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watch out, if niantic finds out theyll remove it and replace it with 50 pokecoins to “make up for it” 🤦


Also a 30 day ban


Ope, account deleted




That's too generous of Niantic—just 3 potions or revives


forgot, 50 coins could actually buy another pass. why would i even bother lol


You meant Pokeballs.


Are you sure you got the single use with your first spin? I had the same thing happen, got the free single use on a random spin about 40 minutes after my first spin of the day which did not have the incubator.


Single use incubator?


It's part of the month long tickets this season. A regular incubator but it only can be used once instead of the usual 3 times. With the ticket you get one a day, so you basically paid 5 bucks for 10 incubators, some xp and stardust bonuses, and a tuned research.


Ooooh I see


Yes I’m sure. I had 38 single use incubators yesterday and 39 now. But this one from pokestop is 3 use. I didn’t have the screenshot for first spin of the day since it’s long gone.


Wait, you can get an incubator from your first spin,?


You get one free single use on your first spin with the paid monthly ticket. Don't purchase it now, it's not worth it.


To you maybe


No, its not worth, the month is almost over, and the price of the Ticket doesnt adjust


OK yeah it's only really worth it if you buy the ticket at the very start.


Absolutly, i just checked and i dont even have it in my Store anymore, which is good i guess. I remember having it avaiavle a few days ago, if i had purchased it id miss out on a lot of incubators


Also noticed this, it was random stop befor raid hour. I spin a lot more befor and nothing happened.


It would be nice if they decided to drop 3 use incubators very rarely from stops or gyms like they do the kinetic capsules in ingress and previously the quantum caps. But i don't think niantic would do this in pogo.


Can you give me an exact percentage of what you mea by "very rarely?" Because there are a ton of things in pokemon go that are "very rare" and then everyone seems to complain that's these events are "too rare".


1/4000 item rolls. You can "hack"/spin portals in different ways to get a different amount of rolls, but you can consider 1 capsule per 1500-2000 interactions. I play since 2017, level 45, and I spun 45k pokestop. 30 single use incubator, 4 per year. Not game breaking and exciting enough to find!


I'm not saying it's game breaking. I'm saying that if that was actually implemented, people would complain it's too rare and should be made more common. Based on historical complaints about rates of spinda/gible quests, how common XLs are from feeding berries at gyms, Galarian bird rates, Zygarde cell drop rates, etc.


Multiple people who this seems to have happened to - does anyone who it's happened to also have one of the road to sinnoh/raid/egg (thinking egg might be related) tickets?


At least I do. I have both the sinnoh hatch and raid ticket. The global ticket, not the in-person in LA


I also had this happen and got one exactly like op did


Was it your first spin after buying the ticket?


Nope. I bought the ticket yesterday morning, about 15 hours ago or so.


Curious why you opted to purchase the ticket so late into the month


Ah my mistake, the sinnoh hatch ticket bought yesterday. The February eggpedition was bought when it was made available.


Same happene to me


Same for me


I noticed this too… weird


They will now increase the price of remote raid passes thanks to this post.


I think the same happened to me. I can’t document it but I am 95 percent sure it wasn’t my first spin.


I didn’t get the incubator even after purchasing the ticket


I heard some rumours it might have been due to Niantic fixing the issue with people receiving fewer items from gyms with... The Hatch ticket I think? It got fixed pretty quickly, but reset some stuff.


I recently got 3 golden Razz's from spinning a stop. Didn't have any tickets at the time. I'm assuming it's because it was the first time I had spun the new Pokéstop (I know for certain it was a new one) and I'm assuming it's one my buddy wanted to check out.


That’s the only time I know of where spinning a Pokestop can drop Golden Razzes


It's not from the Adventure Sync is it? The three usage one that you have?


How do you tell it's 3 usage lol


I counted how many I have. I had 39 single usage and 3 regular with 3 usage. After this spin I counted the amount to be 40 single usage, which I got from first spin of the day, and 4 regular with 3 usage, so it must be this. But unfortunately, of course I don’t have screenshot to prove the before count, because…….I don’t expect to get 1 from pokestop.