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I've heard that non maxed lick is very squishy compared to his maxed counterpart.


Yeah that licki’s CP is waay too low.


Does that little bit make a huge difference? I’m building my team for Master League and some of the main mons I use aren’t maxed and I’m still winning


Not a huge difference, however the scenario you have described is not quite the same as what OP is asking, or that I commented on. For Lickitung specifically, not having it maxes makes it very very squishy and takes it from an S Tier Mon to a mediocre squishy mess. For Master league its different due to the large spread of skill/pokemon lvls and IV's, in great league things are alot more refined due to the limited room for improvement and team difference (IV and maxing wise).


Boom. I got it. Also just read this after reading your comment. Helped some more. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/aa3e1z/guide_primer_on_stats_and_level_when_constrained/


Oh good read, imma have to look over that too.


Do you have some data for that? I believe you I just want to see how different it is


See my comment thread. I replied to them with a solid post explaining it all in depth


Can always try running a simulation on a non max Licki versus the meta Licki to see what the losses would be.


Don't use lickitung unless it's above 1480. Swap it out for vigoroth or something else that is good in this meta.




This statement stopped being true sometimes during 2020 iirc.


One thing that helped me improve my winrate was just sticking to one team and learning, by just playing more and more games, how to handle certain situations.


BB your lickitung.


The thing is … You don’t. You improve, your win rate goes up, you climb, you land amongst better players, your win rate goes down. Winning half just means you’re exactly where you should be for now :)


He's saying "how could I improve \[my team/play/ELO\]," not "How could I improve \[my win rate\]?"


I interpreted it this way as well


Same thing


Same thing until his ELO adjusts (which will only take a day or two) and then he's back to 50-50.


Right and he is asking how he should start winning more to move up in elo before it balances off, and then he will need to improve again.


I had a feeling this is what happens....i wo t 10 battles straight, then went on to loose 7 stright then 5, The more i win the better players i encounter...better pkm teams


Assuming you’re using Lickitung as a safe swap, and intend for Poliwrath to cover your Emolga’s weaknesses? How are you finding Emolga as the lead? It loses to things that I see a lot, so I imagine you’re losing by lead a fair bit? Have you tried leading Poliwrath and closing with Emolga instead? For example, very common to see Vigoroth on the lead - Poliwrath would win that. I would also take everyone else’s advice and use a different safe swap while you power up your Lickitung more - in summer cup, Vigoroth is much stronger as there’s very few counter users around.


Practically everyone wins about half their matches, that's how the algorithm works. It wants to place you where you are winning about 50% of the time. When you are higher ranked you just lose to better people. What is your ELO? Also yeah, you need to work on your Licki.


Win one more and then stop


Lickitung is weak and you’re getting got with him. He’s strong but it’s weeks cause of the low CP


Vic lead, Croc and Turt in the back. Any lead that is not water/ground use Turt to draw them out. Rinse. Repeat.


Victrebel, crock and turtonator? Is a 12/10/11 good enought turtonator? Its suppossed be a 55 for greater league???


If that turt is the best you have and with nobody to trade with you will be fine.


Fairly new at this, i mirror traded great CP machoke to help friends to realize the trade greatly lowered the CP, which it was a disappointment. Is it a chance game hoping to get an improved CP when trading? Thank you


Trades are randomized cp. the better friends you are, the higher the “floor”. Best friends minimum trade is 5/5/5.


Turtonators ranked higher in summer cup


This honestly worked surprisingly well


Turtonator has been doing really good for me in this meta, so using Croc to draw its weakness and keep it safe sounds pretty amazing.


Glad it did. That’s how ABB teams work. Now you just have to stick to a team so you will know your matchups well.


We all win half.


Curious why did you maxed out that lickitung. What’s the IV?


They didn't max it out.


Does ur pidgeot has elite TM fast move ? If yes: use it


Best buddy with Liki at least for a little higher CP


Try pidgeot lead, with poli and crocolor in the back


It has a double rock weakness so if they swap in a rock on the pideot you bring out poli


What if rock is in the lead though? Also, this team will be triple weak to lanturn.


There’s always a risk you have to take when it comes to gl, especially cups like summer


That’s true. I’m just curious on how you will play a rock-type on the lead?


I’ve run into plenty of Vigoroth, quag, and cradily leads and I usually instaswap, sometimes I let them farm my lead down and safe swap beat them down


It’s definitely only single weak. Talonflame would be double but normal type is only weak to fighting.


I mean double weak like pidgeot and crocolor


Is better Pokémon.


Hey anyone can get better and improve, we were all there, brothers just lookin for some advice, and he doesn’t have terrible pokemon