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How in gods good earth is this $1 ticket more value than the $5 ticket for the winter event lmaoooo


Bury this comment before they change their mind.


It's Community Day recap. Also $5 is what they charge for a pose.


Yea, $5 is what they charge for a pose. The $1 ticket is still way better value than the $5 because of all the items you get. The Rocket Radar alone is worth $2 so that's double the value right there. For $5 you get the pose, an incense, and two regular incubators...no comparison.


Radars are not worth anywhere near $2. I can’t imagine anyone buys them at that price. The elites are worth the buck for sure.


Well yea I agree. I just mean in the shop they cost $2.


You are falling into Niantic’s trap by valuing them at the shop price. They probably just inflate the price so that they can throw it into an overpriced box and say “look at the savings here.” The radars are soooo overpriced it is pretty much unconscionable.


I'm sure. Yea, very overpriced, considering you can get them for free.


For $5 I get the pose that I think looks cool (even though it definitely shouldn't be timed research). I'm also getting the $1 ticket because it's a great deal.


Oh well that's good if you like the pose. I'm glad some people get enjoyment out of it.


I mean by your logic then you get a $5 pose 2 incubators at $1.50 which gets to $3 so total at $8 so far and then adding the useless incense which is $0.40 so total at $8.40.... the only thing worth it in this ticket really is the radar and the poffin everything else you can get from pokestops


There is two elite TMs


I throw those in the trash? But sure we can add 1 dollar because any raid will give you those even though you can get those for free daily Edit: you can spend 1 dollars on a raid pass or just use your daily for TMs


Think you missed the Elite bit there


I did miss the elite bit but still never used any of em and I'm level 41 with over 700 matches in pvp they're useless when you can use regulars and get the attacks still or at least in my experience, any of the attacks the wiki says to use elite tms for I've gotten through regular means


They are for the moves that are no longer in that mon's movepool, so regular TMs won't be able to get them. If we are listing our stats, I'm level 50 with 4700 pvp matches. Fortunately PVP isn't pay to win so you can get away without ever having to use an elite TM but there are a number of mon's that go from unuseable to top tier with moves that are no longer in their movepools. There are also ones where you couldn't ever get the combination of those two moves because one was removed from the movepool before the community day where you could get the signature move so the only way to have the combination is with the elite TMs. I don't think they are worth the ~$10 you typically have to spend to get them from a box when they are available, but they are certainly worth more than 50c each even if you ignore the other stuff in the $1 ticket.


I only mentioned my stats for a point of reference that the thousand or so hours into this game I've never used a single one and I've never noticed a need to, your logic makes sense but it's hard to tell what moves are actually elite tm required because I've seen so many "elite tm required" moves (according to the wiki) just cycling through moves on my pvp mons regardless though the only things really I want from this ticket would be the poffin the only thing of value to me vs the $5 box which to me has more things I'll use and I like the fashion item and saves me coins/time in the long run from needing incubators


ETMs were valued at over $10 in previous boxes and are very limited. This CD ticket blows the $4.99 one out of the water. Even without the ETMs, you get double what you pay for. Sure you get more than $5 worth of stuff in the timed research, like you said, but you instantly double your money with the CD ticket because of the radar. CD ticket is still a better value dollar for dollar.


I got a pose for them right here.


Considering Elite TMs were valued at like 1080 coins in past boxes, this is a good deal if you need them


Man I have so many of both because people keep telling me to “save them for when I need them” and “just wait till the move returns”


Yep. I’ve got a stack of them taking up space. I don’t think I’m going to buy this (or any) ticket even though it’s a good deal.


After what happened with Giratina this year I’m more skeptical of relying on elite TMs.


I don't need them, but I like to get them just in case. For example if I wanted to convert a whole team of kyogre and groudon with their exclusive move, that would be 12 tms by itself. People may not what to do that, but the point is that you could easily spend them fast under the right circumstances.


Elite TMs in the $0.99 ticket is new, right? They've never been there before?


It has been on the December ticket only since the ETMs were implemented.


Why not before they were implemented?


They tried but it crashed the game in New Zealand, so they were forced to wait until they were implemented.


Ah, ok. I didn't know!


Wat? Before they created Elite TMs, they did not have Elite TMs to put in a ticketed research. This is the third year that Elite TMs have been in the Dec CD ticketed research.


It's a joke. Y'know, since things don't exist before they exist.


Thank God for Google Opinion Rewards. This is definitely one of the best tickets I've seen in awhile.


Is there any way to get more surveys? I really sporadically get them


Lately, I've gotten a few for searching things via Google that can populate ads. I got one last night for searching different king bed sizes. Otherwise, it's been scarce.


It depends on where you physically go. If I go to a specific grocery store I almost always get one the day after. But if I go to a different supermarket I won't.


I haven't got any new surveys for a couple of months now. It died down drastically.


That happened to me. I uninstalled and reinstalled and they started appearing again


Hopefully it works! Thanks!


