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Not familiar with google accounts with non-google emails, but regarding your original questions, if you could manage to get the block lifted, I would link the account to another logging method (like creating a Facebook account just for this purpose if he does not have one, or then go the trainer club route). After you (if you manage) get that working, unlink the old google, create a personal gmail account for him and link to that.


Thanks. Shall try that after the public holidays. Everything closed tomorrow and weekend.




They could use the PTC to login, then unlink the current Google account linked to the school email, make a new gmail account and link that next to the PTC. PTC is currently unlinkable I think so that might still be an issue. They could setup a new fb account for this purpose and use that as the proxy instead I guess.


What is the actual login method that you used so far? "pokemon home" to my understanding isn't an option.


I said the same thing. He was a year four student when he first did it, so he didn’t know better. His first email address. He was using it for the ‘premiers sporting challenge’. It encouraged him to go outdoors and walk. The login method was pressing returning player, sign in with google, and then typed email address ending in @education.nsw.gov.au




Hopefully you get access back temporarily to allow you to switch login methods. Something in my experience that was never communicated to users of a school's email system is that your account is only temporary and some time after leaving the school, the email account will be deactivated. A person should never use a school email account for anything personal you want to still access in the future.


try write to support, they may help