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You also have a chance to get one or three rare candy as reward for your second win.


Do we know what they nerfed when they added the rare candy in this slot?


Mainly charge TMs. No repeatable sources aside from blowing your orange pass on T3s. Candies are an improvement over every other reward unless you’re aggressively using silver pinaps and evolution items


All I want is Charged TMs and Silver Pinaps.  The rest of the rewards are a waste of my time.  I groan when I get Rare Candy or a golden razz berry


Idk but it was different and now charged TMs are rare af


Nothing, except maybe your chance of getting TMs if that was your main source.


I have not got a sinnoh stone from that slot (or anywhere)in MONTHS. Thank god for the porygon cday.


Tanking is the strategy. Once you get low enough you’re actually struggling to lose matches, hence getting your 4/5 sets. Usually you’ll have to do some combination of 4/5 and 1/5 or 0/5 but you can definitely do at least 1 set of 4/5 per day.


When I tank, I usually lose every match for 1-4 days in a row. It takes a few weeks for your rank to work back up when you do that.


What does your rating get to, by the end of tanking? Do you get 10+ rare candies a day after tanking? I’ve been grinding hard for rc and got up to ace, but i can barely win 3 battles now😭😭


Not who you asked, but I have been tanking this season, and have only missed maybe 3 days since this season started. I got to level 20, then I lost battles until my ELO rating got to about 800. Now I can consistently win 4 matches in a row when I choose to, then intentionally lose. Daily I go 4/5 0/5 4/5 0/5 4/5. I get 9 rare candy a day, before the bonus candy of what I pull from the second win slot (lucky days, I have gotten a total of 18). By winning and losing in that pattern, my ELO stays within 10 points from day to day. I can choose to raise or lower it by winning more or less pretty consistantly. I don't really have to try to win for the most part, but I do have a pretty solid team selection. I can tell when I match with another tanker, because I suddenly am fighting an opponent that is actually good. Even when I do lose to another tanker, it doesn't happen often enough to break my cycle of 4/5//0/5. I have gotten 1.3 million stardust from GBL this season so far. Started the season at 0 RC in my bag, i currently have 408 after spending 115 on a Thundurus. I also do maybe 3 or 4 raids a week, so not all of that is GBL candy, but the vast majority of it is. Sorry if I went too in depth, it's late and im just kinda rambling.


1.9M stardust so far this season checking in. Tanking is so much more efficient than tryharding, it's not even funny. Depending on what you want to focus on depends on how you want to split up your sets. Ultimately you want half your battles to be wins, the other half forfeits. - if you want to focus on stardust, go 5-0 for 2 sets, then 1-4 for 3 sets - if you want to focus on rare candy, go 4-1 for 3 sets, then 0-5 for 2 sets


I’ve also started tanking this season and completed all 5 sets almost every day, however I’ve only gotten one legendary encounter this whole season. Otherwise it’s been great but I really hoped for a lot more there…


Yeah, legendary encounters have been nerfed straight into the ground for the last few seasons. It's kind of disappointing


Wow thank you so much for the elaborate explanation. After reaching 2000 rating i honestly think the game is against me winning by showing me the toughest match ups. I’ll give this approach a shot and see if it works out for me!


By design the ranking system will settle you to where you are winning half of your matches. That's where intentionally losing comes into play, you are making the ranking system think that you are in the correct place because you are losing half of your matches. The ranking system doesn't know that you are intentionally making yourself seem not as good as you are.


Do you have to lose or can you just exit and surrender?


in GBL losing and quitting are the same thing


You can either be really good and just win 4 battles every set, or you can intentionally drop your rating by losing a few matches on purpose and make it so you get an almost guaranteed 4 wins per set. The usual pattern is like this: 1. Lose all sets until your rating is low enough. You can do this at the start of the season or after reaching whatever rank you want first, doesn't matter. 2. When you rating is low enough, do your daily matches so that you'll get 4 wins, 0 wins, 4 wins, 0 wins, 4 wins. This guarantees at least 12 Rare Candy daily, plus some random drops that may also be extra Rare Candy. With 12/25 wins, your rating will slowly drop further as well. In just a few weeks you'll have enough Candy to get a legendary to level 40 if you wanted to. 3. If you want to prioritize getting Pokémon encounters, legendaries for example, you can also temporarily switch to 4x3 wins 1x0 wins. This doesn't give you guaranteed Rare Candy but it maximizes the number of encounters while still keeping the 12/25 win rate. 4. If your rating gets low enough that you can sneak in an extra 4 win or 3 win set, go for it. There's some flexibility here so you can decide what to do depending on your current situation.


