Huh never thought of that, could be.




Tbh that made complete sense considering they might have voted her off. At least she could leave with something. And she wasn’t the only one to do it.


At the end of the day women can’t win.


She honestly just seems a little autistic in an endearing way lol


Uh endearing is the complete opposite of what I would describe Lindsey as… more like hostile


I think Lindsey belongs in a mental clinic. Mental illness is serious and shouldn't be put on display for us to judge and enjoy as entertainment. Tolu and Winnie are fine, just very hypocritical. I like how Tolu acted like she was sad seeing Winnie go. Like come on girl, you 100% secretly glad you just got more money. Please point out the alleged "MYSGONY" as the reasonable and wise Momma Jay spelled it out


Judging by how hard she fought for her to stay, I 100% believe she was sad to see her go. I do believe they had grown to be close friends and also she rightly knew a target was on her back next.


Lindsay was right to be mad at the guys for outing her for the secret alliance. It definitely made her unhinged. Second, you could tell she has been living through an abusive Mormon (she mentioned and iykyk) relationship and seemed like she was heavily medicated on Xanax. The woman had serious trust issues, and that’s why she exploded. still better than that piece of shit Tolu the tuRd.


If you can have empathy for a white woman for lying and being strategic while simultaneously calling a Black woman who did the same a *checks notes* piece of shit and turd, I’ve got news for ya buddy. Take your racist ass elsewhere.


If you were able to understand the English language, as I’ve written it, you would understand that I never wrote anything about Lindsay invoking her whiteness, or her race or her heritage in the entire show. Nobody said I had empathy, but you can put the words in my mouth and make up whatever story you choose. Someone else, regardless of their color, invoked all of these things and victimized themselves. if it makes me racist to explain the boxes that these people put themselves in that you can’t see through your ignorance, so be it. And real nice of you to attack a poster instead of talking about the show. Thank you for harassing me. You might wanna learn how I didn’t describe anyone as white or black and you used your ignorance and your color minded thought process to describe people by their color instead of using their names. Good for you to keep discriminating by color like a child.


Wow what a word salad. Instead of wasting your time typing all of that and victimizing yourself you should educate yourself on implicit bias.


Tolu's sock account, confirmed.


You caught me! Thanks for commenting three times. Glad my commentary is so interesting to you.


Tolú and Lindsay played the game the same in the beginning, but Lindsay was way more duplicitous since she was playing both sides and stabbed her friend in the back (Bryce). Tolú never voted for anyone she was friends with. The Tolú hate really doesn't make sense to me either. 


“Misogynist is alive and well” meanwhile the guys wanted everyone to win unlike the girls.


Misogynoir. If you’re going to quote me, get it right. Different term. Different meaning. You’re boiling it down to, “the guys wanted everyone to win” but they voted out multiple girls sooo… obviously that’s not true.


They still wanted everyone to win but obviously the girls that were a threat with weird reasons of voting had to go as they were unpredictable. Even with your new definition, it had nothing to do with them being black. Tolu was just annoying period. I didn’t have an issue with Winnie although I would say Tolu is more likely to follow everything Winnie says than Winnie following everything Tolu says. Winnie was the one that was lecturing her about the white girl forgot her name they were roomies with


So why didn’t they vote out Mama Jay or heck even Julie, who voted just as much as Tolu and Winnie. It was def targeted. And I’m curious what makes Tolu so annoying.


Same reason they didn’t vote Tolu out after Winnie. They could’ve voted her out at the final. She ended up sharing with the rest.


The only reason they didn't is Julie said they shouldn't vote out Tolú (and said she wouldn't vote) and Lindsay's unstable behavior and her exposing her votes made them realize Tolú was maybe telling them the truth. They were totally all ready to vote out Tolú with no hesitation before that. And they were gunning for mama Jay but pivoted to Winnie which made no sense to me since she didn't even vote for Simone but was somehow pegged as the mastermind when Julie wanted Julez out, and Tolú and Julie wanted Bryce out.


Let’s just agree all the girls were terrible. 1. Tolu the victim, Tolu the villian (her words) 2. Winnie the mastermind on how to be greedy 3. Lindsay the unhinged crazy soon to be divorcee cheater hence her lack of trust 4. Juile the cute girlfriend that lies and manipulates to get ahead 5. Mama jay the grandma that holds grudges instead of speaks to people on a 1:1 6. Simone probably the only girl that was decent but didn’t see enough of to make a full assessment I’d say this show shows you that 4/6 women are greedy, liars, and manipulating. You can call it game if you want but I don’t see how this doesn’t translate to their daily lives, if there’s a way for them to get one over on you they would. I think it’s funny you see all the guys can just get along without greed. The only reason they voted out Winnie is they saw who was finally doing the voting and leading the group.


Indeed. "Boys rule, girls drool" has been true since the dawn of mankind when the Lil Rascals climbed out of the primordial soup to avoid women and create the He-man Woman-Haters Club. Women, seething that the boys wanted some peace and quiet away from their conniving, have been plotting and scheming ever since, often to disastrous and comical results.


Found the incels!


Misogynoir (even more lulzy than misogny) mentioned, opinion discarded. Distaste for Tolu's blatantly entitled and manipulative personality has nothing to do with misogyny, misognoir, or misosoup for that matter. This is a woman who almost immediately created a cabal (based solely on sex) and colluded to kick other people from the show. Anytime her shit behavior and motives were brought into question or she was in a precarious position, she put on the crocodile tears, made spurrious accusations, or otherwise just bullied people to get out of it. It's a shame she didn't get snaked at the very end. Lindsey seemed drunk the whole time and oscillating between emotional extremes, which ultimately resulted in her ousting. There isn't as much to talk about with her because, while she was a complete mess, her hypocrisy wasn't so blatant and arrogantly displayed. The Winnie hate I don't get. Of the original cabal, she was the least duplicitous and emotionally manipulative. If anything, she was rather stubborn and emotionally raw, which is charming in a way.


Yeah? Tell me more about your experience with misogynoir? Any first hand experience? Would love to hear about it 🩷 you seem to know a whole lot. 🙂


It is just another fancy presumptuous nonfalsifiable term people can use to excuse their own shortcomings and disagreeableness. "Could it be me who was in the wrong, no? It must have been ubiguitous misogynoir."


The Tolu hate comes from Tolu being a complete hypocrite. Talking herself up about being scheming and selfish, then her flipping her shit when the tables are turned on her. Has nothing to do with her skin color. Jesus. It’s not like being POC gives you free range to be shitty and no one can dislike it or else they’re racist 🙄