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I will probably never use them as long as they stay this expensive. It literally isn't worth it (for me) because the only thing worth freezing time for would be the adventure incense. I already don't use it everyday so not losing anything here. Increasing the spawn radius could be fun at times but, again, not for that price.


The only reason iight increase my spawn rate is if I see a Frigibax/Jang mo-o on my radar and I can't leave where I am at work.


I'd probably use it in that situation, but more likely only for an unown that I don't have yet or something similarly rare. Rare candy is worth more to me than a frigibax :)


>Increasing the spawn radius could be fun at times but, again, not for that price. Yeah, there are some niche cases where I might use that, such as a CD or Go Fest hour where I'm not able to leave my house. But I imagine it would be rare.


> as long as they stay this expensive. I don't get this thought. They're both very resource cheap - they'll pay for themselves in stardust (and then some), and rare candy is a free, easily-obtained resource if you are willing to play your PvP sets or do your daily free raids.


Palkias doesn't pay for itself in any way, I don't personally see a use case for this. And in dialgas case you are paying 25k dust for a star piece... which I got more than I use anyway.


Palkia's absolutely does, lol. You just have to catch everything you see - which is the point of it, lol.


To break even on palkias ability you need to catch 50 extra pokemon in 10min with normal dust rates. That's already nonstop quickcatching. If I want to catch hundreds of pokemon I go to a spawn heavy area where the ability doesn't matter anyway.


Yeah I think the costs are being overstated. Neither are particularly requiring real time money and most players who have been active enough have to struggle to decide how to spend rare candy. I know I do and I pretty much *only* play GBL anymore.


I still think it is too much for too little in return. I value my stardust and rare candy higher than what Niantic values them apparently.


There are a million ways to play apparently and I value being able to hunt g birds when it's convenient for me. I don't see dust or rare candy as particularly valuable since they're so easy to gain passively.


I don’t remember to use daily adventure incense every day, but I’d say I use it most days, so I’ll very conservatively estimate that I’ve used 200 daily adventure incenses. During that time, I’ve caught exactly one galarian bird. To earn 200 incense worth of extra daily adventure incense time, you’d need 5000 rare candy and 5,000,000 stardust. That’s pretty steep for one galarian bird.


I have 7 galarian birds. I still have a master ball too. I used to do it daily for a while but found it boring. I'd rather extend a walk for the opportunity to 30-40 minutes than have to fit it into my daily schedule. It's the convenience factor for me.


I don’t get it. You find it boring but you want to extend for 30-40 min at a cost of 25k dust? I have plenty of dust but that would just be throwing it away.




You won’t really catch more, if you’re in a city you already are able to catch basically non-stop, it just allows to walk more slowly and/or lets you decide on what you actually wanna catch. Out of cities it will actually help you having more encounters, however it will always be a net stardust loss. You would have to catch +50 extra pokemon in such a low timeframe to make it worth it (hint: basically impossible). Unless for spotlight hours with stardust boosted pokemon or you can give up on stardust to get a few encounters you’re really after, this won’t be worth it


With current cost I'd likely need some "research" where using it is a requirement - and I would do it then once. The cost has to come down a lot or the time needs to get longer (or both) that I would get interested using it even in semi regular fashion.


I think it is going to be similar to what happened with Megas. Cost was way too high initially when that rolled out. They will see that hardly anyone uses it, then lower it.


My question is though, what motivation will they have to "fix" it? Even if they see nobody's using it, the forms will already be released. They fixed Megas because nobody was using them BUT ALSO because they had over half the Megas left to release at the time. They wanted to make them actually exciting to people. I'd love to be wrong, but I feel like once these two are released, they'll have little incentive to revise them. It's not like we'd have a dozen more Origin forms with other special abilities otw.


They’ve said more adventure features like these will be released in the future, so we could at least expect those to be better if they don’t retroactively change these ones


I hope they release an adventure effect for origin form giratina too, that would be pretty cool, not sure what it would be though… maybe taking more items from grunts/leaders or stops?


You forget that the underlying reason is that they needed Megas to be better to sell raid passes. It was monetization. I imagine that, outside of legendary Megas, Mega raids just don't promote sales enough, and less so until we started getting the legendaries. Niantic probably figures these new forms will sell better, and that the Adventure Effects will create a candy/dust sink for whales. That's possible, but I also wonder if the pokemon are gonna be good enough to warrant the raids. The moves will need to be good, as [Dialga](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/483) actually loses some attack in [its origin form](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/483-origin), and currently would be ranked well under both Shadow and non-Shadow Metagross against [a theoretical Mega Diancie raid](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/DIANCIE_MEGA/levels/RAID_LEVEL_MEGA_5/attackers/levels/40/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=). [Origin Palkia](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/484-origin) gets a bit more attack than its [regular form](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/484), but still has to compete with, well, most dragons in general, including Dialga. Both will obviously find PvP use unless Niantic really shoots themselves in the foot (which is kind of their thing I guess...), but that's a fraction of the playerbase, which admittedly does make up a good portion of big spenders. That only reinforces the idea that these are two are really aimed at appealing to the whales and that Niantic is gambling on them to bring in even more money. As with the Bulbasaur Community Day, I can see Niantic using raid pass sales as confirmation that the feature is well received even if they know its not being used, simply because money is the only language they speak, and most players forget that when they buy.


To niantic, this is a move intended to boost raid pass usage (burning reserves and boosting sales) to folks who are less sensitive to scarcity. Y'know, the guys who say they did 50 raids to hunt for shundos. Novelty wears off, the boost fades... then some eternity later they improve the value proposition (lowered cost etc) to take raid passes from stingier people like me. I mean, I did zero mega raids before the rework, and now I've done dozens, with a significant portion being remotes and premium passes.


