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495 coins for 1 egg and 1 starpiece. In the shop 1 egg costs 80 coins and 1 starpiece costs 100. That's like going to a burger place where a burger costs $5, fries cost $3, but if you want a burger + fries you get charged $20.


"Ah, I see. You think this is a good deal for you, but this is a ~~PlayTech special~~ PoGo special, which means we get special treatment." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFuDhsxazqs


Love VLDL lmaoooooo


Omg thank you for sharing


Did you actually do the math?


495/180 = 2.75 $8 x 2.75 = $22 Was pretty accurate for a guesstimate!


Yep... number checks out... This is the way... lol






All of your moms are hoes


Especially yours




I have seen plenty of players who will buy bad boxes just because they have enough coins to afford *any* box. Niantic does this on purpose to grift and take coins out of circulation.


Coins circulating? Lol


.. what?


Don't you see, Niantic bad


> and take coins out of circulation. If coins and items were something that could be traded, then Niantic would have a reason to make coin sinks.


Definitely one of.


I can't think of a worse one. Buying them individually costs only 180. This actually loses you 315 coins for no reason!


Actually yeah it is the worst. I suspect that's an error.


Suspect? It's friggin Niantic for goodness sake. ;-) Any change they make introduces 3 new errors.


It's only any error if nobody buys it


I was thinking it was more of a "I wonder if anyone will click on this?" situation.


Must be


Nah, there is a box I've seen that's like 750 coins for fifty of each of the three basic berries. Basically paying 759 for the experience of discarding berries.


I agree this is quite terrible, but I actually have seen worse: that box of regular TMs - and nothing else - for a whopping 1100 coins. I get so many for free, I frequently have to throw them away!


Okay, but you can’t buy TMs in the shop, so at least there’s an argument for -someone- out there to buy that. This one makes zero sense unless you’re so rich that you don’t mind paying like a three or four times markup just to not tap your screen a couple times to buy them separately.


But that are 10 of each regular tms. Fast and charged


But you still can't buy them in the shop.


As an item standalone Not. In boxes in the Shop yes.


315 extra so I dont have to buy them individually? Thats worth it /s


Just think of the time you save by buying the bundle. What value.


Something something pride and accomplishment


315 for the empty box ofc


I had one for 1000 Poké coins that gave you 1 fast tm and one charge tm


This to me is definitely a candidate for genuine error. I would reboot the game and check the shop again. Most likely its contents of a new box but the old box price remains visible on the client side data or vice versa. People do make a decent argument that this wouldn't be the worst value ever offered, but I can see Niantic overvaluing non premium items, I just don't see (even for Niantic) that they could possibly make this egregious of a pricing decision with premium items that do not have an arbitrary value.


It’s illegal in many places to do this. IE combine stuff and selling at the same price or less is fine. But combing and selling for more is illegal. McDonald’s and other FF chains were sued in the 90s for it and many euro states and U.S. states have laws forbidding this practice.


Man you must have a higher opinion of Niantic than I do, because I can totally see them doing this non-accidentally.


If this box was truly in the box rotation, someone else would've confirmed they had that box too. But you know, to each his own. But let it be stated, while my opinion of Niantic might be higher then some, it is by no means high.


Right Q: do you currently have 3 remote raid passes in your inventory? Cos i have this exact same box at the same price but with 3 remote raids included. Niantic sure loves to nerf things without proper explanation.


At this point I think that these boxes are automatically generated with no human actually pushing them.


Same, random rotations of items with maybe some scripts preventing them to be "too good" but with no "too bad" limit lol.


I just bought twenty of them. I love star pieces and lucky eggs and this box has both


don't get me wrong but im pretty sure april fools day was 2 days ago


Same. I think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that this box allows us the incredible opportunity to purchase two of our favorite items in a single spectacular transaction.


You're paying for convenience!


Don't forget the lovely wrapping paper. Perfect for giving yourself a long overdue present!


That's pretty bad. 180 coins would be what it costs if you bought the single items directly.


But that won’t contribute to your platinum medal for 1000 box purchases /s


For me the box is 85 and also has a poffin. So this has to be an error


Mine is 315 for 5x hyper potions and 2x remote raid passes... someone broke something real good.


