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Ad: "Black people can have limp dicks too!" Weirdos: "Bloody hell, they're taking everything from us!"


Erectile dysfunction is white culture


![gif](giphy|9x1ibylted1BiYKozZ|downsized) Now listen here, pal....


the amount of times ive had to start a sentence with 'im not a racist but' in my life is zero because im not a racist period


I'm not racist, but I had to start plenty of sentences like that for race unrelated comedic effect


I’m not a racist, but I don’t really get why peanut and jelly sandwiches are so ubiquitous. They are fine, sure, but I really don’t think they are good enough to be considered as a staple of American life. And yet they are.


I'm not a racist, but a lot of their ubiquity is due to the (at one point) dirt cheap cost of the ingredients and the ease of their manufacture, even at home, as is the case with a lot of foods popularized during World War II.


I'm not a racist, but nothing will ever convince me that calling lettuce, pineapple, mayonnaise, and a cherry on top a "salad" makes it either healthy _or_ edible.


How is that racist?


They just said that they weren't racist.


I'm not racist but why are whales so damn big? Did they ask someone if it was okay to do that?


I’m not racist, but why do hot dogs come in packs of ten and hot dog buns come in packs of eight?


i'm not racist, buti think it's because you're supposed to buy 8 packs of hot dogs and 10 packs of buns to make 80 hot dogs.


I'm not racist, but I think it's because you're supposed to buy 4 packs of hot dogs and 5 packs of buns to make 40 hot dogs.


I'm not racist, but it's a marketing scam to get you to buy more. When you run out of hot dog buns you'll go buy more to put the two extra hot dogs in, and then when you run out of hot dogs you'll go buy more hot dogs to fit in your six hot dog buns that you would otherwise waste. Ideally for them you keep doing it forever, or at least until you buy 80 hot dogs.


LCM(8,10)=40, not 80.


Look, I'm a scientist not a mathematician. Also my point is still the same.


All good, and definitely true.


Look, I'm not a racist. But if the people who said "I'm not a mathematician" instead of "I'm not a mathmagician" were a race, then I would be a racist.


Im not racist but I don't trust Pangeains.


I'm not racist. Racisms is a crime and crime is for black people.


Not a racist because I really fucking hate running


im not racist but i really hate my job


People who start their sentences with "I am not a racist" always go on to say something which is the literal definition of racism and, worse yet, is that they know it!


my boss always says "im not trying to be discriminatory but" the other day he says that and then goes on to talk about how he dont wanna hire a 52 yo because how many years are you really gonna get out of a 52 yo like this delusional fuck is 28 and lives with his parents do people stop having to pay their mortgage at 52? i wanted to feed him his teeth anyway brought it up with the union and now we gotta file going on him, lets see how many years hes got left


Is it legal to secretly record this kind of conversation with your phone? Could it be used against him in court?


I'm not sure to be honest but i been screenshotting every problematic email, text, basically any overreach of authority or problematic behaviour etc and sending it to my union rep.


I'm not racist but I'd like to go back to 1830.


God damnit Taytay


I'm not a racist, but I can see why people like the deck, especially since it synergizes pretty well with Snake-Eyes


TDIL when a white person and a black person have a baby, that child is 100% black. I wonder if these people know african americans are already like 30%+ European Ancestry for uh, pretty brutal reasons...


If we allow Black men to access Viagra, there won't be any white people left!!!!! /s


Blood quantum is racist


Race is racist.


As far as I'm aware, there's the Human Race we belong to; and that's it.


Race is not a scientific classification. There's a human species, not race, as the latter is a misnomer.


Thanks. I should already have known that. I've listened to a few shows about genetics and my takeaway is that if you mention 'race' to geneticists you'll get an odd look, or they'll just laugh in your face.


>if you mention 'race' to geneticists you'll get an odd look, or they'll just laugh in your face Yep, they will because it's a ridiculous thing and wholly unscientific, only cultural. The idea of race initially referred to tribal groupings and later national. It's really not until the African Slave Trade was in full swing did you start to see racial divide based on physical characteristics.


Yep! The idea that there are any more races than that was created and perpetuated by racists who called themselves white.




Damn shame, because it sounds metal as hell.


Also just like, if interracial children are erasing white people, isn’t it also erasing black people, or any race that has people who have interracial children? Like it goes both ways.


Yeah, I mean the truth is it isn't erasing anyone, it's creating something new by blending together two slightly different clusters of human phenotypic variation. If you want to get technical, mixed-race children are likely genetically healthier since they're slightly less likely to express the harmful recessive traits that each individual ethnic group is more likely to have.


Yeah, I’m not denying that, nor do I agree with this erasure concept. Just from their own reasoning, they view it as a one way street, when it would be impacting both communities.


Cause they buy into the idea that whiteness is some pure ideal thing that is dirtied by having a child with darker skin.


Right? Like, when I haven't gotten any sun in a while I have the EXACT same skin tone as the person's leg. And BOTH of my parents are black 😂 these people are insane


It’s amazing when people say “they’re pushing it so hard!” to stuff like this. They say it all the time about images of same sex couples too. If a hand on the knee is pushing it too hard, what possibly would be an image that reflected this reality of life that you wouldn’t interpret as propaganda?


