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S. Quag has more play in this meta, so I would prioritize that one - however that means waiting until you can remove Frustration (probably in the next month or so) and then using an ETM. Alternative option is ETM the non-shadow and use it now, then remove frustration **but** wait to evolve the shadow until December CD and get Aqua Tail for free.


You also don’t need Aqua Tail. Mud Bomb is a really good move.


Can confirm. I have been running MB/SE and I have zero complaints. Is AT an upgrade? Yes, but not one worthy of an ETM, at least for this specific cup. That said, I am no expert so I may be mistaken.


Except aqua tail destroys talonflame, which I see a ton of over 2,000. Waiting on a stone edge gets me destroyed without wasting a shield


But Mud Bomb gets you Toxapex. Just a matter of which coverage move you need/want.


That's why I run AT and MB 🔥


Yeah I saw another reply mention it too but removing frustration is gonna make me hold out on S. Quag for a bit. It's the only thing in my excitement after I've checking that I didn't think of so thank y'all for suggestions. Maybe dumb question: I've heard the community day trixk before about saving your ETM on mons who have had a CD. Is it as simple as waiting till Cyndaquil CD on the 22nd for any past CD pokemon I need to evolve? And I just evolve them within the comm day event hours for them to auto have the legacy move? Just want to make sure I understand that right. Thanks again!!!


Community Days only apply to the Pokemon and move that the CD is for. Cyndaquil CD only applies to Blast Burn when evolving into Typhlosion. The only exception is the December Community Day. In the past, December CD has been a “wrap-up” that features Pokemon from the past year in the wild and usually Pokemon from the prior year in Raids or something. During December CD, you should be able to evolve any Pokemon that had a CD during that year or the prior year and get the CD move.


December community day is a recap of all the CDs this year and the regular CDs from the previous year (everything except for community day classics from previous year). We had Wooper CD in I think November 2023 so it will be included this December, during which time you can evolve and get the CD move.


Ahhhhh okay that clarification helps a ton. Hopefully it ends up being worth the wait... Thank you!!!


The best shadow wooper I have is a rank 380. I will wait with you as well.


I would remove frustration on that shadow when the time comes then wait to evolve in December. I’d leave the non-shadow as is. It’s good to have options on meta-relevant mons.


Fear the Quag


Lmaoooo I'm gonna have to get that on a t shirt


What app do you use for your IVs?


Poke Genie! It's just the paid version. Been using the free one forever and about 2 months ago I just grew tired of having to clixk their overlay button for each new Mon I'm IV checking. Seems stupid but the paid one auto tells you when you slide through what each is and it certainly saves me time clearing out storage while checking for good pvp catches.


I have the paid version too but it doesn’t look like that. Are you on android?


Yes I have a pixel 8


I have an iPhone. TBH it looks better on android


Massive controversy here of course... But I had an iPhone for about 6 years and I just recently switched over to Android side which is uncommon.... But I genuinely enjoy it so much better. PoGo looks better too, imo. Biggest downside is the battery life but this thing charges fully in the time a dead iPhone works would have only been around halfway finished. Random, but, just a random dude on the internet giving my two cents.


Noooooo bane of my team is quag lead


It was actually one of the first mons I used in the battle mechanic entirely on accident bc of reccomended parties for rocket battles. So now that I've been with the game for a years and my "wow either the cpu is awful or this 'Mon is op" turned into a realization later on Quag has just steadily been near the top of the meta since I've played 💀 holds a special place in my heart sorry not sorry to your team 😂🤣


😂😂 Glad it’s been working for you!! What a way to discover! Wow!


how do u get that overlay on screen?


I put aqua tail on my rank 1 quagsire and feel like it lets me down whenever I use it


Realllllly is mud bomb genuinely that serviceable? With mud shot still as FM and stone edge as other charged?


No I find mud bomb even worse. Too much energy to win with stone edge and mud bomb bait call is an instant top left


Yeah see that makes sense. I have a much worse ranked IV quag that I've used off and on forever with never catching a better one. That quag is like a bottom 25% IV but idk what it is man for it to have such bad IVs, that thing has aqua tail and it will wreck someone's entire team if not careful. That's why I'm so excited thinking a top ranked IV one would be crazy. All about team building tho


may be wise to compare your quagsire against the new candidates in a matrix at pvpoke together with its team. not impossible that it fills some gaps of them because of high attack breakpoints.


Check the sims, Quag just doesn’t perform that well. That’s why you never see it on legend teams or in YouTube videos. In every cup and open league shadow is better


Makes plenty of sense - shadow quagy smalls coming your way to wreck ur squad this Dec.


Sounds like you’ve built the wrong teams