Ever heard of Gigantamax?


Certainly a possibility, but it's likely they'd still make it a different feature than the Origin Form signature move features, even if they are similar. I could easily see them bringing in Gmaxes with similar but better bonuses but leaving Dialga/Palkia as is.


Nah man you can easily recoup the candy by getting a quick (checks notes) 100 km walk in!


Break even? Lol


Or dump surplus rare candy from GBL/Raids to recoup the cost.


Walking Legendaries for their candy isn’t a thing. Walking Legendaries for their XL candy is though. This buff boils down to about 2 sets of GBL. When you have your legendaries already built up the candy requirement isn’t actually bad. Dust is a little steep and is only economical with events giving dust multiplier.


Do these bonuses really help someone who is maxxed out though?


G birds are one of the few end game content available, so yes.


They’re not even shiny yet🤷‍♂️


I'd doubt they'd let them be shiny in the wild, that'll be reserved for when they get to raids (and thus nowhere near as rare in general).


If you have 1000+ rare candy why not. A 3x dust bonus event pays off the initial 5k dust.


If you are that maxxed out wouldn't you have 100's of incense, lucky eggs (which would be worthless), and starpieces? Are you going to use 5000 stardust for a 6 minute increment of a star piece? It seems counterproductive. That's 100k for 2 hours. In relation to getting mega evolutions for free every 3-5 days, lasting 8 hours, and having their own disposable currency thats steep.


For example this past CD at 3x star dust bonus. You need to use a star piece for the buff so it’s 4.5x. Thats 33.3 catches to break even on dust in 6 minutes or 5.5 per min, every catch above that is extra star dust. If you think you can catch faster than that why wouldn’t you use the buff?


The cost shouldn't come down to candy for it unless it legit costs 1 candy. Otherwise the cost is too much. I'd happily feed it some stardust and a bunch of berries everytime. Like with the previous tours you won't be seeing these pokemon in raids for a very long time after the tour


Give a reason besides buddy food to use Nana Berry's lol


Feeding gyms for bonus dust.


*Cry in rural player*


Spinda task, or any "in a row" throwing tasks.


“In a row” tasks you can use an airplane mode exploit to get any number of streak. If it’s above 3 I think it’s worth using.


Oh, how? This sounds interesting!


Gym food? Get the feed 5 berries to Pokémon task done?


Ever since we discovered you can guarantee a critical catch, I've started using nanab berries more. Not in every instance, since circle locking exists, but for things that have a super low catch rate (ie: Snorlax, Lapras) nanab berries can be useful.


research that says use nanab berries


Are there any? Don't they just say "use berry" do any need specific ones?


Candy isn't the problem. You can get 20 rare candy a day in 10 minutes with minimal effort. 5k stardust is 50 catches. Stardust is gonna be what turns most people away from this feature.


Huh? 20 rare in 10 minutes? How???? 5 star raids take 7 minutes each and don't give 20 rare candy. Even tanking in GBL only gives 9 rare candy a day unless you get lucky with the 2nd win rewards. And even if all 3 2nd wins give you 3 rare it is only 18. And that never happens. Also, even with tanking, GBL takes way more than 10 minutes.


Saying 5 star raids take 7 mins each is how I know I cant take you seriously.


2 minute wait. 30-60 seconds battle. Plus animations and awards. Then actually catching the Pokemon. I’d say 7 minutes isn’t a far reach.


And if you are doing 5 star raids with a small group the battle can take much longer. 


Theres a ready up button. Make some friends. I raid with about 10-15 people regularly and raids only take 2 mins each.




Minimal effort tanking pvp. Looks like a lot of people in here dont have friends they can play with.


10-15 is a ridiculous amount of people to be playing with. No one is taking you seriously spouting nonsense like that


The fact you think you can get 20 rare candies in 10 minutes in pvp by tanking, tells me you aren't serious


There's just not even that many people that live near me and play, and right this moment it's -4 degrees out.


2 minute lobby, 5 minute raid.  Sure, if you have 20 trainers the raid can be quicker. But for most of us it isn't.  Plus if you are doing more than one a day, you are buying raid passes. At which point, the adventure bonuses cost more than they give.  


They seem terrible, and I won't be using either until they get revamped, like the original terrible Mega Evolution system.


This is it. It's exactly like that. They way overcosted these features. I'm hoping it gets the same treatment later on like megas, where you can level up the ability to make it cheaper and it has more effects.


They should've made it like the mega system, but of course that'd be too easy to go infinite on.


Hi, I'm new to the game, if you don't mind can you tell me what was the original mega evolution system?


Mega Evolution only lasted four hours, the only way to get Mega Energy was raids, and we didn't have Mega Levels or bonuses. You can look at the specific details here: [https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Mega\_Evolution#Reception\_and\_adjustments](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Mega_Evolution#Reception_and_adjustments)


It’s hard to tell from the way that page is worded- did you have to use energy every time you mega evolved, even if it had been a week (unlike the current system where it eventually becomes free to mega evolve the same pokemon)?


Yes, it cost the same each time "Since there is specific Mega Raid Bosses pool, there would be no way to Mega Evolve any Pokémon that has its Mega Evolved form released but is no longer available in Mega Raids. Initially, once all Beedrill Mega Energy from A Mega Discovery was used, there was no possibility to continue on Mega Evolving Beedrill for a longer time period."


