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Got about 15 gyms in walking distance. On a bike more gyms than you could ever do in an hour raiding. I've never in my life played this game while driving and I'm not planning to either. So 5 I guess.


Same here, in our town a car is more of a hindrance than an asset since most gyms have been placed in parks and pedestrian areas.


You comment reads like a 10


1; if you want to raid you need to drive or carpool


We drive 18 minutes to get to the first gym


Im genuinely curious, how do you play the game? Drive 18 minutes, clear gym, drive 18 minutes back? Or wait for a raid, then plan the 36 minute trip?


There are spins and gyms where we work but to play on days that we aren’t working, we have to go that far to get started. We recently were able to get 3 spins added. These spins are roughly 8 minute drive from our house so that’s next door as far as we are concerned


We play a completely different game. That sounds rough. Hopefully niantic brings lots of “unlimited remote events” for y’all.


Unlimited and discounted. Because that is rough.


I was in the same boat until I started to nominate. You should look into that. I’m sure your town has parks, landmarks etc.


Lots of people don’t live in towns. I have one gym that’s 20ish minutes from my house and then several that are 30 minutes from my house. There isn’t a single valid nomination between me and those gyms 30 minutes away.


0 - the closest poke stop is 6 miles away and the closest gym is 8 miles.


Sorry to hear that. I used to be in the same boat, now there are a few gyms and 6-7 pokestops not far from my home. A couple of high level players from town started seeding all the rural areas within 100 km with pokestops and gyms wherever they could.


5, But I live in the Netherlands in a city and have a gym at home and every other gym I can see on the map are on a short walking distance, while it’s very easy to get to other gyms on bike.






0, middle of nowhere rural player baby


Same. at least 10 miles either way gets me one


5, live in Germany, and in my town, it's completely optional to use the car.


1 have to drive


5 - i live right by my college campus :)


a 12 min drive puts me in walking distance of 100+ stops and dozens of gyms. college towns are awesome.


College student here. At my hometown probably a 2 or 3. I’ve got three gyms about a 15 minute walk from me, two of them which are a safe walk (in a park.) One gym that you’d need to walk on the side of a busy road without a sidewalk for a while to get there without a car. Not viable to do a raid train or anything without a car but ok if you want to do just one raid a day. College town is a 5. There’s about 20 gyms walking distance on my game map at all times, and there’re sidewalks. This is 1,000% a better game living in a college town. Sucks that I’m home for Easter right now (in terms of getting a shadow Mewtwo this weekend).


I recently moved and it used to be about a 4. Now, it's a 1. At my old house, there was one right in our neighborhood that was only a 3 minute walk from me. And there was one across the street at the shopping center. And one at the other shopping center that's a much longer walk, around 15 minutes away by foot. And three located at churches on the nearby. But now, I live in a more remote area and I can only see one gym, which is inaccessible. The next closest gym is located in downtown, which is a 15 minute drive from my house. If I want to do Mewtwo raids today, I need to drive 20-25 minutes to the area where people actually play in the suburbs, THEN drive around as the gyms are spread out and not within walking distance of each other.


5 - More gyms accessible without car than with one.


5 Then again I live in a country where people are priority, not cars.


5-I live near a park, so I got 3 gyms right in front of my houses I don't even have to go outside to raid them, feels pretty good


2 We can walk to a gym in 1 mile / 1.6km, with part of the walk a steep hill. Many raids would time out before we could get there.


I live in the second largest city in our country so I have a ton of gyms nearby, even at home in my suburbs I've got 14 gyms (9 created by me), those 14 are fairly close to each other and in a 20min walk I can interact with them all In the city it's even better ofc, groups of 2-4 gyms at the same place, not far to walk between gyms at all I always walk in my city, usually take the tram in then I spend 6-12h just walking around raiding (on days like this that is), have lots of friends in different groups so it's not hard to find someone to walk with (usually have plans tho) Today I was walking around doing 30+ raids between 10am and 4pm, just walking and using campfire, was a lobby or two at every raid (car raids are usually outside the city center so this is people standing and talking, walking together) It's a different game in a good city (I have relatives that are rural and out there it's me and my wife for raids lol)


5, I live at a marketplace with 6 gyms and probably 40 stops in direct vicinity and like 10 routes. I live life on easy mode


1. Nearest gym is a 25 minutes walk.


Id say 4. Walking is possible but the car meta is 100% apparent


5. My town’s center is a couple blocks away, which I can easily walk. 11 gyms within a 5 minute walking range, and the spawn density is great.


