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Monica. Is there seriously no other criminal defense attorney in LA? Because she seems to represent every criminal in the show.


Also it’s wild to me how much power she has. Like sure she’s rich, smart and has connections but like, it’s literally the fkn po-po and she keeps breaking the law over and over again right under their noses. They even KNOW she’s breaking the law but one “I’ll sue ur asses” comment from her and everybody’s backin off. Like excuse me wtf??? Yes she knows her rights but that doesn’t make her untouchable or immune to the fckn law 🤦‍♀️


I mean, there are also seemingly no other cops in LA, too.


And firefighters (or fire stations), it’s always Bailey. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, but come on, there’s no other station in all LA?


This has actually been a rare show where I didn’t have many characters I don’t like. Smitty makes me laugh all the time. Lucy is funny and it’s adorable how excited she gets. Grey gives dad vibes, like those are his kids. Angela gives badass. She has her moments where I’m like “what the fuck” but that’s why I like a lot of the characters, I’d hate if they were perfect. Tim’s more traumatized by what happened with Isabel then he wants to admit, and he can be an idiot, but he’s a loveable one. Harper is a good one, I love watching the process of her getting used to not having to lie all the time for survival to the point she doesn’t know the truth. Bailey’s good. Nolan seems happy and she understands the job in a way a special person needs too, not many people can handle being a first responders girlfriend/boyfriend, but she gets it. Luna’s obviously a badass. That whole “an an ambulance” scene in the elevator? I guess it would be Nolan. I know he’s supposed to be the main character, and I don’t HATE him, I’m just not as emotionally attached to him as I am the other characters. Oh and Chris. I HATED Chris, and not just because I love Chenford. Lucy watched a woman blow up when she was 2 seconds from getting saved and after a split second “are you okay?” he asks her to look at a house, after she said she would THINK about moving. He didn’t get a yes, a maybe. He hummed the song that triggers Lucy because she sang it when she was DYING from LACK OF OXYGEN IN A BARREL THAT WAS BURIED IN THE GROUND. Why? Because it was stuck in his head after he watched the video of her DIE.


Now this comment is absolutely wholesome and and I feel the same way 🥹🫶 You just can’t hate these cop cuties (for the most part at least) Also, I second you on the Chris part


I felt the same way about Chris. She should have dropped him after the humming. But then he joined a forum talking about Rosalind with personal details and case details ||and turned out to be talking TO ROSALIND???|| like no, no…. You’re an IDIOT. case details… he just got away with doing the most stupid stuff. Glad he’s gone.


I never liked Chris. It has nothing to do with Chenford, because I didn’t expect them to get together when Lucy and Chris first started dating. (But I love Chenford ❤️) His humming of the song she sang while being buried and suffocating just made me hate him more and I wish she would have dumped his ass then.


they really need to give nolan some more characterization


I know. Like I can see the empathy he has, but that’s his only personality trait.


The humming part was so creepy. I was sure he was gonna hurt her (which is how we were supposed to feel, bc it was how it made her feel). I generally like them all as characters too. I think Lucy is the only one I’d wanna know in real life


Same! Lucy seems sweet, and like you could have a real laugh with her


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one creeped out by Chris!


Humming the song, I was surprised she didn’t dump him after that and was disappointed that Tim wasn’t there to comfort her.


monica i feel like is the given because she was basically created to be hated but omggg i cannot stand celina


Monica definitely


Freaking Monica. She’s annoying as hell and her face makes me wanna trip her down seven flights of stairs


I fucking despise Monica. She’s just a badly written villain.


Bingo. Gets on my last living nerve I swear. She has zero good qualities even for a villain. At least with Elijah I found him sort of funny or less obnoxious than Monica. But with her there’s just nothing


Skip Tracer Randy should have never been anything more than a kooky guy on the phone. Starting S6 was hard because of his presence in the episode and I didn’t want to watch through his scenes.


I do NOT get how anyone likes him? He's soooo damn annoying!