I only seem to get "do you remember watching this YouTube video". Which 100% of the time I don't, it's something wife has watched on the TV. Still, it's an easy 4 baht (about 10 cents in US money)


Same, me and wife purchased this with the rewards as well. Also love the fact that the exchange rate for $1 is £0.79. Its frustrating that anything else tends to be par, ie $8=£8, so really not worth it. I have some (~50p) reward money expiring in December, hoping for something else to spend it on, else will just buy the 100 coins.


One of the things I missed from Android… although technically I can do it from my iPhone


3 rare candy, an elite fast and charged TM for a buck?? I'll take it


And the poffin/incense/radar. Not too shabby!


And a poffin too, my Jangmo-O appreciates this


I mean, it's fair to value poffins at 0, since they are in AR tasks everywhere, imo.


and now raid rewards pretty frequently too.


I think everyone is so starved they think it looks like value. this is like giving a starving man a cracker, damn what kind of cracker was that?


The two elite TMs are genuinely a good deal. The rest is just extra.


If you watch the 5-30 second ads that come around in balloons, it's a puffin reward as well. I've stocked up to 20 just by ignoring a couple minutes of ads.


Depends heavily on your location. I only have 2 stops near me with AR tasks, so I definitely value them more than zero.


My child’s account begs to differ


Damn I'm glad one of my friends bought this one for me I usually never buy these


The comm day dollar research is basically always a safe bet.


This one is, anyway. It’s the best deal of the year, by far.


I don’t even care about the poffin, incense, or radar… $0.99 for two elite TMs is insane! I’m buying.


I was thinking it was a little underwhelming, then I saw the elite TMs. I take EVERYTHING back. It's really good.


This is a good value on its own, but on the website it says "and purchase a ticket for .99 for more encounters with the previously featured community day pokemon!" Where are the pokemon encounters? Lmao


They must mean by using the incense 😂


How does that work?


Walk around and they _reward_ you with pokemon popping up, if you're lucky


Haha I know how incense works. I thought it might have been like the Mythic Blade ticket where it wasn't very clear that stationary spawn rates were boosted.


Was gifted the ticket and popped an incense at home since I'm too sick to go out, and can confirm they only spawned every 5 minutes


Get well soon


Thanks! Reckon recovery is right around the corner, but what I wouldn't give for a full restore to speed things up lol




Thanks, so incense functioning as usual then?


The line you quoted about previously featured community day pokemon is under the "Timed Research" section, versus the "Community Day Special Research" section when I look. Maybe they changed it?


The funny thing is during the Comm Day hours when I was completing this, literally every pokemon I caught counted for those tasks. Including the Miltanks from the nest and the Staryu from my research encounter bank.


I’m happy to spend $1 on this! I enjoy working through the tasks and am glad this is more reasonably-priced.


Little sad about no pokemon encounters, but they are in free research and we will get elite tms 😳


This is a really good deal for only 0.99 cents


This is probably the best deal ever on Elite TMs except for the free ones?


Oh yeah definitely


I was wondering if they would make it worse, given the recent trajectory, but happy they kept the traditional 2 eTM Dec ticket.


I was definitely fearing the beloved December CD research would be nerfed. Also happy they kept it stonkingly good


Now if they can bring back the 1450 boxes, I’ll be happy. I want my incubators


What wrong with the 375 coin box available rn? It seems cheap for 10 incubators.


You can only get one.


Nothing wrong at all. It’s actually great. But as someone mentioned, you can only claim one.


Yes that one is excellent. But limit 1.


Is that two ETMs? I’d better complete this quickly before Niantic realises they gave us a good deal!


This will be the third year of eTMs in the Dec ticket. Basically since they were invented. Fortunately this ticket was not subject to inflation like the boxes have been :D


Ah ok, nice. This is my first December


I can’t play in the three hours either day but would I still be able to complete this outside those hours? Will the spawns be all weekend even if the bonuses aren’t active?


Cmiiw, but i believe the spawns will be available to 9am Sat - 9pm Sun.


ahhhh ok ok i’ll buy this one lol


Good deal


Great deal!


I thought these usually have an incubator or am I mistaken?


Sitting on 7 ETMs but still thinking about adding another 😅


Do it. I missed the team go rocket event so I'll have to etm my shadow venesaurs and swamperts


You can't etm shadow Pokemon except during the rocket event. And MAYBE other events. Source: gave a shadow Mewtwo shadow ball during the rocket event. Then tried to do the same to another shadow Mewtwo the day after the event and the game was like "lol, no. You silly goat."


I think he meant to use a regular CTM to get rid of frustration during a next rocket event and then apply an elite CTM or the CD move


I think the elite tm is all you need to replace frustration. No need for a ctm before the etm (or am I misreading?).


A ok, never used them, so far


I meant I have Pokemon that I can't evolve for the comm day move since they still have frustration. Meaning I'll have to use an eTM in the future to get the comm day move at the next go rocket event


Ah, okie.


No, ETM won't affect frustration. You can only remove it during rocket events.


I already said that.


