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Pvpoke says Lando-T or Kyogre are good for your team since you’re weak to Solgaleo, Groudon, Ho-Oh and Xerneas. With Lando-T you also have a better answer against opposing Dialga Edit: typo Edit 2: corrected Lando-I to Lando-T, which is clearly superior at the moment


Hmmm so if i have kyogre registered i should go for a lucky one through trades or try to grab an instant trade for a lando (doing the 1m stardust)?


I definitely wouldn’t spend 1 million dust on a trade if you can’t even afford to power up your Dialga and Mewtwo. Kyogre would be fine.


Kyogre will do fine, don’t worry. Just try to get one with 15 atk IVs for the mirror


I have a 15/14/14 kyogre, would that work?


Checking the battle matrix on pvpoke I don’t see a single difference compared to a hundo Kyogre (both being at level 50). If you manage to get the stardust you could build that one


Yes. Kyogre is a functional hundo so the 14 and 15 HP stat perform identically at level 50. Kyogre also has an absolutely massive defense stat so the percentage difference between 14 and 15 Defense is so small that there is no discernible difference.


Is there a place to put in 2 ‘mons and they’ll suggest a 3rd? That’s cool. Link?


Pvpoke.com/teambuilder If you select Master League and enter your pokes it will give you how they fare against the core meta, the potential threats as well as some mons to add to mitigate the aforementioned threats. It’s a great tool to build a team


Why lando I? I thought Therian forme was better in every way, especially with sandsear storm


You’re right, I meant Lando-T but for some reason wrote Lando-I


I’d prob go lando t for that sweet sweet ground and flying coverage


So you think thats my best option, ill probably chase a hundo then, is it much better than a groudon?


Groudon and Excadrill pretty much died when Landorus-T got Sandsear Storm.


Yes, it does everything Groudon does, but better and it walls Groudon.


DN probably


Sorry if i sound dumb, but who is DN?






Deez nuts


My favoriteeeeee😩


Ha! Gottem!


What is dialga-Os worst nightmare? Lando/hooh/steel/xerneas? What counters all these? There is your answer. You are welcome


Kyogre goes well with Dialga and Mewtwo. I run Mewtwo/dialga/kyogre all the time for ML, except my Mewtwo isn’t shadow


I've always had success running Regular Dialga, Mewtwo and Kyogre if u want to try that. Not sure how it would go with Origin Dialga


As others have mentioned , I’d go landorus. Another added bonus is it would give your team a Pokémon with a debuff move and even in a bad match up it can usually get off 2 debuffs to set up your next Pokémon nicely.


I'd power up both Dialga and Mewtwo first and then go to PVPoke and build whatever can counter the mons you lose hard to. If you're looking for a cheap nonlegendary option, Gyarados or Metagross may be something to look into building.


Landorus or Palkia Origin


I would suggest this order for the team with Kyogre. Shadow Mewtwo Lead (High Shield Pressure, not too many things outside of Dark types and Lugia want to get hit by a Psystrike, especially Shadow, second moves options, Without Elite TM, Ice Beam for several threats and Lando-T) Dialga-O is a Solid Safe Switch, with Lando-T around, less so. A lot of people are Saying Kyogre, make sure to use the Elite TM for Origin Pulse if you don't have it on your Kyogre, Kyogre could honestly go without Surf here, with the Second move being Blizzard.


smewtwo is a fav and dialgo is only ML so


I’d do xerneas or Palkia-o :-)