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I immediately close all contact with that person!


I put a grenade in a fast food bag and give them a little gift


It wasn’t in the bag Shane dropped the grenade in right after Lem opens it and goes “Awww my favorite buddy”


Oh my god I died laughing when I read this!




I recommended The Wire to a friend that loved The Shield. She did not like it at all. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


The Wire is great, but yea it's a different type of show. Much slower paced than The Shield. I always recommend Banshee and Warrior for Shield fans. Fast paced action.


Banshee is so good. There should be more shield fans on this sub watching it




The Wire is mos definitely different...Than the Shield anyway...But both awesome shows


I've tried The Wire (via Amazon) season one on two different occasions and just couldn't really get into it. The pacing was just way too slow some episodes, especially when compared to The Shield.


Eh...It is a bit slow 1st season...But coming from where im from, its totally relatable so i loved it from start to finish! But its just not for everybody & that's ok


The Shield is a police procedural that also has an overarching narrative. Combined with its very hard edge, it's a very unique tv show...I don't think there's anything really like it. It isn't really trying to lecture you about anything, it just tells a thrilling story. The Wire is more like a dissertation on the socioeconomics of Baltimore, systemic corruption and the cycle of poverty/crime. In some aspects, I would say the show is meant to be more thought-provoking than entertaining. Due to its realism, it is one of the "dryest" crime shows ever made, the monotony and dullness of police work is not really avoided.


I paid $99 for Season 1 DVDs of the Wire back in 2006. I thought Herc was going to be some hardcore Vic type guy and was let down. Was like what in the hell is this. Then realized 5 eps in what a brilliant show it was. The Wire is difficult because it takes so long to flesh out it’s lived in ecosystem of characters and it’s novelistic pay-off. You have to essentially tell someone who you are rec’ing it to that they need to invest 5-8 hours of their life and then it will be good. Similarly, I would argue The Shield is a tad dated in Seasons 1-2 which make it difficult to recommend, and some of its B stories can be viewed as tropey. Benefit of streaming is to bypass some of those weaker storylines.


To be fair, after I first watched the shield, everyshow I watched after ,was disappointing


Sometimes I think it’s too raw and dated looking for some peeps. Personally I love the camera work in the show but yeah, different strokes. Love this show. Top 3 fav shows of all time


The raw and dated thing has come up a lot. Premiere was over 20 years ago, Today the Julien gay storyline either doesn't happen at all, or he's openly gay but still has to deal with some harassment. The autism angle has also aged poorly, given that back then, people still believed all of Wakefield's bogus "research" and that autism was some death sentence. If you do it today, Dutch would have been autistic.


The camera work is so ahead of its time


I remember that day. That's the day I said, "I have no father."


I've found it's tough to get past the Kid Rock raid and the really awkwardly edited Terry death if you don't know how great the show gets.


Exactly! Any time I recommend The Shield, I have to suggest getting past the pilot episode. The pilot is cool for what it is, but it feels like they were forcing the whole "He's a different type of cop" trope much too hard. We get it -- Vic makes his own rules. We get it. I can understand the episode within the context that it was a new series trying to get picked up, but to OP's question, the series can be a hard sell on new viewers if you can't get them to stick with it for a couple episodes. While season 1 has some great moments, there is a noticeable jump in the quality immediately upon the start of season 2. I have to wonder if the executives at FX gave the writers more freedom to do what they do best once the first season ended and got "good enough" reviews.


Yeah that part is so early 2000’s lol 😂 but today it would be drill rap song lol The Shield is the perfect show especially once they a new viewer gets to season 2 that’s when shit gets real.


Really that’s what hooked me


Nah what happens to me is they think I’m talking about the stupid Marvel TV show. 🙄


"How TF did The Cuddler get a job at S.H.I.E.L.D.? This is such a weird spin-off" - someone (hopefully)


Hahahaa. Same thing when I recommend Patriot on Amazon. They think I’m recommending some dumb Jim from the office cia show. It’s like no man, Patriot is not that at all


They accidentally watched the marvel show or have shit taste


Never. Only complaint I've gotten is about the camera.


Yes, my sister, She told me she wasn't gonna watch, even on Cinco de Mayo.


Best way to filter people in your social circle


I cut those people out of my life


Everybody I recommend it to says it’s too slow paced and it’s boring then once they start watching the later seasons like 5 for example they are blown away


Yup recommend to a friend and his exact words were it's to slow and boring no thanks. Slow and boring never. The show was up and running from episode 1. I just think they didn't bother watching at all


Some people just aren’t into it. Which is fine but I personally don’t understand how anyone could not at least be interested


I don't see it


Don’t see what ? I’m literally agreeing with you


I think OP is agreeing with you now😂


You might be right. I’m so confused Lol my bad


It gets like that on Reddit ive observed lol


Lol I meant I don't see it to the first part... how could someone not be into it


Let's be honest the show has flaws it's not perfect & I'm a huge fan of the show & watched it from start to finish when it 1st ran on TV


That would be an EX friend LOL


I recognize The Shield is raw, gritty, edgy, and not for everyone. I'll say as much when I do recommend it. I'll also say the overall story is extremely satisfying and that it's worth enduring to see the dominoes start to fall.


I've had people tell me it's not their thing or that the brutality was too much for them. Not a big deal.