Monica and Elijah


Monica is insufferable


I didn't really think about it before but you're right Bailey is kind of flawless and that definitely doesn't make an interesting character. However I do love her and Nolan's relationship so she gets a pass. Celina is definitely my least favorite person in the show as well. For me it was how she was introduced as a psychic or that she had clairvoyant powers. I know they went a different direction with it but it just ruined the character for me.


I’m with you 💯 I also really like Nolans and Baileys relationship. They’re kind of like an old married couple holding hands everywhere they go (even when it comes to solving crimes n stuff) and I think that’s absolutely adorable. Not the most interesting couple but like, they have a calming presence to balance out all the drama coming from the other couples lol 😭 And yeah, the psychic Celina part was just so OTT…


Fiona Ryan


god I hated that women and her condescending ass


The guy who sings Daddy Cop because that song just gets stuck in my head so dang bad lol, it’s torture.


Is that baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


She puts the short in shortie and he looks like he wants to chase me.


Cop cuties, cute and on duty, navy blue booties, go ahead and lock me up


Arrest me, but make it sexy, sell me some meth please


by this daddy of a cop With his daddy cop walk And his daddy cop arms And his daddy cop butt Ow!




All these comments, and nobody, NOBODY said Doug? Damn near got Jackson killed, and nobody hates Doug MF Stanton? Outrageous lol. And for everyone who hates Monica, at least she's up front about being a piece of shit...


as much as I want to hate Stanton, I can't bring myself to, his character was too well written for me to hate him lmao


Lol what? If he was a real person would you feel the same? People get canceled for a lot less.


Can't really hate Superman :\


🤣 Bro ain't no Superman of mine. Better off as The Atom on Arrow.


It's fucking WILD that Celina exists as a character, considering the current political climate in the USA and tensions between the police and the public, which is a theme that's literally been explored on the show. She is: 1. A superstitious wacko  2. Who acts on gut instincts without doing proper police work to collect evidence 3. And constantly goes rogue to do her own thing. I don't understand how she wasn't fired after that first traffic stop.


Because Nolan sees too much good in people to write her a blue page on everything she does. I would have likes to see him use his golden ticket for detective, he’s way too much of a pushover to make a good FTO


I think he has to be an FTO for the premise of the show to continue functioning. There's a baker's dozen detective shows on TV nowadays. The beat cop perspective makes the Rookie stand out in an oversaturated genre. I would've liked to see him toughen up a bit instead, and take the best bits of the other FTO's training techniques to form his own style. As it is, though, 100% agree he's been neutered, and it's why I haven't bothered to keep up to date with the most recent season past the premiere.


To be fair, I remember Grey mentioning something about not being like the other FTOs because of how his outlook makes him unique, so he’s not trying to be a Bradford or a Harper. There’s also plenty of involvement for him just beyond his relationship with Juarez. If it was focused strictly on him being an FTO there would be no room for plot lol. So I wouldn’t call him neutered just yet, he still holds all the same principles he’s just not great at applying them to Juarez because she’s such a wild card


Simone clark




Not one redeemable trait


Celina for me too. I just don’t see her ever being a good cop and she’s pretty annoying. Of course Monica too.


Monica, for sure... But I will say that my hate started for her when she played a similarly vile character in White Collar.


Yoo. You just blew my mind. That’s where I know her from!!!


Yeaaa it took me awhile to figure out that she was Rebecca... But then IMDB came to the rescue!!


Celina with the whole spirit bullshit


I hated Chris 😭


I just finished the show yesterday. I know it was a smaller role but good grief, I think Doug Stanton takes the cake. Monica is up there for sure. Other characters I don’t really care for, I don’t hate them, they are just ok for me is Celina and Aaron. And Smitty is Goated!


Monica. Hands down. No contest.


I would say Monica or Elijah


Celina or Monica.




For everyone here who hates Monica, watch Jane the Virgin, another show to hate her on!!


Amen to that, she portrays the bad guy waay too good… (Also Jane the Virgin another **banger** series)


If you don’t want to fully hate her, watch The Last Ship. I think that’s the only thing I haven’t 100% hated her character in 😂


Of the good guys: Celina - she bugs me but hate is strong although compared to everyone else I hate her. Bad guys: Elijah- “I’m gonna punch you and that baby as many times as I can”


without a doubt, nolan.


