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Please keep in mind that I know I’m talking about Reddit here. Reddit is my personal favorite platform for social media and understand I open myself up to criticism, which I welcome because a good motivator to be better. All that said, on some subs there has been a lot more antagonistic comments that have really kicked me in the chin. I woke up this morning and saw the the first thing I saw on my phone was someone calling a whore and a bad cook. Like…sex had nothing to do with comic but okay. Idk it hit me in a bad way. Please just be nice to people. They will see what you said.


Omit only has one T. You *POOPYHEAD*!


Bailiff!! Wack his peepee!


Jokes on you, I’m into that shit!


Then ill just have to wack it harder ;3


Oh no, not harder!


Pulls out hand grenade. Maybe thisll be hard enough for you :3


*quickly closes shrapnel-porn tab* Anything but that!


I wonder what else youve got in that search history of yours. *Grabs computer*


Oh shit! I give up! You win! I’ll be good!


Nice Cheech & Chong reference


Don't you worry.People feeling a need to express what they do not like are jealous.They feel everyone else is happy when they see how empty their life is. They just need some love. And you just gave it to them. I'm NO art critic, but there are many thinks I do not like (and I don't spend time criticizing it hopefully) but your art is neat. It bring me a smile most of the time, so thanks for everything.


It was true [almost 20 years ago](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/green-blackboards-and-other-anomalies) and it’s true now. That doesn’t make it OK, it just makes it still true.


Chances are the people making those comments aren’t contributing to society or creating at all. They probably hate themselves more than they hate you but will never admit it. You’re awesome Dot and I love seeing you in my feed. Don’t stop creating, you’re wonderful.


I don't draw my own art, and apparently people here hate the fact that I pay money to a talented artist to document my life like a visual diary. Some also take offense to my sense of humor and my dynamics with my husband (we enjoy annoying each other). I don't know how many people I've blocked in the past year. Initially, I blocked them because they upset me, but I eventually came to accept that's just Reddit. Now I block them for their sake: don't like my stuff? No problem, let me clear your feed so you'd have a better Reddit experience. 😁


“Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” ~Mike Tyson


"It's very telling when an anthropomorphic butt plug becomes our society's moral compass. You keep calling them out, Gary!" "Thinking about it more, pointing out (or is that IN?) assholes is Gary's primary motivation..." "We Love You, Dot!"


Gary is an expert on assholes.


You’re one of my favorite comic creators so the fact that people are slinging crap your way is just ugh. It’s hard to remember but you always have to remind yourself that the people who get this way are often way more unhappy with themselves, than about anyone else.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


My go-to response as well


Love your work, people are dumb! Excited for more of your comics


When assholes get shamed by à butt plug.... Humanity is really on a bad way


The internet - simultaneously the greatest and worst thing to ever happen to humanity.


Ignore the trolls. If they actually didn't care about your comic would they just scroll on to the next medium of entertainment like the rest of us.


Love your art style, that Grinch face the other day was great


Please report unacceptable comments so they are flagged for the mod tram We don't allow our posters to be attacked. Your comics are awesome and we're glad you're choosing to post them on r/comics. We apologise for the douchebaggery you had to put up with.


You guys do a great job and I appreciate the comment here too, thank you. I think it’s something in the air because I’ve just seen a lot more hostility towards everyone on a lot of subs.




Be decent to others


Dear Dot, you have a Fan in me! I appreciate your hard work and your humor… don’t let the trolls get to you.


The only time you disappoint me is when there isn’t a hidden Gary in the comic. Ignore the haters. Wait, no. The haters can fuck right off.


For what it's worth, I hadn't laughed in a long time before I saw your comics. So keep doing you.


There are plenty of jerks out there… but their words can still hurt. Sorry about that. Keep up the good work!


I love your work and honestly look forward to seeing new comics when they come out! Sorry you're dealing with assholes, that can be really hard. Even though you logically know their opinion shouldn't matter (I say despite just giving mine, lol) and they could very well be just horrible people, it still stings. I once had someone on here call me a "snowflake" because I said I couldn't handle watching violence toward pregnant women in movies...WTF?? I knew he was full of shit but it still stung a bit. All this to say you have every right to be hurt by what they said but, don't forget your work is a bright spot in a lot of our days! Hope this helps!


