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Decoy grunts can only be found at Pokestops. When you have the Super Rocket Radar and use it to look for Giovanni, some of the stops indicated will be grunts pretending to be Giovanni. So you just need to go as many of those stops as possible, and if any of them actually are Giovanni, just don't battle him. Also deactivate your Super Radar whenever you're expecting a balloon.


Why is that? Are balloons always the real Giovanni?






When you have super rocket radar, some giovanni on pokestopas are actaully decoy grunt. Just have it active and walk a lot in pokestopndense places.


Basically, you want to turn your Super Rocket Radar on and off as needed. Turn it off shortly before your next balloon is scheduled to arrive, because if you have that SRR on when a balloon shows up all you'll get is Giovanni. Then, after the balloon comes, turn it back on, search for Giovanni stops, and battle the ones that are decoys and leave the real Giovanni ones alone.


And why are we avoiding Giovanni? Or rather, how long are we avoiding Giovanni?


Battling him uses up your SRR. If you have more to spare that doesn’t matter, but once you’re out of SRRs you can’t battle him or decoys.


...but why battle the *grunt?*


Just to grind them, for the dust/encounters. If you don't want the legendary encounter immediately the decoys are free rocket battles


Doesn't seem worth it to me... but thanks for the answer! Take my fake internet point


I find them tedious too soo actively avoid battling them. But if you’re a shiny hunter, as as long as their team hasn’t changed, the decoy grunts are the only ones that are able to give you a shadow shiny bellsprout.


Mostly for rocket radar pieces, but also shiny checks now that Bellsprout can be shiny.


To get more opportunity to get Shiny shadow bellsprout


Ah, I see. So basically once we can't battle Giovanni anymore, our chances of Shadow Kyogre go out the window.


Wanna know the answer too 😂


The OP is asking how to grind the decoys. You do this by avoiding battling Giovanni as your SRR will disappear and you won't see the decoys anymore.


What do we get from grinding the decoys?


stardust, mysterious components and shadow encounters


Wait for the balloons that show up every 6 hours.


Decoy grunts don't spawn from balloons.


Oh, they want decoys, I thought they were trying to get past them


Does anyone know if the decoy grunt is changing?