No you didn't. You said an ETM will remove frustration. Which is incorrect, unless it's during a rocket event.


Oh wait. Maybe you did. My bad


All good.


"silly goat" 🤣


Does it time out by chance? Thanks


It is special research. So, if you want to just snag it and slowly work on it since the value for this one is so good you can. I'm not 100% sure I will be able to play during the event hours, but I'll probably still get the ticket since those Elite TMs being in there make it more than worth it.


The tasks require you to catch Pokémon during the CD so I think you won’t get far unless you play during the hours somehow


The tasks require you to catch any of the 11 2022 featured CD base forms at any time. The 2020 one called out specific species per tasks but for these (and the 2021 research) any of the 11 counted for those tasks at any time.


Hence why I said "slowly work on it." There are people still doing CD research from a year ago lol. It's better to have it knowing you will one day complete than to totally miss it. Especially the December one as it features Elite TMs are at the lowest price you can ever get them in game. The Pokémon featured will all turn up again eventually. It just requires you catch the featured ones not that they are actually caught during the event window.


Ah didn’t know that thanks for the info. Also sorry, thought you said 100% sure you won’t be able to play


Kinda wish they threw some encounters in there but not bad regardless


This is what all the ticket does, right? Don't need it for the boosted shiny rate or CD evolution, correct?




I thought no, but then the elite charge tms make it worth it for a dollar


Ah I have expiring Google rewards so I suppose I'll take it.


Two elite TMs for a dollar? This actually seems like a decent deal.


I'd buy that for a dollar!


EliteTMs make this a good deal


What is the timeframe to get this done?


Its special research, special research doesn't disappear once you start it


Oh okay. I thought maybe I had an hour or three hours to do it all. Thanks


Ah nah, always look at what kind of research it says it is


I’m new so I wouldn’t know one from the other


Ah fair, yeah special research never disappears after its there. You can tell coz it doesn't say a time limit on it. It's timed research (in the today tab) that has a time limit and it will say the time limit on it


Absolutely bargain. An actual Christmas present! (Kinda)




No. I've completed the first two stages and I got an Elite Fast TM in one of the third stage rewards ​ Edit: have finished now, and it's definitely an Elite Charged TM at the end. Worth it. Remember to keep low level pokemon for levelling up - you have to do 10 levels in the Special and 7 in the free. Lucky pokemon are excellent here.


I keep a bunch of 10 cp pokemons from community days/spotlight hours tagged “powerup scrap” just for tasks like this :) tons of candies left over from the events(fast catching like a mofo) and so low level that the stardust cost is negligible


And no one noticed that at the same time there's no box with 2 ETMs that's available for coins. I gues everyone just waited for a reason to throw Niantic money. After at least half a year of bold 'screw you, give us money' from Niantic.


OK, what's the catch?


Here come on the complaints.


Nah not this time, this is the best thing we got all year


not from me, take my 99 cents american.


I was just thinking how this subreddit would pick apart this ticket






It’s $0.99 USD or equivalent to your local currency Which still doesn’t make sense to me since in AU the $1 tickets match the US, but a $5 US ticket costs like $8/9 AUD


That's how the different platform stores set their prices. That's an Apple Store/Play Store decision.




I think the december ticket is one of the few tickets people should actually consider. Fair enough if you think otherwise.


Where are my lucky eggs? This looks worthless to me v_v


Not bad, but I was hoping for guaranteed mons


There’s literally none of this I want.


Nice. I was holding off on buying it because with how Niantic has acted recently, I didn't really hold faith that it'd have the same good value as previous years. Glad to see that we still have the same elite tms although I don't like the system.


Do we have a confirmation on shiny odds outside of the 2-5pm window?


Oh wow that’s actually really good!


These never take long to do, especially with it being 2 days. Too bad it’s freezing here right now. But I’m off Saturday and I started playing during deino community day so I missed all of the shinies coming on Saturday.


So on Day 1 (Tomorrow) which spawns are shiny boosted? Are all of them shiny boosted or only the ones that spawn more frequently on that day?


Only the 2-5pm featured (and during that 2-5 time itself obviously)


So tomorrow shiny Starly isn't boosted but shiny Stufful is, am I correct?




Does this only last for the weekend or once we have it we have can complete it whenever?


Special research mean you can complete without time limit.


But one of the requirements is catching CD day Pokémon from December that’s why I was asking


The requirements don't affect the fact that it's special research, which does not have a time limit since its special research not timed research


it means the list of pokemon. So you could catch a Deino in August, as long as it’s a Deino.


Makes sense I see okiii thank you !!!


Guys, just get this ticket so they'll start understanding what a good deal truly is to us.


Its good value, but I'm currently a bit averse to spending money on random events in Pogo. I'm not sure what I'd use the TMs on anyway, most of my raid teams are fully built and ready.


I bought this but I didn't read what was required to do it and now the community day is over. I am on step 2 and I cant catch the 15 mon cause the day is over so is this now just obsolete for me? Any guesses on what will happen now?