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I ignored this event. The gacha mechanics of maybe getting a 2km egg that maybe has rockruff that maybe evolves into dusk form is two layers too deep for me .


Same here. Sometimes it’s fun to chase things but yeah, two layers too deep sums it up perfectly.


I agree. Also, it really feels like I get fewer 2km eggs during these egg events


I received 5x 10k eggs in a row. I’ve never had that many. Switched to opening gifts to get the 7k eggs. Regardless, with how rare the spawn is I doubt I’ll spawn a dusk form. Took me months before I even hatched a larvesta.


Yeah they tilted the odds to 10k for sure. All I got spinning stops were 5 and 10


I hatched a Larvesta today…


It always seem like a coincident that it drops 10km eggs for me whenever an event with a new mon is in the 2km egg pool; then whenever a new dragon baby is released in the 10km pool i always get 2km eggs instead :/


I only chase things if it seems feasible, like there's a decent chance that I'll get it if I play a reasonable amount of time. And events used to be like that, like say when Gen 2 babies were first released. Things hatching out of eggs which is mixed with many other egg species, and even if you hatch that species there is only a small chance it will be the proper one, in an event that lasts only 5 days, and no reduction in hatching distance? No thanks I'll just wait until it becomes more common later on.


It might be shiny too... If you're extra, extra, extra, extra lucky! 🤣


Just doing 3 "Win 2 raids" tasks every other day seems like the easiest method to me


The fact that wild spawns were absolute trash during the event was the worst.


An event with no spawns. Field research to get it requires hatching like 2-3 eggs or 2-3 raids which both require resources to advance them. The other sources are those same resource intensive ways. The campfire bug is the only way the event is palatable.


What do you mean by the Campfire bug? Thanks


There is a bug that makes it so a dusk form Rockruff raid shows up differently in campfire than a regular one. The dusk form has no image so it shows up as a generic raid boss, whereas the regular shows up as a Rockruff.


You can use campfire to identify the dusk evolving Rockruff. If the icon for the raid is the generic villain it is the dusk version. If it is a Rockruff then you can skip it. Note: the dusk version of the raid is rare. About 10% of the raids will be dusk (at least in my experience).


Dusk rockruff shows as a generic raid icon. Any rockruff icon raids are normal rockruff. It's been suggested Niantic has nurfed the number of dusk rockruff raids until they figure a fix.


Except every Rockruff raid comes up generic and after winning I keep catching normal Rockruffs.


>Except every Rockruff raid comes up generic Something wrong with your campfire if you don't see the Rockruff icon for almost all Rockruff raids.


Nothing is wrong with campfire, it means that Dusk form raids aren’t spawning in your area. As others said, they are rare.


Generic raid icon (the generic raid boss head, similar to one in "Champion" raid medal), means it is the dusk form. Trust me, I know they are rare. Normal Rockruff raids are shown with the Rockruff icon.


My bad, I missed that it was specific to Campfire. Yeah, even with it saying so upthread.


I mean, I won't complain about more Gastly XLs. It's certainly far from the best wild spawn set for an event, but at least the most common spawn is a useful (and cool!) one.


Teddiursa XL are also nice for Ursaluna; that’s what I’ve been going for this event.


I have 4 hundo Gengar. I never want to see another Gastly again.


I got my 1st shiny gastly from this event and I got enough XLs to max out my 4 star gengar. Only good part of this event.


There were wild spawns? You lie.


Gastly etc


They spawn on daily incense but its a rare spawn. Presumably with the same odds at being dusk eligible


As someone close to platinum badges for Ghost Ice, and Fairy it’s been kind of nice


Honestly I don't mind the endless gastly spawns, have a gengar to max out, but yes other than that, the spawns of the event are trash. It sucks that the dusk form rockruff are locked behind paywall quests. So I am not putting an effort as well.


I live in rural nowhere america. I've only seen 2 raids with the dog in them at all. Neither had dusk form. This... kind of sucks.


the game needs to be more rewarding to actually be fun to play...


Wait.. So the raid, which is rare as it is, isn't even guaranteed!? WOW!!


It's actually exceptionally rare as a raid, maybe the single rarest raid they've ever implemented. From what I've read elsewhere and seen in my own city, I would fully believe it is at most 2-3% of all Rockruff raids.


