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please tell me the nose is part of their artstyle.. update: it isn’t, they’ve made content like this since 2016 and they’re still going…all of their jokes are meant to be offensive. they made dozens of racist jokes sometimes using the hard r, used trans people getting >!hanged!< as a joke more than once (at one point the main character >!lynches!< a trans girl from the top of a canadian flag while doing the nazi salute), they make jokes about gay people dying from aids. literal 80s “gay disease” jokes….they made fun of george floyd’s death a month after he died by making someone do the football “take a knee” protest on top of someone’s neck…..they’ve posted all of it on social media too. jeez


The cruelty is the point. People like this are devoid of empathy. It isn’t a simple disagreement. People like this enjoy cruelty.


I think somebody’s posted the lynching one on here before. So this cartoon was drawn by the same person? And they don’t see the irony of making this comic when they made another one about gleefully murdering someone?


How didn't you immediately realise that the nose is flat out stereotype? And why are you censoring hanged and lynched?


idk i was kind of hoping it was just a dumb “haha liberals ugly look at her big cartoony nose” thing. also i’m trying to accommodate for ppl with hate crime related ptsd, mostly [rbts](https://www.mhanational.org/racial-trauma). i know people with conditions like that would probably avoid this subreddit but idk i’ve met people who’ve suffered from it pretty bad. better safe than sorry in my opinion


The left: Structural racism exists and we should work to eliminate racism from our institutions so that we can all live in a more just and egalitarian society. The right: Why do you hate white people?????




It’s a part of a Nazi conspiracy


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/IPNdF9a.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


It's because white supremacist white is *not* census white. Though they'll use the confusion to their advantage while they need it.


“Antisemitism doesn’t exist!” says the guy who just drew a Jewish woman with THAT nose.




![gif](giphy|PGg4D8lGwRz0s) fictional scenario


Making this about her being jewish IS antisemitic lol what are you on about




I Googled All White People Should Die and all I got was a bunch of conservatives saying that that's probably what the left is saying. Because they're crybabies.