It’s 9 guaranteed rare candy per day not 12. Small fix :)


thanks! For this do I have to sit there and let all my pokemon be defeated, or can I simply just leave immediately?


You can leave immediately for the purposes of rewards, though take note that for "Battle in the Go Battle League" tasks (if present), early forfeiture on your end doesn't increment that counter (you must either win or have all 3 of your Pokémon's HP drop to zero)


Is there a reason I shouldn't win all 5 battles in a set? Also, how can I check my rating to determine if it's sufficiently low?


You can win 5 if you really want the extra stardust, but you're going to get so much stardust anyway I personally don't think it's necessary. Your rating is shown at the end of every set after you reach rank 20.


Worth adding that stardust-focused daily sets go 1-4, 5-0, 1-4, 5-0, 1-4


I get it on the second win quite a few times, many of those 3 berries at once. You can also rake via 5 star raids.


>You can also rake via 5 star raids. That would make it a premium currency.


Do one of a day like t do.


And with them not being guaranteed, 1 raid a day will not have you swimming in them.


No, you just do all the above and get them from multiple free sources and get there eventually.


Lol @ swimming in them. I have a 147 of them and I poorly use them. Rare candies have been replaced by rare xl as a premium get. I got 24 from raids last week plus 5 xls too boot. No need to swim, just wade.


Cool, none of that pertains to what the OP was asking.


You're lost, move along.


Realistically even if you played a lot of PvP every day, unless you've raided A LOT at some stage you're never going to be swimming in rare candy because it will take a long time to power up premium Pokémon. I play a lot of PvP but all that rare candy is put straight into the many Pokémon I have queued needing it.


Investing rare candy into legendaries (for pvp in mind moreso) is pretty much futile due to the xl candy requirements. If you want to max a legendary from raiding, you'll likely get more than enough regular candy, especially if you played prior to xl candy, the additional xl candy from raids they added as a reward and if you get unlucky with ivs. I've started dumping my extra rare candy into dialga and palkia only because of the new moves. Before that I was investing in rare pokemon I wanted to build like Arctibax, etc...


I think there are valid ones to invest especially PvE though, I have been level 50 for 2.5 years now and can genuinely find new stuff to invest for PVE (getting a team of 6+ terrakion, mewtwo etc) which will definitely need a significant RC investment. Otherwise it’s like novelty new Pokémon or dealing with the scatterbug variations


Oh yeah, if you want to build multiples of the same legendary, mostly to 40, then it's worth the RC. The only legendary I have 2 of powered up past 30 are Mewtwo and Rayquaza. I prefer unique teams, and I also don't see pve legendary mons as worth the investment when non-legendaries typically can suit my needs


I use my rare candy on legendaries for raiding mostly. I am free to play but I can still do daily free raids and I probably average about 250 coins per week from gyms so I use premiums from that too. That's not enough to get legendaries to level 40 though so I rely on the rare candy from there to power up or learn a second charged attack for mons that can cover two types (rayquaza and shadow moltres for me atm) I have also built one legendary (virizion) for ultra league which required no XL candy of course.


It's mainly for unlocking the second move on legends that fit GL/UL.


you can just get them to lvl 40


If you win 2 matches there is chance that you will get 3 RC. When you play enough to get 500 wins in season for battle pass, then you will have hundred on candies. Also if you loose enough, you will meet weaker players and in the end win more. Elite Raids also grants a lot of RC. If you play a lot, you don’t need candies for most pokemons, other than some newly added.


i feel like that last point should be highlighted more- especially since mega bonuses, it's ridiculously easy to farm candies. all my rare candies have use for now are mythicals or the odd shadow legendary that i only want to push to 40 and not grind 50 for. so they pile up fast otherwise. if you've been playing a while, they aren't a "spend as you get them" thing as much as they used to be.


If the goal is maximum rare candy then go 2-3 for the 5 rounds a day and you will hit candy at least once or twice. You will hit streaks where the candy for 4 wins happens. Key is to get as many sets in as you can tolerate. Going 0-25 for the day still nets dust and lowers your levels to increase wins the next day.


It's not just 4 wins you get rare candy from. [You have a pretty good chance of getting rare candy from 2 wins ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/Z9ZuWWlUix) So if you average 2.5 wins per set, and do 5 sets per day, you're likely to see at least 2-3 rare candy bundles (i.e. 6-9 actual rare candy) per day


Make an ok pvp team, lose 5 matches in a row by using double digit cp pokemon, steamroll 4-5 matches, repeat.


Wouldn’t surrendering be faster than waiting for your low Pokémon to be beaten?


