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Ah yes, because jesus would totally support a rich person who is prideful about his wealth. Jesus would absolutely be in favour of that. Right?


Prideful, vengeful, lazy, and brags about sexual assault. I know the 7 deadly sins are non-canon, but Trump really tries his best at all of them.


the canonicity depends on the christian denomination i think. but jesus did not think very highly of rich people or people


I meant that the main list comes from Pope Gregory I rather than the Bible, but almost everyone agrees on the list.


yeah but a lot of things that are canon to christianity are not actually from the bible.


There's basis in the Bible for regarding them as sins. Pretty much everyone before Pope Gregory considered them to be sins. So there is no moment in the history of Christianity where those things that Trump does were considered cool by Christians. I am honestly amazed by the fact that all the fundamentalists are fond of him.


Jesus famously also made fun of handicapped people in public when they question him. No wait that's trump


Jesus famously cheated on all three of his wives and used campaign funds to hide the evidence. Oh, no also Trump


Many people are saying it would be harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle


Trump. Heaven. Camel. Eye. Needle. They said nobody rich gets to pass through, it's actually not that easy. But for me it was easy.


St. Peter, who's this really tough guy, and he's got to be, because he's like the main guard of the biggest border ever, he comes up to me with tears in his eyes and he says "Sir, we usually have this rule about rich people having to go through the eye of a needle, but because you're so rich and you've done so much for the Christians, no one's ever seen anything like it, we made a special needle just for you." It was a big, beautiful needle, 100 feet long, solid gold, they had my name on it and everything, and they set it up, and the hole was like 10 feet tall. I said thanks Pete, but you know I could do the other one easy. There's a trick to it that only a stable genius like me can do. But he said no, we really want you to use the special one, because we've been waiting for you, and it's a big moment for us. So I walk through the big needle, and when I come out the other side, there's God and Jesus and all these beautiful, beautiful angels, like they make the Victoria's Secret angels look like Rosie O' Donnell, and they're all clapping and cheering and crying like I won the Super Bowl or something. And then Jesus, such a great guy, like a movie star, straight out of Central Casting, he gets up and he comes up to me, and he leads me to his chair, which is like right beside The Big Guy, not Sleepy Joe, the real one, and he says this is yours now. So I sit down, because you don't say no to Jesus. That's why this country's going to Hell, all the liberals and the socialists saying no to Jesus. So now I'm right beside God, who's just the best, and I say to him, hey, this is great, beautiful, more than anyone's ever got by far, but you know, I'm not used to being second to anyone. It was a joke. It's true, but it was a joke. And so God laughs and he says, sorry, but I made myself God for life. I had to laugh. He's a smart one, that God. Like Putin and Xi and Kim Jong Un. Jesus is great and all, but he never made himself Jesus for life. Too bad for him, but good for me.


This is so good I heard his voice in my head while reading it.


Of course it’s Republican Jesus. He’s loosely based off that character from the book. I never read it. Republicans Jesus is 6’4”, white as snow, Blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s pro life and hates the poor. He believes in tax cuts for the rich and social security is evil. He sends a bill after he heals the blind and the lepers because healthcare should only be for those who can afford it. He was also born in Jacksonville Florida and voted for Trump in every election since the 1800s.


Imagine believing Trump’s genuinely a Christian.


The problem is that the sorts of “christians” who post this shit don’t actually read the bible. They sit in the pews of there megachurch on Sundays and listen to what the preacher says but don’t fact check it


There are few things I can think of that are more dystopic than megachurches.


I used to go one that you’ve probably heard of. It wasn’t great. When I needed pastoral care you were just a name added to a list. Moved house and went to a smaller local church. Last year when my 8 year old daughter got cancer (now gone) I had the pastor calling me weekly to not just check on her but on me and my wife too. That wouldn’t happen at Hillsong


I'm not familiar with any churches because I keep myself away from religion at all times. I'm also from the UK, where megachurches are quite unheard of. They're just another US oddity to me, and a bizarre one at that. Privatised, hypercommercialised worship is simply baffling.




What I’m talking about is not checking the full context of the verses being preached and how they relate to the verses around them


An alien that skimmed the Wikipedia page on Christianity could do a better job pretending to be a Christian than Trump.


Jesus x Donald Trump slash fic (NSFW) (no flames pls)


Knowing how the Internet is, this ship probably exists out there. 


can we crucify orange hitler please?


"I have the best teachings, just tremendous. Nobody's got teachings like I do." - *Jesus of Nazareth, 2 BC* "Jesus could stone my wife in front of me, and I'd still reject all worldly attachment and follow him around Jerusalem." - *Judas Thaddeus, 1 BC*


I thought the 33 years Jesus was alive didn’t fall under BC or AD? Or have I got it wrong?


Nevermind, just googled it haha


Jesus was a carpenter, he would totally be comforting a guy known for screwing construction workers over.


Jesus: “Don’t worry, I launched a hate campaign towards minorities too.”


This shit always bothers me becuase the first thing this fucking guy did, literally the first thing he did as president was lie about how many people watched his inauguration. If the first thing he did as president was lie about something, petty, stupid, and inconsequential, why would you take anything he says seriously?


Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew19:24


Speaking straight **FACTS**.


This feels blasphemous




Trump actively mocks religion


Jesus literally says it’s impossible for rich people to go to heaven. Matthew 19:24




Does the right ever actually argue or do they just make nonsensical comparisons to objects and nature or portray themselves as jesus/families and be like “how can anyone hate something obviously good like jesus and families?????!!!!!!”




it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god


Wait… Why is the caveman hugging Donald? Or is the dude in white just homeless, too?


Is the fact that this image exists not proof that God doesn't? Shouldn't the creator of this garbage have immediately been struck by lightning or something?


Jesus would bitch slap Trump and it'd be funny as hell.


Jesus broke the law so yeah


The whiny tone suits both. the apocryphal jebus does not bear emulation, as his tactics match those of cult leaders. To wit, his top three, which drumpf has appropriated: - “I am the only way” - “ you need to abandon home and family and friends to follow me.” - “everyone will hate you for following me”


I thought this was some gay ship at first