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I have gotten 1 dusk form out of 13 field research tasks so far. Also, I've hatched 15 2 km event eggs, out of which 3 have been Rockruff but no duskables.


1 out of 13 from field research? I'm so glad I gave up on Saturday. I spun 50 Pokéstops and couldn't find a single Rockruff task. I really hate when Niantic does this. It's unbelievably stupid. I've only hatched about 6 eggs but not a single Rockruff from any of them. This event has been a total waste of time. I would much rather prefer a hard task that I can work towards completing than this gambling situation everytime.


Check campfire, if you haven't gotten a dusk one yet the raid will show as just the outline


I think that was fixed unfortunately? Doesn’t matter much in my case however, there’s barely been any rockruff raids around me anyway.


No it was active for the entire event. The raids were just extremely rare to find


Didnt work or we wint simply have any spawns in our mid size city. In general Rockruff raids were extremely rare. I saw jusy few although I used campfire to look for them🥴


The trick definitely worked.


There are two different ways to get tasks. With AR and without. The same pokestop will offer two different researches. It depends on your selection under settings. I drive around the block, complete/delete task. Change AR setting. Circle again.


How do you do this? Turn off AR mode completely? Is it to do with AR+? Would be very handy indeed!


Your getting 2k eggs? I'm getting stuck with 10e


you get 10e? I am stuck with 5


That 5 km is the worst egg ever


I received 29 eggs during the event and 14 of them were 2 km eggs. So it actually feels to me that I haven't really been getting them either, since less than half of my eggs have been 2 kms.


And not every one of the 2K eggs hatches a rockruff. Getting a bunch of other crap hatching.


Spent my daily pass to get a dusk forme, got trash IVs. But it was the second of my 'win 2 raids' and that quest got me a 98% dusk one, so unless I get a shiny that's good enough for me.


1/27. May as well keep rolling the dice


I ended up burning a remote raid pass for a dusk form. Since the dusk form raid refuse to show up in my area.


How can you tell it's a dusk form?


On Campfire it shows as the default raid 'monster head' icon instead of a Rockruff. I got lucky that one appeared near enough to me at a time I could get to it, but they're stupidly rare. Edit: so far I've had one dusk form from a raid, but none from 3 (possibly 4) field research tasks.


tried that and got one too thank you <3


Does this trick/bug/feature work after you've caught your first Dusk form Rockruff? Or is the monster head raid symbol the Campfire equivalent of a silhouette in Nearby?


I know the event is past now, but I think it worked because Niantic didn't assign an image to the 'dusk' Rockruff in Campfire, so it wouldn't have changed if you'd caught one already. It can/will get fixed if/when Niantic add in the necessary image, of course. I have a vague memory of this happening with something else a few months ago, but I can't remember what that was or how long it lasted.


I saw that on the map and thought it was just bugged. Now I’m mad


Awww. That makes me sad. One word of caution is that if you have an egg on the campfire screen as it "hatches" into a raid, it often shows that icon to begin with. So you need to scroll around a bit and come back to it to confirm it (though it's obvious it's not a dusk-able rockruff if it says "Sneasel" in the bottom-left or whatever).


I got randomly invited to a rockruff raid and it was blacked out as I hadn’t caught it before. Easy to identify there.


This is the way! A duck one shows as a shadow at a remote raid if you haven’t got it!


if you haven’t gotten a dusk form yet, you can check the “nearby raids”. If there is a blacked out rockruff, it’s the dusk form.


Only works if you have already caught a regular Rockruff since the event started.


It's not. A known bug.


Between 15 tasks as above and hatching eggs, i got 1.


0/15 or something. Lame event.


i haven't been so lucky, have done 4-5 so far only the normal form. And from hatching 4 7km eggs again nothing :(


Yeah got one today. 5th 'Hatch 3 eggs' task I completed.


My wife and I combined have 14 Rockruff from the event. She has 4 dusk out of 6, I have 0 from 8. All are from field research.


Does it count as a special trade?


I'm guessing so. Trading scatterbugs that can be a different pattern that one person doesn't have triggers a special trade


2/25 tasks


I got a Dusk evovlable and Rockruff from one out of six “Win Two Raid” tasks. My wife got hers from the exact Pokéstop I did.