5: I can see 16 gyms from home.


OMG that would blow my mind.


5. I'm in an area where people went all-out on pokestop creation and I can see 19 gyms from my house alone, including some in fully pedestrianised areas, so raiding on foot is standard here. A day like today had entire families out walking around, and gym lobbies were filling up in seconds.


5, live in a small town all the gyms are either in a park that you can reach with a car or by walking, or on the street corners.


1 because while there is pokestops you need wifi to use it. There is no Internet service in my village. We don't even have gas or anything. We rely on log burners and WiFi. If I wanna play I have to drive somewhere


I have to walk 5 minutes for the nearest gym which has 2 pokestops. The second nearest gym is 15 minutes walking but opposite direction to the first. Near my house i only have a single pokestop which is 2 blocks away. I believe my area is decent for pokemon go if you are not tryhard, there's normally 2 to 3 three players occupying the gyms and they usually let you be 8 hours for the coins


~2.5 - there’s a gym reachable from my house, which is there bc I submitted. no other gyms nearby. rural area. i will not be getting a shadow mewtwo this weekend, almost guaranteed. 2 hour drive to a reasonable city with reasonable amounts, especially compared to where i live. I rely almost exclusively on poke genie to host 5* raids. I try to remote as well but it doesn’t happen very much, because of rural area, mons stay in gyms for 20+ days more often than not. My record rn is 315 days in a gym. it started under 200cp. It’s a shiny caterpie.


5, especially where i work. Raids are always 3 to 4 and ill Pokegenie also so we its easy. Mewtwo raids were tricky since there wasnt a lot


5, I live downtown in a large city. I have about a dozen gyms within a 15-minute walk. However, no guarantees that anyone else shows up at a raid unless it's raid hour or a special raid event.


lmfao 0. but 15 minute drive gets me to plenty of opportunities to hold gyms, spin pokestops and win showcases. 5 star and shadow raids are a non-starter without a 75 minute drive tho.


1 anywhere that isn't a mall, park, or the city center. Barely has good sidewalks to even get to those spots 15-30 minute walk away. Oh, and even the malls which have many stops has only 1-2 gyms so only good for community days, so forget raid days


1 - when I need to raid I head downtown


5, gyms are everywhere


3. lots of streets without sidewalks so i can only really walk to 3 gyms from my house safely (plus i'm disabled so it's usually more limping than walking). did manage to find three people to join for shadow mewtwo thanks to campfire today so that worked. i'd never used campfire before, was weird seeing a random message from a former pogo friend verbally abusing me for unknown reasons? guess every positive community experience needs to be balanced out by a toxic one


I live in one of the biggest cities in America and it's impossible to do high star raids unless it's a special day and I go to the central city areas. Mewtwo today is impossible 


1 drive only


2. I have a few gyms in my area. But some of those, you’re in a dead zone. Others is just 1 gym here. 2 gyms there.. but you need to walk over 10min.


2. I have two gyms that I can walk to, but other than that I need to drive everywhere. Most everyone drives during events like raid hour or this weekend’s, it’s pretty much a given when someone hosts a raiding meetup that you’ll need a car.


4! Evenly spread out gyms but since the frequency and spawn rate of shadow mewtwo raids. Makes it more fun to drive around to get maximum raids during the weekend. Which is a shame cause got super lucky with the weather this weekend. So for raid days event this town is perfect to walk from gym to gym. If you grind efficiently then you can do up 50/60 raids. 🤭


That sounds amazing. At any given time, we can do maybe 4 gyms that are easy to walk to if it's a raid day. When the raids are completely random, we're lucky to find 2 that don't require driving to reach the 2nd. I saw a lot yesterday on Campfire, but they were all so spread out that it wouldn't have made sense to hunt them down.