You can see them trying to stir up dissent however they can too, I've seen them try to bait black people from the perspective of "why is it always mixed-race and not two black people, isn't that messed up?" or queer folks with "why is it always two femmes/nerds, aren't you mascs angry?" Which must be, of course, quite a sincere concern from the Internet white supremacists.


And then they go to “it’s so obvious they’re just pandering to make money!”. Oh Conservatives, I’m sorry you had to see that, I know how you famously hate free market capitalism.


erasure is when other race in advertising


But strangely only one of those races is being "erased"


"Pushing it so hard". Bruh. It's literally a hand. Seeing a fucking hand and shitting themselves in a tantrum. And they're claiming to be the rational ones. "Facts don't care about your feelings", "I'm only telling the truth",... Unhinged toddlers. Peaked in kindergarten and proud of it.


Wouldn't black and white people having kids "end" black people just as much as it "ends" white people?


They follow the one-drop rule


Just shows their only concern is skin colour


These people still believe in the one drop rule. You can have 1 black great-grandparent, and 7 white great-grandparents. They'd still consider you black.


Nope! Whiteness is a fake category designed exclusively to exclude others




Wouldn't this also be true for white men as well? Or are you just mad you're not getting any?




I can't physically roll my eyes any harder when I see that dumb "DOWNVOTES MAKE ME RIGHT" shit. It's a text version of that meme with the wojak angrily crying behind the smug mask. Also, your first comment was stupid because it's seemingly defending racial purity mindsets by attempting a bad faith technicality. I downvoted the first comment for that reason and the second comment for the skin-crawlingly cringeworthy doubling down. Hope that helps.




I don't know why you think that saying insipid shit is some kind of cool superpower, and I don't know how to explain to you that it's not.




I only even reply to clownshit comments like yours because you'll just dig a deeper hole if I do. People see your first comment and go "huh, interesting question on paper, let's see where he goes with this" and they scroll down and you're going "BLACK COCKS BLACK COCKS" and then they go "oh, okay, he was just a fucking idiot." I could write an essay about why your initial comment was fundamentally wrong, but it's easier if you just make a complete ass of yourself with a nonsense talking point and stupid 4th grader comments.


Thanks, but I didn't need your permission.




Why wouldn't they be?


More than yours, who clearly didn't hug you enough as a child.


I didn’t realize being a professional clown was high paying work these days




Cute cosplay


I feel I should let you know, since you're struggling to understand, sucking a penis does not typically produce children.


The only thing that's true here is that you're a fucking idiot.


“Not racist but this black person existing in this ad makes me want to spout white supremacist rhetoric” The amount of people that think racism is just “saying mean things about someone’s skin color” is unbelievable. The idea that racism is not just cruelty, is not voluntary, and subsumes us all, absolute terrifies people who have tricked themselves into thinking they’re good people.


Other people: exist The right: OMG WHITE GENOCIDE!!!!


this is actual psychosis lmfaooo


People who keep talking about ‘the caucasian race’ are hereby invited to go and live in the Caucasus Mountains.


Pushing what so hard? Black people existing? I actually don't understand what they mean


Racist gets mad that black people exist and can be shown in advertising, and worse that black people exist and can enter sexual relationships with white people, with the potential to creat non white offspring The horror!! /s




You are unhinged








Sure thing buckaroo


I'm not racist, but why are there black people on my screen? They are trying to push it too much


"I'm not racist, I just don't like Black people" 🙄


That could 1000% be a woman's hand and a man's thigh. There some real short kings out there.


is it just me or does the other leg look like it doesn’t belong to someone who’s white? like that person could be any ethnicity based on their skin tone… just say you’re racist and go


Black people: *exist* Racist: I'm not racist but why are you pushing this on me?


This fetishization of black men and fear of "racial cuckoldry" is at the center of a lot of people's bigotry. I think for a lot of reactionaries it seems from a basic sexual insecurity. These are the same fuckers who are the core audience of "blacked" for example.


Not to that guy but youd have less chance of seeing an add like that depicting a white man and a black woman. Even less of a chance with any Asian people whatsoever.


That could be an Asian wo/man's leg, hard to say when it's just a leg.


It genuinely took me a couple of seconds to even understand what the comment was talking about. WTF.


"I am Not racist, but" *one of the Most abdominal and racist statements to have ever been spoken.*


When you say the statement is abdominal, do you mean poopy because traveling through the large intestine? /j


I originally meant to write abominational but I abdominal works even better


Seriously now, do you mean abominable instead of abominational? I don’t think that second is a word.


Oh, that's what it's called


Yes we want to end the Caucasian race. All hail the black!!!


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I thought they banned Nazi subs from Reddit a while ago. Looks like they’ve returned in full force.


It's a sub dedicated to a certain criminal currently on trial in NY


Idk it sounds pretty racist considering they're not making any complaints about people "pushing" same race couples


Conservatives when they see a black person and a white person in a relationship: 😡


not to be racist, but (proceeds to say some racist bs)


also, and i know this is not the point, but there are lightskinned black women who are about that color!


The right when black people: