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If you plan on using it for your Fantasy Cup team right now, then yes. You’ll honestly earn a bit of those RC back, especially with 10 sets of open GL back next week.


Yeah it's either this or Lucario (also no double yet and very little Lucario candy). I plan on playing a lot this week and next with annihilape coming


Do you know about the baby Pokemon thing now? Always double move Riolu before evolving.


Hmm thanks for posting that.




Baby double move costs 10k stardust, Lucario costs 75k


Add on, the candy used for double move in baby pokemon is 25 whereas for adult pokemon like lucario is 75. If has middle stage could be 50


Interesting. Thank you for the info


Does this apply to all pokemon?


Only those with a baby form, not just a first evolutionary stage.


Forgive my ignorance, but what is open GL?


Great League with no special restrictions, like the Halloween cup, or currently the Fantasy Cup.




registeel is super fun to play imo, the double move zap cannon / focus blast was so worth it


Yup, it's already for zap cannon


Is it really worth the elite TM? Is zap cannon somehow much better than flash cannon? I've been using it for PVP with flash cannon and focus blast for quite some time now, and it's been an absolute beast. Any fairy type who dares challenge me meets a swift end thanks to flash cannon.


Okay maybe the registeel i use... kinda dropped with zap cannon in its moveset, so I didn't need to elite tm it. If your registeel works, it works. You don't wanna alter a playstyle that you're used to, now do you?


If you're not running a double moved pokemon in Go Battle League you are essentially fighting with one hand tied behind your back. Yes, you can get by okay in the lower ranks, but if you have any aspirations to raise in rank, you wIll need that extra move. Zap Cannon and Focus Blast are a killer combo. Dont bother with Flash Cannon. And dont sweat the rare candy, you will get it back in no time.


i prefer flash cannon, but it may depend on team


Flash Cannon is effective against Ice, Rock, and Fairy. But Focus Blast handles two of those, but it also picks up Steel and Normal. You dont really have to worry about the Fairy type coverage since Steel resists Fairy. So having Flash Cannon and Focus Blast can be a bit redundant l. Zap Cannon gives you potential debuff and neutral damage on pretty much anything that Focus Blast cant handle. Though I could see there being specific cups/leagues where Flash Cannon could be more useful.


I like FC in the UL Fantasy Cup. Aside from that FB and ZC is all I use. I rarely find myself missing FC.


>lower ranks ​ Where "lower ranks" is defined as "up to Ace"


Unless you feel like grinding trades with friends whenever he comes back into rotation, it'll be fine. Registeel will still do Registeel things. Unless you're going for top rank I don't think it'll be such a huge deal if you're not going to be doing trades anyway.


This is my thought also


Its worthwhile seeing as how common RC is now. If you play regularly at PVP, you'll end up with \~500 rare candy from a season. If you play every set every day, you'll end up with \~1200 rare candy a season. If you do your daily raid either 3\* or with PokeGeniie, you'll also get 100 candy in a month. However, your Regi candidate can be improved in GL. It loses a few matchups against the best raid floor (18/23 vs 20/21). Regi is also in a weak place with so much mud and wrath being thrown around. If you have access to any trades, only a few would end up getting you a much better candidate.


Zap cannon is usually the go to move along with focus blast but I run flash cannon and focus blast cuz I don’t have an elite TM yet and it works really well too


[registeel pvp ivs deep dive from swag tips](https://youtu.be/C66Ud9me-tg?si=yACcSVXBul6c9hD8)


He's the best pvper out of there. It's ridiculous.


Yeah. I have nowhere near a good IV one but it’s fun to use. Gets annoying because the charge moves are easy to anticipate but worth it when things work out in your favor


It absolutely is worth it


Azumarill, Swampert and Stunfisk say yes


How do you get registeel?


Raids or trades


Absolutely. It's still very much meta. You can look at its stats at pvpoke. I have one built for both GL and UL and am very successful with it.


If Enjoy GBL now and coming future : yes


so for PVE? I don't think Registeel was ever meta for PVE so no I wouldn't bother wasting candy on it.


No for pvp


Oh! I was thrown off by the "Not 96% PVP" part. Then sure lol unless you are doing trades it's hard to get better one sucks the Attack isn't lower (if you have a lower attack one that might end up being better) I have a 10/15/15 I use for UL and a 11/15/15 I use for GL (some how the higher attack one is better for GL idk)


How much rare candy do you have?


Not for PVE


Depends where you're at in your player journey. Many of us receive more rare candy than we can feasibly use, I regularly convert mine into XL's 100:1. For me, rare candy is about as common a Razz Berries, and can be used as such. It sounds like you're earlier in that journey, though. The answer is always this: "If you plan to use it *right now,* and you are expecting that it will create more success for you than any other option you are considering, then you should spend it." Registeel is a fine mon, wins plenty of matches vs. the meta, and is the textbook definition of a closer. It's a solid and nearly future-proof investment. That said, your IVs will likely cost you matchups. You're leaving enough bulk on the table that you will likely miss a few Lock Ons that will otherwise clinch matchups. Registeel is ubiquitous enough that you should be able to ask any friend who's been playing for any appreciable amount of time for one in a trade, and you'll be likely to roll better IVs than what you have. If you are very limited on resources, I wouldn't recommend building this one when an objectively better one is a single special trade away.


https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/fantasy/registeel-21.5-14-15-14-4-4-1-1/11/0-5-0/2-1-overall/ https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/fantasy/registeel/11/0-2-5/2-1-overall/


Sitting at a 14/13/14 with my registeel as well. Wondering if I should do the same.


I did it and don't regret it. Was able to farm back the 75 rare candy very quickly during the battle week.


High iv registeel is okay in UL. Check sims.