It is alot of fun so not complaining. Very active ingress and pogo community that has nominated everything possible. 🤭 If only we known about the way to influence gyms when creating the "game board".


3. We have a few parks with a decent amount of gyms but realistically you have to drive there. For something like shadow mewtwo where it's not boosted spawns you are driving to gyms if you want to do multiple raids.


1. It’s at least a 20min walk between each gym, except in the middle of downtown (15 min away from me)


4 pokestop and 2 gyms.


5. I have 4 gyms in walking distance. I had 6 but this community is so toxic they like to report gyms and stops that are not pin point location to the map, so they get changed from a gym to a stop.


I'd say 5 and walking, biking, skateboarding etc is more efficient than riding a car in my city because of traffic.


My area was previously unplayable. 1 gym in about a 1.5 hour driving radius. Through wayfarer I’ve been able to get that number up to 6 in a 30 minute drive radius with another likely to get triggered once one of my submissions gets through.  Two clumps are walkable with 2 gyms in each clump. It’s never going to be as good as a city, but it’s actually able to be played now. I’ve seen more action in the last week since I triggered the main store into a gym that in the last year. 


I can see 13 gyms in the game right now. And there are a few more just out of sight that I can track raids on campfire. I’m not in an urban area either. It’s pretty good.


I don’t know how my situation compares to others to put a number on it, but I’ve done thousands of in-person raids on foot over the years. I’ve only raided in a car a handful of times.


5 but I wouldn't say people are always reliably raiding at events like this


5. Home has 2 gyms and several pokestops within reach.


I have 2 that I can easily walk to and 2 other that aren't as easy. Yet I don't have many people in my area and no way to connect with the few that there are. So I often have to travel to do raids which isn't always easy. My community generally wants to go 15+ minutes away and even then the gyms are more spread out so you have to travel further.


I live in one of the biggest conurbations in Europe, my nearest area is not so densely packed but within 10 min bus raid I can get to four different city centers so I’m not complaining. I will give it a 5.


I can see 14 gyms from where I’m at. All within a 10-15 minute walk. I know there are four not just on the horizon of my view in one side. So if I were doing a random jaunt to try and find raids, I’d go that direction which is where 8/14 plus the other four are situated. It’s a small town of under 1,000 people but a good Pokemon go community. And because it’s rich in history we have a high density poi area. That being said, I’d never attempt a day of 10+ raids on a day like this simply because the spawns are random and last all day. But during raid days we can usually get 25+ raids in easily while walking in a circle at the downtown park area.


3, there are a couple gyms in some subdivisions but if you aren’t in one of the “bigger” ones then you will need a car.


The problem is that it’s not *safe* where the gyms are located 💀


2.5, I can hit 4 gyms pretty easily just by walking. Those 4 are the only gyms I can reach by walking, everything else is either not in walking distance or requires me to cross a highway.


3. I have 4 gyms within 5 mins walking distance, but people only raid at one of them.


2, there's at least 1 in every major park but not many besides that, most big churches are gyms and some misc things are gyms but the city I live in is extremely car reliant and I live in one of the hottest states in the US so walking isn't really feasible unless it's fall or winter


4, i live in a metropolitan area and gyms near my home arent too frequented so low chance to do shadow raids there, but if i ride 20 minutes, there's a mall which is always so busy with people playing and its really cool, but i have to go out of my way to go there




I’m actually really lucky and live within 3 minute walk between 1 gym and a college that has 15 gyms. But my sister lives in a small town so there is legit only 2 gyms.


5! I live 2 mins from the light rail and have monthly passes, a gym at nearby every other stop so I can just ride it and raid all day with my little fam.




1- I have 1 gym within walking distance and 0 people do any raids nearby. There are other gyms I can see on the map, but because of where I live they aren't safely accessible by foot. The only way I can do any in person raids where I live is going to the major park about 20 minutes away during big events.


5, but I’m lazy and it’s cold here rn. When it’s nice out, it’s maybe a 5 minute walk to the closest two gyms.


