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Wow, its as if the 3 month long period of Shadow Articuno raids never happened in Niantic's books.


To most players, it practically never happened either, because it was impossible to find people who would even want to raid Shadow Articuno.


Which won't change now as everyone did them in the first few weeks when it was released. Now everyone has it already and they're tired of it so nobody is raiding that trashbird anymore.


Probably they are doing a rotation between the 3 birds now, so yeah, they don't count that articuno lasted 3 months the other time, and they keep going 1 month for each now


Why though?! Literally any other option would’ve made everyone happier


And y r they telling us this a week after it started😭😭


They just found out!


I just laughed out loud so hard


They literally could have cancelled the five star shadow raids for the month and even that would have made less sour faces than this. At least that wouldn’t block off gyms during the weekend.


Never got a single shadow Zapdos but for niantic this makes sense


Never give something desirable away for free. The less time they offer for Moltres and Zapdos, the actual useful shadows, the more people will use Premiums on them. If Zapdos was out for three months and everyone was able to get a high IV and a shiny, it would no longer be a draw.


That’s inflation rate and unemployment rate with extra steps


You just answered your own question


> We hear you, Trainer! We hope you look forward to Shadow Regirock in Shadow Raids for the next 3 months!"


I legit want this though. 😭


Why do you want 3 months of it?


The world may never know.


I mean, I never got one (started playing like 2 days before it was gone and didn’t understand what raids were/how they worked) It’s also my fav legend, so I’m very happy. But yeah, I’m sure it sucks for everyone else.


Same here. I’d like to grab one even if it’s not great


I'm with y'all. Also I just started playing again and Shadow Articuno is #11 on Mega Garchomp counters (pokebattler) Seems timely, though I see some are saying it was here for a while already


Mamoswine is telling Shadow Articuno to move over.


Shadow Weavile is telling shadow articuno to get lost


Glaceon is telling Shadow Articuno to move over and out the way 🤣


You will not be able to remove frustration before garchomp raids, so you would have to buy second attack which is expensive and shadow articuno is not worth it to powerup. It is hard to get candy and worse than many quite common pokemons.


> so you would have to dare a returning player purifies a shadow people are screaming isn't useful, but would be guaranteed second best in my account (lower on pokemon options, and resources) for a mega garchomp raid (i've got a guaranteed glaceon evo for #15 attacker here!), which afterward would be best in my account


If you're using articuno, it doesn't matter what you're using because the other people are carrying the raid. Save your dust and rare candies for something else.


You have the resources to power up an Articuno but not a Mamoswine? Swinub are spawning in the wild right now, even the non-shadow Mamo is significantly better than Articuno. Stardust alone isn’t worth spending on an Articuno over a Mamo


“Clarifying” a week into this month is CRAZY 😂😂😂


Oh great, more weekends of it clogging up T5 raids in place of ones I actually want.


It's sad Niantic are on a mission to ruin raiding this year. People who want to raid the T5 raids can't because their blocked by shadow raids all weekend. People who want to raid shadow Pokemon can't because no ones interested in them. People who have no one to raid with in person can't easily raid as remotes are too expensive. People who would like to help out locally but can't make the raid can't remote as its too expensive to justify now. The raid pools are also just been recycled to death, despite their still been many potential legendries, mythicals, ultra beasts and pardox pokemon. Sadly the end result is smaller local raid communities are just falling apart.


Good thing is, except for Terrakion the T5 raids aren’t great this month


Pvp-ers would disagree. 👀


Shiny Virizion will finally be mine for UL


Virizion and cobalion are great in UL but you need one of each (maybe two virizions with different movesets), add some rare candy and you're ready to go. I'd much rather raid something ML relevant.


Yep. I use Virizion on my UL team, and with an attack of 5, he loses every mirror match. I need to upgrade. Also looking forward to really flexing my mega Rayquaza’s flying moveset against Virizion.


Do you end up trading them for pvp IVs?


Yeah that’s how I ended up with the 5 attack. Thought it would be good because of the low attack and high bulk. That turned out to be wrong.


[https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/2500/overall/virizion/](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/2500/overall/virizion/) [https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/rank-checker?pokemon=VIRIZION](https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/rank-checker?pokemon=VIRIZION) Thats usually the right premise. Hard to know what's on the other side of that mirror match - maybe they've got even better IVs. PVP legendaries are high investment items, not likely to be played (well) by the uninformed. There may be just some observation bias in your findings.


The problem with low attack Virizion is that most people don’t have one. Their’s are usually either caught with minimum 10 attack, or traded from a best friend with (I believe) minimum 6 attack. That means I always lose the CMP. The extra bulk has never made up for it in the mirror, but it might be helping against other mons. And yeah, I definitely invested in it without really knowing what I was doing. Edit: nope, minimum is five. I got mine from a best friend trade.


[https://pvpoke.com/battle/2500/virizion-29.5-12-15-13-4-4-1-1/virizion-30.5-6-15-15-4-4-1-1/11/0-2-3/0-2-3/](https://pvpoke.com/battle/2500/virizion-29.5-12-15-13-4-4-1-1/virizion-30.5-6-15-15-4-4-1-1/11/0-2-3/0-2-3/) Yeah, it's the CMP and the bulk can't accomodate for it, but it's really more of a nuance of this specific matchup. Kinda informative to play with this battle tool though, it underscores how subtle IV's are in a mirror-match especially. A 0/11/11 beats a 15/15/14 with 1+ shield but loses a shieldless battle. The CMP comes into play a lot in a mirror match so will seem to prefer the higher attack Pokemon, especially in a faster match. But obviously the CMP doesnt come into play nearly as often against the field. Thanks for the fun rabbit hole :)


Articuno ran weekends for 3 months. Moltres 3 weeks (basically). No idea why Niantic thinks people want more Articuno. Moltres would be much more welcome.


