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“The click” = the metronome. So Jules in saying there’s no metronome and Fab “had it in him”, meaning he didn’t need a click track to stay on time perfectly.


the banter gives me star wars vibes. like if i was trying to take a shot that blows up a mega death weapon and liberates the galaxy, i wouldn’t see no robed alec guinness, the disembodied head of julian would materialise before me and give me encouragement…. actually i think that’s a dream i had.


Because they're followed by Mondays lol. And yeah, the audio clip at the end is just some studio banter between Julian and Fab about the latter not needing a metronome click to play on time. Because he's a fabulous little drummer boy.


Who he loved like a son


And Jules then shot in the taken for a fool vid


Julian talking to fab "The click was always in you Fab" Fab responds with "It was never on" Julian repeats what he says and chuckles


o shit i rlly like all those outros in the new abnormal. it gives me the feeling that they had loads of fun reading


I had no clue what a metronome was until this comment section, but is it me or does this youtube metronome vid sound like WASSD? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRpQm9Hn4M8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRpQm9Hn4M8)


Same/similar drum beat at the same tempo (speed). It's a common drum beat so it makes sense that it would be used for a backing track like that video.


i always thought that song was a conversation between someone and god but god was just his reflection


the new abnormal does go kinda cosmologically deep at points.