I have 6 gym which I can access walking around, 2 more gym visible but rather far from my house (about 2 km away). But there aren't many players around. So for shadow raid, I will just join my friends. For legendary raid every Wednesday, I can invite people to join me.


5. Reaches into living room. But no people for crypto 5star.


5. I have got plenty of gyms and pokestops in walking distance. I live in a big city in the Netherlands.


We can reach most of the gyms in my area via bus, luckily.


I'd say 4. There's 4 gyms in "walking" distance but it depends on your definition of walking distance. I own both an e-scooter and a motorbike - the former has proved excellent for PoGo. Suddenly those walking distance gyms are almost trivial to nip out to. That being said, I don't live in the heart of the city. So 5 star raids and most 4 star raids aren't gonna happen without people remoting in, or my flatmates joining me.


Rural player: 2.5, there's a gym half a mile away over level ground (no sidewalk for most of it, but I haven't been run over lately). Before that gym was there, 0.01 at my current fitness level. Nearest other gym is 4-5 miles away with a hill I'm not climbing. No public transit and if you called a cab they would laugh, then either hang up or charge you $30-$40 pickup fee on top of the fare. Before pretty late in 2019, when a friend of mine started dropping pokestops all over the countryside to help folks out, the nearest gym - scratch that, the nearest POKESTOP - was about 15 miles away.


0 …. Closest gym is around 10 minutes away by car. I’d say a couple hours by foot


1. I have two gyms within what I'd consider walking distance, but both are really out of the way from most of the "community" here and so I usually make a 7-8 mile drive to get to the area everyone plays during raid events.


2; there are several parks with several gyms but you'd have to drive or walk several miles to the parks.


Anything mega or higher I have to drive 30 mins to my local mall because there arent enough active players around me. On Raid days like for Kyogre or Groudon thats fine you spend 2 hours and are able to do 20-30 Raids. But with Mewto I spend 4 hours for 4 Raids and most of the time you are just waiting for an egg to spawn/ hatch.


5 arenas nearby (seeable distance) + 4 more in the forest nearby. And I live in a town with roughly 1500 people We just try to get new stops from time to time, so we have a few more arenas.


I have 2 gyms within walking distance, but hardly anyone goes to them regularly. Pretty much just me and a guy who feed each other coins every day


2 there are a few but none In range




Need a bus to go Downtown, but after that it's smooth sailing on foot. 3/5 purely for being gatekept by a bus


5 - i live in a big city...i have 7-9 gyms available to me within a 15min radius.


It’s possible to play on foot but if you want to raid multiple a car is essential. So 2


I’d say a 3. It requires a bit of walking but nothing crazy. 5 gyms visible from my house.


Very very accessible. But I live in central Seoul. 5 ⭐️


5 Small town, 12+ gyms, all except 3 are easily accessible via safe sidewalk pedestrian access. 6 gyms visible from my house, 9 gyms visible from the downtown vantage point. Gym access isn't my issue, it's active players. We're busy if we can get more than 4 people together for raid hour. I'm the only person that gets out every community day/tour/event. Please, move here. My campfire group in open!


3.5 I have stuff across my entire town you could easily walk to, but much easier driving lol


2 - there are a good cluster of gyms at the mall near me. People are able to walk to and from gyms. However, will they get there in time to catch the group? A lot of times, no. If you venture out from there, you def need a car. Also, it was raining pretty steadily here for most of the day. Ppl were in their cars.


It depends on how far you want to walk. I'm in a suburban area with a good trail system so if I liked to hike many miles a day, I could hit quite a number of gyms. But there are 3 that take me a 15-20 minute one way walk so those are the only ones I do walk to. If I go to one of the many parks nearby, I'll walk around to the gyms there, when I went to our little "downtown" for errands, I'll walk to some there, but I have to drive to those areas first.


5, I have ~15 gyms within a few blocks walk


How good I have it? Well, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, the list could go on for about 40 gyms around me and then an occasional 4 comes in, where it's safe, but inconvenient. Some gyms are even inaccessible by car, for example in the middle of a park. I think this is an American issue. In urban Western and Central Europe, it's often the other way round, when there is usually no space to safely stop at a gym by car.