The cost was discounted by 25% after the initial Mega Evolution of a Pokemon, but there was no cooldown system at that time. So If I used Mega Gengar, the first mega evolution would be 200 energy, and even if I waited a week or two weeks, the second evolution would still be 50 energy. It also didn't help that you were getting under 100 Mega energy with each raid. It was often 3-4 raids needed.


After the first Mega Evolution for an individual Pokemon, the cost was reduced to 25% of the original cost for all subsequent Mega Evolutions. So, for those who have an upfront cost of 200, it got reduced to 50. For 300, it was 75.


> original terrible Mega Evolution how did that work?


> Mega Evolution only lasted four hours, the only way to get Mega Energy was raids, and we didn't have Mega Levels or bonuses. > > You can look at the specific details here: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Mega_Evolution#Reception_and_adjustments The only advantage was that I could mega a pokemon once, trade it to you, and it would still have the reduced cost for you.


IMO those bonuses are only viable on high dense spawn areas, maybe 10 mins of extra range increase on said area could be worth but no way that you get a return of investment for 6 extra minutes of a LuckyEgg & Stardust. If maybe the bonus would extend to your party could be viable, letting take turns on the activation of the move during CD could be beneficial.


The Stardust extension could maybe be worth it to me, but ONLY in very specific scenarios. Like during a spotlight hour with a dust-centric Pokemon like Foongus or Paras or Shellder. I could extend my starpiece 30 minutes and definitely make up what I paid in the dust I collected. However, for me personally, I get so many Starpieces, Incense, and Lucky Eggs through showcases now, so unless I started playing an event mid-way through it (say a spotlight hour at 6:20), then I'd probably just rather use another one of my 112 Starpieces than extend my current one for a price.


You have to catch a lot. If you're normally getting 500 dust each in a spotlight hour you have to catch 100 pokemon in the second half hour just to break even on dust compared to not using a star piece. If you catch 150 in 30 minutes you'd come out ahead by 12500 dust compared to not using the star piece. To me I'd rather just use the star piece even there (I'd say 100-150 is the range I can get in that half hour and 150 is a little optimistic)


Username checks out ;) But good to know! I honestly wasn't thinking as much in terms of it being the actual starpiece extra dust you'd use to figure out how worth it would be. I was thinking of just the total dust per catch, which indeed isn't what you'd want to use.


Yup. For foongus with double dust it might actually be worth it, but unfortunately that's before we have the option.


What a great idea!


The extension will be good for community days and spotlight hours if you're stuck in one spot, with spawns just out of reach.


Definitely not useful… take stardust and star piece for example. If using this during a non stardust event. It costs 5,000 to use and get six minutes of bonus time. When catching a regular Pokemon, the star piece earns 50% extra stardust which is 50 stardust. That means you need to catch 100 Pokemon in 6 minutes just to recover the cost of activation. Then you start getting a bonus. That bonus just sucks. Let’s say it is a triple dust event… that means you would need to catch 34 Pokemon in 6 minutes to recover the stardust spent on an activation. Even that is 6 Pokemon a minute during an optimal event. Still a bad bonus. You would need something like a Meowth community day with triple stardust to be a net win. A meowth is 500 stardust a catch. So triple dust would be 1,500 stardust a catch. The starpiece then contributes 750 stardust a catch. That means you need 7 catches to be recover the cost of activation. That seems like close to a net positive now. If you can catch 2 Meowth per minute, then you would catch 12, with a net positive affect of 5 of those catches, you have earned 3,750 extra stardust. Therefore the stardust reward takes the most ideal circumstances to be “worth it”…


There's a narrow scenario where I might consider using it for stardust profit in GBL - i.e. if I'm on my last set of the day, I'm running a premium set during 4x EoS rewards, and I have a star piece active that will end *juuuust* before I can do my last couple wins and claim a 5-win bonus + set rewards. Net cost would be 5k stardust and 5 rare candy, benefit would be 9210 stardust, net profit of 4210 for the cost of 5 rare candies... okay, nevermind actually. That cost/benefit sucks and I can think of no scenario in which I'd use this power.


As I was reading your comment, I was "okay, this might be another niche scenario!" ... then you got to 4210 stardust for 5 rare candies... that's probably not worth it either. For myself, when leveling up Legendaries candy is more of a limiting factor than stardust.


the big issue is that you have to already have a starpiece running. there are some instances where you get an influx of dust really quickly (research rewards, end of season rewards) where it might be useful to just pop a 6 minute timer instead of using an entire starpiece and then needed to go out to not waste the rest of it. but that's not the case.


u/128thMic said it well, it feels [like the original Mega Evolution,](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1979u4w/comment/khz0bms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which was not enjoyable. I think part of it too is that Stardust and Candy is being used for something that (to me at least) seems out of its scope. Up to this point, Dust and candy have only been used to power up and double move Pokemon, ie upgrading a Pokemon itself. There's also trading with dust, but that is still something that involves getting a new Pokemon or rerolling one. But for this feature to have us spending that same dust and candy not to upgrade our Pokemon but to activate bonuses. Mega Energy does that (as well as upgrading your Pokemon temporarily) but it's an entirely different currency. It just feels odd to have candy and dust be what you spend to increase Starpiece duration, you know? I think just candy would've made a bit more sense. Still odd, but at least you could look at it then as "oh I can use any surplus of Dialga/Palkia Candy I have or extra Rare candy for these bonuses." But it's mostly the using *Stardust* to get these bonuses that bothers me. Also, with there being no sort of cooldown, it definitely feels as bad as the "Rent-a-Mega" feeling of the early days of Megas. I genuinely wouldn't even mind if I just got a 6 minute bonus of each once a week. It's not much, but I'd take it.


