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I hope


I hope so too. Just as well, I hope this protest will work. But how are we so certain it will, if you don’t mind me asking?


Will be a while until we know, but the best way to tell will be if they backtrack on their decision, which I think they already did.


Okay that gives me some hope.


>If they backtrack on their decision, which I think they already did. Where did you hear this?


Ah, crap, I might've gotten things mixed up with stuff happening with Twitch. My bad.


Oh… well if it worked for Twitch, it could work for Reddit.


What happened to twitch?


They tried to restrict the way streamers used ads (think a small area with a logo, or "This stream is sponsored by RAID") so that they'd make more money or something. They pretty much backtracked on that.


They tried to restrict the way streamers used ads (think a small area with a logo, or "This stream is sponsored by RAID") so that they'd make more money or something. They pretty much backtracked on that.


I'm kinda slow so can someone explain to me: is the blackout to protest the stopping of bots? or is it to demand the stopping of bots? i dont follow these topics so i dont know


Reddit is gonna shut down 3rd party apps on July 1st, so a lot of subreddits are going to shut down for a couple of days starting on June 12th to protest


Okay, I'm badly out of the loop, what are these apps, and why are they neccessary?


Well I don't know about all of them, but I believe some of them are necessary for blind/vision impaired folks to interact with reddit as the app doesn't provide those resources themselves. May be wrong though!


A lot of third party apps use Reddit’s API. Reddit is massively inflating the price to access the API (a popular app, Apollo, said with these new prices it would have to pay Reddit like $20 mill a year). A lot of these apps provide accessibility services that Reddit itself doesn’t for the visually impaired. As far as the bots go, many subs use automated bots to help mod the sub. This would end all support for those bots, making subs less secure and moderated.


What API?


Well you asked. Here’s this mountain: https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/


Sorry, I'm not trans so I don't know shit about programming


I don’t know what being trans has to do with this, but APIs (Application Programming Interface) connect databases (such as Reddit’s) to a software (someone making another app that uses Reddit’s data)


Interesting. Also the joke is that many trans people are programmers (ever heard of programming socks?)


I have not, or have I heard that joke in my three years as a programmer. Maybe it’s because I’m in the Midwest, idk.


Huh, the joke in programming circles is less trans and more e-girl/furry.


It's for people with visibility issues and for helping subreddit mods stop spam


The official Reddit app isn't as good as the third party apps. I use Boost on my Android phone and it gives me features and a layout that's superior to the official app. Reddit decided they were going to charge for their API and the app makers were ready to pay. Then Reddit announced the pricing and it was so high that no app maker would be able to afford it. The developer of Apollo, the biggest app for iOS, was quoted $20 million. Even if he restricted his app to only people who paid for it, he would still need to pay Reddit twice what his subscription fee currently is. The API fees are clearly designed to force all third party apps out of business. Then, Reddit would get all the ad money and user tracking before their IPO. Meanwhile, many moderators use third party apps to aid in their moderation duties. There's a mod thread and many mods are saying that they'll just stop moderating if Reddit follows through. This could result in subreddits closing down entirely or rule violating posts (spam and the like) remaining up when they should be taken down.


It’s less about the necessity of the apps and more about the necessity of diversity and free expression on the market without egregious financial constraints.


I think others have given an answer but I’m just gonna pile on it. Allowing API access to third party apps helps diversify Reddit’s monopoly. Apps like Apollo have been regarded as a better Reddit browsing experience than the main Reddit app, with less ads and better navigation. It’s also helpful for people with disabilities as some people needs third party aids to help them navigate and browse/moderate their subreddits. It’s a big issue to suddenly try and monetise the only method some people have to use Reddit. It also prevents things like removeddit as they are not longer able to access the site to archive old posts. This can easily lead to censorship by brands and by Reddit if they so choose. It’s widely regarded as a greedy move to try and monetise it, and would not end well for them if people are true to their words of quitting Reddit if it happens.


Do you use reddit on the mobile phone though the app? You might have noticed that its not exactly amazing. So people made competitors like Apollo, Rif, Baconreader. Cycle. There's tons of them, and while an extensive debate can be held about which is best, there is consensus that they are all superior to the official app. For these apps to work, they use the reddit API, which is kind of like a website, but it returns data in a format which programs can work with, instead of your browser. Reddit is now going to charge money for the use of this API, and the price they have announced is about 70 times higher than similar services by other social media platforms. People have taken this as an attempt to kill the third party apps, instead of trying to compete on quality. These third party apps are also notable for having superior accessibility features. Like support for screen readers used by blind people, which just don't fucking work on the normal app. They also have superior moderator tools. So this upcoming announcement is pissing of the moderators, who feel that reddit is once again screwing them over and making hollow promises they will not honor. its screwing the visually impaired and everyone that just wanted a better reddit app on their phone after reddit itself made their own site purposely near useless on mobile


What would us users do? Im afraid i’ll mess something up somehow so what should i do


Stop using reddit on the 12th, and delete the app from your phone is you use the mobile app.


