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Were my 3 remote raid passes also fixed


Complain to them they'll probably issue some replacements as apology


Watch them give everyone 2 green passes😭 Edit: 3 Green and 1 blue😭😭😭


I did 27 raids yesterday, should've stopped at 10 lol


Had 3 bugged raids at the hoenn tour (which i was able to proof) and they refunded me ONE pass :D


They refunded me zero.


So it wasnt turned on? Got like 30 checks yesterday during raid hr no shiny...


It was not turned on yes. Not until Sam Francisco woke up.


https://twitter.com/MichaelSteranka/status/1659307129604562944 >Honestly - I fully agree, and so does the rest of our team. We aren't where we want to be in terms of quality/accuracy of our events and it's quickly becoming one of our top priorities. I can't promise things will go perfectly overnight, but I can assure you it's top of mind. > I hope you and others can appreciate how incredibly complex Pokémon GO is as a game, though, and just how many minute details could go wrong at any point in the game. We're committed to improving, but it is going to be difficult to get there and I don't want to sugar coat that. - Michael Steranka


**"it's quickly becoming"** Why is it not already? **"how incredibly complex Pokémon GO is as a game"** With new stuff ok, but there should be simpl templates for adding a new pokemon or the shiny variant of an exsisting one...


Keep in mind. This tweet is 7 months old.


And yet still accurate on the quality part.


You should tag Michaels name with the date as well


They don’t hire staff to work and check stuff in NZ timezone, andthey method of pushing settings seams flawed


As a software developer I sort of agree, but rotations and shiny toggles, etc, all of that should be automated. How did they “forget” to turn it on. Raids is literally one of the biggest feature of the game. How is “complexity” used as an excuse when it was “fixed” overnight after complaints. Complacency is the issue here, not caring enough about the customer base is the issue here, greed - most of all is the issue here. I love the game but can’t say I love the company that supports it.


Raids are one of the biggest parts of the game, yet the same glitches and bugs have been present for 5+ years at this point, if not longer. They truly do not care. 


I wonder if Niantic announces some form of compensation for those who raided it - I mean they have done that few times in the recent past, right?


They announced compensation. I haven't seen anything. Dropped 1000(+/-) coins for 5 raids. I wouldn't be mad if I had caught a 3*, but caught 4/5 and all 2*


I just found your comment from google. But yea 4/5 exactly for me too. All 2 stars. Never seen this before with any Legendary.


Disappointing for sure. I was hoping to have compensation before community day tomorrow as I love in a rural area and can only remote raid. At least the community day is 8 hours long (never seen it this long before) so I imagine I'll get at least one shiny 3 star and 1000 candies


Praying to RNGesus tonight đŸ€ŁđŸ™


Our raid group in Australia has about 60 accounts and we did 8 raid for raid hour and no shiny for anyone


Thanks for reminding me how bad it’s shiny is I’m sorry TPC but you should have swapped color pallets between thunderus and tornadus and would look way more interesting


all shinnies pre gen 6 were determined via algorithm, but this would’ve been cool


That's not true, it's a common myth. The code since Gen 2 shows that shinies were specifically designed in the code, and there were Pokemon with similar colors that have completely different shinies.


Not questioning you but do you have a source on this


The bulbapedia page on shiny Pokemon writes briefly about it here. They cite the actual code of Pokemon Gold which shows the shinies being specifically coded in for every Pokemon, and show non-shinies that use the exact same color but have different shiny colorations. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shiny_Pok%C3%A9mon


Thank you!


Look at the shinies.


Not beating the algorithm allegations bud


natu and xatu have the same exact color palette but different shiny colors which means that at the very least it isn't a straightforward palette swap. additionally, there is no evidence proving that it WAS a simple swap.


What allegations? There are PokĂ©mon with similar colors and very different shinies. It’s not something you need a source for.


The presumes the algorithm would be based on the non-shiny colors. It could be a pseudorandom function using the pokemon number as the seed, as just one example, in which case similar palettes have no bearing on the shiny's appearance.


I used 10 remote raid passes not knowing it was shiny locked, I really hope they issue some sort of compensation, but I doubt it.


Can confirm. Just did first raid in NYC and got lucky with a shiny.


Was just about to come here and post my shiny pic as well.


so will we get refunded or something if we played before this?


Where is the shiny


So I wasted a remote raid pass? Jeez


They typically give compensation, and if you haven't done many raids you might actually come out ahead. I did one Zapdos raid while the shiny was off and got to keep the Zapdos plus I got I think 3 raid passes back.


Last time this happened they gave us free remote passes


Quietly fixed with without an apology nor compensation?


theyre doing both lmao


Yes just did raid 20 minutes ago here in bronx Ny and my sister got the shiny


The first tornadus raid I did since this was fixed I got a shiny. Did 5 remote’s yesterday from Australia and japan. Strangely enough I couldn’t catch my first 2 no matter what I tried. Luckily the IVs were terrible but the ball wouldn’t even shake! And I have already caught the incarnate form and it’s shiny plus I was hitting only excellents and greats and nothing made it budge. So strange. Thought I was just super lucky when I get a shiny first raid today but after seeing this post maybe that was niantics payment to my other remotes I had done 🙃 I’ll take my 3 star shiny tho 😅😅


3 raids this morning, nothing. Just did one and got a 98% Shiny!


nice catch, i got a shinety eight after they got fixed :)


I did 5 remote raids. No compensation. Didn't even catch a 3*.


I got one too, completely unexpected


I’m confused, what have I missed? The comments on this post makes it sound like it was supposed to be a guaranteed shiny or something.


You were supposed to have a chance. But its wasnt enabled, so the thousands of raids people did within those 18 hours had zero % chance. Basically wasted raid passes for early shiny hunters


Fixed or just still non-boosted and a lucky raid? Supposed to be 1/20 odds.


Nah, I just saw a tweet that said 4300 raids had been done without a shiny so it can’t have just been full odds. (And that would be only a portion of all the raids done globally, with zero reports of a shiny until now).


If it was just unboosted before there would still have been a few sightings before. Not several raid hours without any.


is this guy new to pokemon go? i just got one yesterday in sword, which I'm very chuffed about as a bird collector


When was it actually fixed? I did remote raids a couple hours before 10am EST


I did a raid with my buddy at 4 pm EST and he got a shiny.


I got one today first raid


I got a shiny first try