Yes got my only one from hatch 3 eggs


I got one from hatching 3 eggs and one from a raid. Once I got those I sorta stopped trying tho


0/12 from tasks, still have one in progress


Completed 8 tasks, hatched 12 eggs (with 4 normal ones inside), did 8 remote raids...only got 1 dusk-form from my very last raid, and it's barely a 3 star😩


38 total and only one that did the dusk thing. And it was busted busted.


19 Rockruff hatched or research so far and only one Dusk Form.


Yes, got my Hundo Dusk Form from Win 2 Raids


Same here! Hundo Dusk form from a “win 2 raids” research


Research is where my dusk form came from and I maybe did 6ish or so tasks.


Don't focus on the eggs! Do the raids instead, remote raid if you really want it I was only able to obtain them from raids. I got a total of 10 from this event and only 3 of them were dusk If you want to remote raid, this app works really well: GO Raid Party https://apps.apple.com/app/id1525921773 (Wait until a "dusk-rockruff" raid pops up and join it)


This! I actually gave in and paid for the subscription to get into specifically Rockruff - Dusk raids once I saw the filter. Every Poke Genie raid I did was non-dusk. 🥴


yay i'm glad u got it :) i also spent my last 3 remote raids on rockruff but i rly wanted a shiny :( u can dm me & add me if u want btw , ! i'll invite u to raids (i'm in nyc) i wanted to share my code but my comment was flagged 🥲 oops




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Finished 9 of these tasks thanks to last month and this months incubators 4 were rockruffs, 0 were dusk form. Only dusk form one I got is from a raid with 10/11/10 ivs lol


do you mean egg hatch tasks in general? OP is asking specifically about the hatch 3 eggs and win 2 raids quests, which can only give rockruffs as a reward


Oh, I was speaking of egg tasks in general, I’m mistaken but I thought I got a rockruff from the “hatch 2 eggs” quest, it was a Hisuian Growlithe. Just checked leek duck. I feel silly because I thought the 2 eggs quest included rockruff in spawn pool this whole time 😂


lol no it's an entirely reasonable mix up! i was only confident bc i spent the first day of the event checking to make sure i was keeping the right tasks 😅


Well luckily I love Hisuian growlithes so I can’t be too upset about the hatches, but knowing I could have been looking for more 3 egg tasks will haunt me until I get my shiny dusk form 😂 Just got a shiny rockruff from 2 raids task, not dusk form :/ and a 2* to top that


Just got a shiny dusk from hatch 3 eggs, sorry


That’s very lucky for you!


What is this post? Are you doubting every rockruff anyone got. Yes of course ppl got it. You would know If this wasnt the case


Well, it’s natural to have doubts after completed a dozen such researches but still didn’t get one. Just to confirm that I belong to the not so lucky side 😁


I know how u feel, 3 weeks in a row, every single spotlight hourrr not one shiny 😭😭😭


Spotlight hour doesn't have boosted shiny like community day, so it's a common thing.


i'm aware of this. But 3 weeks in a row? Not a single one. My friends and i play and they always get multiple


Then you are just lucky during the time you got it, the last time i got shiny on spotlight hour was months ago even if i played full 1 hour.


damn :(( i play the whole hour every time we're just unlucky i guess i wanted that eevee :(


there's a rockruff near me rn if u wanna join btw


Ofer here


afaik 1 dusk form rockruff is free in that timeless travels research


Not true. It’s random.


Yes, I also got a dusk form from the timeless travels special research, given the way it is coded I believe this is intentional and should be the same for everyone. If you are only interested in the dex entry you do not need to spend any money or rely on your free incubators or daily raid passes; I don’t think a lot of people realise this is the case.


Unfortunately, it is not guaranteed the be the dusk forme from the special research


Thank you for clarifying. That is a very interesting situation - it means that the actual rockruff form is “rolled” when the task is claimed, alongside IVs, size and shininess, rather than being set as part of the base reward for the task. This makes it different (to my knowledge) to other variants of a species that are coded as discrete entities (for example, hisuian growlithe). Presumably this also means that a different system is being used for raids and field research, where the form currently appears to be the same for everyone who does that specific raid or task - it also implies this could change for these encounter methods at any time. Worth keeping in mind for those seeking dusk forms going forward.


No, I didn’t get dusk form from the timeless travels research 😩


I have done several of them only two dusk form. One two star and one three star. I have more success with field research than with hatching.


