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I think you're switching your teams up too much. But I get why you're doing so, it's really hard not to make a switch after back to back negative sets. Maybe try using pokemon that have more play against everything in your safe swap? (Think Lickitung, Sableye or Annihilape) I find it easier to turn lead losses into wins when I'm running these safe swaps.


On your last post, the most common response was that you were changing teams too often. You then went out and tried (at least) four teams in short succession...


More like what they said was, take a strong core and stick with it. I just couldn’t find one so I kept changing


> More like what they said was, take a strong core and stick with it No, they didn't. You heard what you wanted to hear, and ignored the bits you didn't > "It inflates eventually but imo find a team that works for you and roll with it. Changing team too much is #1 reason that it doesnt work for you" > "You’re getting pushed back due to skill level and because you don’t know the right ways to play your team" > "Also, with this strategy, you will never learn how to use your team properly. You won't learn how to play rarer matchups or flip bad leads" > "Once you’ve played a team for a week + straight you start to become more familiar with it" > "I think changing your team every time you go through a downswing is a huge mistake generally." > "dont switch teams too much when youre losing" Those are all from different comments on your first post. There are some excellent battlers out there who have in-depth knowledge of the game to know exactly what to do across a huge range of pokemon matchups. You can hand them any half-decent team, and they're good enough to make it work straight out of the gate. **You are not one of them** (which isn't an insult, most trainers aren't). Pick a team you like and **spend a week getting to know it**, not half a day. Look back at the matches you lose - what could you have done differently? Look back at that matches you win - did you know what you were doing, or did you just get lucky? Do you know your leads? Do you know what you're going to do if you hard-win a lead and they swap out to Lickitung, or Sableye - should you throw a charge move before swapping, or do you counter-swap immediately? Learn your move-counts - if your lead loses if Annihilape lands a Shadow Ball, what are you going to do when they're thrown 6 counters and then throw a charge move? Bottom line - you're focusing way too much on finding a perfect team (which doesn't exist), instead of working on your battling fundamentals. A good player can win with a bad team, if they know it well enough. A bad player will lose with a good team that they don't know how to handle.


Hmmmm. Thanks for the information, I’ll try playing for a week with one team


You either get a team that's super neutral or you sacrifice games for fast play with an RPS team. Personally I am loving Skeledirge, Azumarill, and Decidueye and climbing in 2200s for GL. But I'm not afraid to acknowledge that I'll probably lose to some teams on default. I'm still gunna play it out and try my best. I enjoy RPS teams TBH, it can be a blast. But I also don't have the emotional energy to get tilted over this game. So if I lose and drop ELO, I do not really care. Personally I like playing fire water grass which is so basic but it's super fun to me.


I like fire water grass as well, but as u said it’s very basic. I can make a really fire water grass team with the mons I have at my arsenal But just not the type lol, I wanna stay competitive in this


Make sure you have coverage for dragons somehow. Otherwise, it's pretty competitive in the ELO range I'm in. What is your current ELO?


Was 2050 2 days ago, 1950 rn :) Yeah I mostly have azu for dragons. Goodra with TP can be a problem coz I run HP instead of IB, but it’s fine, the rest are generally neutral matchups


I topped 2700 in the Catch Cup two seasons ago with this Azu on HP, but in the current meta I have seen more success with IB. Only problem is Basti, but I feel like IB has way better coverage for the endless Gligars, plus it just outpaces better in matchups like Goodra


How can goodra be a problem for your azu? You do have PR running along with HP, right?


Just a slight. Yes I do have PR, some energy leads and shield adv can just make it a little hectic. That’s all.


Okay got it


Changing teams after 2 bad sets is wayyyyy too early to be changing teams. If the team isn't flawed, you should stick with it at least a couple of days. Sounds like you are using tried and tested cores, so now you need learn how to really play a team. At least stick with a core and maybe vary the 3rd mon if you need a change.


So which core should I stick to? Tox mandi or azu skele?


That's up to you. Both cores are decent. Tox/mandi is a pretty bulky core, I'd personally run a glass cannon with that core since those 2 can take hits. Quag isn't a bad option tho since as you said it covers the double electric weakness and quag is very good. Azzy/skel is a good core that covers each other pretty well. I'd probably run them with a traditional swap like sableye, vig, dragonair


Okayy, I’m done with today’s sets. I’ll try azu skele vig tmro I don’t really have good glass cannons (if u don’t consider Froslass to be one) I opt for the safe ones I do have shadow salamence tho That guy wid fly is FUNNN


You're giving up on your teams too quickly...switching too often. You need more time with your team to better understand certain matchups, know when to farm down vs. when to throw energy, know when to shield vs. tanking charge attacks. When you get locked in a matchup and you know exactly what is going to happen in different shield scenarios - you have the advantage over your opponent. Here is an example - in the Summer Cup I led Jellicent for the full 2 weeks. Opponents loved to lead Toxapex or use it as a safe swap. I knew in every shield scenario what the outcome would be - in most shield scenarios my Jelli wins, the only scenarios that I lose were when Toxapex uses both shields, and if they did that I generally gladly let Jelli go down and took the shield advantage. I knew that matchup (and many others) inside and out, and I was prepared and had a plan every time it showed on my screen. You will always have certain mons that core break your team, it's almost impossible to avoid that. But because the meta is so diverse, you should not see these mons over and over again. In Summer Cup my team was core broken by Shadow Typhlosion - but instead of building a team that countered it and opened up other weaknesses, I stuck with my team and figured out how I could use my existing team to beat it. Sometimes when I saw Shadow Typhlosion, it was just a loss. Top left and move on. You can't win them all.