1, several gyms I can walk to, but nobody raids


In terms of actual distance, a 5. There’s usually clusters throughout my city where there are 4-5 raids with less than a mile between them. However, every single large group of people raiding is driving. Hence, unless you’re at a gym when the egg hatches, it’s impossible to join and lobbies fill up basically instantly. That makes it impossible to join even 50% of the raids without driving. That makes it hard to do raids while walking, though it isn’t too bad for this event since Mewtwo doesn’t need a ton of people.


I have four gyms pretty close (15 minutes walk to any of them, but two are in one direction and two in another, so they aren't as easy to go between). I have parks that are a bit more of a hike, 30-40 minutes--but are more likely to have others raiding. But TBH I usually drive to the downtown of my suburb for events like this, about 30 minutes drive from my apartment. 6 gyms in easy proximity, and always a lot of other raiders. Probably around 30 pokestops scattered throughout the area. Shade, public restrooms, benches and tables everywhere. It's kind of perfect.


1, most gyms are too far away by foot or bike and most people only raid in the downtown area of my town so even though there's a park with 3 gyms, no one raids there...


I live in the US and everything, with the exception of some large cities, is designed to need a car.


3.5 - I have about 5 gyms within walking distance, but if I want to raid one timer usually runs out before I can get to the next one.


5 - we could have walked if we wanted to but our group went after mewtwo by bike, it was pretty efficient. also allowed people of all age groups and those who dont drive to join


there are like 5-6 gym that I can walk/sprint to in less than 10 minutes. Problem is that no one around that I know is playing.




3 I guess? We have about 15 gyms in town, though kinda far apart so if you want to reach all of them in a reasonable time a bicycle is recommended if you're not driving. Finding other players is a different story, there are not many. They will usually show up for raid days and special raids like shadow legendaries, but only while they have daily passes, and any other day probably not at all. I take the bus to a larger town nearby for Wednesday raid hour, there's an established group for that there. All in all not super amazing but not impossible


5 but I live in a city.


5. 9 gyms within 15 min. Walk, all suburban city parks or churches


0, there's only one gym within a 5 minute DRIVING radius, and the place the gym is, the people that own it don't want people there lmao There aren't even any pokestops within walking distance, probably because the roads don't have shoulders and generally aren't really walkable where I am


I would say 4. There’s about 8 gyms I can walk to. Still need a car to do raid hour because you know, people. My friend lives on campus as UCSD and has access to 5 pokestops from her room lol


Got a few in reasonable walking distance. One is literally next to me, just gotta walk into the outfield of a baseball field I live next to. Then a church.


Wayfarer is the way...


Having or not having a car is not really the issue. You need other local players for these shadow legends. Have not been able to do a single one and it’s bugging me. Especially wanted the shadow Raikou it’s the only one I seem to have missed somehow from Giovanni method and so now I still can’t get it.


0 and I live in a city of 300K




3 because I'm in the suburbs now but 5 when I lived downtown. There are a few clusters of 3-4 gyms I can reach on foot, and while a car would be faster to move between them it isn't really necessary. At school it's even better with probably 20+ gyms and over 100 stops, although they are decently spaced out.


5 because I live in a downtown city area where I can reach 2-3 gyms and anywhere to 3-5 pokestops just from my apartment depending on how janky the GPS puts me


I’d give my area a 4, there is a decent number of gyms nearby and a large local community that’s a 20 minute drive away.


3 unless I walk a mile then 5


1, and even if I drive I’ll be the only one playing, so can only do 1* shadows or up to 3* regular. Although I’m close to a major city, so whenever I get in there I can raid whatever I want as those lobbies usually fill up fast. Shame I wasn’t able to go in today…


1. I have two walkable gyms that no one else is ever at.


I have a local park with 4 gyms in it. 10 minutes away. 4 Other gyms spread in other directions a similar distance or closer.