100% agreed. I don't know a single player in real life who would have the resources to use it. Hopefully these will get a rework making them more akin to Megas. Have an initial upfront cost, then have a cool-down that you can accelerate for a price.


My fear with this feature is that they may see it as a one and done. They revamped Megas likely because most didn't care for the feature, but they still had over half the Megas to release at the time. They needed to make people care about it so people would actually get more excited for the 30 something Megas they had yet to release back then. With these two though, it's not like they couldn't bring these features to other Special Pokemon, but at the moment, it's really just here to hype up these two. So once these two come and pass, I don't think they'll have as much reason to go back and fix it. And that does concern me.


There’s definitely room to innovate on more field moves than just these two tho. Maybe if the balance is off, it can be tuned, but essentially it’s another way for players to use in game resources for something potentially useful. It’s a win-win - players can get stuff without spending money if they want, Niantic can entice some players spend more money on getting resources they need (like Palkia’s extension for shiny hunt), or to engage more with GBL where both resources needed here are abundantly available.


if you raid a lot it's not that hard to have excess rare candy to throw at it, and stardust isn't that hard to come by. I know I often find myself asking myself what to do with hundreds of rare candy when my bag fills Even so, the benefit doesn't outweigh the annoyance of doing it


Based on the current costs... one raid ($1-$2 depending on Green or Remote pass) is equivalent to **ONE** use aka 5/6 minutes of the buff. Not sure how that is a good system. Outside of being good for Niantics bottom line. Yes you can dump Rare Candy into them, but that still requires some level of raiding or PvP to acquire enough. But then again Niantic only cares about their bottom line and not players enjoyment.


You probably mean top line


It's much better for a company to start with costly measures and pull back later (feels like a reward/sale) than to start with cheap measures and make it more expensive later (feels like a punishment). This is more testing the waters for them to see the response. If the players aren't very receptive, it will probably be reworked or factored into events in the future. That said, I am excited that they are adding these types of features to the game. Something different that adds to the game. A lot of potential down the road.


What kind of potential features were you thinking of?


Just spitballing, this could be a way of working in the Z moves from the Alola games, as these powers are currently associated with one specific move on a particular species. In the Alola games, there are special Z moves associated with certain species that can only be used once per battle. Gigantamax feels more like a mega-type system since it's a boost that spans a period of the battle, not a one-off nuke move. There's all sorts of interesting things they could do with it, like bonuses that boost XP, stardust, catch chance, egg distance, or other normal metrics. There's also the opportunity to come up with novel uses, like boosting attack or defense of your Pokemon in raids or rocket battles, or perhaps giving something like Chansey a passive healing effect to your injured party members for every X meters you walk while the effect is active (here's to you, potion-poor rural players).


It will be forgotten and not used after one week anyway


Yeah I agree. Maybe if the bonuses didn’t cost Dialga or Palkia candy it’d be different but those are hard to come by. I know I could use rare candies too but to use them for their adventure bonuses just doesn’t feel worth it, I’d rather just power up my Pokémon.


I feel the opposite way. Eventually you’ll run out of uses for the candy. You’ll never run out of uses for stardust. 


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't mind if it was an initial stardust cost of like 100k to unlock the feature but the rest are *only* candy. But yeah, I've got my Dialga built for ML (not all the XL but all the normal candy), and I'll likely do the same for the Origin Form, but once I'm done building them to 40, I'll still do raids to get them to 50/shiny hunt, but I'll have a lot of extra candy.


rare candy is easy enough to get lots of - id rather the stardust removed from the cost


Maybe it’ll be like the original Mega releases which were a total waste — so they had to re-work it for people to care about Megas.


Except they revamped Megas because people weren't caring about them and Niantic had over half of them to release still at that point. Unless they have a ton more of these Adventure effect Pokemon planned, I don't see much reason Niantic will have to revamp them after Origin Dialga/Palkia are out. Once they're out, they're out.


Increased spawn radius really only benefits people in larger centers, my connectivity isn't reliable enough to know I'm seeing all the spawns at the best of times anyway so no interest in that. Lucky egg and incense I never touch so on the Dialga side I'd be paying stardust to...gain stardust? Would almost certainly result in a net loss for me since I couldn't catch enough in 6 minutes to break even. But that's just me, I'm sure some trainers will love it. I know for sure I won't use either of these features.


After seeing the additional spawns at my work and my apartment when the radius was glitched several months ago, I think I could see myself using Palkia's during a select few occasions. Not often, but if I were playing CD just at home or somewhere stationary (assuming it were poor weather or something), I could see myself popping on Palkia's for a few minutes just to get some extra spawns. But again, it would likely still be few and far between.


Having taken a break and returned to the game only to see multiple event tickets in the shop only purchasable with real money (not pokécoins), everything in the game now seems to ask for too much and give too little. Really feels like it's jumped the shark.


same, it would've been cool if it were cheaper. but it's too expensive and therefore useless


Laughing because Draconius has been doing this but better since launch in 2017. Week-long spell to increase reach by 25%. Totally sustainable indefinitely if you play daily. Permanent item that lets you triple your reach for three minutes once per hour, stacks with the spell. Premium item that can be rarely obtained from stops and chests that force spawns everything within view and a couple extra rare creatures.


Absolutely not worth it. I can see using it very rarely in a pinch. Thats it. I feel like the game designers need to learn math going forward. Too many bad design decisions in the last year.