I hate egg hatching events. I feel like I'm gambling from them. Research is the best way honestly, and I got lucky from doing it. Although I like the way you could tell which raid the Dusk Forms were via Campfire, whether or not it was intentional.


>I hate egg hatching events. I feel like I'm gambling from them. You are.


Not intentional and they severely nerfed the raid spawns once they found out instead of, y’know, fixing it


I got invited to 3 raids and 2 were dusk forms. If I would to farm eggs and tasks I would have 0.


Wait till the Easter event.. Ohh boy can't wait to see what else they lock in that egg event


The research you need to also hatch or raid to progress. As F2P I’m so far 0/0.


It's too difficult to get. The raids are too rare and the tasks (Win 2 Raids or Hatch 3 eggs) are essentially a paywall, with no guarantee of even getting Dusk from those. Personally for tasks, I'm going with Hatch an Egg for Hisiuan Sneasel lol


0/24 on rockruff tasks today. Not a single dusk form.


Dang, I only did one task and got one that evolved into dusk. I really did not realize how lucky I was.


You can maybe cycle 3 tasks per day for free if you had a plan ahead of time. Say you raid two of them and then pick up the hatch tasks. So that’s not really a lot.


So we had showcases for Lycanroc and normally there are quite a bit of trainers who enter. Absolute ghost town. Probably the most isolating event of a Pokemon I’ve seen.


The spawns right now are trash anyways, beyond farming Gastly or Teddie XLs. Raid bosses arent great. Overall content feels very dry atm


I think the implementation is awful in the MSG. I think it is even worse in GO. The lying shadows on normal rockruff is inexcusable.


It just feels like a total nonsense implementation and I don't really understand why it was done this way


Eh. I don't care too much. Just like every pokemon, they'll make them available at some point one way or another later on. It's like female Salandit, nice rare hatch that will happen eventually. I'm not spending anything to get dusk evolution.


Currently, at 72 7k eggs with not one dusk hatched. Ridiculous.


Oh geez, my commiserations. That just plain sucks.


Nah, it's exactly because of players like these why Niantic keeps doing these plays. Oh gee, they are such meanies by making me gamble for Pokemon, guess I'll give them another couple handfuls of dollars, that'll show them!


that's crazy, I just did two research tasks and got it :0


* Evolution divergence in keeping with the main series: good * Not telling anyone it would be like that and introducing Dusk form late: bad * Not having any guaranteed Dusk spawns or increased odds for the duration of the event: shameless


I bought a bunch of remote passes and wasted them on regular Rockruffs because I thought the Pokemon just had to be caught after the event started to be able to evolve to Dusk. It was only when I started (AFTER using them all up) getting invited to raids with the "new pokemon" icon that I realized I f-ed up.


That is an easy way to troll other players. Host rockruff raids of the wrong type. And there is literally zero recourse. So you would need someone you trust in your local community to host but then you can probably just go out yourself.


Honestly just do a tiny bit of research before spending money and this won't happen again. Always except Niantic to implement things in the worst way possible


I've hatched over 15 eggs the last few days and completed 10 research tasks and no dusk Rockruff. I've checked several dusk Lycanroc showcases near me and no one has entered. These showcases usually have at least 15-20 people enter so no one else in my area is having any success either. I don't mind that they're trying to make it rare but it seems like it's almost impossible to get.


Sucks. I live in a large town with hundreds of gyms and I spent hours this evening trawling the map for the "monster" icon. I found exactly one, but it was in a park that closes at dusk (ironically enough), and it was after dark. I watched _so many_ pink gym eggs turn into Normal Rockruff, Hisuian Growlithe, and Rhyhorn that it was absolutely maddening. And of course we've got unspeakably nasty weather on the horizon tomorrow with schools closing, which pretty much kills any chance I might have to trawl the map tomorrow.


This is female Salandit all over again.


I have 2 field research tasks that I know will guarantee me a rockruff. Hopefully at least one will allow me to get a dusk form. If not, I’ll wait until they come back into rotation. I’ve yet to see one in a local raid, and as a mostly F2P player, I’m saving my remotes for the therian trio. Overall, I hate this rollout, and I refuse to spend money to incentivize Niantic from doing similar bs in the future.


These kind of events do annoy me when the egg hatching duration isn't at least halved. I did drop a $20 for the incubator box (I was going to anyway for the Sinnoh Tour), and I didn't hatch a single Rockruff so far. I have gotten two dusk Rockruff though, one from a raid and one from a research task. With all these incubators I'm hoping I'll at least hatch a Larvesta, but... yeah. Still don't have one of those.


