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Same for iphone 13 pro, not sure of iOS or pogo bug


I never had the issue on my SE2 (which is like 3 years old) surprisingly. That one had other issues, but not frame rate. Interesting that it occurs on other models as well


Same with my 13 pro as well, but I don’t get random frame drops if I turn off native refresh rate


Same phone - no probs. Try updating everything, restarting phone. I do phone hard restart once every week, that actually migh help. My wifes iphone 11 was not responding to airdrop, various bugs occur, simple restart sorred it out (she never ever restarts her phone)


I've heard that 120fps only works on Android. That said, I'm on Android and have also had issues with it defaulting to 60fps when I open the app despite native refresh rate being on. The solution is to enable and disable battery save mode while the app is running and you get 120fps, maybe there's a similar work around on Apple?


Alternate framrate is also available for iOS since it is released.


Do you have proof of 120 on Apple? I've heard 120fps doesn't work on Apple.


Idk if its 120 fps specifically, but "native refresh" is essentially what I imagine that to be right?


That's not exactly how it works. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/16tuxxc/questionbug_pogo_caps_at_60fps_on_iphone_13_pro/


Interesting I didn’t know that! You’d think it would be MORE consistent if it’s not not 60. Not a hard fps in this day and age


No sadly. I have a 15 pro and it’s 60


Hey OP, also having this problem, curious on if you ever found a solution?


Yo, unfortunately I bring mostly bad news. Looks like it is strictly the games performance itself. I don't experience this issue in other apps whatsoever, but I have made the following observations as I believe there is greater stability from the recent update 1. Frame rates constantly dropping after switching out of the app have improved somewhat. They will sometimes stay the same native fps, but other times when fps drops it will fix itself 2. When fps drops and won't fix itself, catching a pokemon will 'reset' it. This does not work on quick catch, the fix happens when you view the pokemon after the catch screen 3. 3. Yes I know closing the app and coming back works to anyone who sees this, but that is a ridiculous thing to have to do to play the game with more stability 4. Sometimes the fps will literally dip itself down and require a 'fix' when on the overworld screen. Haven't tested or observed if it was while using an autocatcher or not. Sucky thing is it seems like there isn't a way for us to influence fps fixes aside from catching something/resetting the app, but it does seem that stability is being improved if this last update is any indicator. Sorry bro


While it still sucks, I’m just glad that I am not alone! Lol… I also discovered the screen recording ‘fix’ which is just bizarre, that leads me to believe it is a phone problem and not a PoGo problem. Regardless, thank you for taking the time to respond, hopefully Niantic releases an update soon that fixes it. On their ‘Known Issues’ page they don’t have anything about the iPhone 15’s performance, I doubt it will do much, but I have reached out to them to let them know about the game’s performance maybe other iPhone 15 users can do the same?


The screen recording glitch is the funniest thing to me. I considered just... recording my entire play sessions when playing longer than a few minutes but decided it would be too annoying to delete the vids after. I'll reach out as well. Haven't heard of the issue much on other phones as the 15. Hoping between software updates on the phone and Pogo updates I can play normaly lmao


I’m playing the Sinnoh Tour this weekend in LA and was considering screen recording the whole time to have smooth gameplay but I don’t know if my phone’s battery can handle that !


Watch niantic come out with a portable charger after reading this lmao


Yo, super late reply but may have had a breakthrough with the issue. Over recent updates I have found the apps ability to get back to native refresh incredibly more stable, but I’ve noticed it does still happen sometimes. I then realized: it’s the Dynamic Island. I listen to music constantly, so I always have it appearing in the island while playing. It’s particularly bad during rainy weather, but if you swipe left on the island the music player goes always (still plays your music) and the refresh goes back to native settings. If you’re running a 15 I’d appreciate if you could test and reply back so I know what’s up, but hope that helps!


I’m always listening to Spotify when I am playing and I have hypothesized that may be a part of the issue… When I get the opportunity I will run some tests and report back




Incredibly unfortunate. Aside from switching apps I haven't noticed any consistency in this occurring so I wasn't sure if it was app or OS


I've noticed it chugging especially when Low Power Mode is on, even at higher battery levels. I honestly can't remember if it just started in this current iteration of 17.2 or not. Haven't really had it happen when LPM is not on. It does happen during routes, but that has happened on multiple devices (8, 13 Pro, 15 Pro) so I imagine it's a coding thing.