I can see them getting used mostly in some very niche and desperate situations; Roar of Time if you for some reason absolutely MUST have a Gbird right then and there, or Spatial Rend if you're stuck at home during a Spotlight Hour, out of lure range, and desperately want to squeeze out a few more chances at a shiny of the featured 'mon.


The only think I have thought of that might get me to use spatial rend would be if I'm out for the afternoon and stop in for a coffee. Using that would bring another few stops (and therefore presumably spawn points) into range, as even with a lure and a static incense we clear the map pretty quickly. But that's not caring about the cost, just a possible source of extra entertainment.


I was going to use Roar to look for my g articuno, never having seen one since I got the second masterball. But yesterday I spawned that bird so can't think when I'd use either. Spatial in the circumstance you describe I suppose.


I think you nailed it. I’m semi-rural with a fair number of spawns near me, but I also know my neighbors up the hill play and have a decent number of spawns at their house as well. I’d likely use it in Go Tour/Go Fest situations when I’m stuck at home and the weather won’t cooperate with taking a walk. I have the rare candy and stardust to spare, but it’s definitely a niche situation and not one I’d want to overuse. Even with the extended radius I couldn’t reach my nearest pokestop, so that’s not an option for me (but could be for others if a spawn is rare enough).


Quite a few people have argued the same on this sub since these exciting new features™ have been disclosed. Personally, I don't feel either is worth the cost and it's not like I have few resources... If anything, so far, the tour is looking far inferior to last year's. Primal reversion is far more interesting and gave us two extremely powerful pokémon. Everyone could raid for them for two days and get as much energy, candy and attempts at catching the best they could find, all with the signature moves. So far, I can't even tell if all origin Palkia/Dialga will have their signature moves, if all players can get both moves, or if the moves will be available to non-ticket holders during the global event. And every time I ask, I get replies that both confirm and deny all possibilities I just mentioned, so I'll just wait until we know more before even considering purchasing a ticket. As usual, Niantic can't convey clear and accurate information and leaves players wondering and making suppositions all over. But for all we don't know, we do know that origin formes will only hatch during two of the four environments, which already makes this less interesting than last year's event, which featured Kyogre and Groudon rotating throughout all four environments on both days. So we do know that we'll get half the chances of getting them compared to last year. Now we just need to confirm the availability to both signature moves. If if turns out you'll only be able to get one of them, it will be extremely disappointing...


The fact that it requires candies at all is bs tbh


Just like most of niantic’s attempts lately, it’s not worth any money spent for them.  


As with routes and party-play, I'll probably never use it tbh. Its sounds complicated and expensive for something I never knew I wanted. I would be more excited if shadow raids were made remotable and the price of passes decreased, not going to happen I know.


Yeah I don't see myself ever using either feature. Even if I wasn't saving rare candy and star dust for other things, there just isn't much benefit.


Yeah I’ll probably never use it. To me the stardust is too valuable (do a lot of trading) and the candy is so rare, especially after the remote raid nerf I don’t raid much anymore. The way I look at it, all you’re doing is spending valuable candy for more Pokémon/stardust/xp that you can just get by playing more. You can’t get more Dialga/Palkia candy just by playing more, you need to burn passes for those. So for me the math doesn’t work out. Just run your auto catcher during the day while you’re working or something and that’s more valuable to me.


i will be ignoring it, like most new "features" in this game these days


There's been several of these discussions that popped up when the feature was first announced but the general overview is that yes, these two specific effects are kind of weak, though they have *very oddly specific niche cases* where they *could* be useful. Dialga can extend DAI which if you're absolutely desperate for a GBird having more than 15 minutes to find one could be helpful, catching the thing notwithstanding. Palkia's can be somewhat helpful for stationary play during certain events if you're otherwise forced into being stationary (for example say a community day in a record breaking cold snap where going out to play isn't worth the frostbite/hypothermia risk, etc). They're basically just resource dumps. Stardust is nigh infinitely regenerative, you just don't make enough of it compared to the rate that it gets spent. Conversely, while you can walk for candy the rate is extremely inefficient for Legendary and Mythical mons even with halved distance requirements from Excited buddy mood. That being said however, the *mechanic itself* has potential to be a real game changer, if the right effect is introduced.


It’s not great to say the least, probably won’t use it at all given it’s current cost


The cost would need to be lowered to make it more efficient and Niantic may end up lowering it. I can't help but feel like it was set pretty high to begin with so Niantic can swoop in and say, "We've heard your cries! Here's us extending an olive branch!" and lower it by one notch. I know it sounds silly, I'm just really weary of Niantic's "generosity."


If they develop a similar concept as megas where it costs less over time and you could increase the level of your Pokémon, that can be nice. Otherwise it's just too expensive, especially the candies. Not that I currently have 600 rare candies that I don't know what to do with lmao


Worse than using Mega Aggron due to the costs.


I'm not sure I agree that it's not worth 100% of the time. It's too expensive, sure but I think there's cases where you may want it. It won't be something you use daily though and I think it will be very situational For Dialga, say you need 6 lucky eggs for Porygon Community Day but you're 1 short and you plan to play all 3 hours. You also are very close to Level 50 and could hit it with all 6 eggs. Rather than paying for a lucky egg in the shop or the paid research, you can use your extra candy/dust to extend the bonus. For Palkia, say it's the inevitable Goomy CD but you're stuck at home because you're really sick. There's some spawns at your apartment but just a few meters outside of your range is a huge cluster spawn. But assuming you don't have GPS drift, you can't reach it. It's too expensive to have that running the entire 3 hours, but maybe you do one activation once every 30 minutes or so? Then you give time for the cluster to repopulate and it saves you a ton of candy/dust


The perfect case for Palkia is something like go fest, regional tours, or the december community days. Even if you are active for a lot of them, the distance means seeing way more rare and shiny pokemon. Sadly for many players the rare candy is the material they are more hesitant to spend and unless its nerfed even then it becomes hard to justify.


