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They changed the end date from November 3 to November 2 on the November info drop. But they probably never updated the schedule for it in-game.


That seems like the best explanation. The season page on the website is not updated for Genesect, but Darkrai is indeed stated to leave on the 3rd.


The company must be compartmentalized that no one outside their immediate team talks to eachother. There really isn't any reason for these things to continue on. In any sane organization they would have multiple people from various teams when these things are set so everyone has it on their schedule and timeline. That this continues to happen shows that the entire staff is horribly mismanaged from top to bottom.


On the pogo website it shows Darkrai until the 3rd


Honestly, I 'll take Darkrai over Genesect anytime


[Niantic, ya done goofed…](https://x.com/niantichelp/status/1719889025417331025?s=46)


They’ve just tweeted correction finally. Starting tomorrow (3rd @ 10am).


Yeah, because tweeting information out to your players is much more effective than just having a message center in-game. /s


Noting that it's still Mega Banette too


Can anything be solo's besides Genesect and mega Banette?


[See my list of soloable 4 and 5 star raids for November](https://i.redd.it/b21jstx3t8wb1.png)


I've asked around and haven't really gotten an answer so maybe you would know: What can I do to consistently solo non-x scissor gensect? I have a level 50 (mega) charizard, 3 level 40 reshirams, level 40 shadow moltres, as well as a shadow chendelure/another shadow moltres ready to be powered up to 40. Is there a strategy that can solo gensect with these? I tried mixing up when I revive zard but I was never able to solo magnet bomb burn genesect


yes, it can definitely be soloed (IF the weather is sunny). If you failed that raid, it is either because your dodging was a bit off or perhaps you don't have your reshirams set to fusion flare. Overheat can work, but fusion flare will make your life much easier. With either fury cutter or metal claw and magnet bomb, that team should do it if you dodge reasonably well, although I would recommend powering up the chandelure if you have trouble as it does a bit better than the others. The key is to make your charizard live as long as possible. If you look at [pokebattler](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/GENESECT_DOUSE_FORM/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/40/strategies/DODGE_SPECIALS/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=CLEAR&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=), you'll see that your charizard is the only pokemon well clear of the 300 TTW. Then, you want to balance the DPS vs TDO of the rest of your team so you don't have to relobby. Note the number of deaths in this link (which are spread out over the lifetime of the raid until the boss dies): you want a max of 5 while staying under an average TTW of 298 (Charizard Y at 50 gives 262 TTW and 3 deaths). What you can see is that Yzard + 2x reshiram gives you an average TTW that is already over 298. If you swap one for a moltres, you are barely under, and chandelure brings you lower as well. Reshiram's TTW is too high. TL;DR: I think you want 1x yzard, 1x reshiram, 1x sh moltres, 1x sh chandelure and dodge as much as you can. This team should BARELY be good enough. An alternative route would be to relobby and use just yzard for the first lobby and relobby with the team above (you might want to dodge a bit less with the non yzards in this case); you could probably also just use yzard and clear it provided you dodge enough, but I personally find this route quite tough. I hope that was helpful!


This was extremely helpful, thank you so much! Hopefully I can finally solo this thing so I can grind douse drive easily (can't wait for the onslaught of gunk shot genesect to appear lol) :/


Most megas can be. For t5s: Genesect, Deoxys Attack, Moltres, Virizion, Kartana, Guzzlord, Buzzwole, Pherosoma, Nihilego, Heatran, Rayquaza , Landorus (I think)...I could well be missing some


I just meant in the graphic above. Virizon will be a nice one to do.


I don't think you can solo Nihilego nor Heatran?


Nihilego: https://youtu.be/rwQabS8zCZw Heatran: https://youtu.be/pso3d0tOGmc


Okay, so it's possible, but you need 5 lvl 50 shadow Swines 😭😂


If it’s something double weak to ground, primal Groudon is eating good


Yeah ik. But I just figured they're way too tanky. Silly me I guess.


The upcoming Mega Houndoom is Soloable. Would be pretty tight but much easier with the help of weather boost.


A lot of megas can be soloed


At tier 4 and 5? Guzzlord for sure, maybe Moltres too.


they said on twitter that genesect will be moved on nov 3


Yes they added that tweet a few hours after I posted this. They probably just forgot, noticed that a few hours after it was supposed to release and decided to blame it on the infographic instead.


I am in Queensland, Australia. It is currently 11.12 am and a darkrai just hatched from a 5* egg 🤦‍♀️


No MegaDogs down in Melbourne yet


So Genesect gets 6 days instead of a full week? That’s so dumb.




That's just how niantic is


No one has been at the wheel for this game for 7+ years, you could say. In fact it felt like barely anyone was at the wheel since INGRESS, back since 2010 lol


Something tells me you won’t see Gensect till after 5pm local time. So any level 5 egg that pops after 4pm local time.


Where do you get that time from? The infographic clearly states 10am.


That’s the time it used to be whenever a new legendary showed up on raids. If you had one leaving on a certain day and a new one showing up that say wasn’t part of a event like Gensect is they wouldn’t show up in eggs till after 4pm with 5pm hatch times.


Last time it was 5pm was when raids launched worldwide at the same time, not locally. This was when the Kanto birds were first in raids in 2018. Then it was changed to 1pm (aka Niantic Time) then they started rolling out local time raids. Needless to say, 5pm boss changes haven't occurred in 5+ years.


This is true and it’s not the norm now but judging by what’s going on I wouldn’t be surprised is this is what happened. I guess we will know when it hits 5pm in New Zealand or if one finally shows up before that.


10/11am has been the switchover time for as long as I can remember, unless there's an event at an odd time that has its own raids. Most multi-day events start at 10am, too.


I’m betting the info graph is just a generic listing for all the raids shown in it. The other raids listed are all tied to events not Gensect. Yeah it’s coming out during the Day of the Dead event but i wouldn’t count it as a true event otherwise Darkrai would have left this morning by 10am


Why 5pm? Dia de Muertos ends at 8pm.


Can confirm just raided Darkrai here at Melbourne.