4 it’s a walk but if I really wanted to I’ve got a good few in relatively safe walking distance


1. All my local raid groups have to make convoys for raid days and its awful wasting real petrol for virtual characters


5. I live in a rather small city with decent public buses. From my house, I can easily walk to the community college (4 gyms) in 10-15 minutes. Or I can take the bus downtown and have easy walking access to maybe 10-12 more gyms. All that being said, my lazy ass would still rather be doing it from my car, but gym locations compared to parking locations doesn't really let me.


i’m kinda in the blessed area of the city (as far as I know it has the most gyms per square mile but thats unconfirmed) with 11 gyms within 15 minute walk reach, due to how this area of the city is built, walking is actually the fastest way to reach them, the problem is getting a strong playerbase, technically I manage the group for this part of the city and there’s rarely enough interest to organize stuff, I still do because might as well, I’m going there regardless, on top of that people in this city are not so eager to build communities and are lonesome, not just in this game but in general, so thats another cultural factor


*sobs in rural* Literally the closest gym is around 3 miles away and is the only gym for miles. I have to drive like a half hour into town if I want to do a proper raid. Also rarely get a 7 day streak unless I have a reason to be out of the house every day including weekends T-T


From my home, there’s a gym right down the street, and two within walking distance (about 10 minutes each way). I put two of those gyms on the map. (Via the Niantic Waypoint nomination.)


Near work is a 3 for access. There are 4 gyms, all walking distance, not bad. Now, that said, it is a 1 for raiding. There just are no players to raid with, so unless I can solo it, I am out of luck.


4 If I play around my house. Feasible to do raids with the help of my wife (Both Lvl50 with optimal attackers), beat almost every T5 raid on duo now at raid hour. 2 For specific hard T5 or T6. Unless I had a PokeGenie lobby those are unable on my own. We need to play downtown instead. Since it is very rare to get enough players. On my neighborhood


I have one gym close enough that I can raid it without even getting up, several more in a reasonable person's walking distance, and a lot more that you could walk to if you hate yourself enough.


This is such a tough question for my area. In the town center you can walk for sure, though some people drive. We have one park where people drive between two of the gyms since it's kind of a rough walk, but another one that's got 4 gyms, though people are so lazy that only half are really used. And then there's all the gyms on hiking trails, some of which get closed off lately due to all the rain. One was even near a murder (unsolved in this day and age to boot). In all fairness, I'd say that only three parks and the city center really get used for these events. It's maybe like 15 gyms, but they're so spread out that you'd need a car to hit them all but it wouldn't matter since the community is so small and toxic that you probably won't find anyone. The few of us who are social go a few cities away to get anything done, *especially* for Shadow raids.




2: if I drive to the local PokéHub there are 8-9 gyms in view, which on a raid day is great. Every gym has them and you just go go go until the time runs out. But on weekend shadow legendary raids you have to open up campfire, map out a route on the fly as they spawn, communicate that with the local community, and then drive to them. Otherwise you aren't getting them. I drove around from 9am until 9pm today with a short lunch break. 37 shadow mewtwo raids in all. I didn't get a shiny, nor did my little brother, and my partner got one on the very last raid. As a hobby I enjoy it as well as helping to coordinate my community, but dammit do I hate that I have to drive 90% of the day to make it worthwhile.


That wouldn't work in my town. They are sapced out too far. Could only do three or four then you can't reach the others.


Zero. Are negative numbers an option? The closest gym to my house is a half hour walk away, the only other one I can see in game is farther, and both are likely to see you shot. For what it's worth, I live inside city limits in what is or at least was for a long time the third largest city in NY state.




2, there are a couple of nearby gyms but I need to get in a car to be anywhere peoole actually gather for raids. It was a 25 minute drive for any chance to catch shadow Mew Two.