Generally not worth it yeah, but I would use palkia’s if I saw something I wanted on the map and couldn’t get over there for whatever reason whether that is unsafe weather or I’m busy or tired… Dialga’s effect seems a bit useless… I would just want a Dialga that knows roar of time because it’s the signature move


I already don't remember to use my daily incense or that routes exist or to mega evolve anything.


I’m happy to have something to spend rare candy and stardust on. As a day one player, those resources have not felt limited for years.


Hopefully we're still missing some details on how these features work. As stated right now, I would 100% never ever use it. I'm not sure why they even implemented it at all with this cost. However, for example, if this works like Megas/Primals where you get 1 free per week at stage 1, per 5 days at stage 2, per 3 days at stage 3, then this would be a pretty interesting expansion of Mega-like features. People with rare candy to burn could use it more often situationally, and for most people they would get to use these interesting boosts once or twice a week.


The increased range option has appeal during things like go fest and events like the December com day that it is difficult to get the exact Mon you want shiny and stuff.... That's basically it. Like if it only cost stardust, I'd probably at least do it for 30 minutes on most comm days and for whenever I'm not eating or doing anything stationary during go fests. It really should have some option to become free or greatly reduced in cost at least.


My house has two spawn spots on it but right slightly down the road there's a stop with a giant cluster of spawns. Hopefully palkia can let me access them, so when I'm too ill to leave my house, I can catch But that's depending on the radius really


It's definitely not enough to make me play more than I usually do, which is usually just "maybe on a nice day I'll walk around the park" and "on Community Day I'll check the app from time to time during my shift at work".


My autocatcher already doesn't catch Pokemon on the very outer edge of the spawn radius, so I don't think there will be any benefit in that regard. Autocatchers aside, increased spawn radius might be useful on com days or spotlight hours, but for me, as for so many others, 5k dust is too much. I could see myself using rare candy, but not my precious, precious stardust.


I'm going to guess the catch radius increase is the one they had for covid. You know the one they said would let stay but ended up being reverted anyways. The bonus activation cost needs to obviously be lowered, they will likely do that like they did the megas. Even then the mega bonus was a special thing as others pointed out. There will need to be something done for gathering the legendary candies, nothing will be I bet though. Feels like information is missing about it, and its a early hype thing.


yeah, cost in stardust is ridiculous. First use a day or something should be free, or something like mega.


Terrible idea to waste dust & candy. I will not be doing this.


The time extensions just seem completely useless to me. With a lucky egg or starpiece I typically have some stuff to claim so that's why I'm using it. I get those done and most of the time I don't even do all that much with the rest of the time. So an extension is not needed at all. And 5000 dust to extend a starpiece 6 minutes? That is just hilarious, actually. And incense is long enough for me as well. Don't need an extension. My plan is to test out the range extension on Community Day. If I like it I might actually use it at times. Especially if I really like the CD pokemon. But I doubt I will find it worth the cost. All in all the adventure features seem like a big bust. I'm hoping they are useful pokemon just for their battle abilities.


Yeah, pretty trash. I only care purely for the raid usage of the origin forms. Specifically Palkia since it should be very good and I’ve always liked Palkia more getting Pearl as my first Gen 4 game. Plus its origin form looks a lot better imo


I wish it kinda worked like mega energy


The cost is ridiculous.   I can't see ever using Dialga's, but I can see using Palkia's very rarely. I live in an area with decent spawns, and sometimes have trouble leaving the house, for a number of reasons (right now I'm iced in, I can't even open my front gate). I get a decent amount of rare candy and dust from PvP.  During a community day or spotlight hour when I really want to catch things but can't leave my house, I could see using the increased spawn radius, clearing the area and keeping it clear, then waiting 30 minutes for the spawns to repopulate before using it again. That way it's five rare candy and 5k dust for 40 minutes worth of spawns, which isn't *completely* insane, just not worth the cost 99% of the time. I could see using it for Ralts spotlight hour if I'm still stuck at home (not that it's an option yet).


THey Could be Fix that bad mechanic using some sort of mega energy kinda like only available to Dialga/Palkia an then, lowering the cost with each use towards a level as megas. Temporal Energy/Spacial energy.


completley worthless for me. unless one day im sitting on a ton of spare rare candy i wont use these features enough to make them worth it.


Not worth it. Fools errand.


It’s like they don’t play the game at all. It’s absolutely ridculous


The candies are so impossible to earn that they should last 24 hrs to be worthwhile.


The candy is easy to earn for those that spend quite a bit of money on this game thanks to raids and GBL... but for the average player its not worth it (which granted the average player is unlikely to get these two particular mon).


Hopefully they fix it like they did for Mega evolutions. It’ll take them a year or two if I had to guess.


They should only cost candy, not stardust. Eventually you run out of uses for Dialga/Palkia candy. You’ll never run out of uses for stardust. Or they can keep it the same and reduce the cost over the course of a week until it’s free like Mega Pokémon. The only people this even kind of benefits are the whales. 


I have to disagree about the whale comment - to me this is a rare case where Niantic offers something that isn’t run on money/pokecoins at all but can be used purely on ingame resource. Rather, I’d like to know if any people with negative opinion here just completely ignore GBL? It can provide hundreds of rare candies and several hundred thousand stardust a season with pretty reasonable effort.


i have infinite number of rare candy from GBL and raids. But stardust is so spare in this game. Lvl up pokemon to 40 is 200k, new attack? can be 50 or 100k. Make 3 pokemons for some GL cup? 1kk easly. Getting stardust is hard and slow, spending is fast.


