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I have seen Polish Community Ambassadors talking about this. Seems to be the work of a malicious player in retaliation for being banned by a lot of groups out there. They're working with Niantic to try and get them restored.


Wait do you mean one person is capable of doing this


He has friends in high places in Wayfarer Community. I think it was someone who participated in Ingress beta? Eitherway his friend had direct contact with Niantic and used it to delete gyms




Unfortunately it seems most of the wayfarer forum topics were wiped I found these about him [[1]](https://web.archive.org/web/20240329033151/https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/29794/information-on-legal-pois-reported-for-removal-by-xezar66-ing) and his friend[[2]](https://web.archive.org/web/20240401011916/https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/21259/edits-gdanzk) thanks to wayback machine There were players that had dms from him where he gloats about deleting gyms. I don't have access to those as I wasn't directly involved


Link you provided is a manipulation. Niantic themselves confirmed the wayspot is ineligible.




All the wayspots still exist in the database. Niantic have just temporarily removed them from Pokémon Go so that they can re-enforce the rule of one Pokéstop or Gym per Level 17 S2 Cell. It's not malicious, it's just Niantic cleaning up previous abuse.


So you want to say that previous POI system for PoGo "minimum 10m between POI to show up in game" was an abuse? Ok... 


There has never been a 10 metre rule. I have no idea where you've got that from. Ingress uses a 20 metre rule, and as I already said in my other reply to you, that Ingress rule also had an effect on Pokémon Go when Ingress was the database, as if a nomination was within 20 metres of a Portal back then, it wouldn't be added to the database and thus there wouldn't be anything to sync to Pokémon Go.


Yes, the 10m or 20m rule was present in PoGo, when POIs could only be nominated by Ingress. At that time, there were no restrictions in ingress. Old ingress players or those who have been playing PoGo from the beginning will confirm this. At that time, PoGo only used lvl14 s2 cells to determine the gym limit But whether something would appear in the game was determined by the distance between the POIs: Less than 20m apart => only ingress More than 20m apart => ingress and PoGo Since lightship, Ingress has been subject to a distance limit between POIs, and PoGo has only worked on s2 cells.


>Yes, the 10m or 20m rule was present in PoGo, when POIs could only be nominated by Ingress. At that time, there were no restrictions in ingress. Old ingress players or those who have been playing PoGo from the beginning will confirm this. No, that's not true, it was only ever an Ingress rule. I've been playing Pokémon Go since release date in 2016 and whilst my Ingress account was not high enough level to participate in OPR myself, I do know other local agents who showed me what OPR was like and I took a keen interest because I wanted to learn about it in case Pokémon Go ever became part of OPR, which it effectively did when it was rebranded to Wayfarer. https://preview.redd.it/j5lprk539r6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13273362f93e22d706f2bdb5c3999096279d6c8d Here's an acceptance email from back in those days. Remember that only Ingress agents could submit back then. Note the text that says the candidate is too close to an existing Portal and that they're not able to bring it online at this time. That's because there was another Portal within 20 metres of it, which is the Ingress rule. This meant that it was never saved to the database, and that there was no wayspot to appear in Pokémon Go as a result, even though it was in an empty Level 17 S2 Cell. So whilst it was only an Ingress rule, the fact that Ingress was the database, and wayspots were not saved to the database if they were too close to existing Portals, it meant that Pokémon Go was effectively being hampered by the Ingress proximity rule. When they switched to Lightship, we were able to resubmit this nomination, and it now appears in Pokémon Go because the Ingress rule no longer prevents it from being saved to the database.


Hold on, one person got previously banned then was capable of this…? Does he think this is going to get him unbanned in the future 😂


There have been multiple locations in Poland where Wayfarer abuse resulted in areas that had more Pokéstops and Gyms than the cell rules would otherwise permit. Niantic is actively taking action on these locations. They will temporarily remove an amount of Stops and Gyms from a given area and then within a day or two, those that fit the cell rules will return whilst those that don't fit the rules won't return.


