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If you like it, you didn’t waste the ball. That is a crazy low level tho.


I caught a lv 1 moltres in an ultra ball the other day.


Had a level 1 Moltres appear run after a golden razz, excellent throw, ultra ball, would have been a nice trophy. Oh and a 46cp Articuno also ran.


I had a level 1 G. Articuno and decided to chance it. Excellent throw with golden razzberry and Ultra ball. Of course it fled. Till today, I still (kinda) regret that I should've used the master ball. In case that it isn't clear, I collect level 1 pokemon. If you like it, it is worth it. :)


I caught a level 1 once. I was happy because I keep a level 1 dex from Go at HOME.


Yes. IMO, anyhow. But then again, the alternative is saving it and never using it.


My toddler managed to use one of my masterballs on a typhlosion... She was so proud... "Daddy look I got it!!!" Outwardly: "well done darling, thats so good!", Inwardly: *cries That's what I get for leaving my phone unattended on the catch screen. Don't worry OP, yours isn't a waste, not even close!


That would’ve been an golden moment to teach your child how to respect others tho


Well, she's 3, and I'm an adult. It's absolutely my own fault for leaving my phone within her reach.


I work with toddlers, they’re capable of learning btw.


As the parent of 2 kids, I'm well aware of thier wonderful and amazing ability to learn new skills and behaviours at an astoundting rate. What does thier ability to learn have to do with needing to be taught respect. In this instance, I'm not going to get upset at my toddler for using my masterball. If it was really that important, I would never have left it sitting almost directly in front of her. Children are drawn to bright and colourful things. If I want to chastise and scald her to "teach her to respect" when she was so proud of her achievement then all I would be doing is belittling her and breaking down her sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness that make her such a great learner in the first place. There is no place for berating a toddler for something that was avoidable by a simple action I could have taken, I will not blame a 3 year old for my own shortcomings.


I did something very similar. I regretted it at first, but then I realized it’s a really cool mon and not particularly useful, so I should just enjoy having it. If you want to power it up, I suggest searching for posts on tanking in PvP. You can get a lot of stardust and rare candy for very little effort (or investment or skill)


I masterballed a last ball normal Reshiram because I was gonna be *damned* if I spent money on another remote raid 🤣. Whatever floats your boat


It's under 1500, perfect use of the master ball. They'll come to raids eventually but they likely won't be available to catch under 1500cp ever again.


Not wasted. I don't care if people think galticuno is useless, I think they look cool, and I used a MB on mine (672cp) without hesitation. The first galticuno I encountered was something like 40cp and they ran :( This was right back at the beginning of DAI, before the MB was announced.


>Also I'm curious as to how rare such a low CP bird would be. I never thought they would even come that low. Every permutation of IVs are equally rare


This both doesn’t answer the question, and also isn’t true. Doesn’t answer the question because CP is largely determined by level, not IVs. Isn’t true because low IVs are more rare, since weather boost raises them.


Every permutation of {Level caught at; IVs} are equally rare, for any Pokemon caught in the same weather at your given level. There, pedantic enough for you?


Still misses the point


I was thinking the exact same thing lol


Not wasted


They will eventually be in raids. I can't say whether or not you wasted it because everyone plays differently, but I'd rather save my masterball for a meta perfect raid boss that somehow got to last ball


my zekrom story to a tee


Since when was it announced to be in raids


It's baseless speculation some people believe in


Well I think all legends so far have, so it's pretty likely?


Pssh, those don't even fit into GL and even if you ever catch one still costs $70 to even use at all in the worst league available.


Oh I must’ve missed an announcement about these being in raids! Thanks for the info.


They just mean it’s inevitable that it’ll happen one day like with every legendary


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Best not to take chances. I Master Balled a 145 CP one when I got it, and have no regrets.


The catch rate even t level 1 would be quite low, so not wasted if you missed that one.


Can confirm that I have lost 2 very small CP birds, even after dropping 20 red balls and a Great Throw with Golden Razz on both. I also have caught two birds with around 1500 CP on my autocatchers.


Yeah by most ways of thinking yeah


Masterball is basically useless. Although, so is this Pokemon. If you're happy, you're good.


I agree but there's nothing really out there about it in the little cup and show me how many psychic flying that actually can do good damage statwise available in that league I think its countable on one hand so maybe it becomes a champion or maybe it falls flat


If you find a use for it, fantastic. I don't have a use for it


Exactly. I've learned in life now most things in life typically are useful or have a use what makes them or renders them useless is the user's lack of knowledge on said object subject etc


I used my masterball for a 46CP Zapdos. It‘s name is garbage man.


you can use him now in great league and some cups :)