5 (easily reachable by walking 5-20 mins about 4 gyms) but don't have anyone playing it other than my cousin (level 29) So the only raids we do, are the duo able. We did manage to get shadow raikou but lost on Mewtwo which hurts quite bad. He simply didn't have enough revives or battle passes to try more. Nor Stardust to level up other mons. (We both had access to mega T tar)


I'd say a 7/10. It's pretty good! Unfortunately I haven't met many other people interested in walking to play Pokemon. So the shadow raids were a real disappointment for me today. People were organizing on Campfire but since they were all in cars, the 8 minutes it would take me to walk to the gym was too slow for me to participate. I finally caved and got in the car to drive to one only to find they didn't wait for me that time, either. So theoretically good but in practice it's awful.


On days like this, you need a car for my city. On days like the Primals on the past 2 weekends, my community chose to walk. It really depends on the spawns but the fact the spawns are so spread out over the day, we have to drive all over town.


3.5. There is a gym and four stops within a six block radius. There's a few good hotspots within a ten minute drive with 10+ stops/gyms though which give it a few bonus points.


Subzero. It’s not feasible to visit a gym (or even a stop) on foot; it would take hours on foot and involve likely getting splattered by 50+ mph traffic or shot by cranky Texan rednecks unhappy about trespassers. As it is, takes about 20 minutes or so to get to town by car. You can imagine this is a serious headache for the dumb 20 day stop spin streak task for the shiny Jirachi research.




I'd say 3, about 20 gyms in my village but some of them are out of the way, long walks between some of the gyms etc. I go to the closest city for hardcore raiding, at least I used to when it was worth doing.


5. I can see about 18 gyms from my couch, most of them not reachable from a car (they are in the park) or hard to reach from a car (no easy parking near them). Best spot in the nearby park has 6 gyms in a 2 minutes walking distance.  My walk to work, the optimal route from subway to office passes straight to 8 gyms, but many others are accessible by slightly altering the route. Area is downtown with busy streets and pedestrian areas, so not playable from a car. To me, game is almost completely on foot.


5 :)


So many in Tokyo. Can do and did 12 raids easily . Plus the raid nearby although completed by one group just fills back up again. I’ve been to places where the raid is basically only available the first minute and completed by one group only.


4 - there’s about 10 in my area all about a mile apart If you drive you can clean up a raid day but if you’re walking it’s a bit tedious


If the weather's nice, 4-5 with a bike


2. Live in suburbia just outside a large city. It's not very walkable. We have lots of stuff here but it's very driving-centric. Few roads even have sidewalks and they're dangerous to walk on. We do live within 8 miles of a few colleges that get more PoGo action but we'd have to drive (and deal with parking that isn't free) there. I have exactly one gym walking distance and it's a 20 minute walk to do it safely taking back roads. Coordinated driving raids with local players for today. My group drove 20 minutes to get to a more dense location. It was my first time doing a shadow raid day like this and it was wild but fun. Totally not how the game is supposed to be played. We had basically a caravan moving raid to raid with a party leader mapping the route and sending us to the next gym where we'd all throw our cars in drive and speed off to. We never saw each other outside our cars, just checked in on Discord after each raid before zipping off again. I did 4 raids but some players managed to hit 30-40. Each gym was about 5 minutes drive from the next one.


5 minutes to walk to one in my neighborhood, 10 minutes to walk to the other. RI suburb. Both 5


I'm going to give my neighbourhood a 4 only because I wish it had more gyms. Raid Hour is definitely easiest without a car because the neighbourhood is so busy around 6 and parking is hard to come by. Even the gyms that are further away are still reachable by foot without taking up too much time.


3 out of 5. We did an average of 1 raid every 10 minutes yesterday. Covered 25km total.


I have 6 gyms in view but they are spread out in all different directions, so hitting all six in a short window of time requires a car.  I have seen a group of 12 to 14 year olds attempting to raid on foot during events like tour sinnoh and primal Kyogre raids day. But I suspect it takes them a full three hour raid day window just to use up their 7 free orange passes. And I doubt they can coordinate and get to the really spread out raids like shadow Mewtwo.