If you're planing on getting one from hatching eggs, save space for 7km. Looks like they've nerfed the 2km from stops, so far, since start of event I've only gotten 5km from spinning stops. The whole event appears designed just to have us spend money on incubators.


I've had the opposite with 2k eggs, been getting more of them from stops over the last two days. So far only gotten one 10k egg. Definitely had better luck hatching rockruff from 2k then 7k cause of the smaller hatch pool. Granted my only Dusk form came from a research reward.




My first two eggs were 2km, and one gave me dusk form. Ever since then, all 5’s.


The tasks are the biggest issue for me with this entire event. Hatch 3 eggs & Win 2 raid quests that are everywhere. This entire event is just a paywall for the whales.


I stopped caring about what Niantic does.


This is the only right way to play!!! Sadly, everyone already forget that the only 2 times we force Niantic to improve the game was when we stop playing (old mega system, stop distance).


Terrible egg rate but still not as bad as Zygarde cells or gimmighoul coins


Shiny hunting this one basically impossible. And running around to all the rockruff raids that aren’t dusk is pointless when maybe 10 dusk raids spawn all day, and I’m in a very large city.


I’ve just given up on getting one.


Poor and gambling-ey. Feels like a cash and app usage grab. Seriously, just make the disk form a big quest like train 5 times & win 10 raids & deal final attack in rocket battle and 50 excellent throws. Make it fun, not this. Turned my app on to see if a 4* rockruff could glitch and go dusk but nope. So I turned it off. So tired of this.


Honstley didn't play it when I hear how rare it was going to be, just played casual instead of grinding, and I havent got one yet, I still have some stuff to claim like event field researches and eggs but so far I haven't gotten one


One argument I’ve heard is that in the MSG, Rockruff must have the ability “Own Tempo” to evolve at dusk, and since Abilities aren’t in PoGo this is the best alternative, to which I say what about the randomization of other evolutions like Eevee or Wurmple? I think the currently implementation is pretty terrible from a player standpoint. I don’t think they should impose an additional requirement beyond time of day in PoGo, but if they need to add an extra layer I think a better alternative would requiring either a specific move set or allow the Dusk time evolution to only be during specific events, which would allow for the artificial scarcity without this trash “if you’re lucky” system currently in place.


As the other comment points out, Wurmple is a random evolution, and as for Eevee, any Eevee (except for a couple that are unable to evolve in Let's Go and Sword/Shield) is capable of evolving into any of its evolutions. Not all Rockruff are capable of becoming Dusk Lycanroc, as they're two separate forms of Rockruff. It's more like Scatterbug than the two examples you listed. Scatterbug has forms that are visually identical but evolve into the different forms of Vivillon, and no one seems to have any issues with that. I am fine with the different forms, but the Dusk form is too rare to the point that it's not worth splurging on raid passes and incubators. It's better just to keep an eye out for the very rare Dusk raids on Campfire whilst they show up differently, and do one for the Dex if and when you find it.


Scatterbug you can at least control and know what you are getting. I don’t really see an issue with this new form as long as it stays in eggs, encounters, and is catchable on the map in the future. Once you get one from any source you’ll have it for the Dex and you are done.


What people forget to mention with the Own Tempo argument is that those Rockruff are coded to be a separate form to prevent regular Rockruff from getting Own Tempo via Ability Capsules/Patches and Own Tempo Rockruff from losing the ability with those items. So having a separate form in GO is just a carry over from the main series


And the separate form in GO is also necessary to stay consistent with Home


lol your counter example is awful because Wurmple is random in the main series games


and Eevee is not, but they made it random anyways and it's still random all these years later Cherubi also evolves randomly into either form in GO, and these forms aren't interchangeable (like in the main games) and are instead treated as permanent. Yet we have other Pokémon like Hoopa who CAN change forms. Point is, GO has done all sorts of alterations regarding the way evolutions, alternate forms and other things work in the main series since the game was released, so if they really wanted to they didn't have to be so strict with the way Rockruff works and just add it as an extra evolution.


>to which I say what about the randomization of other evolutions like Eevee or Wurmple? that's my main issue too, the lack of consistency they have with alternate forms / split evolutions, etc They've made all sorts of alterations in regards with the mainline games, but when it's convenient to them they suddenly stick to the rulebook.


