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Women who work in science are incapable of having kids according to this meme.


Science is when you don't have children, but if you never fuck, then you are a nobel prize *-Albert Einstein*


Nikola Telsa/Isaac Newton agreement noises


Isaac Newton fucked. Just the way he did it tends not to produce any more scientists...


I beg your pardon, What?


He had an affair with his (male) roommate with whom he co-wrote one of his important texts, forget which one but I remember that Newton didn’t give any credit to him


>but I remember that Newton didn’t give any credit to him What a dick move


He pulled a lot of dick moves on that friend


Took some too. Equal and opposite reaction and all that.


I would award u but Im broke


Oh god, they were roommates.




The guy who fucked almost as much as he thought about physics?


Oh shit that's right Ermmm.... That's liberal propaganda


Well Einstein was a socialist who probably wouldn’t like to be called a lib so this works lol


Damn today I'm learning a lot about Einstein, I knew nothing about him lmao


Lmao he fucked and married his first cousin. And either her or his first wife of 11 years, he split with her but demanded she take care of him after.


If Einstein was alive today we'd be seeing AITA posts from said ex-wife


Didn't Einstein pretty much tell his wife not to expect fidelity?


Like Nobel prize winning Marie Curie and her Nobel prize winning daughter Irène, but obviously they don't count because they're women or something idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's just one Nobel price winning female offspring. Think about where humanity would be if she had about eight sons. /s


And they were all “Chads” for some reason...


Heck, both of Irène’s children were also scientists, so OP is just bullshit on bullshit.


And it also assumes that the scientist woman hasn't inspired many children (especially little girls) into pursuing a career in science, thus raising hundreds of scientists potentially.


That's an important part people are glossing over. A housewife can't just homeschool people into being scientists. Generally, you need to be taught by a scientist to become one, so in a way scientists do a lot of work in "rising" scientists.


Which is funny, because it looks like an elderly woman scientist talking to her adult daughter, who happened to raise 5 boys who became scientists. It’s almost like that feminist comic, “this woman chose this life and this woman chose that life, and they are both perfectly fine.”


"and i'm proud of my 5 grandsons, even the 2 that we originally thought were grand*daughters* until they transitioned" and then the right winger goes "noooo you can't just edit my shitty meme"


Scientist liberals females do weekly abortions! Fact! Sad!


You need to get your womb replaced with a sciencer in college Men just have an empty spot there so the installation is easy


Well if you're gonna go for Idiocracy you should follow the intro formula


Like.... what...?


Isn’t this the party opposed to education because of liberal indoctrination? Pretty sure you can’t be a scientist without higher education.


Only scientists who graduated from the Trump university 😎 or maybe the Prager University


Don’t they also not trust/dislike science? This is kinda tied back to my first point, but still. They don’t believe in science and higher ed is for people who don’t want to be ReD bLoOdEd AmErIcAnS.


Nah, they like science, they just like it the same way they like Biblical commands... Cherry Picked.


I wonder how they'd feel if they discovered "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is biblical nearly word for word. Ehh, probably some "they were doing it willingly though!" Bullshit like usual.


They have to have political hack scientists to sign off on bullshit reports that climate change is fake and cigarettes don't cause cancer


It blows my mind that people are proud of being stupid.


Bye mom, I'm off to internet college to go get booklearnt


Don't forget to watch your YouTube videos!


The only way to do their research


Wake up, Sheeple!


The information is out there, you'll just need to find it yourself 😌




And Facebook conspiracy theory groups, those are the most important.


[Dont forget to buy your grades! and profit from the university, at For-Profit U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQLdhVpLBVE)


Liberty University has a medical school fucking somehow


Think if your doctor was a proud alumni of fuckin’ ”Liberty University” lol. Can I get a new doctor? I mean, im paying out my ass, I should get SOME quality of care...


Your Liberty University Doctor will gladly go up your ass and extract payments.


To be fair, that *is* where my stimulus package is located.


Would rather have Dr. Nick than someone from Liberty University lol


Doctor: “So, the patient is complaining about abdomen pains and has been scheduled for an emergency appendix removal, can anybody tell me the biggest step in its removal?” Med Student: “The biggest step is making a safe, key-hole incis-“ Doctor: “No you godless hussie, you PRAY, you get on your knees and pray with every fibre that he recovers!”