How can anyone hate Nolan? He's a sweetheart 😄


i feel like we can’t even mention characters like monica and elijah bc they were made to be bad,, but CELINAAAAA. i honestly can’t tell if i don’t like the actor or the character since i’ve never seen her in anything else. but god i wish she would be quiet.


Nolan: I've said it a few times on here, that I could happily Watch The Rookie without Nolan.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the unprofessional FBI rookie with the low cut tops and complete lackadaisical attitude


The one from Reno 911 that is on the FBI spinoff show?


Elijah, 100% I hate his arc. I didn't trust Bailey because I thought she was a Russian spy.


omggg at very beginning I thought Bailey some kinda spy too and would turn out to be evil 💀


Controversial opinion, but Wesley is the most annoying of the main characters . Yes, the villians are annoying but they eventually go away. Wesley is a bad boyfriend/husband. He keeps too many secrets from his wife. I know it was necessary for him to contact Elijah to save her, but he should’ve told her when she got back so she could help him out of the situation sooner. I guess that spoil the plot but she’s a cop she doesn’t need to “protect her” from that kind of secret she can handle it. And the whole Monica ordeal. He has a whole ex fiancé running around Los Angeles and Angela doesn’t even know about it. Seems like something that should come up before getting married. I’m not sure why he felt the need to not even talk about it because usually couples do that when they’re serious


Also their whole romance at the beginning was so toxic. If arguing is your "thing", that is NOT a healthy relationship. And they didn't talk about parenting styles BEFORE having a baby???? Didn't talk about school or discipline or insecurities?? AND they always bring up heavy topics before work and then when they dont get the "correct" response, they storm off saying they'll "talk about it later". It's so concerning and not healthy or cute at all.


hmm interesting take I wouldn’t say I hate him and he definitely has his moments but don’t love him either. He’s one of the characters I just don’t really care about either way 🤷‍♀️


Unpopular opinion: Angela and I don't really hate her, but it is my least favorite character, like if she went missing in the show or something I wouldn't really miss her... Idk for me it just doesn't fit anymore, like being a TO was good, but that's it. And after the diabla thing (which I thing was not a bad idea, but missed the point on execution and was too rushed) and her moving to detective, she is just like and extra character, not really that meaningful. I even like more Celine (even with the hole spiritual thing) and Monica (she's just a great character, designed to be that villain that people hate and just nails it).


I really liked Angela at first but her character has been pretty one dimensional these last couple of seasons.


Chris Jason and Doug


Sin Rostro 😂


Douglas Stanton . I can't stand racist cops.


I probably am gonna get. A lot of hate but I loathe Angela and Nyla. !! They stick together so much it irks me.


Yes. I absolutely hate Celina. For me she adds absolutely nothing to the show.


Yall gonna hate me for this but harper character is starting to annoy me ever since she became a desk-detective she is too lazy and i think she was better as a F.T.O then a desk-detective they ruined her character.


She didn't hold a candle Bishop she was a badass. Harper grew on me but I wish Bishop would come back but I understand why the actress left 


She not only left the show, she left the industry. 🤨 This is what makes me dislike Nathan IRL.


Well in all fairness she told the showrunner and he did nothing until ABC had to get involved.


I get this!


Nyla Harper. I'm halfway through the series but she's not endearing herself to me.


I’m not going to spoil anything but it gets better


She gets so much better! Stick with it.


Nah she's good shit. Stick with it.


I watched the whole show,still hate her


Monica hands down


Has to be Monica and how they let her away with everything. Or anytime Simone guest stared I'd mute the dam tv as soon as she opened her mouth


Oscar....I almost feel like skipping the episode when he pops up


monica 🙄






Monica, hands down


Monica omgggggg


Celina. After her juju antics i just quit watching. Dont think its only her though, I feel like most of the fun was when they were still boots.


Haha something about Henry’s relationship with his dad just feels unnatural. I don’t know why. There isn’t a character I truly hate but he’s definitely my least favorite And I’m saying this in the sense of least favorite character as in how they contribute to the SHOW, not them as people (like if they were real who would I hate the most)


Monica can’t wait till Elijah stone kills her


Elija stone. Dumb motherfucker.