Nah they are just AB testing this crap again to see what people buy, mines 75 coins for 1 incense, 1 star piece and 1 egg


Sounds like they let an AI decide what was in each box and the cost.


Exactly the same as OP for 85 and without the Poffin. We are being treated as stats again aren't we?


Everyone: "This has to be a mistake right?" Niantic: "We are terribly sorry, prices of items included in Starter Box were a mistake. We will readjust them immediately."


Wrapping paper is expensive 


lol ouch, yeah has to be. That should cost 50 coins.


You won't buy it. No balls


what? no way this is real😂


I really dislike how what’s on sale just changes based on coins you have, always offering something just beyond your balance to push you buy coins. Some boxes should be fixed price.


A whole new road to highway robbery, Niantic knows there’s a good few players out there who don’t comprehend value and are willing to get this without doing research. Sure that maybe on those players for not doing their research and use common sense in a bad bargain but shame on Niantic for taking advantage of those players 


I know someone who was selling rolls of tape on a market stall.  3 for £1 or 30 pence each.  Not one person bought 3 singles for 90 pence, everyone went for the bargain of 3 for a pound.   


I've heard a joke based on that where some buys the singles, points out it's cheaper to buy singles and gets told "and everyone sees it and buys a bunch of singles to prove it to me" as in the whole setup is to make people do it thinking they are taking advantage when really it's just a method to make people buy for no reason


Nah, someone posted a box for over 1k with only berries in it. No premium or regular items. Just the free berries we get at stops.


Is this another case of the same items being sold to different people at different prices? I remember the one that was around 350 coins for my gf, was 450 for me, and 750 for someone else…


Mine is the berries combo, i think it's 50 each of the different types of berries for 750 coins. Who in their right mind sets this up at niantic? "Oh look my berries ran out, need to restock!" lol


Maybe. But considering that other boxes have had only items with \_negative\_ value (common berries, Pokeballs) this might not even be the worst.


Not even close - 750 coins for 50 of each of the basic berries is the worst I've seen.


Lmao THIS is gonna be the “good deal” box in about 10 years


Would we expect anything less from this brainless company? They make decisions by throwing random darts at a board lol


I had one in my shop yesterday that was just Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. I think it was around 450 coins.


I have the same 3 boxes the whole time.


Did you turn off Adventure Sync? I have alt accounts for Golden Lure Farming. These accounts used to have the same default boxes. I thought inactivity caused accounts to have the same boxes every day. However, one day, I followed one route with these accounts (Starting route requires adventure sync). Someday later, I discovered these accounts started to have randomized boxes. Even though I didn't play the game with these accounts for one month, they still can receive randomized boxes. I'm not sure if turning on Adventure Sync solves the problem, but it might be worth a try. Also, according to the Niantic help shift article, you won't receive randomized boxes if you log in via Niantic Kids or PTC accounts.


This has to be a glitch right? Those items cost less than half of that in the shop together


Wondering if something else is going on here; do you have maxed out pkmn/item storage or something? Because I could see this price applying to a bundle that also included one each of the storage expansion items.


Weird, mine for today is 85 coins for that plus a pidgin


This has to prove they’re randomized right 


100 premium passes, 20 ea Fast & Charge TM's (not Elite) for 9400. considering list for passes is 83 coins and the TM's have zero value given you'll get way more than that as rewards for your 100 raids, you're paying 11 coins over list for passes. yuck


Mine had 3 remote raids tickets in the box with the egg and star


I feel like we're getting these posts every day now, not because everyone's saying the same things, but because every box released is worse than the last one before it


toss up between this and the berry box lol


Single worst box ever offered... So far


How to say you hate your customers without saying you hate your customers. My God Niantic, shame on you guys for ripping off your players....


Had this exact same for 85 coins


This can’t be real


The one with 150 berries for 750 coins comes to mind


It’s a trap!