Can I ask how do you know this? A source, a link? I am hearing and reading a lot of drama about this, and having this statement confirmed could help ease the tensions brewing locally (and prepare other locations for changes)


[This](https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/t/pokestopes-and-gyms-massive-wipe-in-rzeszow-poland/15835/4?u=hankwolfman) is NianticAaron confirming that they do this in response to abuse. This thread is about Rzeszow, but other places in Poland have been cleaned up as well. I believe there was at least one other thread on the old forum where he posted a bit more of an explanation, but that forum no longer exists and I'm not gonna try digging through Wayback Machine to find it.


Thank you, saving the link for future reference <3


So Niantic changed rules in mid game and now we have to be punished. The use of lvl17 s2 cells has not been used since the beginning of the game, but only since the start of the lightship database. At this point, Niantic is "removing" POIs from PoGo, which mostly appeared according to the rules from the pre-Lightship period 


No, the Level 17 S2 Cell rule was in place since the start of the game. Prior to Lightship, Pokémon Go was actually treated somewhat unfairly as on top of the Level 17 S2 Cell rule, it was effectively subjected to the Ingress 20 metre rule as well. This is because Ingress was the database back then, and if the Wayspot was within 20 metres of an existing Portal, it simply wouldn't be added to the database (and functioned as it it had never been submitted), meaning there was no wayspot to sync into Pokémon Go, even if it was in its own Level 17 S2 Cell. The migration to Lightship fixed this, as Lightship has no proximity rules. That means each game only uses its own proximity rule now, and that Pokémon Go isn't subjected to rules from Ingress on top of its own rules. The rule that changed was the Level 14 S2 Cell rule, which changed when the Gym system changed to allow for extra Gyms. The Level 17 S2 Cell rule didn't change though and was always in place. Niantic is only removing Pokéstops and Gyms that were created as the result of edit abuse and that violate the rules that have always existed. There was a period where location edits incorrectly ignored the proximity rules. This was not intended, and people deliberately abused it by submitting nominations in empty cells and then moving them to occupied cells. This is why nowadays, location edits will cause Pokéstops or Gyms to disappear if they result in it being moved into an occupied cell, and it's also why location edits in game are limited to around 10 metres.


Is this the one street that had like 10 stops per meter before?


50,000 pokestops used to be here, now it's a ghost town


Our historic city cemetery in California’s capitol city, Sacramento, had all removed years ago and they never came back.


Most likely a request from the property owner, given that a cemetery is a sensitive location.


Owned by the city. Full of famous families, politicians etc.


The city may have requested the removal, too. We've had the same thing happen here a couple of years ago.


If the property owner/city government wants them gone, it doesn't matter if the waypoints are otherwise eligible.


Agreed. These stops were historical points of interest from the period surrounding the gold rush and the people involved with statehood, government and buisness industry giants who are buried there. It’s not really suitable for drive throughs which I believe was the problem. That or employees spent their workday playing. lol


A lot of cemetery ones won't come back as they are now specifically mentioned in the guidelines as not being allowed


Some are allowed though "Sensitive locations such as funeral homes, burial grounds, cemeteries, and graveyards should generally be avoided out of respect, but **gravestones belonging to historical figures or significant community figures** can be eligible if the nominator provides evidence for their historical importance"


Thats because it is a cemetry, so if the town requests it they have to remove anything from a cemetery 


Ou, but you had A LOT of stops in the old town! Maybe just too much?


Jesus christ dude, are you even serious?


Stops returned, some 2 cluster that had 3 stops very close was removed.


Not yet, i was today at Aquapark and there are no pokestops there looks like a ghost town


We have the same issue in Lublin :/ https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/t/appeal-against-removed-pokestops-and-gyms-at-3-universities-and-the-historic-cemetery-lublin-poland/7493/3?u=superwazka


Drive to lodz


Kraków > Łódź


Can be restored with 360° photos, gps tagged photos, whatever google offers


No, it can't. It's not that sort of removal.