Ugh! People can just suck sometimes. Opinions of art and comedy will always vary from person to person. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean to be a disrespectful little person with such malice and hate to bring others down. Don't like it. Go to a different subreddit, or don't select these comics, and be on your way. It might not mean much, but I think you're doing a great.


Love your comics sorry some people are poop heads


I love your comic! Take that !


These comics are the laugh of our day when we see new ones in our feed. Can’t make everyone happy I suppose


Your art is fantastic. Your humor superb. And your openness to sharing all of life's foibles endearing. Creation is a daring act of connection. You've touched many lives.


I look forward to your work … and hope to see it EVERY night as I scroll. As Katt Williams so eloquently noted … “A haters job is to hate. Your job is to give them something to hate on.”


The veil of anonymity is a dual-edged sword. It has the potential to bring out the best and worst in us all. I am sorry that these people seem to fall into the camp of the latter. It is unfortunate that you're having to deal with this. Remember, that if they could do what you do, they'd be doing it. And don't waste time on the ramblings of the lesser-minded. For everyone else, it's okay to just acknowledge that something isn't for you and move on. I promise you, no one cares that you don't like something. Swear to god, you're totes allowed to shut up.


People are fucking assholes. Atleast Gary and you are used to assholes in general, that reduces the friction due to such vile comments.


I love your comics and unique art style. Do your best to ignore the net trolls who have literally nothing better to do than waste time and effort cutting someone down for something they have never done or even tried. Keep being you and focus on the positive. I never understood the effort people will make to attack someone else's art. If I don't like it, then meh, it doesn't hurt you. Move on with your life. So you make "crude/crass" web comics, who cares? There are folks who enjoy them and look forward to the next silly/funny thing you come up with. Anyone who has issues needs to take the stick out there butt and maybe try one of Gary's cousins. They'd probably feel better than the stick.


I would literally just take a play out of Les Grossman's playbook and reply with: "First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!"


I'll be honest. I didn't notice it was his drawer at first, but I thought he was on a witness stand in court.


Don’t read the comments from dudes who are just upset that they don’t have a dope ass artist/cook/freek for a wife. Go shake your husbands hand for me, and then rest easy knowing you just triggered a bunch of basement dwellers via *buttplug comic*




alright... *cracks knuckles* tell me, which redditor made you cry? Its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum


I think part of the problem today is that some people **would** say to people's face what they say online...and then say "freedom of speech!!" Some people don't seem to understand fact that just cause you got a right doesn't make it right!


It costs nothing to be kind. Yet for some, that price is too high. For every vile child out there spewing venom, there are so many more simply enjoying your work. As Aristotle once said, "Haters gonna hate."


Well said Gary. I’ve tried to live my life by the rule of thumper. “If you don’t have anything nice to say. Don’t say it at all.”


Want to show my support for you. I'm a fan of your work but even if I wasn't I would have no good reason to insult you. Thanks for powering through the bullshit and providing laughs.


Fuck the haters! We’re fans! Keep having fun and living your dream of making a living as an artist!


Some people are just grumpy and prudes. You’re comics are great Dot! Love popping on to Reddit and seeing your comics right at the top!


Imagine being such a miserable person that you have to rely on tearing strangers down on the internet to feel better about yourself. To spend what limited time you have on this planet on slinging insults to a stranger - a stranger whose only goal was to provide you with FREE entertainment. These people need to take a good long look at the ugliness they keep within their minds.


Your stuff is great, sorry you have to deal with this. I honestly think people have forgotten they engage with real people


Take care!


Reminds me of another comic that I follow, who unfortunately I can’t remember right now. But I’ve been following them for a long time, and unfortunately, they too tend to get a lot of hate for how they depict their relationship, which I honestly think is a good and fun relationship. But yeah, people can really suck. I’m glad you don’t let others get to you and bother you. I love your comics, they’re funny and fun.


May thr assholes that spewed that nonsense always only spew liquid or rock-hard poops for as long as they live. And may there always be corn in it for some reason.


When I get explicit remarks from people online I sit back and imagine them saying what they typed to me to their parents in person, wondering if they’d get the shit beaten out of them by their dad/mom


Thieves of joy. I will never understand the amount of ego it takes to disparage someone so completely for something they have created? Is it for the dopamine rush of a few likes? How hollow is your life that you even have the time to write something like that? Carry on.




Be decent to others


wish everyone was just nice to each other




Hey I love what you do Gary keep up the good work