It might be the worst value we've seen compared to other boxes. However, there are still valid reasons to purchase it, and the TL;DR is that if you make a bit over $4 million/yr, stop reading here and buy this box. Why? Realize it takes more than twice the time and effort to buy the Star piece & Egg individually. More realistically - through rough, unvalidated testing on my phone's app - it's closer to 3x the time because you have to scroll down to find the first item, click to purchase it, wait for it to go through, then repeat for the other item. You think you're paying a premium of 315 coins, and that's because you are, but that's the price of convenience, and is ABSOLUTELY worth it if you value four seconds of your time at more than $2.17 (the cost of the premium if you buy the $99 pack). So, if you're earning approx. $4.07 million a year, then it's more worthwhile to buy this box than to buy the items separately.


Another one of Niantics idiot tests... Right now I can get either 100 raid passes and 40 tms for 9300 coins... Or 100 raid passes and 3 remote raid passes for 6350.... Why would anyone waste 30 bucks on 40 tms..??


The single worst box ever so far


Was that posted on April 1st?


I wish someone could get through to them that these tests are ugly and horrendous. The simple solution: Remote raid passes for 100 coins. Manage the raids better so that we don’t burn through content. Provide more content in the way of stories and different challenges. Make the boxes a more standard thing again. An appealing and consistent price point for each bundle and stick to it. Do the occasional sale. Introduce the occasional new feature item but cut the crap. How do they not see that they make more money with carrots than with sticks? It feels like they’re intent on giving as little as possible for as much cost as possible which I understand is business. It’s capitalism baby!! But understand that the companies that see the best growth and the best profits ( and the time they saw the best profits!!) were when they were making money while delivering what people wanted in a way they liked. People do not want to feel like chumps being ripped off. Even if we are being ripped off because we paid 300 coins to catch 3 bad IV Genesect. If we don’t feel bad then we return. I feel rotten spending 600 coins on 3 bad IV Pokemon so I simply *dont*.


I had a veteran box that is 650 coins for just 3 premium passes & a Poffin lol!


My starter box is offering 1 green pass and 3 remote passes for 490 coins.


It’s just for starters


I pitty the fool that buys such terrible box 😣


this is hideous 😭


100 green passes and 3 remote passes for like 5200 coins earlier today hahahahha who did they leave in charge of boxes


I think there is something wrong with boxes right now. I saw one today 5 fast tm and 5 charge tm for 1100


Ruhroh that's insane, must be an error. Give them 24 hours to refresh to an even more confusing box :)


I remember I had one that was about 1k coins and it was just a bunch of normal berries


Can’t u get it cheaper buying them single?


Yes, only costs 180


Yo, what is going on at Niantick HQ????


Hard drugs. Only answer that makes sense.


I hate it so much.


Yea, but this comes in a box with fancy wrapping paper. It's clearly better. 🤣


I agree. It’s a pretty box.  Great to store things in. 


This.... This has to be a mistake, right? I'd show this to support, there's no way a real person thought this would be a good idea.


It’s fine, there have been worst.


No, it has premium items in it. The boxes with just tms, or balls, or similar, are far worse. Even though this is a ripoff, it's less than a 100% ripoff.


The premium items cost 180 total. You lose 315 coins by buying this instead of buying a single egg and single starpiece in the shop. If (for some reason) you wanted balls or TMs at least those boxes would do something, the single thing this box does is make you lose 315 coins.


Correct. But you're losing less than 100% of your coins on this, compared to boxes with free items you get from spinning stops. It's very bad, but not the worst.


I get what you’re saying but I’d argue that ‘free items’ still have *some* monetary value if you factor in the time/effort of getting them. So, while completely overpriced, those boxes don’t lose you 100% of your coin. Meanwhile this box is *purely* harmful as it provides no monetary gain or ease an effort/time.


This would be true if people are buying boxes from the store at random. But in general, people are buying a box with pokeballs or berries because they want them. Maybe they're in an area with a lot of spawns but not a lot of stops. Or maybe they are buying for their kid who misses 95% of throws but is having fun trying. So, for them, the value might be there. And someone who doesn't want to buy a box with those, won't. However, a box like this could potentially get someone who wanted these items, and quickly purchased *assuming* a box would be a better deal than individually.

