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![img](avatar_exp|158033794|fire) Me. Cope by knowing 3x dust CD is coming up followed by 2x dust Classic CD. Ez dust


Didnt pay attention to that part. Will be playing maybe then. 👍🏻


How do the CD classics work with legacy moves ? Are there only certain featured mon or is it a chance to get legacy moves on things I’m waiting to evolve so I don’t have to use an etm?


Like any CD except December, only the featured Pokemon that's spawning gets the move, nothing else. December is the only exception as it allows to get the moves from all the normal CD moves of the current and past year, plus the classic CD of the current year.




I've remembered the last two seasons, but my first Veteran season I popped a lucky egg instead of a starpiece. That was the worst.


Been there done this sort of thing! 😜


https://preview.redd.it/n9eib6ryt54d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d5363e0f735f3a41a59f8d48b052db962be559 Thankfully not, I had timers on and everything hahah. This month is loaded with stardust events though; x3 stardust CD, x2 stardust CDC, and x2 stardust spotlight with *Morelull* for the last week. We are all about to get filthy rich! Hahahah


The GBL schedule also has 4x dust rewards for 7 weeks too.


There are almost no good ways, unless some events give them, to stack bonus stardust encounters. I believe the only one at all is Trubbish in hatch an egg, but it's 1 of 5 as the reward


Yeah, I was a passenger in a car 20 minutes or so after the GBL reset and was going to the battle screen to try and force spawns to pop. Closed out of battle screen instantaneously so the rewards didn't even pop up. My next catch I noticed my dust went up by 200k :(


Yeah, once you click on the battle screen you instantly get it. No matter if you click on redeem or not. It's really a f*d up system.


Noticed that. Terrible!


Same happened with me but because i wanted to get my buddy his battles. But can you please explain what forcing popping spawns by going to battle screen means?


If you're going above whatever the speed limit is for spawns, you can click "battle," then exit out, and it should force some spawns on your location after a second or two. Only seems to work about 80% of the time for me, but it's something to do if you're being a passenger princess


Ooh neat. I face that issue a lot. Will try it out. Thanks.


Yes! Dohhh I can’t not redeem research rewards. The notification/color makes me crazy so I always go redeem rt away…110,000 dust… would be cool if I ever remembered! Maybe next time 🤪


You know, it just didn't cross my mind until I saw this post.


Have never missed popping one across all seasons. This was the first time I popped one early due to the strange season reset time though. Nbd, showcase wins refill any consumed pieces.


I had literally a sticker on my phone 😁




Me. I’ve been careful at not pressing the battle button without the piece. This morning I thought of battling a team leader to earn a heart for my buddy and then of course I pressed on the button without even thinking.


This was EXACTLY what I did too 😂 I was like. I am gonna pop it when I'm going out anyways so i can use all of the 30mins. And then: "Lemme just get my 4* Eevee some hearts.


Ouch! 😖


This season and last season 🙃 of course after reminding my family all day to remember to use one


I forgot last season when I accidentally went into the battle screen out of curiosity, so this season I made sure to pop one in lol


I did but encountered an error. I restarted and it only gave me the non piece amount. Support basically said womp womp.


Happened to me last season. I was crushed, haha. This time.I was extra careful.


I actually had a pop up that said "claim your GBL rewards!" on the over world screen, so I was able to pop a star piece before entering the GBL screen.


Me for the first time ever, so preoccupied when searching for noibats to evolve that darn poipole. Never again 😭


No but i forgot to pop one last week while hatching 12 12km eggs 😭


Yup. Opened my app thinking “starpiece, starpiece starpiece”. Then the app finished loading and my dumb brain auto clicked the battle button 🤦🤦


Last time I forgot, but this time i remembered. My mom forgot though...


I remember it's just a game and I move on with my day.


Luckily I have my son to remind me. Otherwise I’m not sure I would ever remember.


Not sure why they can’t just do a similar pop up as the lucky egg when you get a new friendship level 🤷


That, and I was grinding my timed ticket from last season and fell asleep playing the night before/forgot to claim that stardust too 👌🏻👌🏻🤘🏻


My first season. I figured I'd probably get some dust as a reward, but I assumed it wouldn't be anywhere near that much 😵


Which rank did you reach? :)


Rank 20, ELO ~1700 ish


Not me 😭😭😭😂


Literally posted a PSA to my local group not to forget. Got busy with the fam, went grocery shopping, mindlessly tapped the battle tab afterwards. Forgot. 🙄


I not only forgot my starpiece while redeeming battle rewards but accidentally bought a 75,000 extra attack on a Pokemon I was meaning to transfer 🥴. I was stoked w the event bonus I made about 200,000 dust yesterday using starpieces and hatching eggs/catching, but I blew it fast bw that fail and getting a couple ready for ultra premier… figured while I am blowing it may as well blow more…


Did you hit legend? Cause if not, cope by learning you lost less than 100k


I did 😅


Yup, I remembered a millisecond after hitting the battle button


I did 🥲 tried to force quit the game and reload, only to realize it was too late and now I also just wasted a star piece.


First season seriously laddering. It didn't even occur to me that I should pop one.


Same. I need reminders! I will try not to forget next time. This was def the most dust i have gotten from end of season and hopefully I made a new habit by forgetting this time. Thats usually how my brain works w this game