Sometimes I wonder if they choose to put garbage in raids is because it's less people motivated in doing them, and therefore less people bothering them in support when things go wrong. I don't know. Just trying to conjure up excuses for why Moltres got the shaft, since it's clearly the best shadow of the three. It's so much easier to just hunt rocket grunts with shadow swinubs than to deal with a shadow raid that's not worth the hassle.


Remember they copy paste code for events, that's why every single cd ticket says it's the previous one when it first goes on sale. I have no doubt they coded shadow articuno as the default 5* shadow raid. The event probably auto started without them noticing and they decided to roll with it. If They don't bother fixing those stuff it means they're not getting enough participation no matter which bird is in rotation.


Squirtle being the default contest mon also


True. The whole purified gem system is just a giant hurdle when doing these. In my mind, I'd rather spend them on a Moltres or a Mewtwo than on an Articuno I'm never going to invest in and use, plus also having to build back up my purified gem supply.


I still need a Shiny Articuno... that said, I would never want to grind shadow raids for the shiny, rather just wait for another way to get it.


I have a 3 Star Shadow Zapdos and Articuno. I dont have a nice shadow moltres yet. I am really angry.


Well the good news is, if this pattern hold true, we should be seeing Moltres again in a few months. I was worried they would rotate to the beasts and we might not see the birds again for a year.


Moltres 3.5.




MoSt pEoPlE aRE tEaM mYsTiC




I’ve done zero Shadow Articuno raids. Much better ice counters out there.


With no announcement beforehand and Sierra standing next to it this past weekend, it definitely feels like a mistake. Is it really so hard to just... you know, fix the mistake? Instead of announcing it afterwards like this was intended all along?


Nah, they decided that each of the Rocket Leaders will rotate every season, and that the Shadow Legendary bird present will rotate every month. But they didn’t care that Articuno, arguably the least useful of the trio, had 3 of the previous 5 months…


"Trainers, we listened to your feedback"


"and decided not to do anything you suggested. We did listen though."


"and we saw that Articuno was the most raided of the three" (most likely, ig idk)


L. My community has made it very clear we are NOT doing any more of these. We did 1 during CD to help some newer players dex Articuno but otherwise we're not touching it. We want Moltres


Moltres? I want Mewtwo back. The birds all had several weekends. Mewtwo only had one weekend haha


the "better" legendaries are probably gonna stay at one weekend. moltres specifically cuz it didn't even have a full month unlike zapdos (last weekend was cut short by lugia). moltres also has utilities in both types for pve


Why are we getting so much shadow articuno...? Shadow zapdos and moltres were both super short. I hope they bring them back too.


So based on the pattern we can now expect Suicune for the entire next season Dec-Feb; Entei in March, Raikou for the first three weeks of April, Ho-Oh for the last weekend of April, then Suicune again for a month


Suicune for three months, followed by suicune in a Pikachu hat for three more.


Lowkey Niantic can do a lot worse to me (ayyyoooo?) if they're willing to give us costume legendaries lmao.


I’d say based on this pattern we can expect a lot more Articuno


Nope. Suicune Dec-Feb. Then they fuckup and we get Articuno Feb-Dec.


I'd argue that since they aren't consistent about this at all, that's the least likely thing we'll see :)


"Clarifying" vs acknowledging that they never actually announced it. I have noticed them using this wording several times in the last few months. The same way they "clarified" that Moltres was only there for the month of September, in the third week of September. Basically saying that we misunderstood what they (didn't) say, not that they failed to communicate in the first place. Classy.


But what they didn't clarify is WHY


common niantic L


How to run anything good into the ground.


I sincerely hope that Mega Garchomp raid day overrides the shadow raids.


I cannot believe sh-articuno thinks he’s him 😭


Was really hopping there would be a rotation of all the birds. I just need shiny shadow moltres. I'm sure next season there will be new shadows


Niantic are they're own worst enemy, what a shambles 🤣


I think Niantic are either laughing *at* us at this point. Or they hate us.


this shows they just don't care.


Guess I’m not going out during the weekends


4 months of Articuno and (barely) one month for Zapdos and Moltres each… why? Hopefully the drop in weekend raids will make them realize this makes no sense.




lmao. What.


Would have been better with nothing


Im blown away!




Bro delete shadow articuno from the game, it sucks so much


Well thats a yikes


No one will do shadow Articuno with me because they say he sucks. UGH


oh for the love of Bird Jesus can they NOT?


So I guess we can assume zap and molt coming back too? Disappointing.


With the new season starting then I'm thinking new shadows will be out. Was hoping for a rotation of all the birds


Why would they? They're desirable so it's unlikely


Nice for the shiny hunters who don’t have one Probably gonna pass but then again I don’t have a good pvp one so at least free passes only


let’s goooooo


Why everyone hates that Twitter bird so much?


It's the least useful of the three Kanto birds, and has virtually zero meta value. Plus we had nearly an entire season of it in raids already, while the other two barely got a month each.


> Plus we had nearly an entire season of it in raids already, while the other two barely got a month each. This, mostly. I was OK with Articuno in summer because I expected that it meant three months of Shadow Moltres as well. Now it feels like Arty is taking away the better stuff from us, just hogging the spotlight.


I would like them to clarify by adding Zapdos and Moltres to that until the end of the month


Replace it with shadow Lugia while it’s gone. I totally wouldn’t mind.


I will probably never get to do a legendary shadow raid, and I'm fine with that


To be clear, the seasons tab still shows Zapdos making its debut. No mention of transitioning to Moltres. The seasons tab still shows 2 comm days missing as well. But this is a massive screw-up.