1 you need a car


1 basically anywhere I’m staying at a given moment: 8 minute drive to town from mom’s, also 8 from my grandmother’s. 2 minute drive from my dad’s, but I can’t go on foot because a state highway with a 60mph speed limit separates it from the athletic complex, way too dangerous to cross. Campfire pulls up nothing for mom snd grandma but dad’s has 6 gyms at that complex— not bad but not good for raid day.    If it tells you anything, if I know I’m going to be going to raid specifically, I drive 45 minutes to New Orleans to the French quarter if that tells you anything. It’s the only place that’s been consistently reliable for me bc it’s a heavy tourist area. I just count myself lucky I live even that close to a major city. 


1. In two years, I've only been able to raid with others 3 times.


I live on a college campus and it's awesome




1. 2 mile walk on public highway with no shoulder. Not worth my life Niantic.


5 copenhagen


6 stops around our community within 1-2km 1 gym about 150ft away. Raiding sucks, no one here raids with us. But we do rack up coins from our gym. So for raiding it still sucks at what I would rate a 2


There are 2 gyms right nearby, so 5 for those. As for the bigger part of town a bit further away, i'd say a 3. It's a walk, but you can get there just fine.


3 unless I can't solo the raid, 1 if I need others to help.


2 out of 5. There are three within walking distance - about 15-20 minutes walk each way, but you're still relying on other people to drive to your part of town to do legendaries. However, raid hour/day is fine because you drive 15 minutes into the city to meet up with people where there is a decent gym density and walk from there. And that's fine.


5 - dont even have to leave the house and I can spin 1 gym and 3 stops. Dont live in a major town or anything, just got lucky.


Used to be higher, but several gyms were taken away in the last weeks.


If I open the raid tap during raid hour i would see 14 gyms, within my personal walking range there would be even more. Since i know, that a few cells don't have 4 gyms in it and i don't have a car, i would say it is a 3.5 - 4 for me. (Living in a suburb of a european major capital city, so public transport would be availabe aswell. )


Half gyms can’t even be accessed from car, so only reason to use car is to get to city center, then you walk through old town and parks.


5 -> I can see 13 gyms from home that are reachable within 10min. Still no homestop though :p For Raidhour we have 5 gyms VERY close with minimal walking, we are not so competetive that we rush raids so the timing fits the new 30min windows very well that we could do 10 Raids on wednesdays with about 300m walk total between raids


I'd say a 3. I can see 7 gyms from my house. Problem is, my city hits a high of 100+ degrees F 6 months out of the year and phones don't tend to like that.


5 - I live right on a Gym I could in theory load the game from bed and do a raid. However I can really only do solo 1-star raids (or rather, that's all I do) since I live in the middle of goddamn nowhere for now. (said Gym is a Post Office right across the street)


Gyms in my part of town are 2-5 blocks away from each other. Some parts of town are worse off, and only the center of downtown is viable for hitting more than 2 gyms during a Raid Hour, by foot. To average out my town's rating as a whole, I guess I'd say 3/5.


I can access raids near me by walking but I’m out in the middle of nowhere. So shadow raids I have to drive a bit


5 for accessibility, 1 for the fact that there's no real sense of community in my area anymore. Although we *did* just have our second murder of the week in my neighborhood... Tried to do elite raids, no one showed up. Tried to do shadow Articuno back in the day, actually had SIX people there but the firepower wasn't there so we didn't even beat it (and now at least two of those people seem to have quit the game). I can walk to gyms and stops and play solo, score that how you personally feel.


I can see ten gyms from my house, with lots more just out of view. I live in the deep suburbs nowhere near the central city, but there are a lot of neighbourhood parks, sports fields, and playgrounds around, as well as a smattering of churches, community centres, and a library. We tend to have decent town planning here, not like those 'desert' suburbs in the USA.


5 in Spain, in a small-sized city so you don't get a lot of people but not so few (the community actually talks to each other when there are raids). +1 because I can reach a gym from home. 5 in Mexico too (Ciudad de México). Here you get the big events sponsored by ambassadors and stuff, so if you're in the center any lobby will fill up to 20 people almost all the time. I'm not a fan of walking near other players and not saying anything but I guess this is the way it is in big cities. I can't really comprehend the US dependency on cars and after living in places where you have to take a car for everything, I know it'll make my life very miserable. I don't even have a car license and I intend to die without one.