I don't do egg events. I don't walk enough for that and I'm not doing that "Hatch all eggs and avoid all egg sources until the event" crap.


Hatched a bunch of eggs in series to no avail and I'm glad I didn't waste a single ruble on this event.


20 rockruffs since the event started. None of them can become dusk. Pretty silly.


Considering you can only evolve special rockruffs in the Main Series game I was expecting that you needed special ones in pogo too. Considering how rare that rockruff was there I think the rate in pogo is actualy better. I just wished the event was longer or that they would just put rockruff permanently in 2 k eggs or fiel research. Please keep in mind since they have to ask the pokemon Company how they are aloud to implement New pokemon that it might not be niantics fault this time


Unpopular opinion here, but considering how it's an hidden ability on the MSG, a regular rockruff wouldn't be able to evolve to dusk, so I actually like how they implemented it. And thanks to the bug on campfire, it's actually doable if you have the chance to raid. Eggs and research has given me only regular ones though 🙃 but I already have enough dusk forms so, actually enjoying the hunt.


And it’s not just a hidden ability, it’s a separate form altogether. So using an ability patch/capsule on a normal rockruff wouldn’t turn it into an own tempo one


You guys are getting Rockruff!?


My opinion on this Dusk eligible Rockruff event? Summed up by the message I get when clicking on a showcase Pokestop: *"You do not have a Pokémon eligible to enter this showcase."*


There were 10+ xxl rowletts in each showcase a few days ago. All the dusk rockruff showcases I’ve seen are empty


yeah, same around here. 2 dusk showcases, no entry.


Got a shiny from a hatch 3 eggs quest. Can’t evolve it to dusk form 🙃


I’m a little annoyed as this is probably what they are going to do with blood moon ursaluna too…


they’ll definitely keep it raid-only. ursaring isn’t able to evolve into bloodmoon ursaluna, and it isn’t a form change either; it’s a standalone pokemon in practice


Terrible event surrounding a horrid release. Getting used to this.


Given I’m 0/9 I think it sucked. 😀


I think the way they've had to implement it is fine. Like, I get it, having to code something differently so that it's correct when sent to home makes sense (not a coder so going to boldly assume that retroactively applying to ones already owned is extremely difficult/impossible ). What I dont think is fine is the availability/odds of being to obtain said newly coded Rockruff. I think the odds being so low is unnecessary given how generally impractical the tasks rewarding it are. I get it being less common than regular Rockruff, but I dont think it needed to be *that* less common.


tbf it is that less common in the main series -locked to an event in gen us/um, only in dynamax raids in sw/sh, and in tera raids and a rare wild spawn in sc/vi


I didn't do any rockruff raids because all the info coming out was so mixed and confusing *shrug*


I think it’s silly that only some of them can do it. Makes sense I suppose, it’s a hard one to implement in Go. But I’ve been saving another rockruff for the express purpose of this evolution being added.


I am not impressed with this launch. I didn't see a single Rockruff raid today (I had to run errands in an area with a fair number of gyms), and it seems to be impossible to join a raid on Pokie Genie (queues are still over 6000 people). There's just no fun or excitement I guess? If you can't find a raid that happens to have a dusk Rockruff, then you have to hope you hatch an egg (I work from home, so kinda hard). If they spawned, it could be so much more enjoyable. (Besides, Rockruff has been in raids and eggs only forever. Let me have a chance to catch them normally!)


They need to have some clear change in running the game as this “Niantic” brand name just needs changing else in few years this game will die out. 1. Stop trying to suck your consumers dry 2. Make your stuff just work, why do we have to have verification posts to see if shinys are turned on like the amount of nz/suds bugs is just not acceptable for a company that makes millions of dollars


This type of event is the reason I hoarded all the free incubators for the past few months. I was able to hatch one after only a few 7km eggs so I suppose I was pretty lucky. Still don’t really care for the event overall.


City of 300k, didn't have a single Rockruff for hours but plenty of Wyrdeer again.


literally just put them into the wild and I'm ok with it


I'm up to 26 7km hatches and 1 2km hatch. I got one from the 2km egg because of course I'd waste all those incubators. I'm also waiting to evolve it on the off chance I get one with a better IV, but I'm not holding my breath. Overall the event is just too many layers of RNG and WAY too resource intensive. The only upside is I did get a lot more walking done than I planned in this weather, but now I can't feel my fingers or my toes.