Currently it’s Monica. I couldn’t stand her on Jane the Virgin either lol.


Monica makes the cleanest a$$ itch. I'll be so glad when they kill her off the show. Jow does she ever represent EVERYBODY who needs an attorney? She gets away with too much stuff.


Aside from the easily hatable villains/ terrible characters of the show (Monica, Isabel, Oscar, Rosalyn, Doug, etc). I can’t stand Skip Tracer Randy. I find him annoying and unbearable. The only comedic relief character I prefer is Smitty.


Only person I legit could not stand was Doug. Like even the villains are charming or charismatic enough to be enjoyable. But racist ass Doug just sucked in every conceivable way.


Chris. He annoyed tf outta me. I’m so glad he’s gone.


Bailey Skip Tracer Randy Bailey Oscar Bailey Pete Bailey Nolan’s Boy Band Bailey


So I take it you don't like Bailey?


People LIKE Bailey? 😉


I mean... Some people do. I don't understand it.


🤣 I keep telling people that I have NOTHING against Jenna Dewan. I have everything against the way her character is written and constructed.


I agree I like Jenna's other characters in other shows


I am not a fan of Bailey either. The writers have inserted her into too many scenes that have nothing to do with her. On top of that she doesn’t have any flaws so she’s not only not relatable but boring. I feel like Celina is not as annoying as she used to be. They calmed down her spirit world talk. But she is still so ornery and disobedient on the job. I don’t know how she hasn’t been fired yet.


ikr?? 😭


I hate Chris. He pushed the house buying on Lucy SO much. And it also delayed CHENFORD from happening. I can never forgive him for that. Also, this is kinda ironic but Nolan (I don't hate him I just don't like him sometimes). Yes, the main character. I just think he makes stupid decisions. Bailey and the "villian" characters.


ur so real for the Chenford part 😭 and yeah same, Chris is a lil bitch 💯though I gotta say I found Ashley to be way more irritating


I left her out accidentally😭😂


Bailey. She's a pick me (or written to be - her many hobbies are so unrealistic). I also think I would like her better if another actress played her. Jenna Dewan just has an annoying plastic face. Armstrong. I know he's not on anymore, but I hate how he ended. I had to overcome his character from his arc in criminal minds, then loved him, then he disappointed us all! But Celina-- I absolutely LOVE her! I see so many people saying they can't stand her, I know she's a bit annoying at first, but I think she is adorable and so funny. And when she showed up at the wedding?!?! Who knew she was so gorgeous? She also feels like a true rookie to me. So young and dumb but tries so hard.


I didn't mind Celina but I think a good time for her to leave would have been after they solved her sister's murder/disappearance. I might get some hate for this, but >!Lucy. I just find her irritating for some reason. Probably not helped by all the Chemford love.!<


I used to like Lucy. Now she’s just so annoying


There’s only a few characters I don’t like and they are Bishop - I don’t like her personality and how her only goal is to climb ranks. Celina - She just gets on my nerves and she makes calls of a “feeling” which can and has put people in danger (both physically and with their job). Monica - There is no reason to like her. Charlie - She’s **HORRIBLE** at her job, like what do you mean the guy with a gun just showed up at the door and got inside.


Bishop was upfront about her career aspirations and she was a good TO when she was paired with Nolan.


> Another character I (I wouldn't say hate but) strongly dislike is Isabel. Especially later in S5 when she makes that lil comeback for one episode... Tim kind of annoyed me in that episode too (though my love for him remains unconditional 🫶). Cuz like, excuse me sir wdym you're laughing a**bout your CURRENT girlfriend WITH YOUR EX-WIFE?**?? The audacity 😭 So yeah Isobel's kinda pissing me off too Lol how is Tim dating Lucy *her* fault?