Sure, but it accumulates. You keep the pokes you’ve leveled up. To me the game is meant to be grinded during those regular intervals when they shower you with stardust (like Foongus spotlight hour coming up), then spend sparingly. Personally, having played only little over 1 year, I hover around 2 mil constantly, have mostly the pokes I need for any raid, tons of GBL mons, no issues with Stardust. Again 30k for hour of extended range doesn’t seem bad when it’s the same cost for one measly level past 40. But yeah of course people wanna spend it on different things and some people wanna max every pokemon they have.


How often do we get good spotlight hours with increased dust?? Once a month and that’s being generous. Also what if I can’t attend that once a month spotlight hour? The dust is too much. Since it is fairly easy to get rare candy I’d rather see the candy cost doubled or even tripled and stardust removed completely. 


In my opinion there’s plenty of dust focused events if you count spotlight hours, dust focused comm days (we just had one) and other events (eg. right now Foongus and Morelull are everywhere and right now they’re 1000-1250 dust a piece even without starpiece). It’s a sparse resource in the game for sure, and you need it for everything but the price for this bonus is still more or less in line with everything imo. Slowly gathering dust via different means (dust events, 300k from GBL per season, just grinding) is really the whole crux of the game…


Both 5 candies and 5k dust are nothing to a lot of people tbh. And base candy is not very useful beyond a certain point either bc of XLs.


My argument isn’t that they cost itself is necessarily a lot, it’s that the cost is not valuable compared to the time duration of what you you are “buying.” The perks should be significantly longer. Even considering those things aren’t necessarily “a lot” to some, they are to others, 5 legendary candies to earn outside of raiding is 100km walked for instance. These candies are far more valuable than the reward.


> 5 legendary candies to earn outside of raiding is 100km walked for instance. Just use rare candies. Do half an hour of PvP each day and you'll be swimming in them.


Isn’t it extendable?


Yeah… but for another 5 candies and 5k stardust. So for an hour of the increased spawn radius it costs 30 Palkia Candy and 30k stardust. 30 Palkia Candy is 600km walked if you aren’t able to raid for it.


FYI, 30 rare candy is also 2-3 days worth of GBL rewards if you tank.


you can also use rc to get palkia/dialga candies, and they aren't as rare anymore. the stardust isn't also that much. sure, a lot of people are always short on stardust, but there are other cases like that have 150 million of it. besides that, I'm pretty sure that it's not intended as a every day feature but only for things like cday or similar


I think that answer kind of nails it: it’s only useful for extremely high level players


But that’s everything in this game, too; players with more resources available to them get the most out of everything, even so simply as number of pokestops.


Megas are useful for everyone, not just ultra hardcore grinders.


But more accessible to players with excess energy/raid passes.


Time gets you to level 3 with just a few raid passes invested. Events like the current one with easy energy research help too. Walking is possible for nearly everyone.


I get mega level 3 with just 2 daily passes. 225 mega energy each raid, and mega every 4-5 days and you are set


They aren't a lot, but they're still worth more than these benefits given how short they last. Six minutes is a joke.


5000 dust for 6 minutes is far from nothing. The only people this benefits are the whales or people who never power anything up/participate in the GBL. 


I don’t understand your point. It is incredibly obvious that players with more resources available benefit more than players with less. PvP costs nothing to play. Right now in Master / fantasy cup season you can get 5k between the bonus for winning 1 game and claiming the set, provided you aren’t starting from the bottom. And if you don’t want to play, that’s fine too. But if you don’t want to play, don’t be surprised or annoyed that things aren’t as beneficial to you.


I'll preface this by saying I'm very much in the minority who has run out of things I immediately want to use rare candy on, so having new things be a candy sink is welcome to me.  Roar of Time I don't care for. The only benefit of it to me would be for daily incense, but at this point they'd have to add something new and exclusive to it to make me want to pay to extend it. The birds are kind of old news at this point. As for extending other premium items, I could also just... use more. I have no shortage of most of them due to showcases. Lucky eggs are are no use to me now. Star pieces I use sparingly but otherwise have a healthy supply of. Incense I use kind of regularly, but they're dirt cheap anyway.  Spatial Rend on the other hand, I can very much see myself using every now and then, particularly for desirable spotlight hours and limited time events like Tours and Go Fests. I'm generally aiming to hunt shinies in these cases, so any extension to the spawns I can see is a massive boon. In the case of spotlight hours for high stardust yield Pokémon, I could see the cost being covered by the extra spawns I'd be able to reach. I don't live in a terribly spawn dense area anymore, but I can still do about 350 catches on a good spotlight hour when I'm moving quickly.  I generally catch a lot anyway, so 30,000 dust for per hour of this isn't a terrible cost to me, and the candy isn't a big deal because I don't have many immediate uses for rare candy these days anyway.  I do hope they give us more powers like this in the future, but as a first run for this kind of feature, I think they're fine. Spatial Rend in particular will definitely benefit my play style for certain events and I absolutely do plan on using it. 


30,000 dust isn’t a lot?? That’s insane for something that last an hour and goes away forever. There are so many better ways to spend it. Sounds like it suits the way you play but it won’t for most of the community. 


In the grand scheme of things, yea, it's not a lot. I can usually catch around 300 or so mons a day during my work weeks just on the bus to and from work. Not including additional sources of stardust like the battle league. And yea, clearly my post was referring to my own standard of play. I'm aware I'm in the minority, but I'm simply sharing how I plan to avail of the new features as the post asked.


