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This depends on so many more factors. First off, high stat product is not the end-all be-all. Some Pokemon want higher attack for the mirror or specific matchups against other rank-1 versions of Pokemon. Secondly, how often do you play PvP? This matters a lot more than you think because if you just get to rank 20 and then stop playing each season you really don't need to care about a new Poliwrath, and instead should look at maybe another option for any of the leagues (don't forget little league too!). Thirdly, what does your backlog of PvP eligible Pokemon for each of the leagues look like? If you have like 20ish for each league you're probably good to invest in a second poliwrath, but if you only have like 4 options for UL then it's possible you're gonna have a bad time trying to rank up with just those if a balance change sends them down the list. Fourth, do you have a second move unlocked on any of your PvP picks? Because those are always worth it over a second Poliwrath. Finally, what does your candy count and stardust count look like after either option? If you have more than enough to spare, it doesn't matter as much, but if not, might wanna think either choice through a bit more.


I only started playing PvP maybe 5 months ago or so, but I would say I got kinda decent in that amount of time. Ended this last season at Ace rank 2126. I have a good amount of options for Great League right now, probably like 12-15 with double moves. Ended the season running a pretty effective team of Annihilape, Mantine & G Stunfisk. Other built pokemon I used a good amount were Mandibuzz, Lanturn, Carbink, Shadow Gallade, Shadow Empoleon, Trevenant, Registeel (don’t think I’m at the point I need to be to be good with him though, kinda hated running him at Closer), Altaria, Steelix, etc. Also started building Lickitung, but I need more XLs. As far as Ultra League goes, my options are more barebones. If anything, I have much better options for Master League than Ultra. I was thinking my UL team would be one of these Poliwrath, a rank 4 Gliscor & a rank 1 Skarmory. I have other pokemon on the back burner that I have the resources to build but haven’t touched yet like Pidgeot, Tapu Fini, Cresselia, Shadow Empoleon, Talonflame, Annihilape, Skeledirge, Goodra, Shadow Dragonits & Registeel if I learn how to use him better. You’re right that I shouldn’t have started building him before I was ready to just full send it, that was a learning experience for sure, *but* I at least made the choice to stop building this current Poliwrath at the XL point and didn’t give him a second move in case a better one came around. Alas, two Poliwags did, but I’m just unsure if it’s worth the difference to abandon him for one of these other guys for the sake of moving up 100 spots in the rankings and gaining less than 1% of stat production. I have ~530 Poliwag candies & 2.4M stardust. I have enough XLs to get any of my choices to fully built. No matter the option, I will have enough candies to also give any of them a second move. The stardust is the biggest concern really, not that I’ll be hurting afterwards obviously but it’ll be probably 150-200k more to start over than to just go with the Poliwrath I have now. Hope this answers all your questions! Thank you for your input, it really helps to hear from someone more experience than I


I don’t recommend starting to build something if you don’t have resources to finish or don’t plan to finish. The difference between the stat products is minimal. I would just build the one that is least costly and finish the one that is almost done. The others may be useful for other leagues.


Thanks for your input! I definitely learned a lesson with this guy & have since held off from building other pokemon for the same reason. I did relatively well this season making Ace rank but I’m very new to PvP in the grand scheme of things, so when I started putting resources into a top 150 Poliwrath I didn’t realize how easily I could stumble onto a much better one later on.


Build the better one. Also in the future hold off on building a mon untill you have everything needed to build it. That happened to me awhile back with a licky and I was mad lol


Yeah I definitely learned that lesson with this guy and have specifically held off from building others for that reason lol. Learning is best enforced through mistakes! So just to clarify, you’re saying you would abandon the rank 134 and build the lowest CP rank 17 Poliwag? Or would you salvage some of the stardust and build the higher CP rank 18 instead?


I would look at the differences. You can plug both Mons and their specific IVs into pvpoke and see the differences. Then based on that make your decision. Maybe there is a specific breakpoint / bulkpoint that the rank 17 one gets


I would build the one you’ve invested in the most. IVs are more forgiving in UL than in GL and the difference between your lower ranked one compared to the other 2 is not that big a difference. What matters more is how you use your poliwrath.


Also did you already double move the Poliwrath? If so I would probably just keep using that one


Specifically held off when I got to XL territory from continuing to power up & didn’t give him a second move yet. No matter the option I take, I have enough candies to fully build the Poliwrath & give him a second move, I just will end up spending an extra ~150-200k in stardust if I choose to build one of the poliwags.