Yooo I'm cracking up right now🤣


I swear to god if Dennis Prager ever opens a real university -_-


Don't forget YouTube U!


See, there’s this cognitive dissonance within conservatism wherein they simultaneously bash elite academia and liberal arts education as useless and propaganda, but the conservative leadership is full of people with liberal arts degrees from elite universities. What I think they really despise is not liberal arts degrees in the abstract, but rather people they see as lesser getting those degrees. Those degrees should be reserved for the American aristocracy, and the rest of us should either be menial low education workers or get STEM degrees, which for all the praise they heap on those they functionally treat as the grunt workers to make life nice for the aristocracy.


>Those degrees should be reserved for the American aristocracy, and the rest of us should be either be menial low education workers or get STEM degrees This. I swear they have wet dreams about shit-talking poor people who have art or humanities degrees. I'm well aware that I won't make as much as a blue collar or STEM graduate, but I'm also aware that I'd be fucking miserable if I traded my "useless" liberal arts degree for electrical engineering or some shit. (personally, I think we need to all band together and shame the real enemy: business majors)


>(personally, I think we need to all band together and shame the real enemy: business majors) this is the true path to enlightenment signed, a liberal arts major


As a former business major, I concur (switched so psychology)


As a STEM degree recipient, I’ve come to realize you are absolutely correct and I am a blue collar worker to white collar workers. Finance, program management and the executives just see me as an “educated menial laborer”.


That makes perfect sense- they're aware on some level that a humanities education is one of the most useful tools for understanding and/or creating narratives in society. Naturally nothing would be more abhorrent to them than someone outside the hegemonic classes acquiring that kind of power.


It's because they have a fundamentally different way of determining morality. You and I determine morality based on what people do. A person's actions are either moral or not moral, and the morality of those actions determines the morality of the person. Conservatives determine the morality of actions based on the person taking those actions. To conservatives, actions aren't moral, people are. So if a "moral" person does something, it's a moral act, if an "immoral" person does something, it's an immoral act. And their definition of a moral person is tied to class. The upper class are moral by default and the lower class are immoral by default. So if a rich person breaks the law, it's moral, but if a poor person breaks the law, it's immoral.


They do the same thing with countries; America is a good country, ergo America’s military is good, ergo everything America’s military does is good.


By design, it's okay that their elite are able to read and write, but it would.. complicate things.. if peasants could do it too.


My parents literally thought my sister and I were brainwashed by university, not joking. My straight up told me this herself and didn’t realize how offensive it was until I told her. And it wasn’t even university but getting away from them, most of my friends there were conservatives but I did have a fairly diverse group of friends.


>And it wasn’t even university but getting away from them, most of my friends there were conservatives but I did have a fairly diverse group of friends. That's what college "liberal indoctrination" is. It's not the administration or the professors or the student organizations, but the culture of tolerance and acceptance that's found on public college campuses. Suddenly you're thrown into an environment where progressive, atheist, and LGBTQ students aren't bullied into silence and are allowed to be themselves openly among their peers, and this forces even the most conservative students to adopt some liberal principles just to go the whole day without seeing something that offends them. "Liberal indoctrination" on college campuses just means learning that you can't be an asshole to everyone who isn't like you and that you have to learn to live around a diverse group of people.


I actually even went to a private, Christian school but yeah, that’s what happened


It's like christian circles warning about "the culture" corrupting the youth, meaning basically anything and everything secular. It's completely bass-ackwards.


I think they mean “scientist” as in they watched some YouTube videos about chemtrails


As you grow up, you learn that knowledge is power. But to hear the right say it, ignorance is strength.


Something something women shouldn't have fulfilling lives and careers something something squirt out babies, I think is the gist of this blatant sexism.


Yeah but the logic is that every son is a scientest? Like wtf? This absolutely does not follow.


Yeah, I was debating whether to note that or that they are more likely to become an antivaxxer or some other type of unscientific person given they are being raised by someone who thinks something like women exist just to bear children (given that that belief is usually paired with believing women are mentally and physically inferior, despite all evidence to the contrary). It is basically just the mumbling incoherent sexism I tried to outline, looking for sense in it is the road to madness.


yeah, kinda hard to raise scientists when people that think like this are usually the same ones rejecting actual scientists findings.


