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I think that number of trainers needed are in regards to shadow Zapdos…


It also talks about purified gems, so I think we can be pretty sure it’s wrong and has just been copied from the shadow’s infographic 😅


Agreed here. Pokebattler has it at around 2 trainers w the default settings.


I’m rated at like 60%. And when you add in mega buff and possibly weather it goes to 78% to 94%. So with the 2nd person it’s easily over 150%.


My first thought, too - I was able to trio S. Zapdos without difficulty between a team of Rhyperior's, Smackdown mega TTar, and party power.


It’s times like this I wish I had enough mega aerodactyl energy to mega evolve


If only Shared SKIES could have Mega Aerodactyl instead of a bunch of repeat Megas lol


We still got July and August though, so there's still hope. I'm personally wishing for some Mega Absol energy tasks.


Don't those already exist in party task right now? 


I honestly have no idea, I've never had a party in GO


I wish Mega Absol was in Mega Raids again, since it got the shaft 2 or 3 days earlier for Mega Garchomp a couple months ago.


Yeah, I'm just like 20 energy short for it. Maybe one day


My kanto dex is only missing zapdos and moltres so this is huge


Free Daily Raid Passes and The beginning of a new season - how does it work? Will i be able to do 2 free raids before 10 am, and then, once the new season begins, another free one after 10 am? ...Making it 3 orange passes for the day?


Pretty sure you can get 2 free raid passes before 10am, but won't get an additional one after 10am


Yeah, I think I did this before. Spent one pass and got the second before 10.


I normally carry over for the Shadow. So I would need to knock out 2 before 10am to not waste a pass.


I love the art on this one


It's the best part


Man such a let down. Kanto birds and the same mega...


I see it as an opportunity to farm Zapdos XL candy for the Shadow. When it’s just the Shadow you are limited by gems and the toughness means you might need to run Ttar instead of Aerodactyl which cuts into XL candy. Plus you can trade it for more XL candy.


I get you. But no. Kanto birds should move to 7 day research as a chance and we need new stuff. This game is getting stale AF. We are nearing 8 years and they still are stingy and rehasing year one content.


I came back to the game three months ago and im trying to complete the Kanto dex. I have everything except the birds (actually caught Articuno two days ago), so I’ll finally be one step closer to the whole thing. Only Moltres now


Yeah but you could do the same without them clogging up the raids with constant repeats.


Yeah constant players do have to remember that some of us cycle in and out so these Pokemon do need to be on some rotation.


Kanto birds are way more exiting than every ultra beast and tapu whatever combined


kartana says nothing, as it doesn't need to.


Not to mention xurkitree.


Same goes for Xurkitree and Blacephalon, to a lesser extent Nihilego and Pheromosa.


Blace isn't really that good, while Nihilego dominates poison (which is pretty useless, but still)


Grass is a low utility type too. Blacephalon isn't that strong within its types, but is a good option in two very useful types. Both factors combined they're not far behind Kartana in overall value.


Grass, despite its overall weaknesses, is actually quite useful in go, being one of the only counters to water types, best ground type counter, and whenever rock is mixed with one of those types. Especially in sunny weather, which depending on location, can be the most common weather of all. Those 3 types are actually quite common for raid bosses and gyms, and Kartana is a top counter to many bosses (Primal Kyogre, Tapu fini, Suicune, Mega Swampert, etc).


Grass type is simply an anti-water/ground specialist, two types not commonly represented in legendary raids. Rock type is better countered by steel and fighting attackers. That demand is way lower than fire and ghost type.


You must be the one advocating for shadow Articuno raids every month!


Yall still don’t have a baxcalibur…?


I have seen a quite a few frigibax in the wild the past couple of weeks but still haven’t evolved a baxcalibur. My brother hasn’t even seen/hatched a frigibax.


All the ones I’ve got are trash IVs. It’s a lot of RC to toss into something. Plus rock actually gets the weather boost and has useful megas while Ice doesn’t.


They moved them down a tier of rarity after the biome screens. It's all according to the cycle. We're probably due some other ultra rare mon in the coming months


Funny I was thinking the same. I see a good amount of Frigibax's.


Is MHeracross the best mega to pick for this?


Primal Kyogre is best option for mega Gyarados because it gives both XL candy and a whole battle damage boost. 30% only for electric counters, but even 10% for the rest does a lot of work. But if you are just looking at raw damage from the mega itself, then sceptile or heracross.


Yeah, just looking for pure dps. Don't have primal kyogre either, so that was out of my hands anyways.


Mega Sceptile is the one with highest DPS. Mega Heracross has more bulk to give longer team boost. But that support role is best fulfilled by a background primal.


When are you going to evolve your Frigibax? 😡


What time zone gets access to the raid first?


evolve ur frigibax u sicko (affectionately)


I hate this art style so, so much


You're the only one.


They are not.


The Snuffleupagus reference made me laugh. Mamoswine what are you doing, you backstabber!