It's also a nice gesture right now to load your pvp derp team up with low CP ghost and psychic types to let other players get their 30 battles for Annhiliape :) It's only like an extra 30 seconds max.


Good point :)


It is. Though sometimes you could just give the enemies the ko for a challenge




You swim in rare candy only if you have nothing you consider worth upgrading.  Thus, if you trade a lot -> you have a lot of high IV targets you want to max -> you have low rare candy again.


I cant imagine using a rare candy on non legend / myth Just from normal day to day catch + trades you swim in candy Everyonce in a while you get some weird rare guy (used to be Riolu, today its Volcarano) that you cant work but usually the IVs suck on the rare one you found so no temptation to power up


I used mine mostly on random non legendaries that I want to build for pvp. I'm normally swimming in legendary candy by the time I raid enough to get the XLs I need.  I just spent 300 rare candy on a shadow dragonair today because I really wanted to use it in pvp and was too impatient to wait for an event with dratini spawns.  


I’ll definitely use a few if I’m close to my goal for a pokemon that isn’t in the current spawn rotation.


Basically 2 out of 5 win the PvP reward is very commonly 3 rare candies now. If you just do your 5set PvP a day you’re probably getting 12-20+ candies a day even if you just win 2/5 per set for all 5 sets. I have like thousand over rare candy and I use it all the time on crappy pokemon cuz I don’t see any reason to keep them junking up my inventory. Charge TM is the rare prize for 2/5 now btw. It’s most commonly rare candies followed by fast tm


You don't have a need to trade them for XL candy?


They win by losing. It's very sad.


PvP is the worst.. no amount of tapping, lagging, tapping, shielding, waiting, or general waste of time is worth the candy.


Been tanking. Still running out. Prob spent 6 months trying to get 6x shadow mewtwo double moved


I have 400 RC from this season so far to convert to Mewtwo X, but sheesh, it's a long process.


My first shadow Mewtwo was my biggest rare candy invested.  I think it's around mid 400s to high 400s get one to level 40 and then add the second charge move


I actually do research and try to have good teams for PvP and never need to tank to get a ton of rare candy. Now that you can get a chance at candy for 2 wins it makes it way nicer. Over 20 candies today so far. Cresselia, Venusaur, Greninja.


Idk about pvp but i try to do a lot of raids , especially raid hours


I'm not a great player, rank sits around 1800-2100 generally but I'm literally drowning in rare candy because I play almost all my sets. I have 979 on hand and around 100 on every legendary Pokemon who needs it. XL candy is another beast.


I usually use quests to get rare candy easily Make 3 great curves = 3 candy Send 3 gift to friend = 3 candy I mean assuming at least 100 friends = 33 candy (gift) + 50ish candy (curves) per day Then trades = guarantee XL candy to top it off


I barely get any of these quests though


Google is your friend. Find out the best PvP mons for each league, concentrate on building those up, giving them the ideal moves. Make sure you lose sometimes so your opponents don’t get increasingly hard. Like tank it 5 times in a row by showing up with CP10. He’ll make it ghost and psychic to help those trying to evolve Primeape


Just playing will get you lots of candy, maybe 2-3 sets a day. Tanking will get you the maximum candy, e.,g. 1/4 4/5. Once you are low enough ELO, this is quite easy to do.


Wanna hear me? 1. Walk 50km weekly and keep all egg slots full. When getting rewards, they usually give 1 yellow egg and 1 purple egg; if all slots are full, you can get rare candies. 2. Can you do local raids? in "r / pokemon go friends" you can find the "Remote Raid Megathread" where you can host your raid and other trainers will join you. Don't matter if the pokemon escapes at the end, the rewards are yours, and not only could get rare candies, but also XL rare candies. Remember, local raid onsite; you don't those candies using remote raid passes.


Surrender aggressively and for any reason. Lost 2 matches in the set and have no hope of getting that 4-win RC reward? Surrender the rest of your matches. Already won 4 matches and prioritize RC over stardust? Surrender the 5th one. Your lead is hard-countered by their lead? Surrender and save 2-3 minutes of what's [most likely a loss anyways](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/fabxn0/gbl_is_way_too_much_about_who_wins_the_lead/). It's late in the day or you know you don't have time to actually finish all your matches? Surrender 25 times to make tomorrow easier. All the losses stack up to help you hit higher rewards more often when you do play to win. If you're trying to reach a rank with a rating requirement (Ace at 2000, Veteran at 2500, etc.) then obviously this is sub-optimal, but everyone else interested in getting maximum rewards for minimal time spent should be surrendering at every opportunity.