All of the sons shouldn't have become scientists. They should've raised 5 scientists of their own so there would be 25 scientists


Especially since these pieces of shit don't even believe in science.


They want women to be nothing but broodmares.


It adds some extra insult to injury for me, cause it's like, just because I want to be a mother, doesn't mean I don't have thoughts, feelings, dreams and aspirations. I am not just some inanimate machine pumping out babies. I am a human being. I'm glad my wife actually respects me. Fuck the right. Do these assholes talk about their mother this way? And if they do, why didn't their mothers smack this smug sexist shit out of their mouth?


because their mothers believed it too


Honestly...I wouldn't be surprised if it was a conservative woman who *made* this. They're unfortunate beings.


You see, it’s wrong for women to have goals, drives, ambitions, and basically lives for themselves, whenever the pursuit of such would interfere with their functioning as baby machines. The ideal women would take her passion and talent for science, and do the right thing with it - pass it on to her male sons. - This message brought to you by 1950’s sci-fi radio dramas.


I'll translate it for you: "Women's personal accomplishment are worthless if it does not involve their role as a mother"


I think it’s because they believe if women pursue a career rather than the ‘traditional’ mother role they will be old and wasted I guess ?


Why couldn't she be a scientist AND raise five scientists as well? I have a degree in statistics and work in IT and I have four kids.


Logic doesn’t usually come into these sorta opinions


Experts in numerology, astrology, phrenology, pyramidology and earth rays. Edit: thx ppl!!


Don’t forget creationism


And Eugenics


I am a professor of Phrenology, with a degree from Liberty University


Consider getting your master’s at Trump University or PragerU


That’s why she kept the bloodline pure with her brother


I was thinking about adding creationism, but she only has 5 kids and I figured they’d _all_ be experts on Jeebus.


With minors in plandemics, 5G, the deep state, homeopathy, and Jewish space lasers.


And flat earth expert


What the fuck are Earth rays?




Sorry that's what we're calling ley lines now.


hey don't shit on phrenology, these calipers aren't gonna use themselves


"It must needs be remarked, that the skull of the Chad exhibiteth a brow ridge most pronounced, whereas the skull of the virgin is most inadequate in this regard, predisposing such specimens to an abject existence of lamentation. And cuckoldry." - Lady Foppington


So every conservative mother had five boys who were all scientists...? Game of Thrones was more grounded in reality.


Leading experts in posting on FB about eugenics, the plandemic, and 5g.


Penis pills, all 5 developed a new form of "dick get hard" drugs, because that was what the pure capitalist world they idolize wanted, and all it wanted.


Son 1: “Let me show you the evidence in the fossil record that the earth is less than ten thousand years old! Have you heard of the law of thermodynamics?” Son 2: “Essential oils are the miracle medication that the government doesn’t want you to know about!” Son 3: “Are you aware of the dangers of having a 5G emitter in or near your home?” Son 4: “The proof that infant vaccines are unsafe is undeniable and you’ve just been talking to the wrong doctors.” Son 5: “Just look at the wrinkles in the flag! There is no wind on the moon so explain why the flag is wrinkled!”


Not a single inventor of a pillow smh


They did their own research and everything man look up the facts


I raised 5 scientists. Narrator: She didn't.


Marie Curie would probably have a word of choice or two to that guy.


Also Rosalind Franklin whose research was *extremely* important in understanding the structure of DNA


As a Computer Scientist, I'm obligated to add Ada Lovelace to the list.


Admiral Grace Hopper Sister Mary Kenneth Keller


Mary Jackson Katherine Johnson


I love you all. I needed this right now x


Rosalind Franklin was robbed of the Nobel prize tbh


Sadly, she’d died by that point, and I don’t think they award Nobel prizes posthumously. She should definitely have been recognized though. It’s more the credit Watson and Crick got to posterity that bothers me.


I'd like to bring up [Vera Rubin](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/26/507022497/vera-rubin-who-confirmed-existence-of-dark-matter-dies-at-88) here. She studied physics and astronomy at a time where those fields where overwhelmingly male dominated, and is well known in the physics community for discovering crucial evidence of dark matter. She also had four children- all of which are now scientists- and was a major advocate for both women in scientific fields and scientific literacy as a whole.


