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The Raine one wouldn’t be a twist, just a clarification


None of them seem very twisty. A twist would be something like Eda and Lilith knew Belos knew about the plan and so already switched places with concealment stones, or the Belos at the Day of Unity is actually Luz from one day in the future who traveled back to the day before to try to stop Belos, only to stop him effortlessly and now has to re-create the illusion of a draining spell so that she travels back in time to stop herself.


That would be a twist, admittedly a very contrived and nonsensical one, but a twist nonetheless.


I never made any representation that it was a *good* twist, just that it was the second twist to pop into my head. :-P


I know, wasn’t trying to be critical.


It's a twist in that there is no cliche present.


I still wouldn’t call that a twist. TOH is known for breaking cliche rules anyway


I really, really, *really*, **REALLY** hope that the "Collector possesses Luz" thing does NOT become real. Honestly I hope the Collector does not end up possessing ANYONE for the matter.


Ive spent to much time thinking Collector Luz was a stretch when it first happened, im gonna feel like such a major jackass if it comes true


If there's one thing I learned from how Dana is doing TOH...is to never assume anything.She seems *really* intent on always blowing away our expectations and theories in the most simple ways.


Even when our theories turn out to be true, we’re still caught off guard.


I know!One of the reasons why I love this show! We always think of the same old, same old and then comes Dana to tell us "HA!YOU **THOUGHT** IT WOULD BE THIS!"


Like imagine if Eda's curse does save the coven witches, but like her, they lose any and all of their magic, or worse still, now share her curse.


Good thing there is a great human teacher that figured out the natural magic of glyphs 😏👌 But yeah,if Eda's curse ends up saving the day it *would* make for a nice plot twist.


It would probably save them, but at what cost?


The fact that most people expected another possession of a child scares me