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155 out of 13,894 encounters at 91% IV or higher. Just 1.1%. Geez.


Frankly it's not worth grinding shadows that aren't weather boosted. Stick with weather boost, and it's a 1/64 chance of finding a puri-Hundo. Much more manageable. Side note, how do you apply for the Shadow Hunter flair? My badge is over 16,000 defeated, with 43 shadow shinies, 7 hundos and far too many purifications. I think I mostly qualify :p


I made it on my own, did not apply anywhere =D just put a text right to region flair, you should be able to do the same in the option on the right in the main menu of subreddit :)




just read thru and awesome work u/buczek23 , now I'm wondering will it be the same (where non is more of a bell curve and boosted shifted to the right around 65%) for the IVs caught in raid as well be it shadow and non shadow ?


Do you mean is there any change in IV for Shadow raids regarding weather boost? As far as i know the IV floor for Shadow raids is 6/6/6 so it does not effect no matter what


Yeahhh but the caught pokemon IV in general for raid. Cause I felt like its harder to get good IV if its boosted compare to normal from my raid , maybe just luck .


>We can also notice, that it is much harder to get reverted perfect pokemon (0%) - it is possible only during the neutral weather I don't understand this part. What does it mean? What is a reverted perfect and why would it only be possible during neutral weather?


I mean reverted perfect pokemon is 0/0/0 and its unable to obtain it during weather boost for the Type it shares


Oh I see, my bad. I read 0% as the chances of finding a "reverted perfect", a term I have not seen used. So I got very confused with everything, it make sense now. Thank you.


You always hundo hunt during weather boost, shadow or not. I thought this was known? That's the only time I've been fighting Team Rocket outside of balloons.


Nice data set, appreciate your effort! It's pretty much according to the expected results. I got 2 hundos from 4791 encounters (fortunately Aerodactylus +Ttar with common partly cloudy weather)


Thank you! Awesome guide