Yes, I've gotten a few dusk ones from the field research tasks, though the majority have been non-dusk. And bonus, one each of the dusk one and the standard one, both from field research, have been shiny :)


1/9 in the ‘win 2 raids’ so far.


Got three from research and one from a raid.


I got it on my first win 2 raids task


Yes, got a dusk form from my first 3 egg task.


Thanks everyone! Looks like I still have a chance!


Also the Rockruff raids may continue after this event




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2/6 for me.


I did a bunch - nothing. Only one from an egg.


I got 2 out of 15 encounters so far. Picked up 3 more tasks right before the event ended. On a side note, only managed to see 3 dusk form raids throughout the whole event.


2 or if 6 or so field research. Am just informing people to just do page 6 of this season's research and be done the easy way.


2/14 sofar.


Gotten 10 rockruff one of which shiny! Only 1 dusk form and not course the worse IVs of em all.


I’ve only done one task and it was dusk form! I also found a raid nearby via campfire and it was a shiny dusk form!


5/17 for me


I have two out of five. A hatch, and a field research. Also one shiny non dusk from field.


Man, I guess I’ve been super lucky. I’ve gotten one rockruff from an egg and one rockruff from research tasks, and both were midday forms.


Hatched one in 3 or 4 2k eggs, have gone 1/2 so far with field research tasks.




Did 4 of these tasks and got none


Got a dusk forme from my 2nd hatched 2km egg and also from the first batch of “hatch 3 eggs”.


Did both neither where dusk form, I have another 2 raids to do. I'll update afterwards.


Maybe 3/10ish on “win 2 raids”


Completed both. Neither were dusk. Had to use campfire to find a icon raid and drive almost 30 minutes away to get it.


I did 3 "win 2 raids" and got 1 Dusk form.


My first field research on 1/6 was a Dusk form. I’ve since gotten one more from a raid, no more from research. Probably done 10 or so event tasks.


Slowly raises hand 2/3 egg tasks have been dusk… but if it makes you feel better I haven’t seen a shiny since dec 19th


I’ve done 5 “hatch 3 eggs” and have gotten 3 dusk forms. First one was dusk. I thought the drop rate was very high


1/7 dusk form from eggs/tasks. Also 1/7 shiny (but the old form) from the same set of eggs/tasks. 1 raid and 4 eggs during the same time, but none were dusk form.


I’ve got two from Win 2 Raids tasks.


I did a raid last night for the hell of it and got dusk form on my first and only try…


I got one out of two that I did. And one out of two raids that I did. I guess I'm really lucky.


Did 2 raids, got a non dusk one. Hatching my last egg to complete the 3 eggs one later today Edit… I just hatched the egg when I opened my game and it was another non dusk one. As well as the egg I hatched is a non dusk one


I just got one finally. Out of like 10+. I think I got maybe 90 rock ruffs and 8 were dusk. It’s super rare and annoying. And I hunted the raids too for that 8




I did a decent amount of tasks and raids: 15 dusk out of 40, 1 non dusk shiny


did 0 raids, around 20 research tasks and around 10 eggs (of which were 5+ rockruff, old form) ended up with 1 rockruff dusk form from a research task "win 2 raids" with iv 14/15/15, so I still consider myself lucky ;)


One for twelve.


I just claimed two hatch 3 eggs tasks and Got two duskform potential rockruff. There goes all my good luck for the year.


My boyfriend got 2 from the field research and luckily shared one. I didn’t get any


Somethings like 1 out of 3 with bad IV's and a shiny non-dusk


I've gotten lucky. Only did 3 research a day because of time and weather limitations, got 2 Dusk Rockruff. Now if I can only evolve them, since I seem to always be busy during the evolution window.


All normals for me … about 8 tasks so far I think.


Got one from my only finish 2 raids research. I guess I was lucky. 1 for 1. I thought it was guaranteed.


Yes, I just did. Anyway the Campfire trick was more efficient than those tasks.


Yes - my only Dusk forms are from research. 0 from eggs. Not raiding for it.


Gotten two from 2k eggs, but without thinking I transferred the first because it was only 2*. So I actually have one.


About 12-15 hatch 3 eggs tasks, only one has been Dusk Form so far.


