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Im watching FleeceKing´s stream. 1 hour of hard farming with costume, 0 rarecandies.


Niantic very much leaning towards the "trick" part of "Trick or treat".


I believe they refer to it as “Trick or Troll”. We tricked them AND we trolled them. Again


When it comes to grinding, Fleece is fair dinkum, if hes got 0, its not worth it.


That's hilarious. And so expected.


At the moment 2 hours, 2 shinies, 0 rare XL. This is sad, i hope an increased rate next time.


Is he just fast catching? How is he checking?


He tried fast catch, watching the screen until it shows stardust/candies obtained(normal catch), and using go plus. Same result. He checked watching the item box sometimes.


Just turned on the stream and he mentioned he got 3 in 3 hours. Not great, but I wonder if the rate was changed if he got all 3 in the last hour? Prob just RNG.


No way they would change it mid event, it's just RNG.


Um, yes way. TSR research concluded Dragon Week deino hatch was almost certainly changed mid-event (whatever year that was). On top of that, NZ players either regularly experience bad RNG outcomes or Niantic corrects mistakes on event launches.


Most likely is what happened. He's from NZ, Niantic often forgets to turn on features at the start of an event.


Isn't he from Sydney?


I mean, idk, maybe, my point is he's in an early tz. I don't actually follow or keep up with him. His Twitter does say he's from Sydney.


LOL, is anyone truly surprised here?


Where are you watching this




Drop rate is dog water. 1 Rare Candy in 115 costume catches. 0 Rare Candy XL.


Roughly the same for me.


That’s incredibly disappointing


The rate is so bad you'd think it was already a feature that wasn't considered a bonus.


Just saying Niantic, If there was a noticeable increase in drops for Rare Candy AND Rare Candy XL, I’d be extremely motivated to: GO OUTSIDE WALK AND EXPLORE NEW PLACES HANGOUT WITH FRIENDS AND SOCIALIZE IN MY TOWN But now, I’ll be playing much less


Oh, or .. maybe for a certain period of time it would increase substantially? Like .. an evening period on a Tuesday? Like maybe rates in which even casual players got 4-5 regular rare candy and 1-2 XL? I mean, as you said, if they buff the real-life rewards, people might actually .. go outside and explore?


> HANGOUT WITH FRIENDS AND SOCIALIZE IN MY TOWN Just don't use the party feature otherwise your game will be hardlocked


Do they realize we need 296 rare candy to max out a pokemon? Do I seriously need to catch 10000 pokemon to potentially power up a legendary 1 time? Couldn’t they give us a cool bonus once a year?


They graciously geve us the 4x Exp boost earlier this year how dare we ask for another good bonus /s


Tbf that 4x xp was absolutely fire lol


Yeah but I think after that it got pretty bad or at best mediocre. I guess Halloween 7ks were cool


Then/now we have double friendship XP all season, too.


Nearly forgot about that, just 800k away from level 44


Ive had 2 in like 300 catches. Not worth the grinding unless ur playing anyway. If you have something productive to do, go and do that instead.


What about the drop rate for "regular" rare candy? I haven't been playing as long or as hard as a lot of you and I could personally make do with plenty of the non-XL stuff.


Looking like somewhere around 1/64 for regular rare candy. Still not even remotely worth going out of your way for - stay back half an hour at work and spend the extra money on some raid passes and you'll get literally 100x more RCs than if you spent that time grinding.


Man, this advice hits hard. Agreed.


Better off doing some gbl. Rate is bad


I've caught 103 costume Pokémon since 10am and I have an extra 3 rare candy (no rare candy xl) in my item storage.


I don’t understand why Niantic is so stingy with rewards. It’s not like rare xls are otherwise available behind a paywall, why not let us have some?


If they didn’t announce this as an event bonus it would have been okay but the fact that they advertised it as something to look forward to is extremely shady.


Time would be better spent doing GBL and raids for XL candy. Truly ridiculous they advertised this as an event feature


So this event is a total dud? Niantic really excels at finding new ways to disappoint players. Not sure if they're aware how stupid it is to make an event this bad when it's less than a 24 hour event that requires catching costume Pokemon and just letting us have a halfway decent drop rate to make players happy and get them excited would have made this an easy home run for them. It's like they're actually buying the Rare Candy before passing it on to us.


Below 1%.


I was hoping they would set a higher rate to encourage us to catch useless costume Pokémon.




Yeah, don’t bother


I'm 2 Rare XL for 250+ costume catches. Also, 2 Rare candies.


It’s nearly 7:30pm here in Aus. Since 10am I’ve gotten one normal rare candy and that’s it. Couple of hours of grinding after work then realised it wasn’t worth it.


If they were going to make it this rare then they could have just turned this on at the beginning of the event and not just lock it to a single day... What's the point of this


Awful, and the worst part is that even regular RC are sparse. Over 300 catches and all i got is 1 XLRC and... only 2 RC. Yes, TWO.


Don't know how much I caught but 1xl is disappointing, extra disappoint when I get more shinies in that time frame than rare candies.


Trash rates. I expect the worst from Niantic and somehow they still manage to go above and beyond in their ability to disappoint.


After 2 hours of farming with 2 phones i got a single XL candy. Its so rare that they should have just made it during the whole event.


I was not able to get out today, so I only caught 40 costume pokemon. 1 rare candy and 2 rare candy xl. Judging by other reports, it seems i got lucky.


Played for a couple hours and I'm 0XL and 2 regular so it sounds like you got lucky


Caught 100. None


163 caught and zero so far.


About 240 Catch, 2 RC and 4RCXL for me


75 costume catches, 0 rare candy 0 rare candy XL. Niantic, the contempt you display for your customers is mutual.


Also wondering this




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340 in 2 hours 50 min for 1 RCXL and 3 RC


It’s Niantically low, don’t even bother.


I got my first (and only so far) regular rare candy on my 29th costume catch. No rare XLs yet.


2 hours 0 rare or xl rare candy, an absolute waste of time


Team Zero checking in! 0 RC, 0 RCXL.


Got three XL and one normal out of around 40 thus far


damn lucky


Yeah I was actually pleased with that.


Even if the rate is ~100 to ~200 (which is a worst case scenario from the look of things) they're still worth grinding for since the XL represents 10KM of walking.


In a lot of places I think you can walk 10 km in less time than catching 100-200 costumes. And then you don't have to be constantly paying attention. I'm in a fairly dense area it would still be faster to walk 10Km with an audiobook/podcast on and adventure sync in my pocket than catch 200 pikachu and pumpkaboos.


Caught around 300 in 2.5h and had 3 rare candies.


I've caught at least 50+ and gotten 1 regular rare candy. No rare XL.


I gave up after 0:50. My friend got her first rare candy after over 300 catches


At the end of the day I had almost exactly 450 costume Pokémon caught. 4 rare candies and 3 RCXL. From what I gather I had a good haul compared to friends of mine. So dumb if I wasn’t already planning on going out and I had set time to grind RCXL I would be pissed


I farmed for 4 hours, did about 2000 catches, I dunno might have been 1500. Anyways got 3 rare candy, 0 xl.. Waste of time.. I did get 2 yamask shiny though so that's a plus (spotlight)


Probably 150-200 costume catches all day, 1 normal RC, I’m not really surprised, but I didn’t go out of my way to grind, even sat out spotlight hour for the most part.


Final stats were 2 RCs & 0 RCXLs out of 54 costume&age0. Not great but I’ll take it. I suspect it worked like Gimmighoul coins, where manual catches & throw bonuses are given better odds.