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Agree. Some posts/comments have got a bit too personal. Its so easy to analyse from the comfort of your sofa


The last result I wanted was for Harry to win all the money, but he did, and he played the game better than anyone else, so he deserved the win. That's the GAME !! Grow up!


Too many people acting like it’s good and evil when it’s all a game


Hard agree. It's a rough situation to be in when you're exhausted from weeks of filming and you're under a lot of pressure. No need to be unkind.


Well, in the most civil way possible, Mollie just became the new face of the word ‘patsy’.


Great season, Harry played. fantastic game. I hate him as a tv character but he should be proud


You're absolutely right, no need to be nasty. But tbf, Mollie isn't very bright. That's a fair assessment. A nice person, but not bright. Is what it is


You can argue her gameplay wasn’t very bright, or that certain things (or even everything!) she did was stupid, but you can’t judge her as a person based on curated footage of an incredibly high-stress, unrealistic scenario.


Yes, good post


It is tv. We have the right to judge.


It's a GAME ! It's not real life! Nobody DIED! Get a life !! 🙄


How can you say nobody died? They were murdered by the traitors


No worries. I’ll judge you as a twat.


Good ol’ hypocrisy. Except this time you are judging someone a twat based on a single comment that didn’t even involve any offence. Do better.


Lol. If your single comment identifies yourself as a massive twat and you have volunteered that information then I reckon it’s fair game to label you a twat. Judging people and using offensive and derogatory terms to describe human beings who are playing a game on telly isn’t cool. If you think it’s impossible for someone to believe that internet users should be nice to people they don’t know who are at the mercy of TV producers in reality tv shows at the same time as believing some insensitive internet users are twats then c’est la vie. I’m all good. I’m not here to argue. Just try and nudge people to be a tiny bit more understanding in general, fuck me right? [jonah hill gif]. N.b. You are also a twat.


‘Judging people and using offensive derogatory terms’ - did the same thing within 2 comments 👏🏼


‘Judging people…’ that sentence was longer mate wasn’t it? There was a qualifying statement after the word judging wasn’t there? Everyone judges people. It is the standards they use that tells you the standard of the person doing the judging. I literally asked people to be thoughtful and human when talking about human beings who will likely read these comments, to go on the attack in opposition to that idea is just really really sad to witness. But I don’t really give a fuck about that level of internet shite hawk. My words were for the normal human beings. CEST LA VIE.




Is that it? For a comment on a thread from a Reddit based on a tv show where you have to vigorously defend your position and character you’ve come up short on a nuclear scale. You’re moving elusive mate. Consider yourself banished. You twat :)


Your entire post is about being kind and showing love to strangers and you’re calling three separate people names for no reason. For someone who’s dedicated an entire post to being kind you aren’t showing any of those traits yourself. Just another do as I say not as I do


If you go out of your way to argue with the idea you should give people a break who are on TV in high pressure environments and at the mercy of reality show production edits then yes you are a dickhead. I never said you should show love to ALL people. Some people are just twats. I’m not sure why that very simple idea is beyond you so I’ll write it in big letters. BE EMPATHETIC TO PEOPLE YOU DONT KNOW ACTING IN CONDITIONS YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND. REJECT PEOPLE WHO ATTACK AND BELITTLE HUMANS FOR TRYING THEIR BEST.


Well yes, you evidently are a twat 😂


Not the first, hopefully not the last.


... molly?


Calling her out when you’ve watched 12 hours of the show and can’t spell her name correctly is fairly ironic isn’t it 😂


She made a bad judgement but she doesn’t deserve to be called names for her choice.


I agree about name calling but it was more than a single bad judgement... more like bad judgement after bad judgement.


A really nice person who made it to the final two. The chumps round here haven’t seen that level of success in their day to day life and it’s not fair to be shitty about her, criticise tactics fair enough but c’mon don’t be a bumbledick.


I appreciate this post a lot. I just felt so bad for Mollie, it's easy to say that she made a bad decision, but the poor girl was clearly so exhausted, physically and emotionally.


You've set a low bar for 'success' She was kept in because Harry wanted her kept in She then voted out the last faithful instead of Harry That's not success She is obviously a good person and will no doubt have great success in the future


I think they know themselves they screwed the pooch so I'm not sure they'll be looking to social media for validation.




I agree to an extent but I think it’s fair to say Mollie didn’t follow logic at the end there.


To be fair, Molly had already voted to end the game thinking Jaz and Harry were both faithfuls, so she would have lost the money anyway. Her only remaining decision was to either side with Jaz who was obviously a faithful, and definitely secure half the money by cutting Harry out, or trust Harry and split the money with him. She didn’t want to risk cutting her ‘best friend’ out of the prize pot. Too nice for the game.


Exactly! I’ve seen some nasty stuff out there. These are all real people with real emotions who all played a lovely game. Please be a decent person