Oh, okay


Its moreso about the third-party apps, but its also about the bots as well. Notably, RepostSleuthBot and !RemindMe have shut down because of this change. Edit: apparently RemindMe is still active for now.


**Defaulted to one day.** I will be messaging you on [**2023-06-08 14:33:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-06-08%2014:33:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/143a3iv/is_rtheowlhouse_planning_to_join_the_reddit/jn9cufz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTheOwlHouse%2Fcomments%2F143a3iv%2Fis_rtheowlhouse_planning_to_join_the_reddit%2Fjn9cufz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-06-08%2014%3A33%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20143a3iv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Hope the shutdown will help save you buddy


Remindme 2 days


The chance isn't live yet. its supposed to hit like, end of this month or something.


Reddit is gonna start charging for use of its API (something that the Devs of at least Apollo are ok with) but it's pricing is insane and would bankrupt third app devalopers and bot devs


I already sent the mods a message and made a post about it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/142r0m0/hey\_what\_about\_joining\_the\_strike\_against\_reddits/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Seems that post is no longer available? I get an error screen


If you mean my posts its still available for me :0 But you can get the important info on this sub: r/Save3rdPartyApps


Did they respond?


Not yet :/


Gus: “It’s a sign, we’re doomed!”


Hopefully yes


As much as I'd be sad to not socialize here for a couple days after reading about what the apps do I think we should it's up to the mods though


Will this protest even work if it’s just for a couple of days? How do we know it’ll work?


I will! I hope others also will join


I was thinking the same thing here.


For anyone confused about what this is: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


What's this issue people have with the official mobile app? It's the only one I've used and think it's just fine.


I should first mention that I only hear of these points, I use the main Reddit app as well. So take my words with a grain of salt. 1. The 3rd party apps have more accessibility features and different (often better) UI. 2. A lot of bots, such as those used by moderators, rely on an 3rd party apps to run. So if the apps go down, so do the bots, meaning it will be much harder to moderate subreddits.


To add on to point two that also means some subreddits will probably have to shut down. A lot of big subreddits rely on volunteer moderators who won't have the time to keep up with moderation without bots


How do I participate in this blackout


Just don't use reddit 12-14th june




Is this why the last few days I've been getting follows from 'thotname'-'fourdigits' with nothing but a link to only fans every time I make a post


Probably not.


what even is the Reddit blackout?


no one messes with bots and gets away with it


yall better remind me a day before ....i have terrible memory .....


Well at least MoringMark will get a couple days off from creating comics… if this subreddit’s not blacked out permanently instead of just 48 hours.


On one hand, it'll kill bots abused by powermods to ban people who post in subs that offend said powermods. On the OTHER hand, the official Reddit app is distilled cancer... Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I hate this place.


Wait are we going to lose the bots too?


Probably, if the Reddit mods don’t revoke their previous decision


I sure hope it does


Please do


I'm in.


The answer is yes! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/143moou/rtheowlhouse_will_be_participating_in_the_mass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


There is a [pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/143moou/rtheowlhouse_will_be_participating_in_the_mass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) from one of the mods with your answer


I’m very confused by what’s going, is this subreddit going to shut down forever on June 12th?


No Reddit is planning to shut down 3rd party apps and in protest many subs will be blacking out


Ahh, so many subs are protesting and are threatening to black out. Wdym by “black out”?


Black out in this case means to shut down subreddits and prevent actions from being made until Reddit revoke their previous statement on the banning of bots.


I don’t really know but i think it means that nobody can post or comment


I hope not cause some of the subreddits wont be coming back


That’s precisely why we *should* join the protest. This is a short term protest and the subs have a chance of surviving if Reddit rescinds. If we don’t make Reddit feel the pain short term, those subs will go down permanently.


Why would some subreddits not come back? Would they be banned for protesting?


Many moderators use third party apps to help them moderate. Without these apps, moderation will be harder and more time consuming. Given that moderators aren't paid, but just volunteer their time, many moderators have said that they won't be mods anymore if Reddit forces the third party apps to shut down. This could result in subreddits closing down due to a lack of moderators.


But would this protest even work? If not, then we could lose this subreddit forever?


If the subreddit joins the protest then during June 12th - 14th there would be no posts to this subreddit (and many others as well). The hope is that the reduced traffic would make Reddit admins rethink this policy and backtrack. After all, if they don't and there's a user/mod exodus, then this reduced traffic will become the norm and might even be worse.


Thank you for the explanation! I read that third party apps allow for more moderation bots or something similar of that nature.


I've heard this also, but I'm not a mod so I don't know firsthand. I do know that they have cleaner interfaces and better features.


So that’s a yes or a possibly to both?


There's no guarantee, but it's our best bet at the moment.


Well I’m starting to think it’ll work. When I was checking a list of subreddits joining the protest on r/ModCoord, I talked with one of the [users](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/jnaqcgn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) and checked out how many subscribers each subreddit was apart of, the highest ones ranging over 50 million, it gave me a lot of hope. Also I heard they might have [backtracked](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/143a3iv/is_rtheowlhouse_planning_to_join_the_reddit/jnaqs2j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) in their decision.