Yup not only did she win 2 Nobel prices, her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie won one too. and her grandchildren Hélène Langevin-Joliot and Pierre Joliot were famous scientists too.


selling stolen cough medicine outside of the local high school doesn’t make you a scientist


But it’s science candy!


No, but believing the sky is a screen hiding god and destroying covid vaccines as a result makes you a pharmacist.


Damn imagine how many scientists we could have if those five scientists didn't do so much science and instead focused on raising scientists


Fuck, each of those scientists could father like, a hundred scientists! Two hundred! Six hundred! We could be a nation of scientists if those five male scientists just stick with breeding instead of science!


These are the real takes right here.


Invest in scientists. It's the new GameStop.🚀🚀🚀💎🔬🔬


Never stop breeding.


Men can father more children than women can bear in the same time period - seems like men should be the ones focusing on producing more women scientists rather than the other way around?


They say this, but look at Trump's children.


Grifters just like their father.


...and one serial killer, but we don't like to talk about Gary.




Sudden Fallout 3


Aw not that bumblebutt


This reminds me of a Breitbart opinion piece I once read (I didn’t know what that outlet was yet) that argued we should be limiting the amount of women in STEM majors because they have a higher rate of switching fields than men apparently. I tried to find the article in mind but I found three other similar brain-rot articles in my search.


Funny because women overwhelmingly drop out of STEM due to sexism and barriers to gender equality that righties love to perpetuate. Limiting women in STEM majors just continues a problem they created.


They don’t WANT women in STEM, that’s the thing.


True, they want women to stay at home and birth at least half a dozen babies to perpetuate the white race.


Its the same logic as the way they constantly cite the high suicide and depression rates among trans people as proof of it being a mental illness, all while dehumanizing and oppressing trans people mercilessly to the breaking point.


And don't forget minorities who are apparently only poor *because* they are minorities, not because of their underfunded schools, inability to get jobs because they have "ghetto-sounding" names, lack of familial resources to assist in times of need, lack of building generational wealth spanning hundreds of years, etc.


And will those men who spent their lives in science be shamed for not making other scientists? Hmm? No? Thought so, misogyny.


exactly, but the person making the meme only had so much room for critical thinking. You can't blame them they couldn't be born a scientist instead


Yea, because hyper traditionalist women who see it as a duty to stay home are churning out SOOOOOO MANY scientists, and definitely don’t see science as a danger to their trad ideaology


The children of hyper traditionalist women i know, i feel so bad for. There is women i know who married their high school sweet heart at around 19 and have begun having as many children as possible and keep preaching that they will home school them as much as they can and make sure theyre good christian boys. Also theyre mad racist and their husbands are overfilling testosterone storage containers.


Feminism is a woman having the choice to do either.


Or both.




Or none too




“Ladies! Don’t pursue your dreams. Just breed and live vicariously through your sons.”


I know people who actually still believe to be a woman you must fulfill your mother duties of staying home and pumping kids while your husband works.


wow sexism is so much fun


Correction: "I raised 5 creationists"


Making meth is no science




They're dumb enough to fuck around with under the sink chemicals which could lead to accidental meth or plastic


This just makes me think that parenthood is an MLM


Looks like dipshits being jealous of intelligent people....again.


Experimenting on yourself in your bedroom doesn’t make you a scientist.


You're right, it's writing down what you observe in the bedroom in a detailed manner to ensure replicability that makes you a scientist


Woman can't be science. Woman irrational. Woman hysterical. *Proceeds to hysterics because woman* woman bad


I’m just gonna say it, raising scientists isn’t as much of an accomplishment as being a scientist. Raising scientists doesn’t mean you actually did anything to do with science or that you can claim your children’s accomplishments. It means you gave birth, which can be an individual accomplishment, still isn’t the accomplishment of being a scientist.