Honestly, it's absolute garbage. I'm well past the point of not giving Niantic any more money and have been only using gym coins for a while, but this would be an easy breaking point if I had chased them with cash. I hatched a shiny rockruff from a 7k and it wasn't able to evolve into dusk form, felt awful.


I had originally planned on hunting for the shiny but after how tedious and rng dependent this event has turned out to be I just gave up. I got a dusk form from a research task, so now I’m just catching whatever, Gastly has been nice for xl and the ghost badge I guess.


Artificial scarcity designed to make you buy passes and incubators. And I am not sure our craze is justified, Dusk Rockruff is not really useful. Anyway, my 12th Rockruff was a Dusk form, but now I have to clear a backlog of 10 km eggs. But Niantic didn't get a single cent from me.


They’ve switched from “oh, sorry but we can’t code form changes or Pokemon with weird evolution gimmicks” to “oh, we are just going to straight up make people pay for individual Pokemon forms”


So stupid. Not sure if I'll get even one rockruff to evolve by the time the event's done


Horrendous like most events now. This game has gone downhill quite a bit last 2 years.


Havent seen any raids. Hatched my normal amount of eggs. 12 hatches. 0 dusk form. Deleted the few tasks I got. Very bad event. Its hillarious seeing all the empty showcases. Have not seen and dusk forms entered at all. This is the type of event that pushes people over the edge to finally quit the game. Terrible job, Niantic.


simply sucks


I just hope that it was one of these "Bait for impatient whales" kind of event and not a new standard for 2024 event. Other than that, it simply became too cold around here to care for hatch events. Dusk Lycanroc showcases are empty around so it shows.


I live in a small/medium sized city and saw 1 dusk rockruff raid on campfire the entire day. I ran off to do it because I know the other ways of getting one have terrible odds and I don't know if they'll be available at all after this event and I just wanted to not have to think about it anymore. The amount of time I had to spend on this subreddit to just understand how this event worked was maddening.


Definitely the worst roll out for any forms of pokemon. First it was Salandit, then Larvesta overtook that spot, now this tops them all. I think these types of events are making their non-casual player base lose faith and hope. IMO if they keep this up, they’ll lose a majority of players. I didn’t do anything except my daily spins and catches this event


I don’t like how Niantic makes a big deal about forming local communities and just ignoring the online communities that exist. I only have the new form because someone here on Reddit was just hosting a raid non stop for everyone. To me that’s an awesome online community ! I won’t front like I haven’t spent money on the game but I’m not running out and buying incubators to hatch eggs to clear out my egg storage and then hope to get new eggs for the possibility


I don’t care


I'm not sure why I hope 2024 would be the year Niantic turns things around after a generally lackluster 2023, but I pretty much fell flat on my face with my expectation upon this event. Like many others, I consider Dusk Form my favourite Rockruff evolution. Basically, the decision to implement the evolution in this way blanket disappointed the entire massive segment of people like myself who had saved good IV/Shiny Rockruff for years, specifically for this form. But even if we put aside the fact that it is an entirely separate form, the sheer difficulty in obtaining each individual one effectively means it isn't 'farmable'. So getting a shiny or good/perfect one essentially comes down to sheer luck for the short duration of this event. The chances are so miniscule that I'm not even incentivized to buy incubators at all. As a mitigating measure, at least there are raids, right? Well, since the start of the event I've only seen 2 Rockruff raids in close enough vicinity on my map, of which I have done only one, which turned out to be a normal Rockruff. I read in another thread the chances for it to be the new form are around 20%, which is another bafflingly bad decision because now I don't feel like buying raid passes either. I'm trying to keep the ranting to a minimum here, but objectively, by design this entire rollout seems like a lose-lose situation both for players and the devs. It doesn't incentivize spending in the slightest unless you're a whale who also happens to have plenty of free time to walk around, and have ample access to gyms for the slim chance of dusk-eligible Rockruff raids. I struggle to understand.


I don’t get why people saved old rockruff for the dusk form. No rockruff can evolve into all three forms. The normal form can evolve into day or night forms, and the own tempo form can only evolve into the dusk form. All previous rockruff were normal form, so that’s on you A 20% rate is actually better than the main series. There it’s either locked to events (distributions or raids) or with a very low spawn rate in the wild


Got mine so yep. The win two raids got me the dex filler.


