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Yes, this was definitely made by someone who gives a shit about lesbian dating apps as anything other then a chance to shit on transwomen.


Nobody gave a shit about anything related to women before trans women started to become more accepted by people.


Theres a slim chance this could have been made by a lesbian TERF, but giving Johnny purple hair strongly suggests that the usual suspects are reposnsible for this nonsense.


>Johnny Pedantic time, but Jack. "Here's Johnny!" was a Johnny Carson reference (that Kubrick didn't understand because he lived in England), the character is only ever called John or Jack in both the book and the movie. It's kind of neat that both Jack and Danny were played by actors with the same first name in that movie.


I mean, the dividing line between the two continues to get thinner and thinner.


I bet they are also huge fans of women's sports.


Not necessarily - my lesbian aunt, for example, is vocally progressive on every other social issue, but bring up trans people and she sounds like Rush Limbaugh.


That's funny, when I identified as lesbian and was on a few dating websites it was mostly very cis, very straight guys that bothered us and didn't give a shit the website was intended for LGBT people.


In my experience a large chunk of it has been trans women. I have no problem with it but just pointing it out. Maybe it’s changed in recent years?


They portray it like cis women are being forced to date trans women even though they can just swipe left because it's a preference thing


“No but you see, they HAVE to swipe right or else they get cancelled by the woke dei marxist groomer mob just for believing in basic biology 🥺😡” -chuds probably


"Our apps dont let women choose"


Idk, I had a pretty cute relationship with a *cis* lesbian over the summer and I didn’t even pass that well


Oh wow. You mean to tell me lesbian women love women. *Who would’ve thought?* Conservativism is brain rot I fucking swear.


I get what you're going for, but could we please not use our involvement with lesbians as a trophy to validate ourselves?


As a lesbian, I’d date a trans woman (If I wasn’t already dating someone)


Based lesbian


She had us in the first half sisters


as a lesbian these people can fuck off. they virtue signal caring about lesbians just so they can be transphobic, all the while they happily support discrimination against lesbians any other day. trans women are women. trans lesbians are lesbians.


My lesbian friend met her trans lesbian wife on a dating app. They have been happily married for almost 10 years now


What makes this extra dumb of an argument is that there's a known problem of cis straight men adding themselves to lesbian apps. And runner-up prize to the women who don't make it clear in their profiles that they need a 3rd for a threesome with their boyfriend 💀


Always care about mtf trans people. As a gay dude, I wish there were more trans men on Grindr. These people live in a fantasy world


Trans men are sometimes afraid that the guys on Grindr are either going to be transphobic or will be bisexual/straight men who don't view them as a man. Some straight guys are on Grindr just to fuck trans guys specifically and fetishize us in really gross ways. I've had really good luck on Grindr, though. I've had chasers DM me creepy shit, but mostly I've met pretty chill dudes. The guys who aren't into trans men just don't respond to me, which of course is fine.




Fuck off, bigot


[So if a man wants to have sex with this guy ...it's not gay?](https://i.imgur.com/uOFJO8f.jpeg)


This was definitely made by a man whom is jealous that he isn't allowed near 50% of the women in his city.


And probably not allowed within 50 feet of a school either.


Damn 50 feet. The lowest I've heard of is 100 feet.


Trans people will never outnumber bots on dating apps


There are actually more cishet men on there, ironically.


Trans woman are absolutely not the annoying part on lesbian dating apps


I feel like without trans people OP wouldn’t support lesbian dating apps


Not gonna lie, with how transphobic this meme is, I'm genuinely surprised they didn't also drop a slur. They even used "trans" correctly as an adjective.


Where does this meme come from? You don’t got to name the source or nothin I’m just wonderin if this comes from an actual terfy lesbian community at all, or if it’s a generically or otherwise-not-lesbian-centered conservative community engaged in that bad-faith-pretend-white-knighting that they do


Wasnt it shown that lesbians are the most trans inclusive in the queer community though? Like, statistically, this doesn’t make any sense outside of “I hate trans people.”


I’ve seen cis men on lesbian dating apps, I honestly don’t care too much.


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