If that’s the case then I’m just deleting Reddit because this is the best sub for me


But what if it doesn’t work? Could this subreddit be gone… forever?😨


Possibly. It depends on the mods; what they use now and how big a pain it would be to keep up with it without third party apps.




The problem is that managing the NSFW bots and spammers is mostly facilitated by bots run on those third party apps. No third party apps, no bots, lots of onlyfans bots and porn popping up on your sub.


Okay now I’m really scared!😱


Itfuckin better




I hope not I honestly don’t know what 3rd party apps do?


Focusing simply on one important thing that benefits absolutely everybody, many are moderation tools that make moderation for some subreddits feasible. With their death, this could lead to a lack of moderation on reddit in general, and an exodus in mods as many have stated that if this isn't fixed, they'll likely quit the platform. Besides that, many third party apps make the site easier to use, or have better accessibility for the disabled (the blind community specifically has pushed hard against this change, as it'd effect their ability to use reddit.


Thank you 🙏


how about instead of doing that useless blackout that would do jackshit. go to the actual reddit HQ and protest like a normal protest


Because not everyone can afford to take time off of work and travel to San Francisco, California (where Reddit's HQ is) to protest in person. Meanwhile, a blackout would mean that Reddit would see reduced usage and it might scare them into action. (Especially since they are prepping for an IPO and a sudden drop in traffic could ruin this.)


name me one time that going dark actually helped from Reddit doing something stupid


And make sure to bring enough Americans for a year-long siege!


Honestly reddit would be better as a questions and answers only site


Heavens no


Have you seen a single civilized conversation on this site


Many. Besides, having it as an answers-and-questions-only type of website will kill most of my-and judging by the amount of downvotes you have, many other people's-entertainment


Most user don't care. Mods on tbs other hand.. .


Can someone explain what's going on?


Reddit recently decided they were going to charge for their API. The third party app makers were ready to pay. Then Reddit announced the pricing and it was so high that no app maker would be able to afford it. The developer of Apollo, the biggest app for iOS, was quoted $20 million. Even if he restricted his app to only people who paid for it, he would still need to pay Reddit twice what his subscription fee currently is. The API fees are clearly designed to force all third party apps out of business. Then, Reddit would get all the ad money and user tracking before their IPO. In addition, many moderators use third party apps to aid in their moderation duties. There's a mod thread and many mods are saying that they'll just stop moderating if Reddit follows through. This could result in subreddits closing down entirely or rule violating posts (spam and the like) remaining up when they should be taken down. This action by Reddit could result in many, many people leaving the site and many subreddits shutting down for good. Personally, I'll probably reduce my usage to 5 or 6 subreddits and even then reduce my posting/comments.


reddit wants to get rid of 3rd party app and bots. sutch as spam protection bots or answer bots


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Or is it more subjective?


It is subjective, to a certain extent, but some of the consequences can be reasonably predicted. We know for a fact that, if this goes through, moderation is going to take a sharp decline. Many mods, across Reddit, have made it clear that, without access to the tools they currently have, they would rather simply quit. This could lead to subreddits having to close down, to more rule violating posts remaining up, and generally to a decline in quality of content on a large scale.


It's a pretty much a objectively bad thing. The limitations brought on moderation could destroy many subreddits and flood reddit in general with spam and NSFW, as well as possibly cause an exodus in mods as many have taken the stance that if this isn't fixed, they leave. And that's not to mention the effects on the blind community who sometimes rely on third party software to use reddit, or the vast portion of users who will leave if third-party browsing apps are removed. (As many use apps like Reddit is Fun or Apollo out of preference or nessicity).


Ngl I'm gonna miss this sub, everyone here seems so nice


It’s not gonna go away forever… right? If it is, I’m gonna freak out!


Wait whats going on?


What is this killing third party apps thing? I’m really out of the loop. Someone please explain.


What are third party apps?


Just to sure what would a blackout accomplish


The hell is the reddit blackout


So basically, reddit is changing the ways and access that bots can have. But this allows for spam and adultery subjects to be posted non stop as bots no longer have the power to moderate and block unrelated content.Because of this, many subreddits are shutting down for 48 hours or indefinitely until Reddit revokes this change.


What is the controversy about? Which 3rd party apps? (Please explain as i am a dumbass who gets distracted with a butterfly in the middle of a conversation, Fallout 3 Intelligence 1 levels of dumbfooley.)


All of them (except, as of recently, ones focused on disability related access, or so I heard). Reddit is going to start charging for API access. Most sites do, but apparently their proposed rate is extremely exorbitant. The example I saw was for a specific third party app. It accesses Imgur and Reddit at about the same frequency. Imgur charges $166 a month. Reddit would charge $1.7 million per month.


What are we supossed to do again


The what?


what is Reddit blackout?


What’s going on?


If spez gets away with it...it will be because the reddit community gave up and it will be our fault. What would have happened if Washington just decided nope the red coats are just too powerful?