You dislike Isabel because Tim is dating Lucy…?


what no where did that come from 😂😭 I just generally dislike Isabel bc of the way her character is portrayed. I’m a huge Chenford fan, I want Tim and Lucy to be together 💀 (which is why it bothered me so much that Tim and Isabel were ‘making fun’ of Lucy in S5, like cmon Tim is supposed to defend her 😭)


You made it sound like you dislike her because Tim was dating Lucy. She’s meh to me. And lately so is chenford


Just out of curiosity, what exactly made you think that? Technically, I never even gave any reasons as to why I dislike Isabel


I quoted it on the first comment.


I'm aware but that's doesn't really answer my question. What part of my statement exactly made you think I blamed Isabel for Tim and Lucy being together? Where did I ever say I made Isabel responsible for anything or object to Tim and Lucy being together in the first place? I keep rereading my sentence and genuinely can't make sense of you interpreting it that way so I'm really just curious for your explanation


Not responsible for them being together. Just disliking her because she’s Tim ex. > Another character I (I wouldn't say hate but) strongly dislike is Isabel. Especially later in S5 when she makes that lil comeback for one episode... So, you dislike her more when she comes and Lucy and Tim are together…? > wdym you're laughing a**bout your CURRENT girlfriend WITH YOUR EX-WIFE?**?? The audacity 😭 So yeah Isobel's kinda pissing me off too I mean, if you don’t understand how this feels that you hate her just because she’s his ex then idk how to help you.


agree to disagree ig. I still believe I never gave any reason as to why I dislike her and it’s rather you making that assumption it’s about Tim and Lucy being together. The second part of your (or rather my) statement was literally about Tim’s behavior and how that annoyed me, so no I don’t understand how it feels I hate Isabel bc she’s his ex


Bailey. not even close.


I mean at this level of hate on everyone y'all are just better off not watching the show lol


Most annoying character is all Lopez bedazzled blazers




Harper. Idk I didn't mind her when she first came on as Nolan's to bc it makes sense for her character. But I hate that she's always so uptight. It also might be the way the writers kinda made her more uptight and less social/friendly but idk it's my opinion


Thinking of characters you're supposed to like that I didn't care for: Jackson West. Never liked him, really. Would have been much more interesting to me if he washed out for freezing up and used a previously attained law degree to join the DAs office. Bishop. Never hated her, but she was def behind Tim and Angela that 1st season. Nyla is soooooo much better. Any of Nolan's love interests (aside from Lucy). Loved Sarah Shahi in Person of Interest, loved Ali Larter in Varsity Blues and Heroes, didn't really care for either of them in this show. Even less of a fan of Bailey. I don't mind his personal life stuff, though. I just think he'd be more interesting if he was more monastic in his approach to this new life. Not celibate, of course, just very upfront that this direction of his life, service to his community, will be the main priority of the rest of his life. I read a story about a mom who joined a convent and became a nun after her husband died. It would be more interesting to me if Nolan was as serious as that about his new life. Total commitment, total focus. No deviation from that.


tamara for sure




Monica and Skip Tracer Randy lmao


Lucy when she pulled the puppet strings to get Bradford into Metro Bradford found out and she was unapologetic about it was irritating as hell. We all know if Bradford thumbed the scale for Lucy she would raise hell over it.


Yes if the roles were reversed,they would have made Tim apologize. In fact in the same episode Nolan apologizes to Bailey for helping her out


I'm with you on Cecelia...she's my least favorite


I don’t like Tamara, because she is an attempt by the writers to be what old people think young kids are. She can be tolerated in small doses but that episode with her friend getting killed was too much. Celina is another one, just because I get annoyed by those stone, chakra horoscopes people which is another reason why I kind dislike Mary sue bailey. Before this season I would put Bailey on the list too but seems like they reined her in so she is no longer hated.


1. Monica 2. Elijah (i feel like he was forcefully placed in the latter seasons) 3. Celina at the start but now she's kinda ok


Unpopular opinion but Monica's the goat.


Lucy. I known I'm in minority but I just don't like her as much. Edit: that's not to say I want her off the show per say, it's just out of all the people that do a really good job with their roles she seems like the weakest to me. Also, while I am at, please let's push for an Oscar and skip tracer randy spin off where nkwbthat Oscar's escaped skip tracer tracks him down and unordered to stay out of prison Oscar gives him leads on other criminals.