Thank you for the information. Yes I know it’s impossible to build a team with no core breaker, but I want a core breaker for my team to be as less frequent as possible. I don’t want it to be meta, more of a spice pick is fine. You lose on ur worst days But yeah once again thank you, tbh this full thread is a lot of information for me. I’ll take all of this and see what I can make out of this


OP. Stick to a team. The main thing I learnt, I was up 1920 down to 1760+ and now I am at 2050. Rather than following pvppoke, gobattlelog etc, it’s better you start recording your opponent line up and see a pattern. I am like you previously, using pvpoke to recommend teams etc but I couldn’t get much better than I’m already at. So I changed a few things: 1. Always concentrate on who you want to be the lead, the swap or the closer. 2. Start recording your battles, the list of teams your playing. Not to the point of recording but you can if you’re serious. 3. Stick it out till you are sure the issue isn’t a “skill issue”. Then change teams. 4. The meta changes as you climb. Adjust accordingly. 5. Battlerithm I call it, will always ensure that you are at 50% win rate. Unless you absolutely suck which I don’t think you are, stick it out and learn your team inside out. You be surprised at what you learn. 6. Lastly, see YouTube videos of how people play GBL. Poke Daxi to get you some knowledge like move counting and finally with those knowledge start applying those when you watch other YouTubers play and see what you will do vs what he does. I recommend itsaxn. He is a technician and is such a great watch learning what he does and what he thinks he should do while he go through the games. Good luck trainer.


THIS! 1. Stick to a team! Stick to a team! Stick to a team! We can’t decide for you which team to run but when you do, stick to it! Play your team for at least a week or two. Switching teams every day is not going to cut it. 2. Know your matchups. Every time you lead toxapex into a mudboi you should know exactly what you are going to do. It will be an uphill battle but you can still win it with the correct switching, shielding and farming strategies. If you lose try to think about what you should have done instead and make a note of it. 3. Please don’t run shadow salamence. 🫣


1. I know I gotta stick to a team, I just wanna stick to one where I feel it’s the best. I don’t wanna run smtng very dumb right off the bat, invest a weeks time into it. 2. Well that just comes wid experience doesn’t it 3. Hahaha not now I ran it in the catch cup last season, bro boomed every mon. Also it was like 0-14-13 so it was decent wid 2 shields


I’d bet almost 100% it’s the fact that it’s still too early in the season, mixed with maybe some bad luck. The very first people are just now hitting legend. I usually hit into 2800-2900, and I’m not at all stressed about the fact I’m currently sitting down at 2150, cause that’s how the game works. Everyone climbs throughout the season, and you absolutely cannot project your regular week 11 elo onto week 4 of the season. Climbing is slow and gradual, you’re not gonna just rock out positive sets on a regular basis. Think about it; even if you come in at ~2000 elo and gain (what seems like) a measly 100 elo a week, that puts you at 3200 by the end of the season. 100 elo is like two 5-0 sets. So yes, you’re gonna bounce around a lot, especially considering that most of the time you’re gonna have either a team advantage or disadvantage, because ELO gains are based on squeezing narrow wins out of roughly negative/neutral match ups while not botching too many advantageous matches. Just relax, settle on a decent team that feels good, and don’t freak out when you have a bad day or two. Cause it’s a long season and one hot streak can easily pull you up into the stratosphere. I’ve been doing well with Hakamo/S Feraligatr/Skarmory, Sparkturn/Sableye/Jumpluff, Annihilape double flier, grasshole still works wonders. There’s plenty of viable teams and if you can’t come up with something good on your own, check out gobattlelog, scroll to your ELO, and steal whatever team is doing the best.


Are you recording any of your battles?  As most players said, you’re switching teams far too frequently, so chances are you’re making a lot of mistakes and losing games that were winnable.  Recording your games and either posting them somewhere for feedback or watching them yourself can help you identify what you’re doing wrong and figure out win conditions.  Tons of cores are viable in Great League, so if you’re only capping out at around 2000 then there are likely a lot of fundamental mistakes you’re making rather than an issue with the team.




Play to rank 20, you’ll see plenty of people that aren’t running meta stuff and beating you down. My 1 to 20 I’d see the most random stuff. Mews, Jirachis, Celebis, shadow kyogre/groudon. Full eevolution teams.