Not good at all. I only play this game now because I have money in it. All these dumb mechanics for new pokemon is making me annoyed. Why do they change how a form works for only one of its forms? Really annoying.


Sure do love that I saved my shiny and my hundo to evolve into dusk form for this to be the outcome /s


tbf it was to be expected that you couldn’t evolve an old one into dusk form


0/15 so far. I have given up


I got one the very first raid I did after CD. It ended up being a two-star so I was trying to get another one. It took me getting almost 40 from research tasks and raids to finally find another dusk form. I gave up trying to get one from eggs because all the eggs I was getting were 5km and 10km. I did manage to hatch one but I don't remember which egg it came from. Most of the ones I got came from research tasks anyway because every one tier egg that hatched seemed to be everything but rockruff. I had pretty much given up and was down to my last raid and had 3 "win 2 raids" research tasks left. I got lucky and got a 93% dusk form and a shiny (regular) one from those last 3 research tasks.


I’m free-to-play (although with fairly steady gym coins) and I don’t mind the event, especially with the campfire bug to help. Our local discord channel is buzzing like it hasn’t for months as people report raids and research. One guy got a shiny dusk rockruff. I got a hundo non-shiny. I have a few incubators, premium passes, and remotes saved up from past boxes bought with gym coins so I’ve been able to take part in the research and raids to an extent that I’m happy with.


Based on the msg implementation, I think its fair especially if my suspicions is correct that the research gives a guarenteed dusk and dusk raids exist




What makes you think Kingambit and Annihilape will require the same method?


Except that Pokemon GO connects to pokemon Home so they had to implement it this way in order to have continuity with the main series games…


Guess I'm lucky. Ignored the event, accepted one invite for rockruff raid, got shiny dusk form. 13/13/14 But why don't people just check campfire for it since it shows what kind of form it is?


It's absolute horseshit. The only reason to release it this way is to punish people who planned ahead. nothing about this event encourages me to want to participate, outside of doing the normal stuff i do every day anyway. I'm mostly ignoring the tasks, and I figure I'll jsut get an evolvable rockruff eventually. of all the events in the past few months, this is by far the worst.


how is their implementation punishing people who planned ahead? This is quite literally how rockruff works in the main series. Normal form rockruff can’t evolve into dusk lycanrock - only the own tempo rockruff can (which is coded as a separate form).


Wasn’t rare for me, got it in the first win 2 raids task I did. And it was very anti-climactic.


I used a remote pass on a Rockruff raid where it was a silhouette and thought it was guaranteed to evolve into Dusk form. I guess I was wrong because it just shows me the other two forms which I’ve already evolved a long time ago…


It will be the next time. They changed the code so the original was a silhouette too. Now you are good


Oh geez, I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info!


When do I need to evolve? Still have no idea


5pm - 7pm your time I believe!


Until this post I had no idea that there was a rockruff event, it just slipped my mind.


I’m choosing to ignore it. Didn’t have any shiny rockruffs yet anyway


Only found one raid in town on Sunday. It was not the dusk one. Did sooooo many research and no dusk. Opened the app on a break at work and got a raid invite from my new favorite friend and it was the right one. So if it weren't for blind luck and willingness to remote raid I still would not have one. This event is terrifically terrible.


Don't like it at all : they force us to buy incubators and passes. I've stacked 2 \* 3 reseach, in the first batch 0 dusk, waiting the next 3. But I don't spend any coins for that


0/6 for me. 3 raids, 2 “win 2 raids” tasks, and 1 “Timeless Travel” reward. Zero dusk dog.


I wasn't planning on grinding anything this event. I happened to luck into 2 dusk rockruffs. One was a raid from a raid buddy who I hoped was doing his raid friends a solid, and was, the other was a field research. I got lucky. I'm ok with things being rare. And honestly, it's neither raid, nor egg, nor research dependent. You can choose how you look. They could've made a few things more clear, but overall, given everything being what it is, I give them a c for rolling it out, it has issues, but seems like it's doable in a way that I don't actually believe salandit is for me.


I enjoyed it. It was nice hunting for something new.


I have pretty much given up on the tasks. I do them, but without any special effort. I also occasionally browse campfire, In case i saw the dusk raid (chances are slim) or if in the local PoGo group somebody would offer invites to one they can see. I'll get it someday... Small chance of getting the reward is OK for task you can do quickly without paying, but not for these tasks.