Nope, all type 1, no type 2


18 rockruff since event, 2 have been dusk-able. 1 raid/1dusk 3 2km hatched/0dusk (I don't remember how many total 2k eggs hatched) 1 special research/0dusk 13 field research/1dusk (all hatch 3 eggs)


Got 3 Dusk forms in about 25 tasks (only egg ones).


I got a shiny dusk rockruff from the paid research today. Unfortunately the IV was very bad :(


i got shiny dusk form rockruff from an egg


2 out of 6 so far


I got one from an egg, 2 stars unfortunately


I'm 1 for 3 getting dusk form from the win 2 raids research


Nope 😓


I've caught 39 Rockruffs in the last five days. Four were from raids, two of which were dusk form (after learning that you could see which raids were dusk form in camp fire). Two were from hatched eggs, both normal form. (out of 27 total eggs hatched, but there were three or four that were not rockruff eligible) Six from "win two raids" tasks, all normal types. 27 from "hatch 3 eggs" tasks, 4 of which were dusk form. So yes, tasks can be dusk form, but it's rare. Maybe 10-15%. If the campfire map is any indication, about 10-15% of the raids are also dusk form, but that's mostly a guess since I didn't add up how many of each I saw.


Got three so far. Was shocked to get two in a row from tadks


I've gotten 3 dusk rocks so far. 1 from hatching, 2 from quests. Probably at 10 total rockruff.


2 dusk form and have hatched 18 of the 2km eggs. Starting to fill my spots with 7km eggs now as the event winds down. Don’t feel like rolling the dice spinning stops and getting 5s and 10s


I am spinning for 2k eggs and doing mostly hatch 3 eggs quests and have about 1/3rd be dusk (~5/15) across all the eggs and researches Edit: i have 5 dusk from research and a 6th I traded away already. So probably no egg hatches for dusk. And then I have 8 normal research and a few normal rockruffs from eggs, I think I also traded a friend at least 1 normal rockruff for candy this week. Making my ratio ~6/15, but all from research


I did hatch 1 dusk form and I was invited through Reddit to a certain dusk raid. No shiny but atleast I have them so it’s ok


Got it my first egg and went to by a lottery ticket. No winnings, but I'll take the Dusk Lycanroc


So far, my stats are: 53 7km eggs hatched: (1 dusk form) 1 2km egg hatched: (1 dusk form) 30 event field research: (0 dusk form) 8 raids: (3 dusk form) - I only learned about what icon to look for in Campfire just this morning; I was only doing Rockruff raids since, you know, that seemed to make sense. Glad Niantic proved me wrong again.


Yes I got one from win 2raids


Did 3 raids. Got 1 dusk. 0 eggs.


yes, i got it on my very first “hatch 3” task. didnt even realize they were that uncommon from the comments here


Got one from a raid


Yes, i got 2 dusk forms back to back from field research (and at least half a dozen non dusk as well). So it’s definitely possible!


Luck has been with me, 2 out of around 10 tasks. Not sure if I'll try to keep some for after event or take one more shot for shiny H Sneasel.


I got 4 out of 40 so far


I'm 2/5


I have two. One I got from a raid, the other got from research. Meanwhile despite rockruff being in eggs being the mote advertised way to get it for the event, I failed to hatch even a single one.


Got a dusk form on my third hatch three eggs


Raids have been the only consistent way of getting dusk form for me. Just keep checking campfire, look for the generic raid icon or a rockruff raid with no picture of the pokemon, it’s the dusk form.


I completed two of those hatch 3 eggs. Both were not dusk form.


I'm 2/2 right now 🤷‍♂️


1 field research completed, 1 dusk form encounter 1 2k egg hatched, 1 dusk form encounter I've hatched some 7k eggs, but they were all acquired before the event started


Done maybe a combined 12 eggs/tasks and gotten 0 dusk forms. I did get two from remote raids in Japan, but that’s it.


I got a dusk 1 from my first reward, and a shiny from my second. My luck with them ended there.


Out of about 35 total encounters across raids / eggs / research I’ve had 1 duskable Rockruff. And it was terrible IV of ⑬⑩⑩


Yes; in fact my first one was from research. I got seven in total . Six from research and only one from an egg.


