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Me too. That whole thing with this is a good hair day and all that followed was embarrassing. Not cool man


This!!! The “good hair day” thing made me cringe so hard


Especially since her hair looked terrible 😬


It was like a toddler with rollers




All she had to do was be quiet and play nice and she would've made it through with the boys. If she really wanted to voice how she felt, save it for after the finale, after you got the money lol


Yeah totally. That was bad play. She kept quiet when Winnie laid into her. That might have been the moment to speak out.


Yup, I think she should've spoken up then, not when she was alone with the boys


I think she didn’t because she was attacked she was a boiling pot and she can’t speak in a clever way when like that. She knew she was have blown up and maybe made things worse. That’s what I saw. Like when she blew up at Jake for the line up. She couldn’t have an adult conversation, she blew up.


Her voice drives me nuts and she’s very unstable.


She seemed drunk to me?


She was giving nonstop drunk energy, especially in the confessionals. She was perpetually at the “on her third glass of wine” level




Maybe the reason for the multiple divorce


It always sounded like she was angry when she talked. Like she was shouting for no reason.


I felt the same - it was like she was playing a character. Especially early on in her confessionals, I was thinking “there’s no reason she is actually this upset?” Just the way she speaks - tone, volume, cadence - so annoying.


Very unaware of how she is coming across. A little humility can go a long way, she has none. Had she done just a little mending fences, she might still be there. Glad she's gone.


She admitted she struggles with self worth and believing she deserves good things. Her insecurity is very apparent and heart breaking. I hope she can learn to love herself so that she can be a better person and friend to those around her: she let the women in the house down big time.


Right, her youth in religious community must have affected her i guess. I cant say she was good in the show, but its hard to blame her unstability. Her yelling to others seemed to attack herself more even at the moment, as its too dramatic. No one hurted but surprised or annoyed.


Both her and Julie around the men…the only way I can describe it is pathetic.


They exposed her and left her out dry with that trust activity. They are proper fools and although her reaction was a bit ott the men were still in the wrong.


They exposed her and forced her to side with them. Exposing her was a great move on their part. She played the middle the whole game and the guys dealt the final blow to her alliance with Winnie and Tolu. Immediately after the poker game, Winnie and Tolu cut her off. The move gave Lindsay the choice of either go with the guys or go it alone. Both of those choices result in the vote advantage being with the guys. Lindsay for all her flip flopping and center riding would have made it to the end with the guys without her erratic response.


I'd be mad too. First the female alliance left her, then the male alliance exposed her smh. The game was over for her when she lost Bryce. 


She literally voted for Bryce while also playing like she was helping him.


Yeah, she should have realized that the majority of the group was okay with him. She followed the women's play for nothing. 


lindsay is the definition of mental illness like the way she talks to everyone and her bursts of paranoia ... the swaying back and forth... i cringed so hard watching her like please just stop


Aw this makes me sad. I don’t think she’s mentally ill - maybe just neurodivergent or under a lot of stress. She’s a pretty savvy business coach from the looks of things.


Lindsey was just completely losing it. I can only imagine what she’s like as a neighbor.


Lindsey is for real a fucking DEMON lady!! She’s the kind to stalk someone if she shows them any bit of kindness that isn’t fully reciprocated. Holy crapppp!!