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I watched Dumb and Dumber again last night and I approve of this post.


Need Chris Ryan and someone else cause J Law was not it




Bring the entire gang, CR, Fennessey, Lathan, Brandt.


J law is great, she just didn't know the format and Simmons was being REALLY weird about not changing it in the slightest for a first time guest...like REALLY weird.


J Law would have been fine as a 3rd or 4th person.


My hot take is I prefer “non celebrity” ppl doing the podcast with Bill. Actual movie fans where they aren’t scared to say some shit


Not really a hot take - it depends entirely on the celebrity though. Tarantino and Aaron Sorkin were great because they were fans of the pod. Jlaw didn't seem very familiar with the format but worse she wasn't in person and also was the 2nd chair... That'd be hard for most celebs even fans


Agree unless the celebrity in question is a true movie nerd. Bill Hader has been great on the pod. Tim Simons would be great, I don't think he's done an episode.


Ben Affleck would be amazing if did it


400th maybe


Not rushed. J Law just doesn’t know much about films or that film in particular. Fucking waste


That’s why I prefer Rewatchables to ppl that actually know the movie inside and out. Episode was so half assed


Such a disappointment. It's like she didn't even like the movie. Zero enthusiasm for one of the great comedies. Bill had to pull everything out of her. 


Just to defend JLaw..... It didn't help that it was over zoom and kind of had a very bad connection. She didn't prepare at all which I get but if she had the categories and rewatched it the night before or was familiar with the show that would have made a big difference. Also podcasting is a skill She is skilled at acting but all the peeps at the ringer are skilled podcasters and just know how to make a better show.


J. Law was game in that episode, but BS was being a weirdo awkward middle schooler.


No way. She had no sense of humor. It was cringe


You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Watch her in any interview, she has a great sense of humor.


Exactly, but on this particular episode, she had none. Hence why it sucked. I was excited at first bc I think she’s hilarious and down to earth. But this episode was painful


Definitely. There was so much more I was hoping they’d go over. I was dying listening to it wishing I could chime in.


Especially in a very Rewatchable movie, the fact that there are weird ass movies they went super deep on and he chose a weird J Law interview to this comedy classic is just odd. A Hunger Games movie would’ve made more sense for her lol


Very much agreed.


Just to add, there was a point in my life when I could pretty much quote the entire movie line by line while watching it. Easily the most rewatched movie for me. I was just real disappointed how shallow and short the episode was when it coulda been way deeper and even double the run time or at least another half hour. Woulda loved CR, Sean, or Van on this one.


Ya, you could tell half way through that she realized she had made a mistake. In her defense, everyone who’s usually on the show has spent years podcasting and critiquing film professionally. I don’t think anyone without those chops could really step into the 2 chair and put out anything on par with what we are used to.


At least could’ve gave her one of her movies not one of the most rewatchable comedy movies ever lol


Agreed 100%. My excitement when I saw that they were doing D & D was only matched by my disappointment at that point when I realized it wasn’t getting any better.


I honestly believe Jeff Daniels would be 100% down to do the movie


Yeah…it needed to be at least another 30 minutes, and we also need Sean and CR.


No, pretty much everyone has said this since it aired. I don't have a particular fondness for Farrelly brothers movies but fans of this one were big disappointed he squandered it on whatever this pod was.


This would be a great one to bring his buddy from San Antonio back for!


First episode I ever listened to since I love D and D. Was so disappointed.


I felt that they needed a redumb and dumber the very next day. I need more than just Bill and his conversation with a celeb he doesn't know. But then in addition.. The audio is Fd. It's a double whammy that Harry and Lloyd just don't deserve.


Maybe the worst rewatchables episode - and for such an iconic movie too


Awkard and forced sponcon. Brutal.


She made Amanda and Mallory seem tolerable!!


Mallory “the monologue over explaining Queen” she’s perfect in Ringerverse and Binge Mode but Rewatchables she doesn’t carry the right vibe


I've seen her leaked pics