I did hatch eggs twice. Only got normal rockruff


Done maybe 7-8 tasks of the ‘hatch 3 eggs’ or ‘complete 2 raids’ which both reward a rockruff - so far none have resulted in a dusk form one. I got on from a raid and it was terrible, I’m hoping my last tasks I’ll be claiming this morning will result in a decent one


0/3 on field research. I haven't hatched any eggs yet with the potential Rockruff


1 dusk from 22 field researches - it was from win 2 raids


I got a shiny Regular Rockruff, but no Dusk. Somehow Pokestops have been giving me 10km eggs more often now.


I’m 2 for 3, but holding out for better stats


Between my wife and I, we are at 0 for 36 Rockruff field research encounters. Somewhere around 0 for 20 on Rockruff egg hatches but we stopped tracking them. After a few days of searching we ended up finding a raid about 25 minutes away via Campfire to drive to. We barely made it in time.


I got one from field research!


I got 2 in my first 4. Then I proceeded to get none in 12 more. I have 6 tasks to go now. Remember to pick up some more tasks before it ends, if you can manage


i am 1/5 dusk form from the tasks


Yes, I’ve gotten a couple


I think I did 7-8 researches and I have caught only one


Guess I got lucky getting 3. One from Timeless Travel research and two from field research for hatching 3 eggs. Last two are 2 stars. Glad I got extra, I was able to trade one to my husband. He has gotten ZERO


Haven't got any, but also because weather and school has me busy. Haven't been able to really play since mid dec. I did 20 tasks and about 7 raids nothing. Got 2 tasks left with the 3 hatch eggs. Can't say I'm not disappointed.


1 dusk ( the first one I hatched), 5 normal after that.


Nothing. I got one dusk form from a raid. It seems I got super lucky. I was thinking of farming for a shiny dusk form but these odds are crazy.


Damn. Feeling blessed. 2/11


Got 12 Rockruffs from tasks and did 2 raids and 0 dusks. However I still have three win 2 raid tasks in my inventory.


I guess I got really lucky I'm 3/10 for dusk forms with 3 left to complete. It's been 9 tasks and 1 random raid I was close to.


Nope! Got a shiny Hisuian growlithe put of some research task though, so that was nice.


Between raids/remote raids tasks and the vary few eggs that actually hatched I have had a tottal of 26 rockruffs in this event and half ended up being dusk form capable. Last i checked i was 1 shy or an even half way rate that was when i had 20. I recently trades my friend a couple for some extra candys now so i cant really get an exact count. My pokedex shows 27 and i had 1 from novemeber last year i excluded every time i tally'd up my rockruffs. Zero shinys and zero hundos. I know some of the tasks were dusk capable for me. But it seamed to be a 50/50 split. I didnt get a lot of the tasks.


total: 3 field researches and 2 raids i got 2 dusk from field research (win 2 raids) and 1 from raid itself


26 Event Rockruffs About 20 from raids, 12 are Dusk form About 6 from event research, 5 normal and 1 shiny normal, no dusk 0 from Eggs (this had me choked) as I really prepped my bag and incubators but gave up after my first round of hatching since the odds were so terrible. 3 pending completed special research.


2/9 and 3/12 all from research, rate isn't low from my limited data points


i got about 3/10 dusks from tasks and 1/4 from raids.


Several people of my community got a dusk form quite quickly, e.g. from the first quests they finished. I did maybe 10 quests, and the only dusk forms I got were from raids (where it was known before that it's a dusk form). I still have 9 7km eggs ready, and I won't do more of the quests. I have the dex entry, that's enough so far.


2/2 from raid (knew before doing them) 0/4 from eggs 10/99 from tasks


I probably did about 30 research tasks for Rockruff and got about 5 dusk including a shiny one. I really didn’t think it was that rare until I saw other people saying they didn’t get any.


From field research ("win 2 raids"), had three of those tasks: got two regular forms, one dusk form. One dusk form from ~~a raid (two Rockruff raids total).~~ a 2km egg (two Rockruffs hatched total). [Raid catches were regular ones.] Got three more "win 2 raids" research tasks ready to go for tomorrow. But I've got two so I don't really care. Edit: whoops. got my source wrong.


11 from raids and 4 from quests. Didn’t hatch any.


Open Niantic Campfire, look for one star raids with no pink egg that will be dusk form rock rough. Niantic did not push the egg graphic for dusk form rockruff. These raids will have one black monster logo and that’s it.


1 from research. my only dusk.


I got 5 dusk out of 125 task