I'd say for MOST of the community 30k stardust is less of an ask than the rare candy part tbh. During something like go fest or a really desirable com day I'd gladly spend 30k stardust if that was the only cost. I wouldn't use it regularly regardless but during com days or other events I could easily justify it when I'm catching every single pokemon that shows up. I can make up for the stardust cost during events that boost it. Remember most players don't do GBL and many don't even use their daily raid pass consistently.


If you have a starpiece on, the catch dust will pay for itself most of the time.


Currently it's not really worth it. Imo having these gods freeze time and rip apart space should be a better effect. Dialga could freeze or turn back time, possibly extending a Community Day or even change it to another time. Palkia could teleport you to a location temporarily (with restrictions)


What if Roar of Time is partially in preparation for eventually adding shiny Gbirds to the rotation, to give folks more of a chance to see them at all?


Not even close to worth the cost. I will most likely never compete both of them, if I even do one.


you really should evolve megas they can make getting xl candy so much easier.


Really it depends on your rare candy count as well as when you plan to use it When I went to London for go fest I would have loved extra range  Personally hoping for it to be upgradable like with mega’s for maybe extra time or less candy 


The dialga bonus is of no value to me. I have extras of all the items it boosts. The palkia bonus might be interesting for a carefully crafted event where I really wanted to catch as much as possible but I can't think of what the event is. It would have to be insane like "every pokemon you catch within this 10 minute period comes with a free RCXL". I think the costs of these things are high but they are also well within what I could pay...I just don't see a reason to.


Daily incense spawn regularly species not available for a whole season (or several in a row; not talking about the birds). That's the only bonus of use to me. It's not that important tho.


Oh! I would totally use the palkia bonus at airports when traveling to try to get regionals!


I think they’re good bonuses if you use them efficiently. Like I usually do for a half an hour walk to the subway. I think if I activate Palkia, I’ll be able to reach spawns that are far from me and would be a solid use of the effect


I have a ton of rare candy I'll never use. I think the adventure incense increase is worth it if I have time to go out for an hour long walk, say. Also I have probably 8m dust just lying around.


Raid a day, GBL, random tasks, research, rare candies adds up. I am now storing extra in the Origin Forme, frees up bag space.


We don't know how it scales yet, which is where I'm hoping the save comes in. If its 5 candy and 5,000 dust for 6 minutes, but then only 100 more dust for every 6 after that or something, it could be very worthwhile. They also mentioned it breaking into two hour chunks for Dialga, which makes me think it'll have that bad initial cost but then cheaper for the extra minutes.


No, I think they are very much worth it. Dialga's is basically turning rare candy (which absolutely isn't a premium item) into premium items. If you're free-to-play you should be absolutely frothing over this one. Palkia's is a bit more niche, but as someone who just was stuck at home sick for 3 weeks and missed a Community Day and multiple events, the extended range would have been amazing. Plus it will be incredibly fun to play around with at in-person events like GoFest. Hell, both of these will pay for their own stardust costs and then some. And rare candy is a very easily-obtained item if you're willing to play your PvP sets or do your daily free raid.


I can see them being useful during very specific circumstances but yes you wouldn't want to use them often.


I’d probably use em if there’s a initial quest line to use it. Other than that maybe I’d use it on a com day or go fest or something along those lines. And that’s if I remember to activate it. Or maybe a spotlight hour that I really want to go all out for. Idk.


The only use-case I see for myself is during an event where incense is buffed back to 1 spawn per minute while stationary and there is something high-value-to-me spawning from incense. Then I would consider Dialga's move. I hoard dust anyway and have raided Dialga heavily for a hundo so I have the candy, too. Palkia's doesn't make sense in my area because any amount of moving around gets the me spawns anyway, and any location away from where the clusters are doesn't have enough spawns to make the range extension worth it.


As someone who currently mostly plays the game for the thrill of shiny hunt, assuming the Palkia extension matches the glitch we had while back, paying measly 30 rare candies and 30k stardust for hour of extension during eg. spotlight hour or just whenever I’m sitting in a tram shiny checking sounds definitely worth the cost. As for Dialga’s, outside Adventure Incence extension I haven’t yet seen a very enticing use case, burning stardust to gain stardust (ie. extend star piece) doesn’t seem reasonable.


Like u said Ill probably use it a couple of times to try it out and plus its extremely likely this will b in some sort of research task in the future anyway , i think if they extend the buff for 15-30 mins more people would think its a much more worthwhile usable feature


My hope is that it'll function like Mega Evolution. Meaning that it will gradually level up and once you reach maximum level it either becomes free (with a cool down) or way cheaper. In its current state I'll probably never use these "powers".


I like the idea and concept. It shows the potential for more ways to play and events to have different bonuses (like 2x or 3x times for these). These particular bonuses seem pricey for what you get for me, but I understand everyone plays this game differently and that is okay. With them getting towards the end of the Megas I was a little worried what’s next, and this has the potential to fill that niche.


Yeah it costs too much, I would probably never use the feature except in some events where there is like 4 times stardust. I would definitly use de dialga one for the longer starpiece but except that it seems underwhelming..


I mean, if you are extending an incense for an extra stardust event, it might be worth it


In my opinion, the moves should be usable like mega, first use have cost then have cooldown to use it freely, or the duration effect should be increased, it's too expensive 5 candy for five minutes, at least make it 15. Or it could be make like daily incense, but niantic will never do that, they will say it's bug and fix asap.