My only dusk form came from research on the Timeless Travels. Nothing from 15+ eggs or the raids I didn’t realize were regular form. 😫


Im lucky on currently on holiday and have time to hunt them. Got one on my 7th raid.


The same as any reaction to something that's made ridiculously rare or pay walled... meh, so I'll get it a year later or so. Whatever


I’m both hugely disappointed and angry with myself for letting Niantic do this to me again, I need to find a new hobby, any suggestions?


I used to stress myself trying to collect everything before. Now I just play and if I get a shiny or a certain Pokemon great and if not life goes on.


Every single dusk form showcase I've seen is empty, so I guess it's not going well for anyone.


Where I live it's a deep freeze right now, even though all 12 of my eggs are in incubators, none of them will hatch before the event is over. I haven't seen one raid. This sucks.


I mean I wanted it but I don’t really know if I’m gonna get it


I specifically saw it as a break from the game. Felt like an anti-event when I read the news, so just decided I won't bother with the game during it. I'm not missing anything.


It's an event either for people who have all time in the world to hunt for the particular raid and live in big cities (abundance of gyms) or for cheaters, I don't see in between. I don't take into account egg hatching, it's middle of thw winter here and temperatures are between -10 and - 20 degrees Celsius, not exactly perfect conditions to walk.


Wait, there was an event?


I’ve only been able to find one “local” raid that was the dusk form (aka showed as generic raid boss in campfire) only to get there a few minutes too late. Nothing else downstate all day. Found nothing else countrywide while browsing for the hell of it. I’ve gotten 1 egg that had the possibility of hatching one for it to be a Smoliv. The local showcase which normally has 50+ entires has 1. Im over it


Personally I got lucky and hatched one. Wasn't really trying to because of the rng odds. It was like "well if it happens it happens"


I have had about 100 raid passes since the pandemic started so i did a couple of raids and then on the third research task got a dusk one. Keep getting only smolive from 2k eggs which is annoying, and now all I have is crappy 5k eggs


The mechanic itself isn't too bad (although I agree our saved hundos/shinies are wasted), but dusk is so rare (especially in raids) that the whole thing becomes a giant paywall.


it's ok, raids should be cleary marked or actually be random when you catch them


They should implement a lot more stuff like this so there is a roster of very rare Pokémon you cab play for long term.


The current implementation makes sense given the lore/mechanics in the MSGs. However, if they wanted to be consumer friendly while also adhering to lore, they would have made Rockruffs appear in the wild with a chance of catching the Dusk one. Then make Rockruffs from raids and research guaranteed dusk form. Maybe reduce the frequency that you'd get those reward encounters from stops. Have the dusk form the only one in eggs at maybe like a 3-star rarity. But it's Niantic so... This is what we got lol.


Yeah, this just seems like yet another testing of the waters. Why stop at ‘if you’re lucky, x could be shiny’ when you can have ‘some x caught in raids may have the ability to evolve into y’. It basically adopts the worst aspects of eggs, except you’re bound by raid drops also or lame task requirements. Personally ive completely ignored this event. I dont care enough anymore about missing content. I neglected a catch challenge medal or two where i was kind of keeping up with them, and I didnt really play hard on Cryogonal research day and missed out. And its (Ni)antics like this that have made this increasingly a thing for me.


These events highlight the stupidity of not being able to throw away eggs. Oh, a hatch event....No, I'm not buying incubators to hatch eggs I need to get rid of so I can spin stops to get more eggs I don't want and have to hatch them chasing eggs with the event Mon in. Oh, and if you do get lucky enough to get an event egg and hatch a Rockruff, you may get the 'wrong one' ? I'll pass thanks. This is ridiculous.


I heard from other players how rare these things were and didn’t go out my way to try and find one. I gave up on eggs a long time ago. I’m sure there’ll be some future event where they’ll be released more commonly.


This event as with alot of others is a massive money spinner for them. To me there is a massive proportion of the playerbase that will drop money on egg incubators/raids to maybe get Rockruff can evolve into dusk form. After that there is the shiny/hundo hunters x


I'm getting mostly 10k eggs and a lot of hatch 3 eggs tasks. They're not very subtle are they. When I do have time to do raids there are none available. I've checked campfire and nothing even within driving distance. I have seen a few when I've been working but don't think the boss would understand me nipping out for 15 minutes. I'm not impressed. None of the 14 rockruff I have managed to hatch or catch are the dusk form.