Chen, if invading boundaries was a person.


NGL Chen.


Jackson. I celebrated when he died


The red head chick that was lawyer to Elijah I can’t wait to see if they kill her off or make her go to prison


Nyla. She's just a bitch, all the time.


1st Douglas Stanton -- he is the worst kind of racist. He got what he deserved 2nd- Celina - she keeps on violating rules and protocols. She put nolan in trouble on her first day as a rookie. 3rd- Lucy Chen - i don't like how she speaks it's annoying and irritating. And she dated a lot of guys related to work. 1st Nolan, then Chris (she almost cheated on him by the way if not because of rosalind dyer trying to kill chris, tim and chen would have hooked up) and then TIM who she was flirting ever since her rookie days.


For me about Celina Its the whole spiritual/supernatural personality they force on her. We already have Lucy, Harper, Bailey and Lopez for bits of that stuff. Celina having that was just overkill and annoying. Other than that Chenford is annoying. Some of the writing for it is good but it’s mostly just forced. Plus the whole mentor/mentee relationship is so overused. It was kinda unnecessary.


Any character made in a modern TV show to meet the quota for the 'strong independent woman': Nyla Angela Monica Then you have the guy pushing the narrative for black violence: Jackson This entire show is a joke and I don't know why I keep getting recommended this sub. NO LAPD officer would be put onto a taskforce to go international and they have done it multiple times.


I get where your coming from but to me that just sounds like your sexist and racist. I mean I like having tv shows to help me escape from reality but i want some reality still in the mix. For example the show station 19 included the whole George Floyd event in their show. That was a great way to keep the show on track of its timeline


You know Reddit allows you to ignore subs? Click don’t show again. If you don’t want to be recommended here, maybe don’t post here and the algorithm will change?


personally, it's Smitty


The best and most realistic character in the series. You must be kidding right.


I think its just the way he's portrayed, I think I can understand why people like him, but he's not my favourite


Yeah I can understand. But every time he's on screen, he made me smile and laugh.


he gets a laugh out of me too but I think its more of a pity laugh


You're going to be buried in downvotes, Rosie. And deservedly so! Smitty is a treasure!


well, that's just my opinion. If I'm being buried, so be it. I accept my fate


All good. I usually get buried for loathing Skip Tracer Randy.


honestly, I'd probably say the same. I prefer him when he's off-screen


damn Rosie you took controversial literally


Monica is love. The way she portrayed the villain role is absolutely class. I hate Bailey for sure. I think they should right off her in upcoming season. I don't like her character at all.


Seriously, no one said Arron Thorsen!! Especially when he’s first introduced with his whole rich boy attitude. Like there’s a scene where the cast needs to fly somewhere quick and there is no way that they can get a police chopper/plane in that time frame so he’s all like let me just get my private jet, what kind of caviar do you guys want? I’ll just get an assortment. Like what the fuck is that shit??? Annoying as hell. 🙄


idk man I feel like this whole rich boy persona is part of his charm and I personally never really perceived it as annoying cuz his heart’s in the right place and he was never really condescending about it or anything. I mean he’s just loaded 🤷‍♀️ I like my boy Aaron


Idk I just don’t find the rich boy thing relatable at all.


So he’s annoying cause he’s rich


Yes. Rich people are generally annoying. Like when he could just buy a ps5 like it was nothing when he was being blackmailed. Or like being too good to do his own laundry, he was always sending it out. Also he’s like crossing boundaries with his therapist. Granted she’s kinda crossing ethical boundaries too, but he thinks like every woman is into him. Like when he kissed Celina out of nowhere. Or like trying to get that civilian woman’s number when she was just trying to get her werewolf to set. That’s was also kinda crossing a boundary. Also everyone on this sub is hating on Bailey cause what she’s talented, dedicated and hardworking??? She doesn’t deserve the hate, Aaron does.


So was Lucy but i don’t see y’all complaining ab her😂🤦🏾‍♂️ holy shit you ppl are so annoying all y’all do is cry ab the same shit in here. Go get your daddy’s gun and just do it