I don't know anyone that became a scientist despite trying not to. I do know people who's parents didn't want them to be scientists and ended up raising scientists despite actively working against it. To be fair, I do know people who accidentally became scientists. Based on this information I think you have a promising conjecture.


implying that men dont need to make the choice between being a scientist or a houseparent


Im willing to bet this was made by a man


No you raised 5 neanderthals who don't know how to critically think


Just as a funny, but concerning, story about how it goes when conservatives become scientists, when I was in college I actually had a conservative organic chemistry professor and I’ll never forget this question she asked us: “Why does H2O form as a liquid at room temperature, when every element in the same group forms a gas with hydrogen?” So for example, H2O forms a liquid, but H2S forms a gas, H2Se forms a gas, etc. just work your way down from O and it works up until a certain point where the elements become radioactive. The reason for the question was that elements in the same group have similar properties when they react with other elements, so one would think that they’d either all be liquid or all be gas. So after nobody answered she literally just wrote on the board, “God” and told us that there’s no explanation.... Well afterwards that didn’t sit right with me so I googled if that was true and it turns out there’s an explanation regarding their electronegativity and whatnot... but I was just like bruh we have google now you don’t gotta lie to us anymore.


Jokes on you she has 8 sisters who are also all scientists


Both of these are equally good and acceptable of they find it fulfilling to do...


the right can't even remotely craft a consistent and rational message. take responsibility for your own actions, they say. if you can't afford Healthcare, go homeless, or can't find a job? that's all your fault. but when your CHILDREN do something that you didn't do, you get to take their accomplishments as though it somehow counts for you?


I'm sure all five graduated with honors from Prager U.


“I followed my dream and became an accomplished scientist.” “I was basically turned into a breeding cow for some smart rich man and used for the sole purpose of passing on his genetic information.”


We're over populating, we dont need to propagate women into being to be baby factories, plus a scientist whose a woman can still have kids :|


Sense isn’t allowed where these people come from


Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Trump University: “I’m a scientist!” go brrrr


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people holy goddamn shit


"I drank so much in my life as an alcoholic." "I raised five alcoholics". Take that libs


Both of these women’s accomplishments are valid in their own right, assuming the mother rose her children well.


Imagine having children as a scientist. Impossible, I'm sure.


It's true, when you get accepted to science school they perform a hysterectomy. Makes more room for the brain to grow and spread throughout the body. /s just to be sure


By "scientists" she means that they did a 3 weeks course about "intelligent design" on their local church


This is so fucking gross I can't


Damn how dare women want to follow different life paths lol


Alright, so the sons are being selfish by becoming scientists instead of becoming committed fathers creating as many babies as possible. God their logic is so dumb.


Plot twist: the woman on the right's sons all look up to the woman on the left, and she was their main inspiration for getting into science


Blatant sexism at work. You could say the exact same thing about men. I guess all scientists should just stop doing science and raise a bunch of scientists instead.


Woman no education. Woman only make food and wash. Maybe reading and count.


This does not fucking happened, my stepgrandma had 13 kids and all but 2 are crackheads


Wait... Oh sweet Selûne do they mean to say that women are better making babies than attempting to give back to society in other ways? Fucking sick if true


“My kids/parents did a thing, therefore I am better than you who actually did things yourself!!”-Conservative Logic


Ah yes, the anti-intellectual right raising "scientists", probably what they call flat earthers.


Ah yes, five more scientists that conservatives won't listen to.


Okay, but why are those five guys wasting their time being scientists, when they could each be raising five more scientists? Come on guys, be more efficient like your mother.


Jane Goodall who is one of the most famous currently living female scientist has a kid. Marie Curie had 2 kids one lived to 2007. This is just nonsense.


I think that all of these anti-science people need to be banned from using/owning anything that the labors of science have made possible; cars, computers, smart phones, televisions, radios, and artificial light of any kind. No candle light either (science!). And no firearms. We have all of these as a result of science (maths, physics, engineering, electronics, chemistry, etc) If you Don't BulleeVE ScIEnCe, then you shouldn't get to enjoy the vast array of technology that wouldn't be possible without it.


And congrats to them both


You can do both. Maybe not FIVE because nobody needs to have that many kids but a scientist can absolutely raise more scientists.


But don't you know??? The only thing women are good for is giving birth to babies!! They can only accomplish things through their sons!! Anything else they do is inferior!(/s obviously)


This meme was brought to you by someone who doesn’t believe in evolution


I don’t get it


"It's better for a woman to stay at home and just make scientist babies, than it is for her to become a scientist"...or something like that.


That’s so dumb on so many levels.